Day 49

Day 49 was covered on a weekend daily show, thus the recap is very short.

9:58pm – Daniel is experiencing pre-eviction jitters, and vents his concerns to Saxon and Patrick in the kitchen. Daniel say she sorta doesn’t want to stay anymore – he’s over it. After his strike he has gone downhill a bit. Also, he feels the interesting conversation in the house has dried up.

10:53pm – Jo and Saxon are discussing eviction on in the square living room. Jo is anxious about her possible eviction tomorrow. Jo wonders if she should have concerns about her time in the house – he feelings and her behaviour. Jo doesn’t want Saxon to feel torn about this eviction and her being in the house. Saxon says if Jo wasn’t in the house, no one would have seen as much as him. Patrick sits down with them with his guitar. Jo is scared of how she’s been portrayed, and what will happen with the people she knows on the outside when she leaves. She says “this could have been the biggest error I’ve ever made… as opposed to the best thing”. She’s especially worried about friends and her boyfriend Tim. Patrick comforts her: Tim has known her for a long time. Jo says if she has hurt Tim in any way all her friends will be on his side.

11:47pm – Jo is now talking to Chrissie in the bedroom about Saxon. Jo says it’s hard because Saxon is so emotional and it’s hard to cope for him. However it’s refreshing to Jo that he can vent his emotions: Tim is the opposite of that and can’t communicate his feelings.

Saxon is outside building a cubby house out of benches and towels so he can lay outside and look at the full moon. Jo goes out to say goodnight to him, they hug, and say tomorrow they will have an excellent day. As Jo walks away Saxon squeels and says “I’m so excited”. In the bedroom Jo gives Patrick a big hug, and a kiss before going to bed.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 48

9:48am – Housemates are out and about enjoying the sun. Coffee is becoming a problem though, after losing the task they have no money to buy more, and it’s now all gone.

11:47am – Sunbathing Regina, Kim and Jaime discuss Jo’s relationship with the boys in the house. Jaime says “if I was straight, there would be four sharks circling one dolphin”. Regina says Jo loves in, and Kim agrees. Kim adds she wouldn’t like it if her boyfriend was watching her get all this attention while in the house. Jo probably has grown up with it, says Jaime, but Regina has never had it happen before so she wouldn’t know what its like. Jaime won’t believe Regina hasn’t had guys going after her.

1:57pm – Saxon and Vincent are going to the diary room. During Patrick’s birthday celebrations a few nights before some of the housemates entered the old square house store room, which was off limits. Big Brother gave them 24 hours to think of a way to make ammends. Chrissie tells the two she doesn’t think Big Brother is going to like what they have to say. Inside Vincent says the housemates who didn’t know they were being led into the house shouldn’t be punished – Vincent and Saxon take the blame and say BB should only punish them. Saxon suggests a week long alcohol ban, and Vincent has a concerned look on his face. Big Brother agrees to this punishment, and asks them to use their common sense from now on.

The pair go to the kitchen and explain what happened. Vincent makes a “taking it in stride” appearance, telling the others to not worry about them, even though the group doesn’t look concerned at all.

A few hours later Big Brother provides the housemates with cocktail ingredients and equiment for a cocktail party. Jo and Saxon find them in the store room first, and Saxon looks shocked. He runs to the diary room to ask Big Brother if his ban starts today. Meanwhile Jo calls for everyone to come see whats in the store room. Saxon’s efforts are in vain: Chrissie reads out from a letter: “At no time can Saxon or Vincent…” she is cut off by Regina and Kim screaming in excitement. Vincent walks in to the store room, realises whats going on and walks straight out again. Regina laughs at him.

In the diary room Saxon is saying he will go without alcohol for 2 weeks if he can just have it tonight. His excuse is that one of the people he’s closest with (Jo) might be leaving on Sunday. He says its not fair.

Outside Jo reads the rest of BB’s letter: “The two alcohol abstainers Saxon and Vincent must act as waiters and barmen. Enjoy yourselves and remember Big Brother is always watching”. Kim and Regina scream in excitement again. Saxon walks out of the diary room pouting – he swears. Kim follows him cheerfully saying “but you get to mix up all the drinks”. Saxon sarcastically says “OH SICK!” and walks outside. There is an ackward moment – Chrissie, Jaime and Jo painfully growl “uuuhhhh”. Jaime says “thats probably not what he wanted to hear”.

