Day 43

We join eviction day with Reggie in the kitchen trying to make biscuits. Jo comes over and scares living daylights out of Reggie, who incidentally, was talking to herself. Jo thought she must have known she was coming cause Reggie was talking aloud. Interesting start to the day none the less!

Vincent tells Claire, who are both enjoying the morning sun, that “I don’t want you to go.” Claire says she is happy to go and happy to stay, although she would rather stay. Vincent says he doesn’t want anyone to go. He tells Claire that he is just starting to know Dan, not his characters, and that he is a top guy. Jamie and Reggie join the two, and Jamie says that he loves the diamonds on Reggie’s butt!

Back in the kitchen, Sax is talking to Joanne. He says more than anything he doesn’t want to go. Saxon says that if he was starting to feel very strongly for someone, it wouldn’t be right, but that the other person seems to have some feelings toward him as well. He says that because that person had feelings in return, it made it easier for him to like this other person even more. He’s talking in a third person kind of voice, but if you listen you can gather he is talking about Saxon’s and Jo’s relationship. He asks Jo her opinion, and she hesitates for a while, then says “I don’t think it’s fair for me to talk about this in this house.” Sax immediately replies back “Who said it was you!?” She says she wasn’t meaning it was her, and then goes onto say that she has an idea of who it is, to which Saxon asks “You do know who I’m talking about don’t you?” Jo says “Well it’s obvious…” looking outside towards Reggie. Saxon asks if she is ‘seriously looking out there?’ Jo seems taken aback, and asks “Well, who is it then…” She says “there isn’t anyone else around, so who is it”. Saxon walks away, saying ‘shattered, I am.’ Jo, finally waking up, says that ‘if you leave, we’ll definitely have a chat when I get out…next week’

We rejoin the housemates on the patio, discussing whether there is any cereal left in the house. They each go through saying how many bowls each person has had this week, no one having more than two. Saxon is shattered when he realises there is none left.

Pat and Jamie are in the storeroom, and Jamie finds some food that Pat and Regina have been hiding away. When Jamie asks what it’s doing there, Pat just says “Ask Reggie…and don’t tell anyone.”

Back to the days of our lives part of the show, ie Jo and Sax, who are talking in the garden. Saxon asks Jo “outside of here, would it be healthy to hold onto those feelings?” Jo says she wants to say so much to Saxon, and if the camera’s turned off for five minutes she would, but until they both are out of the compound, they can’t discuss it. Before Jo gets up see says “Your very special Sax.”

In the kitchen, Pat tells Reggie that Jamie found the special stash. He calls Jamie Julian though first! He tells her that he moved the goods into her bedroom.

“It’s time to go Claire”, Reggie is upset, and after saying goodbye, Saxon goes straight to his bedroom. Jo follows after him and Sax says that there is no positives to this night; you stay and you hate it. They have a cuddle. Sax says that he’ll have to go through all of it again this week. Vincent comes in, and starts to backtrack when he sees Sax with Jo, but Jo calls him over. Jo and Vincent hug, Jo saying that it “sucks so much. It’s only going to get worse..” Jo says that they always seem sad because they think she is dead kind of thing. Vincent says that reality tells us that we’ll see her in six weeks max.

Moving into the round bedroom, Chrissie is there by herself, having a cry. Jo starts crying next door, and says “Sorry, I’m a sooky la la!” Over in the kitchen, Kim says it’s weird, cause it’s her first one. Back in the bedroom, Vincent and Saxon share a huge hug.

In the square living area, Jo and Jamie are talking about the eviction. Jo says that Kim and Jamie came in under the worse circumstances, and that now they have to go through seeing them all upset, and while you too are upset (Kim and Jamie), they don’t fully understand it all. Jo tells Jamie that it’s all mind games in here, forget about the fact they have no food for the week, it’s all mind games. Jamie suggests that people don’t realise how ‘full on’ it is in here. Jo says that she thinks that everyone is real in the house.

