Day 36

It’s 7:20am and both Saxon and Jo have stayed up the whole nigh talking. Saxon says he misses the touch of a person. Jo explains that her boyfriend Tim is not into that kissy stuff. Saxon says this makes him angry because skin on skin is the best feeling ever. He says naked hugs are the best. Saxon then asks Jo if she considers herself high maintenance. Jo doesn’t think so, to which Saxon says “ahh.. that’s just boring”.

Regina walks in surprised that the two stayed up so late. Jo says they are staying up until the hot water is turned on. Later Jo is massaging Saxon.

Regina goes into the diary room and complains of a sore bloated stomach. The Big Brother doctor talks to her.

9:51am – Jo wakes up after falling asleep, realising that the hot water has been on for a while now.

Regina requests another pregnancy test, and looks anxious as her and the doctor wait for the result.

10:05am – Mike Goldman tells us the pregnancy test is negative. Regina apologises for being a bother but the doctor assures her that Big Brother is always looking out for the welfare of the housemates. Regina says she will eat some bread and see how her stomach goes.

Later Jo and Vincent are talking in the bedroom about nothing in particular. Jo decides to put on some makeup to cover up that she’s so tired. Going back to the loungeroom, she says she doesn’t look good at all. Saxon tells her that she doesn’t have to do anything to look good.

Later in the afternoon Ben and Vincent are talking about Saxon. Vincent says that Saxon’s feelings are intense because he’s only 19. Ben agrees.

Saxon goes and watches Jo put on makeup. He looks lovestruck. After Saxon has left again Vincent comes in and gives Jo a big hug, telling her “when you come out, you got to find me” just in case he is evicted tonight. He then purrs into Jo’s ear again… she giggles and says “I love it I love it”.

7:00pm – The housemates are speculating a possible double eviction. Ben yells out to hurry it up. A few hours later, Ben is evicted. As he is walking out of the house the housemates are given a language warning from Big Brother via Daniel. After Ben leaves, Saxon looks annoyed and sad, and cries a little. Regina jokes about Ben leaving but then starts to get upset. In the kitchen Jo is crying on Patrick’s shoulder.

Saxon says to Vincent “I am so stoked you are still here” as they hug. Vincent says he’ll be staying quiet in the last six weeks of the show.

8:23pm – Jo tells Saxon in the bedroom she feels like a tool. She is worried Ben left while they were on bad terms.

Jo is talking about how Ben and Regina were like a married couple.

11:08pm – Bedtime. Regina is lying in bed, upset. Regina explains to Saxon that not many people understood Ben because of his past and how he was brought up. Saxon said it was great how Ben would stir up trouble in the house. Saxon comments on how quiet it is now that Ben is gone.

Just before 2:00am Vincent goes to the diary room and asks Big Brother if he can tell Vincent if his girlfriend was brought up during the night. Big Brother tells Vincent he will get back to him in the morning.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 35

Morning of Day 35, there is no sign of the handshake in the morning, in actual fact, there is no talk at all between Sax and Jo. Sax starts bitching to Daniel, saying “I feel like I made a fool of myself last night.” Daniel says he did too, but we the viewers are left confused by that statement, because we never see the outburst he gave Ben the night before. Sax says “I think I said things that shouldn’t have been said” Conversation is interrupted when Dan asks Jo if she is getting in the pool, to which she replies yes. She jumps in with just her bikini on, and Dan gives us quote of the week, perhaps quote of BB3: “Ah, it’s like living at the playboy mansion.”

We go through the afternoon quickly, with Mike Goldman saying that the handshake never came. Moving to the night, Vincent gives Jo a growl to say goodnight, before leaving the room. Chrissie says that Vincent has a massive crush on her. “You little fox you!”

In the kitchen later, Sax and Jo talk. “I thought you weren’t going to talk to me this morning.” He tells her he “feels like he overstepped the line.” They talk all throughout the night, and make it to see the sun come up. Jo says that Sax is sleeping the days away, in a way wishing the days away like Ben. Sax says Ben wants to go. Jo agrees with him.

With that, Gretel rejoins us to tell us to vote for the 4 nominees so they can have bigger pay checks. After that, she tells us that on Tuesday night 2 new housemates will enter the house, a male and a female. The show will run for an hour.

Finally they cross to the house, with the guys outside contemplating whether they will get a 60 minute warning. We would think this is why they they crossed to the house, but we get no warning. Chrissie wants a growl from Vincent just in case she goes. Vincent does the deed, and then thats it.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 34

7:36pm – Housemates are getting ready for a party. They use leftover wig’s from the musical, and BB has supplied them with a disco ball, and some music, to dance the night away.

It’s not long before Vincent growls into Jo’s ear, with Jo saying “Oh my god! Where do you learn that?” Vincent replies by telling Jo that it comes from the heart. Before Jo puts on a massive wig, she tells Vincent that his GF (girlfriend) is so lucky. Meanwhile, Reggie, Claire and Patrick are in the kitchen, Reggie saying “Look at them! I was watching them before, I thought they were kissing.” Pat replies with “It’s only a matter of time.” Back to Jo and Vincent, Vincent saying ‘stay away from me tonight’ after he gives another one of his growls.