Outside Saxon tells Vincent about the bartending. Jo comes outside and says she feels bad for getting excited. Inside Chrissie says it feels like they are rubbing it in. In the kitchen Saxon is whinging on about how he thought Beebs was a good sort of bloke but now he’s being unfair: “I think its pathetic”.

Around 7:30pm – Vincent is getting on with things and has made some drinks for the housemates, and jokes with them: “to cocktails, and broken dreams”. In the bathroom Saxon is pouting like a little kid with Jo fussing over him. She says “you have to learn how to control your temper, I’m telling you know because you’re my friend”. Saxon asks when has he lost his temper.

7:42pm – Vincent announces the bar is open, and the drinking housemates all share a toast. Later in the night Regina and Kim compliment Vincent on his drink making skills.

7:57pm – Daniel is already giggling a lot and Jaime replaces the drink in his hand with a bottle of water. Everyone laughs.

9:30pm – Housemates are singing in the lounge room. Jo snuggles up next to Patrick while they sing the line “your love for me is real”. Vincent notices this and looks just a tad jealous.

10:04pm – The party has finished and Saxon and Vincent are washing up in the kitchen. Jo comes in and thanks them for making the drinks. She’s very proud of them.

10:15pm – Regina is showing her naughty side and by shaking her groove-thang (her butt) for the other housemates. In the kitchen Jo asks Patrick if he will come for a swim with her – he will. They hug and Patrick tells her “don’t go”. She says it’s not up to her but if she goes she will miss him a lot. They sit down for a deep and meaningful. She says if she is evicted she will be coming to Bondi within weeks (to see Patrick). She adds to Vincent they will be catching up for coffee outside the house. Vincent seems very unenthusiastic and says “we’ll see”. Patrick wonders whats up with Vincent.

10:34pm – The housemates (except Jaime and Kim) all gather in the kitchen. Regina and Patrick stand by them and whip out the emergancy coffee they had stashed away all week. Back in the living room:

Jaime: Whats going on Kimmy?

Kim: I don’t know. They’re just leaving us out of things like usual.

Kim: It’s over a stupid jar of coffee. That they hid.

Jaime: They’ve got a jar of coffee?

Kim: I could leave, I don’t like it in here at all.

Jaime: Don’t you?

Kim: Yeah. It’s pathetic. I’ve never seen such a group of 30 year olds who are such children… but I’m going to stay here. I don’t care how much people hate me.

Jaime: No one hates you

Kim: Oh I know but I mean I’m going to stay here and I probably won’t get along with all these people in the next couple of weeks because I just can’t… ah… everyones so fucking immature. I don’t know any 30 year olds that act like this. Somtimes I think this is so fucked and I would press the button but its up to the outside world whether I go or not. Not these people.

Later Jaime goes into the kitchen and tell the group that whats going on with the coffee is making Kimmy feel excluded. Chrissie says there is no exclusion – but Jaime asks why they didn’t grab him and Kim to come over as well. Jaime goes to get Kim, and while he’s gone Chrissie says she doesn’t like it when people say she’s excluding others from the group… “its not nice at all”.

Jaime comes back to the living room, and Kim tells him not to “get” the other housemates to invite her over. Jaime explains he already did it. Regina (who is now sitting with Kim) and Kim both sign and complain. He says he was just trying to help.

10:56pm – Jo and Saxon are in the bedroom. She says to Saxon this is his second last night with her. Saxon gets all dramatic and yells “oh” and sits down looking depressed. He goes on to tell Jo he cares about her like no one else, but Jo says “yeah whatever”. He begins to get upset and walks away. Patrick enters and Jo leaps into his arms and they have a big long cuddle. He gets her to sit on his lap and they look at each other in the one-way glass. Patrick kisses her on the cheek.