In the round bedroom, Kim suggest that everyone gets up in the morning and has a swim and play a few tunes. Saxon, sounding as if he is still in the other bedroom, yells out “You trying to tell us what to do now Kim?” While it might sound harsh, he is saying it in a nice voice. Saxon says “Why don’t you be a producer, and like…write the script!” Kim says that she can tell a few of her racist jokes. Saxon says that he ‘loves the racist jokes so much, that he could kick you out the door’, referring to Kim. Kim says she hasn’t heard anyone laugh at her jokes. Saxon says cause there not funny. Dan says that they can choose either to laugh, or make Kim feel bad, and they chose to make Kim feel bad. Patrick and Chrissie say at the same time that the jokes aren’t funny. Chrissie suggest they drop the subject, but Kim keeps talking about it. Chrissie says “You were talking about rape: It’s not funny” After this, Kim cracks up…Strange girl. Chrissie then goes through the “Kimmy, look at me” routine.

Over in the kitchen, Jo and Saxon are talking again by themselves. Jo reveals that she is ‘so happy your still here.’ She goes onto say that he makes her so happy, and they have a big hug. During the hug, Saxon says that when Gretel crossed, all he was thinking about was that night the two of them stayed up all night. Jo has a smile on her face. Sax says that he wouldn’t enjoy the house as much if it was ‘Jo-free’

Back in the round bedroom, Kim is wondering how the new housemates will be used during the nomination process. Chrissie says that she should go and ask BB what the plan is, and so she does. BB tells her that they won’t have to nominate, and they can’t be nominated for, in the nomination process tomorrow. They get another week. Kim is excited. She tells them back in the bedroom, and Chrissie’s look to Reggie is to die for! She just keeps shaking her head.

While Chrissie and Jo know, they don’t think Saxon knows, and Chrissie suggests that if they tell him in front of a group of people, he won’t be so upset. The boys are playing Cricket, and Chrissie casually mentions “So we all know that they can’t be nominated, and they won’t be nominated?” Saxon yells out “What?” He points to Jamie and says to Chrissie “There immune?” He says that thats bullshit, because he was in the house only three days before he had to nominate. He goes onto say that it probably looked like he was rude to Jamie, he didn’t mean it personally, but he doesn’t like the system. Pat suggest that Saxon goes and clarifies with Big Brother. He doesn’t, continuing with his Cricket game. Jamie says bluntly that ‘we (meaning Kim and him) would be up tomorrow if you could pick us.’ Chrissie doesn’t agree, saying that they have to come up with a good reason, and can’t nominate someone just because their new.

In the square bedroom, Reggie and Kim are talking. Kim says that if anyone else walked through that door, she would help them heaps. She says Reggie really helped her. Reggie says its because no one else relates to her. Kim says “we didn’t go to the private school, we didn’t have the mansion to live in.” Reggie says “Imagine if I wasn’t here!” Kim says that she wasn’t here, she would have clung to Jamie a lot more than what she has done. Reggie reveals that she feels she will be nominated this week.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 41

5:28pm – Claire and Patrick are in the kitchen, discussing the lack of food. They predict the milo will be gone by shopping day, and becuase they have failed this week’s task they will have no money to spend. Inside Jo suggests a party might happen – but Chrissie says there is nothing to celebrate about: there’s no food and no money.

Outside Kim is explaining to Regina and Claire its hard to come into the house so late because strong friendships have already been formed – it doesn’t feel right. Claire says everyone else thinks Kim’s a housemate – Regina agrees, but she can see Kim and Jaime aren’t being welcomed properly.

6:23pm – Jo is collecting glasses, and Kim reveals she’s already had two glasses of wine. She wants Jo to fill it up again.

Jo: “I would love to… but I can’t”.

There is a silence, until Jo explains all the wine is gone. Back in the kitchen Jo explains what just happened to Vincent, who finds it funny. Saxon wonders what he’d be like in a relationship, Kim jumps on the conversation and says: “you’d always wonder if you looked better than your girlfriend, you’re too loud so you’d overtalk her all the time”. Jaime starts laughing. Saxon says that’s funny coming from Kim who’s N+1. Kim responds: “I’m not as arrogant and pig headed as you and stubborn”. This is what Kim has gathered from 4 days knowing Saxon. He says she doesn’t really have any say yet, but Kim replies that she is allowed to throw her two cents in. Saxon throws her two cents away.

8:00pm – Regina is still angry about Saxon telling her to be quiet the night before. Saxon says he was acting on Chrissie’s behalf, who was trying to sleep. Regina doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, infuriating Saxon.

8:18pm – Saxon and Regina are now in the square lounge room, discussing this argument they’ve been having. They go round in circles with it, and decide to have a serious chat some time.

11:28pm – It’s time for the serious chat. While lying on Saxon, Regina explains she is worried about the fact that she might be intimidating. She feels she is making everyone think of her differently…. like she is more popular. Chrissie, who has now joined the coversation says she doesn’t think like that but they are exicted because they have some one so funny and interesting – and Regina probably doesn’t realise this. “It’s a gift, but you just have to face the facts”. Regina feels better now that she’s had a chat.

12:43am – Regina is back in Saxon’s bed, much to the taunts from Daniel – “they’re spooning each other!”

Regina: “I know Adrian would be going fuuuuuuuck!”

Before she entered Adrian told Regina not to be touched by any other guys in the house.

Kim: “Where’s your wedding ring?”
Regina: “I forgot them”

They all laugh.

1:44am – Chrissie and Saxon are talking to Jo about Regina’s episode earlier. Chrissie says Regina is “one in a gazillion.. she’s a legend” and because it’s obvious Regina thinks that the other housemates are thinking of her differently. There is also the issue of Saxon and Regina hanging out. Saxon says if her husband of 6 years can’t accept that they are just mucking around.. “phft!”.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 40

9:55am – Claire and Jo are concerned about passing the task, especially Jo who hasn’t been sleeping well. Jamie is up and ready for some sun. The housemates explain the weather has been bad all week. Patrick (or Patrice) has spiked up his hair today… Regina says he’s ready to pick up some chicks today. Patrick says that Reg’ is good.. he has his eye on her. Jamie comments on Regina’s hot bod.. working over the hot stove.

3:14pm – BB plays a dog barking noice, which means Regina must run outside and round up sheep by calling to the dog. Her wife Daniel has grabbed her a cup of tea after a hard working day. Jo is preparing hamburger rolls for dinner, and tries to coordinate with the other HMs. Vincent is supposed to do the mince but he seems reluctant. Jamie is mostly quiet when discussing dinner. After Jo leaves Jaime asks if Jo is his type of girl. Vincen says sometimes he still loses his breath when she looks at him – he won’t repeat that again. Jamie says she’s a beautiful girl inside and out. She has “this” and “this” (heart and mind) instead of “this” and “this” (boob and boob). Vincent says even if people only see the 2D view, they are priviledged because they see the 3D.

Jaime goes on to discuss pretty girls in Melbourne who starve themselves, dress themselves and lacking intelligence. He’s happy he gets to meet Joanne.

4:17pm – Vincent says when she’s free he wants to talk to her further… to connect a few dots. He doesn’t really want to over cooking… but she says ask away. He wants to know about some of the bad things she hinted had happened to her in the past. “What do you want to know?”.

Back in the house Regina comments on the love attraction between Vincent and Joanna… fatal attraction. Jaime asks if Regina thinks it goes both ways. Regina thinks a little.

Meanwhile Joanne is telling Vincent how she had an eating disorder when she was younger.. started when she was 14 and then in year 12 she got better. She put her friends and family through hell unintentionally. Ever since she’s had heath problems triggered by her eating disorder – her intestines are not 100% and her reproductive system is probably not working properly. She will probably have to have stuff done. Vincent looks very upset for Joanne.

Jo: “As much as people think oh she’s so vain and she’s this and she’s that it’s the complete opposite… I’m getting a lot more secure with myself. I’m accepting of myself now more than ever and that comes with age.”

Jo explains that it’s considered a disease now, but she has never relapsed. Sometimes she gets a bit obsessive with exercising and she had a period when she was very muscular. She gets inclined with one goal and goes for it… sometimes too far. Vincent thanks Jo for sharing that.

Back in the house Jaime asks Regina what she thinks of the intruders. Reg thinks it’s good they brought some new characters in. She sees Kim as the loud character… but not too loud.. she needs it. Regina sees Jaime as the soft character… in a good way.

5:48pm – Task results are in. They bet 100% on the task. Big Brother begins a sentence “With success…” the housemates think they have passed and begin to cheer but Big Brother must raise his voice to finish the sentence… it’s very funny. He tells them they better move out of town… they have failed the task. The HMs are dissapointed but not surprised. Regina emerges with two boxes of chocolates for everyone. She had stashed them away expecting to fail the task so the HMs would have chocolate to eat.

8:32pm – Housemates are all keeping occupied after the bad task results. Inside Regina explains she was brought up in a very rough area – everyone wears leggings and mullets. She’s glad she didn’t turn out like that. Some of the housemates go to bed. Regina explains her siblings turned out quite well. Kim is the same – she see’s people from school with a bad life and is glad she didn’t end up the same.