In the living room Regina and Kim are chatting on the sofa. Kim says if Vincent ignores her one more time she will confront him about it. She is annoyed he never opens up or tells stories – he’s creepy. “I don’t want to know him any more than I do now because he’s fucking disgusting. He thinks he’s superman but he’s fucking gross”.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 47

4:10am – Patrick is going to bed after a long night of partying. However, Jo is still up and is talking with Saxon on the lounge room sofa.

7:09am – Jo and Saxon wake up on the sofa. Jo is worried about her possible eviction on Sunday and says “I hope I don’t go”. The two of them hug for a very long time. Saxon says he had an amazing dream but he will tell her later.

11:25am – Vincent is up and goes into the kitchen. Regina and Jamie are up too. Reg asks Vincent how he is.. Vincent says he’s alive and that’s all. Shortly after Daniel comes into the kitchen. Jamie says he would have slept in but didn’t want to miss the hot water, and will probably have a nap in the afternoon.

In the bedroom Jo goes and lies down next to Patrick, who is still sleeping off the night. She asks him if he wants breakfast. Patrick can only manage a few mumbles. Jo says she’s disturbing him and leaves again to the kitchen.

In the kitchen Jo is talking about how Vincent “smashed the shit out of the pinata”. She says it was almost scary how hard he was hitting it – “so much power”. She then starts remember her and Vincent dancing, doing the cha cha cha even though the music wasn’t right for it. Vincent doesn’t look so enthusiastic as Jo is. He tells her that in future she shouldn’t do stuff that gives “unwanted attention”.

1:29pm – Regina is reflecting upon the Big Brother auditioning process. She was in the same final group as Vincent but as Regina reveals, they didn’t get along with each other very well. Patrick asks about her view of him. Regina says that during auditions she told the pyschologists “I think he’s up himself and he thinks he comes across better than anyone else”. When she intruded into the square house, she thought she should cast away first impressions and get to know him, even though he wanted nothing to do with her. She thinks it’s strange that Vincent is suddenly trying to get to know her just recently.

At that moment Vincent walks into the kitchen so the converstation immediately switches to Regina’s fish and chips shop. Patrick says something about his pee being bright green after taking the vitamins they were given(?)

1:40pm – Jo is reflecting on her seven weeks in the house as Jamie comforts her on the sofa. Jo admits she doesn’t want to go out on the eviction stage, but would rather leave like Jaime did. Chrissie reminds Jo it’s only for half an hour max and remembers a quote Jaime said: “Put a leg of ham on a broomstick and they’ll cheer at it”. This is a very accurate description of the live audience – vibes

2:58pm – Patrick is exercising to work off the effects of last night. Inside Saxon is reflecting upon the party with Jo. He says it was really cool. Jo says she misses the affection from outside… she could almost die without it. Saxon says friends are the most important (or the most unimportant?) and that they should be friends. Jo says “cool”.

5:42pm – It’s the final day for the quiz task so the housemates are called to the lounge room as one by one they enter the diary room. They need 75% success rate, and this time the housemates must draw random questions from a barrel.

Chrissie chooses movies and her question is “Who provides the voices for the characters from Shrek”. Chrissie answers correctly with “Mike Meyers, Cameron Diaz and Eddie Murphy”. Regina is asked how many versus were originally in the national anthem, she guesses correctly with 5. Vincent is asked who wrote ‘the true history of the kelly gang’. He doesn’t know the answer and guesses an incorrect author. Patrick is asked “off which coast is Rottnest Island located”. He answers correctly with Western Australia. Jamie is asked to spell ‘recommendation’, which he gets right. Daniel is asked what was Kylie Minogue’s first single was – The locomotion (correct). The housemates are told the results will be given later in the night.

6:17pm – Most of the housemates are in the kitchen. Jamie gives a hand with the pasta. In the bedroom Regina and Kim are telling stories. Regina is reluctant, saying she’s bad at telling stories. Kim asks if he has any happy stories to tell. Regina says her last really happy moment was when she was called for Big Brother auditions. Kim asks “what about your last birthday”. Regina says her and her husband’s last birthdays were very boring. She sighs and says “our lives are just so…” and trails off with another sigh.