Meanwhile Jo is angry about a comment Leah made last week about her being a rich girl. The conversation with Regina earlier has reignited her annoyance. Jo says “so I did go to school in the eastern suburbs so what?”. Regina and Kim comment that maybe the other housemates can’t relate to what they were saying because they are from “….. higher classes. They’ve grown up with money and private schools”. Kim was the only white kid at her public school, she says.

In the bedroom Saxon says to Jo that Kim is a weird choice of person to put in the house compared to the others. Jo is still feeling bad because of Kim’s background. Saxon tells Jo not to feel that way… everyone has sad stories not just Kim and Regina. Back in the lounge room Regina explains she left school to go working, and was glad to do so. They both agree the BB house is so nice, they’d love to live there.

Saxon says to Jo and Chrissie that Kim has been going through a lot of alcohol – 10 glasses of wine in 2 days, “we wouldn’t even do that as a group”. Jo and Chrissie agree. Patrick enters and Saxon asks “is alcoholic Kim still on a roll?” The others laugh.

Kim wonders that her and Jaime have fit in well. Regina thinks and hopes so. The others predict the whole cask of wine is gone now. They all laugh again. Saxon says the bedroom has become the anti Kim crew.

10:07pm – Kim questions Vincent on his girlfriends reactions to him entering the BB house. He says she had reservations. Regina’s husband Adrian will be wondering what she’ll do next. Vincent jokes that she will strip, and guys will be undressing around her (he is undressing at the same moment). Kim’s husband wouldn’t want her sleeping next to any of the boys. Adrian will be thinking “what the hell is she going to do tomorrow?”. Regina knows in her heart she’s not doing anything wrong, so she’s happy. She’s only having fun. Kim asks about Adrian’s parents. Regina feels a bit weird.. and knows exactly what they’ll be thinking. Kim says she doesn’t need to please anyone but herself.

Kim goes to see if Jaime is alright, who has gone to the living room to read.

11:09pm – Jaime asks Kim if she’s coming out of her shell. She thinks she is a little but maybe it’s not a good thing – she’s a bit rough compared to everyone else. Jaime says she’s gotta be herself… and it’s good that she’s found a mate in Regina. They decide to go have a milo in the kitchen, where Kim asks Jaime if he wants to get drunk. Kim can’t believe no one is drinking. Jaime says there is nothing to drink.

Kim asks if people have been getting cranky she had a few wines tonight. Jaime says “no, I haven’t heard anything like that tonight”.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 39

8:47am – Saxon has slept on the couch because he wanted to hear the rain on the roof while he slept. Suddenly Patrick’s chickens start calling out so he must run to tend to them. Saxon offers to be his wife. Patrick must cluck like a chick until Saxon comes with the tea. Regina boils some water and the tea is slowly made. Saxon is laughing at Patrick clucking and as they walk into the kitchen Saxon pats Patrick on the butt.

10:08am – Jo is talking about how she hates the task. Saxon predicts they have already lost it. Meanwhile Jamie is telling Regina she reminds him of a friend he has outside the house… although Regina is a little more toned than this friend and has a six-pack. Regina says her stomach is just bloated. Jamie mentions her pregnancy scare and Regina says she didn’t expect to be pregnant but wanted to test just in case. Jamie says he feels like interviewing everyone as he asks Regina about her husband. Regina says her husband was fairly ok with her coming into the house.

11:30am – Jamie is talking to Jo and tells her she reminds him of a friend he has.

12:24pm – Regina and Saxon are wrestling each other in the bedroom. Jo says she can’t play because she’s doing her legs.

Outside the new housemates Kim and Jamie have been assigned a task and are discussing it. They must make a clay face bust to put in the Big Brother hall of fame along with the other housemate’s masks.

Saxon and Regina are still getting physical in the bedroom. Saxon wraps Regina up in a blanket but she calls him weak. Saxon says he’s not going to use all his strength on a chick. Regina and Saxon start playfully slapping each other. Regina outsmarts him by pretending he has something on his arm before slapping his face. They are now back wrestling on the bed. Saxon suggests that Regina wants to kiss him.

1:41pm – Vincent, Dan and Chrissie are in the bedroom talking about Jo’s little Young Talent Time performances. Chrissie says that all Jo can perform is YTT routines. Daniel contemplates a possible future for Jo in an alternate dimension where she is “Starlet Jo”.