Regina then tells about last Christmas where Regina went to the shops at the last minute and couldn’t get her husband Adrian a present. She told him she didn’t have a present but he thought she was joking. When Christmas day come Adrian had bought her a deck chair to sunbathe on, but she didn’t have anything for him. She says he looked very disappointed. Kim laughs. Regina says he wasn’t hurt by it. Kim warns that she doesn’t want to be 60 and her life will be gone and all she will be doing is working at the fish and chips shop.

8:02pm – The housemates are given their task results. They comment that Big Brother is not sounding happy. Big Brother says that they bet 50% of their wage. If they pass they have $210 to spend, if they fail they have $70. He congratulates Chrissie, Daniel and Vincent on doing very well in their questions. He then says they got 69% – but they needed 75% to pass. Daniel yells out ‘DOH’. Chrissie is optimistic and says “it’s better than nothing”.

Daniel is telling Vincent about his paper-mache cow television. Saxon is lying in Jo’s bed talking to Chrissie. Saxon says if he goes next week he’ll be happy. He also says he feels like telling people in the house to just shutup sometimes. Chrissie feels the same way. He then says that if Jo (or if any of the other nominees) leaves, he will be horrified. Chrissie agrees again.

10:48pm – Regina is talking to Jamie about the outside. Jamie asks Regina about having kids. She says she’s not feeling maternal at this point in her life. Jamie says that’s interesting because she’s 29. Regina suggests that maybe she would want kids if she wasn’t working in the fish and chips shop so much. She says she’s felt so tied down for 11 years. Jamie says that she doesn’t want to just work and work and miss her mark.

11:50pm – The housemates are going to bed. Chrissie talks to Jo in bed. Jo hopes she doesn’t go this week. Chrissie says she’s had a good innings either way.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 46

9:01am – Jamie, Patrick and Regina are in the kitchen. This morning Regina made Patrick breakfast in bed for his 30th birthday, but Patrick got up just as Regina was walking in with the food. They three of them joke that Regina is Patrick’s wife for the day, and she must fulfil her ‘wife’ duties.

12:15pm – The housemates are doing their task. It’s a quiz where they housemates are asked questions on a specific topic each day. Today it’s music and they’ve chosen Chrissie to answer the questions. The first question is “In 2002 What former Black Sabbath singing had his own reality television show”. Chrissie answer it correctly with “Ozzy Osbourne”. The second question is “which east coast rapper was killed in a Los Angeles drive by shooting?”. Chrissie answers with Notorious B.I.G. but the other housemates think it’s Tupac. Chrissie gets it right and the housemates are awarded a bonus prize of extra toilet paper. The final question is “what is elvis’s middle name”, Chrissie gets it right.

2:18pm – Jo and vincent talk in the kitchen about an incident last night. Vincent walked in on Jo talking closely to Saxon and left immediately. Vincent tells Jo he just wanted to give them some privacy. They hug.

4:47pm – Jo tells Saxon about Vincent’s talk with her. She tells him that he wanted to give them time along. Jo tells Saxon she reassured him that it was no look, no feeling.

6:59pm – The housemates surprise Patrick with a birthday party as he comes out of the diary room writing his online diary. The theme for the party is Scottish highlands, because of Patrick’s birthplace. Chrissie brings the cake outside as Mike Goldman tells us that Patrick’s family always celebrates birthdays with a big party. The housemates are given a pinyata. Vincent is waving around the stick and making light saber sounds, he whacks out some candy which Jo promptly picks up.

9:03pm – Patrick is holding Jo, as he tips his glass with Vincent and Chrissie. Mid-nineties disco music starts playing. Three housemates are dancing along the kitchen window. Dan is making some very strange dance moves.

9:31pm – Jo hugs Saxon saying “I’ll miss you Bella”. Saxon says he will never forget her, and what about the 100 000 000 guys looking for Jo. She says she doesn’t care about them, and tells Saxon she loves him lots. Saxon says “I love you too”.

9:50pm – Patrick and Regina are dancing. Jo hugs Vincent telling him “I’m sooo going to be catching up with you in Melbourne”. Jo says “you can kiss me”, so Vincent gives her a peck on the cheek. Jo continues to talk about meeting up after Big Brother. She says she wants to bring her friends to meet him. She is very drunk. She hugs Vincent and he looks uneasy. They talk about how they will go shopping and have coffee together.

Patrick drags Jo away for a dance. Vincent sits there alone. Pat is dancing with Jo saying “I’m 30 years old”. Jo says that’s not true, and that “you’re as old as you feel, you’re not 30”. Jo says she can’t explain it but they are so in tune with each other. Patrick says “it’s like a ying yang thing” and that after the TV cameras… Jo butts in saying “we’ll have a chat!”. Jo says “I love my Patrice”.

10:07pm – Jo is washing the face paint off Patrick. Jo says “Oh Pattie, I can’t wait to see you when you get out”. They hug again. Patrick suggests they go to the spa, then have a big chat later. In the bedroom Jo says “I love you Pat, you know that… I haven’t had an instant with anyone else apart from you”. Patrick says it’s not the right place to discuss “instant pasta”. He says it’s not the type of pasta, just the fact that it’s pasta.

Jo calls Saxon over to talk to them. Saxon just keeps on walking past her and Patrick so she has to drag him away. Saxon says he’d rather get ready to have a spa. Pat tells Saxon not to worry about it.

10:28pm – They housemates are playing Suck and blow in the spa. Regina starts it off passing a peice of paper to Patrick. The paper circulates the spa and ends up with Jo taking the paper from Patrick. The only thing seperating them from pashing was the peice of paper. Later, Saxon is saying “that looked so fucking bad”. Vincent comes over and watches the housemates. Jo blurts out “I think it’s fun”. She is VERY drunk.

1:25am – Jamie is having a post party mortem in the kitchen. He is talking about the singalongs with some other housemates.

Dan, Jo and Saxon are in the spa singing. Saxon is kissing Jo’s leg. He comments on her wrinkly toes. Jo gets out to go put her pygamas on. Saxon says “fuck it’s been a bad night”.

1:35pm – Jo is talking to Vincent in the kitchen. Chrissie says her voice is totally exhausted and she will probably wake up with no lungs. Saxon is in the spa along and sings “JoJo’s a waste of time”.

2:23am – Jo helps Saxon clean up the kitchen. 2.46pm – The kitchen is clean but the two of them are still talking. Jo tells Saxon “remember that whatever you feel or do is going to be amplified… you’ll be getting out here in four weeks and you’ll be loving it”. Saxon asks “why would that change anything?”. Jo says it will bring everything into perspective. Saxon says it’s gay because the whole thing is so clear. Saxon says he’s going to the toilet, and leaves Jo and Patrick in the house.

Patrick says he’ll probably be married in a kilt after this party. Jo says she might be in her underwear. Saxon goes into the bedroom and tells Chrissie and Dan that Patrick and Jo are in the kitchen. Daniel can’t believe that Patrick is still up this late… suggesting he’s probably comtemplating being 30.

3:10am – Vincent comes into the kitchen. Jo talks in a bad greek accent. He complains that there is no pizza left and leaves again. Jo asks Patrick what he wanted to tell her before. He says he’ll tell her when they leave, but the general outline is about the two of them hanging out. Jo double-checks that he doens’t have a problem with them hanging out.

3:19am – Saxon sits with Jo and Patrick in the kitchen. After a few moments he says goodnight. Jo says she’s not tired but Patrick is getting there. Saxon leaves. Patrick tells Jo he’s really glad she’s there. Jo says “I got my wish”. Patrick says he will tell her his wish when they leave the house.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 45

8:51am – Regina is up and in the kitchen with Kim. She is happy that Jaime is also up early and says they can all make bread together. Jaime wonders why Kim of all people is up this early in the morning. Reg directs the others on what they need to do for the bread. Later, Kim questions Regina about nominations – this is the first time Regina has been nominated, she thinks everyone is expecting her to crack up because of it, which is frustrating. Earlier Daniel said “don’t pretend that nothings wrong” to her. Reg explains that she only had tears in her eyes becuase she misses her dogs – she doesn’t care about nominations at all.

In the bedroom Chrissie and Daniel are pulling sexy (yet disgusting) faces at each other for amusement. Back in the kitchen Jaime says that Kim and Regina, despite all the roughness and racism, are probably two of the nicest people he knows. Kim explains she won’t let anyone mistreat or upset her, even if they have more money or think they’re better. Chrissie and Daniel agree that Kim has some interesting stories. Dan finds it refreshing hearing these stories from a country person perspective – instead of a city person criticising country people.