In the lounge room Jo is singing the cheerleading chant from “Bring It On”, but can’t remember all the lyrics.

Back in the bedroom Daniel says it’s hard to picture Jo as a lawyer in a court room situation. He says it’s too serious and she would probably have second thoughts about her actions after leaving.

Saxon gets Jo to put up two fingers and he makes a clay mould out of it, using the clay the new housemates are using for their task. Patrick is reading on the couch. Kim and Jamie are busy making their models.

2:19pm – Jo has stabbed herself in the finger with something to do with the clay moulding task. She wonders whether she should get a tetanus shot. Saxon goes to find the first aid kit, which Vincent tells him is in the kitchen. As soon as Vincent hears Jo has hurt herself he jumps up out of his seat to help. Jo says she’s just being a big wuss. Vincent and Jo go into the kitchen for the first aid kit.

As soon as they’re gone Claire and Regina, who had been sitting with Vincent burst into a silenced laughter. They gossip that Vincent jumped right up and will probably kiss it better for her. In the kitchen Vincent tells Jo she’ll be fine. Regina and Claire watch in anticipation but Patrick goes to enter the kitchen, which will mean their intimate moment will be broken up. Regina says “bummer”, making Claire laugh.

Saxon and Jo are now in the kitchen together. He looks at her finger and kisses it better for her.

2:56pm – Kim is making her clay model with some help from Claire. Kim is thinking about life outside the house. She think she’s not being as loud as she thought she would be in the house. She even hints that people aren’t listening to her when she talks. Claire says she just sleeps the days away and the housemates don’t care.

8:54pm – Kim is opening up to the other housemates in the kitchen. She is talking about her boyfriend and how they are so affectionate to each other. Regina says that she’s spoilt by her boyfriend. Kim explains that her boyfriend is her Dad’s best friend and they snuck around for a while. She tells the housemates of an embarrassing situation where her boyfriend told her Dad (while drunk) that he was going to marry her. She says her dad laughed it off as a joke.

11:54pm – Vincent is contemplating whether his girlfriend is angry over his purrs and growls after Belinda told him to stop doing them. Vincent then asks Regina about her husband. Regina reveals she only told her husband she was going in a few days before she actually left. Her husband was shocked but ok with it. Regina then goes on to say that she doesn’t really like working in her husband’s fish and chip shop. She wanted to go to the mainland for a holiday or similar but her husband just wouldn’t do it… so she applied for Big Brother. She says she doesn’t know what’s going to happen with them when she gets out of the house.

12:26pm – Saxon explains to Chrissie that he stayed up with Jo the last few nights just to talk. He says that he doesn’t have a crush on her, not even a small one. Saxon explains that Jo isn’t the type of girl he goes for, but she does have some qualities that appeal to him. He ends up the conversation by saying Jo is very god at sneaky flirting, even with the many cameras watching.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 38

10:01am – As part of this week’s task the housemates have been assigned a farmyard animal which they have to care for when that animal’s sound is played. It’s the intruder’s first morning in the house, and the housemates ask Jamie how his night was. Jamie says he’s not used to wearing a night mask, having the lights on and having such a thick pillow. Regina says she just ripped the stuffing out of hers.

10:39pm – Claire and Vincent are still asleep after their night of emotional upset. Vincent is eventually woken by a horse noise, which is his farmyard animal. He must put on the farmyard costume and tend to his plastic horse within 45 seconds. As part of the task another housemate must dress up as the farmer’s wife and make a cup of tea for the farmer. The farmer housemate must continue tending to their animal until the tea is ready. Patrick is Vincent’s wife this time around.

In the bedroom Saxon is getting a massage from Regina while Claire lets out two massive burps. At that moment Jo is called out to do her farming task. She’s an emu farmer and must tend to the fence to prevent any of the emus to get out. Jo calls out for some one to be her wife for the task, and Chrissie is going to but Saxon jumps in and offers to be her wife. Saxon spends a lot of time making Jo’s tea, saying he had to run down to the store to get some milk. All the while Jo is “fixing” the emu fence.

Afterwards Jo and Saxon are talking as a couple. Jo now wants to know what she did to make Saxon upset. Saxon tells her they will talk later.

Saxon calls for Regina in the bedroom to give him a massage. Regina doesn’t pass up the opportunity.