9:43am – Kim finds Jaime’s comment earlier amusing and tells Patrick about it while she sweeps up outside. She explains she is not racist and doesn’t mean to come off that way – she won’t tell the jokes anymore because she’s scared she’ll go back to her town and execute her. Patrick suggests she tells Irish jokes from now on.

Chrissie asks Jaime how Reggie is today – she’s fine.. and don’t go on about it. Chrissie feels like Reg is mad at her, but Jaime doesn’t think so – she’s just sick of people asking her if she’s ok.

1:00pm – Some housemates are playing Marco Polo in the pool. Kim and Regina preffer to stay in the bedroom. Regina guarantees that if she survives the upcoming eviction she will be nominated every week from then on. They both agree the rest of the housemates want nothing to do with them – like there is an exculsuion because Regina and Kim are good friends and quite similar. Kim is frustrated that it takes the others so long to register her concerns, and the worst part is that they’re 26 and 29, not 16 and 17. Regina agrees entirely. Vincent doesn’t answer Kim and Saxon snaps at her. Kim will be fixing that.

Regina comes to the diary room and asks if she can talk to the house psychologist. BB asks if she has a problem – Regina says yes, with the house and the housemates, she wants to clear her head. This has happened since Ben left and the new housemates entered. Regina starts crying. She’s noticed the others don’t take the intruders in as housemates very well and there is division. BB asks if she feels like an outsider – Regina does – she feels like the others don’t want her in the house any more.

Regina goes back and talks to Kim about what happened with “Mr. Beebs”. Kim says the paranoia is worse than anything: you don’t want to upset anyone. She feels she is too loud for everybody, especially Vincent who sees her as lower class. Saxon has also been ignoring her, snapping back and treating her badly.

5:50pm – Regina has gone to the diary room to speak with Carmel, the house psychologist. In the kitchen Jaime queries Joanne on her eye, which is coming along fine. Patrick has noticed Jo has been a little quiet this week and wonders whats up. Jo insists she hasn’t been worrying about evictions or anything. Patrick worries Jo isn’t happy – but Jo says she isn’t flat at all.

After an hour with Carmel Regina goes to the diary room and lies down to think about things. Kim is explaining to Patrick and Joanne how her and Jaime sat aside and felt the tension. They were also scared because the other housemates were different after nominations were announced. Patrick apologises, but Kim says it’s not their fault, and will happen to them too sooner or later.

8:36pm – Kim is in the bedroom singing. Chrissie is at the other end reading.

Kim: I’m a bit rude and crude aren’t I Chrissie?

Chrissie: Umm…

Kim: Yes..

Chrissie: Urrm…

Kim: Not that many people can handle it.

Chrissie: I don’t know about rude and crude. Your stories are different… like I haven’t heard any stories like that before.

Kim: They’re all true

Chrissie: Oh yeah I’m not saying they’re not.

Regina enteres and exclaims that she feels so much better after talking with Carmel. Chrissie comments she felt that Regina was different the last few days. Reg says she was thinking too many stupid things… to the extent she believed things were there when they weren’t. Saxon joins them and is told that Regina isn’t where she was last week. He adds that its to do with getting used to things. Regina’s rebuttle is that the housemates have to get used to the new intruders. Both Chrissie and Saxon believe they have.

Dan and Kim are in the pool. Dan explains he is interested in people and what makes them tick. Kim says there are things that worry her but she doesn’t care what others think of her. Kim and her brother live together and did their own thing despite what other parents thought of them. Kim calls out to Vincent, who doesn’t come.

In the bedroom Regina explains that Kim feels like no one likes her. Chrissie says no matter how much they say they do like her it won’t change Kim’s perception. Regina, Chrissie and Jo all agree they could not have come in this late in the game.

11:09pm – The girls are giving Patrick birthday massages and pedicures in the bedroom. It’s his 30th birthday tomorrow. Meanwhile in the kitchen Saxon asks Patrick if he has regretted doing anything in the house – Yes – he had a few moments of weakness where he let things slip. Things about himself. Saxon doesn’t think he has revealed everything. Vincent explains he is a very private person. Saxon has a few regrets too. Vincent says “I know”, but doesn’t pry any further. Saxon wants to talk – it hasn’t been anything he talked about but getting to close to people. Vincent is walking out the door with water but says “lovers come and go, but friends are forever”. Saxon agrees: his motto is “mates before dates”.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 44

7:41am – Regina is up early and goes into the kitchen. Jo is already up making bread. Regina complains about the cold. Apparently Jo has been up for the last three hours because her eyes are stuffed up. Regina says she’s not feeling well either. Jo is waiting for the doctor to come and look at her eyes.

8:48am – Patrick comes into the kitchen and Jo fills him in on the situation. Regina goes to have a shower and Saxon joins her. The two are in their bathers/bikini. Last night Regina said to Saxon she had a problem in the house, and now he wants to hear it. Regina doesn’t want to say… but does tell Saxon some one is getting annoyed about her being around him.

10:07am – In the bedroom Pat tells Saxon about Jo’s eyes. Saxon literally runs to the Kitchen to see if Jo is ok. Jo tells him “oh thankyou you’re so cute”. Outside Chrissie notices that Regina didn’t make today’s bread. Regina says she’s worried people will think she’s hogging all the cooking, but Chrissie says that’s nonsense.

Later Saxon tells Regina that he is the problem with her and the ‘other housemate’. Regina thinks she has to stop mucking around with him, but Saxon thinks if other people are perceiving their mucking around in another way, that’s their problem. Regina says she just wants to be on her own.

11:45am – Regina is sunbathing with Kim on the deck. They are talking about Regina’s situation. They agree that making people upset with her mucking around is stupid. Regina says she hasn’t this sort of jealousy problem since high school.

2:45pm – Jo checks with Big Brother about her nomination reasons. Big Brother asks Jo about her eye, Jo says it’s fine now that she had some anesthetic put on it. Jo says the particular housemate she’s thinking of nominating (Regina) doesn’t want to be friends with her, even though Jo wants to be friends with Regina. Regina goes into the diary room straight after Jo comes out and asks Big Brother about her nomination of Jo.

8:29pm – Nominations are announced. Saxon and Chrissie look shocked. Daniel says he has fierce competition for this round of nominations. In the bedroom Jo hugs Patrick while Kim tells Regina that she’s not finding nominations very fun. Chrissie hugs Jo in the bedroom while Jamie goes into the kitchen. In the kitchen Regina is explaining she expected to be nominated, especially after seven weeks in the house.

Jo is telling the others that she’s fine with being nominated, and that she’s going this week. Saxon tells Jo to cut the bullshit. He says she’s making all the other housemates sad by yelling out that she’s going. He tells her to not say “I’m going” again. Reggie says she’s going. In the kitchen Jamie reassures Reg that she’s not going. Kim jokes that Regina is acting paranoid like a raving lunatic.

8:48pm – Saxon is angry about the way Jo is handling her nomination. He tells her “why can’t you realise you’re so special”. Saxon starts getting upset saying “I’m just like a kid”.

9:06pm – Jamie and Kim are talking about the tensions of nominations. Kim says the others are getting way too serious about it when they will see each other again in six weeks. They suggest that greed of the prize money is taking over friendships. Kim says that the first time she’s nominated she won’t be storming around.

In the bedroom Daniel tells the other housemates he’s good about being nominated. He even says he’s the running champion of nominations. Saxon says he wants to be the champion.

12:01am – Jamie wishes Regina goodnight, and they talk about how the lows make you appreciate the highs in the house. Jamie explains that it’s a win-win situation because if she’s evicted she will have a ball with Adrian and if she stays she’ll have even more of a ball in the house.

Saxon and Jo are in the kitchen. Saxon is blubbering on about how great Jo is. He says she needs more faith in how people think of her. Regina is telling Jamie how much the day has sucked. She says she’s been thinking about stuff too much today. Saxon and Jo walk to bed. Jo calls him “Saxamaphone” (from the Simpsons).

Also on Behind Big Brother