1:22pm – Saxon is still being massaged by Regina. The conversation moves onto Regina’s marriage. Regina tells her husband doesn’t like affectionate touch like how Regina is massaging Saxon. Regina also says her husband would be a good father… she thinks. Continuing to massage Saxon, Regina says she loves muscly bodies. Regina also reveals that her being on Big Brother is probably the most her parents will have to get to know her. Saxon asks how Regina’s husband proposed. According to Regina, she laughed and said ‘yeah whenever’ when he first asked. After he pulled out a ring and she realised he was serious, she burst into tears.

3:35pm – Big Brother calls Claire to the diary room. Saxon asks what it’s for but Claire says she doesn’t know, and doesn’t care if it’s a strike. Inside the diary room Claire is given a strike. This scene is HEAVILY EDITED, between every sentence there is a flash as it moves to a different part of the footage. From what is broadcast, Claire feels like a backstabber when nominating this way.

Outside the diary room, Claire tells the others she received a strike, but deserves it. Regina says “bugger”. In the kitchen Saxon is called to the diary room. Saxon says if he gets a strike he’s going to go fucking mental. Jo says to calm down but Saxon shouts as he walks out. Jo then says Saxon has “testosterone going through the roof”. In the diary room Saxon acts like a smart ass for a few minutes until Big Brother gives him a strike for telling other housemates that Claire nominated him. Saxon says it’s fair enough and going and stands by the pool alone.

Claire tells the others that she had a moment of weakness last night when she was about to leave the house. She says it’s because of Vincent that she has stayed in the house.

4:41pm – Saxon says that him getting a strike is fucking gay right to Jamie, who agrees. Saxon then jokes about Jamie cracking onto him, telling him to do it properly. They then talk about flattering each other.

Inside Daniel and Chrissie are laughing and gossip about Saxon’s behaviour around Jamie. Daniel says that whenever Jamie is around Saxon can only talk about how Jamie is gay and how he’s ok with it. Chrissie says that it’s so funny Saxon has to keep demonstrating he’s ok with a housemate being gay.

Back outside Saxon is talking about how Jamie was wearing makeup when he first came into the house. Jamie said the crew put it on when they were taking publicity photos. Saxon said nothing like that happened to him and he’s glad.

Chrissie and Daniel keep laughing at Saxon because now he’s talking about Mardi Gras. Chrissie says Saxon is being stereotypical and sounds like an old man trying to be hip.

9:15pm – Kim and Claire are in the bedroom. Kim says she is missing her boyfriend, brother, mum and dad. She says it’s hard because when she made the decision to audition for Big Brother she had nothing going in her life. She had no boyfriend and her job was becoming boring. But when she was called to be an intruder, she had a new boyfriend and was enjoying work after a short holiday. She says she couldn’t really say no.

In the kitchen Jamie is talking to Jo and Chrissie. Jo says she doesn’t want to be portrayed as a disty idiot. Jamie says it shouldn’t be a problem because you can redeem yourself in the interviews you do once you leave the house. He says he can’t really say anything more about the outside, but tells Chrissie that she should be prepared to leave at some time or another. Big Brother immediately calls Jamie to the diary room. Jamie is worried what will happen but the others assure him it will just be a warning or a microphone battery change.

Jamie runs into the house through the rain while Jo and Chrissie contemplate what he could mean. In the diary room Big Brother tells Jaime that some of the housemates might pull him into discussing dangerous ground, and warns him not to say anything about the outside. Jamie happily agrees.

It’s bedtime and while the housemates are sleeping Jamie asks Chrissie if Saxon’s ok. Chrissie says that Saxon is a great guy and just trying to show that he’s ok with the whole gay thing. She also says he’s cool and open about a lot of things.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 37

Special hour long episode to fit in all the intruder action. Day 37 begins with Jo complaining that her washing is still wet. Saxon tells her she has it hanging in the worst possible place. Later in the afternoon the housemates must nominate for a fifth time. Claire is in the diary room for 6 minutes and because she can’t figure out a proper reason to nominate, she is given a strike. Daniel, Claire and Saxon are nominated.

8:31pm – Belinda comes back into the house. She is welcomed by Regina in the diary room while the others watch through the diary door window. Jo spots Regina and everyone gets excited… except Saxon who just lies on the couch and pouts about being nominated. Belinda later explains her reasons for leaving, and how she wanted to help the housemates through her departure. She then tells the housemates she has a surprise for them. Claire guesses straight away that it’s intruders. Belinda goes into the diary room and preps the intruders.

9:12pm – Belinda tells the intruders to be themselves and have fun. Belinda then brings the intruders into the lounge room and tells the others she must now leave. Chrissie immediately hugs Jaime, recognising him from auditions, leaving Kim standing on her own. Patrick eventually comes over and shakes hands with Kim, along with the other housemates. Saxon looks extremely pissed off and continues eating some of the junk food Belinda brought in.

Gretel then shows us Jaime’s video profile. Jaime is a law/arts student at Monash University but works at a fashion store. According to his video, he has a lot of fun putting guys into good looking clothes. His boss describes him as ‘forever smiling’. Jaime says he’s in the fourth year of his degree and admits that he’s gay.

Kim’s video profile tells us that she’s 21 and from Armadale. Most of the video is her goodbye dinner with family and friends. Kim is a hairdresser and her family and friends tell she’s loud and has stars in her eyes.

Back in the house Belinda is now leaving, and although she’s not supposed to, she passes on a message from outside for Vincent and Saxon. She tells Vincent to cut down on the purrs and growls he’s been giving the other housemates. She tells Saxon that only two of his friends came to the last eviction show just in case he was evicted (HAH!). Regina sees Belinda off and as she’s walking out the door, Belinda tells the housemates “please don’t fight”.

Later Jaime is talking to the other housemates outside. He explains that officially he’s not an intruder but rather a “replacement”. Kim is being shown around by Regina and Claire, and not saying much. Regina says the two intruders can sleep either side of her.

Jo is explaining to Jaime how there were two houses. We learn that the replacements already know about what has happened in the house so far (or at least they have been briefed).

In the spa Saxon is speculating whether Jaime is gay or not.. he seems to be quite fixed on the subject. Patrick thinks he’s is but it doesn’t bother him. Saxon jumps at the response to clearly tell everyone that it doesn’t bother him either. He isn’t doing a very good job at covering up his homophobia. Saxon then calls out asking whether Jaime is the sporty type. Jaime says he plays tennis and golf.

Inside Kim tells the others she’s a hairdresser. Regina screams out “just like Belinda!”. One of the girls (maybe Jo) says she needs a haircut. Claire asks if Kim can tell what her hair is like under her beanie. They then talk about their first experience in the house. Kim still doesn’t say much.

In the spa Saxon is telling the other housemates he doesn’t want anyone new in his bedroom (especially not any gay guys). Claire comes over and Saxon says he’s not feeling too social tonight. Claire says she doesn’t want to leave the house, but then re-thinks it and says now that there are intruders she does actually want to go.

Regina asks Jaime what he does, and he tells them Law Student. He then apologises for not being too original.

In the spa Saxon is still asking whether Jaime is gay.

In the bedroom Jo asks Jaime if he’s taken or single. Jaime says he’s single. Jo then explains who in the house is single, and in-directly tells Jaime that Claire is bisexual.

10:38pm – Regina is talking to Daniel and some of the other housemates about how big the day has been, and tomorrow will be another one. She says she doesn’t know where she is after all this excitement.

Kim is unpacking as Jo talks to her about her emotional outbursts in the house. Kim doesn’t say much and looks a little scared as Jo motor-mouthes on. Eventually Kim can get a word in and says she just wants to relax and get into her trackies.

Meanwhile Regina says she feels sorry for the intruders. Claire explains that the intruders know the original housemates, but they don’t know the intruders. Daniel repeats some words Jaime said earlier about Regina being Regina (if you know what I mean). Regina can’t really accept that she’s a ‘superstar’.

Jo is still talking to Kim as she unpacks. Kim can’t get a word in, but in the end says the whole experience is quite scary. Jo asks her if she’s alright. Claire is trying not to take her nomination too personally. She tells the other that she’ll be cool.

11:02pm – Saxon wants to know where he stands with Jo. He admits to Jo that he feels jealous even when Jo’s hanging out with the new intruder. Jo tells him to remember that there are a lot of cameras watching him all the time and he shouldn’t linger on the thought. Saxon says he feels like a puppet and a fake. The two hug for a long time.

11:43pm – Dan talks to Chrissie about Saxon taking this lastest incident to heart. They fear he’ll take things to personally and ruin the experience for himself. They both agree they don’t want Saxon to get drunk otherwise he might blurt out something embarrasing. Neither do they want Jo to get drunk because they’re scared she might hurt herself. Daniel says that if she was Jo’s boyfriend he’d be following her around everywhere if she was drunk because every guy with a pulse will want to get with her.

Footage is shown of Jo swimming in her very small bikini. Saxon is grabbing her and throwing her in the pool. There is no actual evidence that this was happening at the same time… or even during the same night… it was probably just added to emphasise Daniel and Chrissie’s point.

Later in the bedroom Daniel says he’s in the double bed and jokingly says Kim can sleep with him. Regina gasps explaining her theory that the bed Daniel is lying on is cursed and results in a nomination for whoever sleeps in it. Now that Daniel is nominated again the theory is proven true. Kim says “oh I’ll sleep in it” and that she doesn’t care if she’s nominated because she doesn’t mind if she’s evicted.

Jaime, Saxon, Patrick and Vincent are in the spa. Saxon (he sounds drunk) is talking about how it is easier to get over a relationship in the house. Jaime nods along. Vincent says he is missing his girlfriend.

Kim is telling the other housemates that she hopes people will tell it to her face if she’s annoying them, instead of gossiping behind her back. She also hopes that the agreement will be mutual.

1:11am – Saxon is speculating in the spa who nominated him this week. Claire says she should tell him something, even though it is against the rules. Saxon says ‘just whisper it in my ear’. Claire whispers in his ear but because of the spa noise the microphones don’t pick it up. Saxon looks shocked and says “oh f#@k”. Obviously Claire told him that she nominated him. Saxon put his head in the water for a good 30 seconds while Claire looks upset and sick at the same time.

Kim is opening up to Chrissie and Regina in the bedroom. Chrissie and Regina are telling her about the cheesy pick up actions Vincent does, such as his growls and ‘hand in the shirt’. Kim lets out her disgust and says she’d never fall for that. Chrissie says it doesn’t work for her because she’s taller than Vincent and twice his weight. Kim jokes that Chrissie would crush him.

In the spa Claire is crying and hugging Saxon as he tells her not to get upset over nominating him.

3:03am – The housemates are going to bed. Kim is in the square bedroom while Jaime is in the round. Jo and Saxon are in the kitchen getting some ice cream. Saxon says that Jo’s pygamas should be illegal. Saxon says that he doesn’t think they would be so close if they first met outside the house. It’s hard he says, because he sees Jo as 50% mate 50% something more but it could never be. Jo knows exactly where the conversation is going and tells Saxon to be quiet and not to think about it. She suggest they go back inside. On their way out Jo pops a pimple in the one-way glass.

??:16am (10 logo covered up the time) – Vincent is telling Chrissie he is feeling like f#@king s#@t since Belinda told him not to growl. Chrissie tells him she’s seen him do nothing embarrasing.

Saxon and Jo walk back into the living room, Saxon is still rambling out love-struck thoughts. Jo tells him to remember where they are and to be quiet. Saxon still wants to talk but Jo just quiets him. Jo and Saxon poke their heads into the bedroom door. As soon as Vincent sees them he gets up and walks back to his bed to go to sleep. Jo follows him and asks if everything’s ok. Vincent says he’s fine for now.

Later Chrissie tells Jo she wants some of the stuff Jo has to make guys go ga-ga over her. Jo just laughs. Vincent goes into the kitchen where Claire is alone. Vincent tells Claire he just wants company. Claire says she doesn’t. Vincent offers to go but Claire calls him over for orange juice. Vincent says anything sweet will make him go crazy.

Back in the bedroom Chrissie is explaining to Jo that Vincent is annoyed at Saxon and he thinks Jo doesn’t see what’s happening. Jo bursts out laughing but tries to cover it with her blanket.

In the kitchen Claire and Vincent can’t understand what’s going on in the house. Vincent says his heart is breaking. Claire begins to cry saying she “fucking hates it” Vincent is silent. Claire says it shouldn’t be that good people need to make excuses for not being good and that the nomination process is stopping her from being Claire. She says if she’s given a strike she’ll be pushing the button and leaving the house. Vincent says she can’t leave. Claire says she could just walk out and be home within an hour, and that she doesn’t really care about the Big Brother house. Claire cries on Vincent’s shoulder.

Also on Behind Big Brother