An hour later, and Jo and Saxon are on the dancefloor together, having fun, with Vincent looking on. Soon, they go into the bathroom/bedroom together. Sax says Jo looks beautiful. He says “Your my big sister, I’m looking after ya”. Jo says “You so see me as your big sister, don’t you?” to which Sax says “Yeh, I have since Day One. I told you that.” Cut to voting numbers, and a comm break.

After midnight, Jo and Vincent are in the kitchen. He tells Jo a compliment. “Sometime when you look at me, I still lose my breath to this day.” Jo says, ‘thats cool. I’ve never had that effect on anybody.” Jo says it’s hard being in here, revealing that she doesn’t even think of him at all (Tim), then saying to Vincent that he probably thinks about her heaps. Jo says she is very lucky.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Reggie and Chrissie are mocking Jo and Vincent by talking Italian in the bedroom. Problem is, they don’t know any. They say phrases such as Italian foods, ‘spaghetti and meatballs’. Back to Jo and Vincent, where Jo reveals “If I was….” implying that if she was single, she would like to give Vincent a go. Vincent says not to finish the sentence, and then says “Don’t do that to me, it’s hard enough as it is.” Geez, this guy has fallen for Jo bad. Not that you can blame him I suppose.

Saxon has replaced Vincent in the kitchen talking to Jo, who says that ‘If I said what I was thinking, you wouldn’t want to talk to me.’ Sax says that Jo lives in a total comfort level, to which Jo says “You really think it does?” referring to her jobs, friends etc. Sax asks her “Your not satisfied living the life you do?” to which Jo says “Nah. Would I be here if I was?” She goes onto say that al friends are getting married, and buying houses, and then says I don’t think it’s happening to me, because I don’t want it to. Sax says that Jo is the type of girl “that comes into my life once in a hundred thousand lifetimes for me, I never meet someone who is as you at the same time. Why did I have to meet someone like you here?”

Back to the bedroom, Chrissie and Reggie are saying how stunning Jo is, and how every single male in the house has fallen for her. Chrissie says she doesn’t have any friends who are that gorgeous, to which Reggie agrees. They ask Pat about the sex appeal of Jo. Pat says “she’s attractive, but I wouldn’t go for her.”

Back in the kitchen, Ben has joined Sax and Jo. Sax says that if Jo has remembered everything they’ve talked about tonight, then she must shake Saxon’s hand first thing in the morning. Jo promises to do just that. He says ‘if you don’t do it, I’ll just think your a fuckwit.’ Comm break

Back in the house, Jo is almost ready to go to bed, but says goodnight to Vincent first, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She walks around to the old square house, as she is going Vincent says “thanks for saying goodnight.”

Jo finds Saxon in the bathroom area, in between the two bedrooms. He asks her if she is going to bed, to which she says yeh. Sax says he’ll walk her to bed. On the way, he asks where Vincent is. Jo points to outside, the living room. Saxon gives her a kiss on the cheek, and heads outside. Jo says as he is leaving, I’ll shake your hand tomorrow.

Outside, Vincent asks Sax if he is ok. His response is “Nothing happened.” Vincent says, “I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about you.” Sax says again, “But I’m telling you…” Vincent says “I know nothing happened, not from you, but from her side. I know she wouldn’t do anything.” Sax asks “You know I would never do anything to someone who has someone…” to which Vincent says “Yeh, don’t” Sax says he has more respect for people than that, although he admits he is fucking confused. He goes onto say that he hates the fact that she has recipricated what he is feeling. Vincent doesn’t seem to believe him, and asks “Do you think?” Sax replies, “It was said…” During the whole convo, Vincent continues playing the guitar. Sax says “Dude, I feel like a bastard” before saying “If I was Tim, oohhh…” meaning that he wouldn’t be impressed by tonight’s events.

Vincent is still unsure, so he asks again “Did she actually say something?” Sax replies, “We were jumping on the fence, but never went past it.” Vincent says he can’t tell Sax what to do, but Sax says he knows what to do, ‘the right thing is to go to bed.’ He heads off, touches Jo’s bed on the way through to his room.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 33

10:09am – Regina is making bread, even though it is upsetting her stomach. The musical task concludes today but many of the housemates are sleeping in.

11:05am – Jo enteres the kitchen, but can’t see Regina who is crouched by the dishwasher. Regina pops up and scares Jo, who lets out a huge gasp. Regina can’t help but laugh. They comment it’s freezing outside.

11:41am – It’s pouring with rain, isolating housemates in the kitchen. Regina wants to eat some of the freshly baked bread, but it will make her stomach upset. Jo suggests it’s the yeast in the bread that’s doing it – she will make gluten free bread and see if it makes a difference. “I’m going to be strong I’m not going to eat that bread”. Chrissie eats some of the bread in front of Regina who says “stop tempting me!”. Regina comments the rice crackers she has to eat are nothing – its like eating air (amusing Jo).

3:48pm – The wigs for the musical task are becoming quite popular. Jo is trying on the black hair wig with some help from Saxon. She really doesn’t like it but Saxon insists she would be sexy with dark hair.

Daniel is in the kitchen wearing a wig when he spontaneously takes on the persona of “Chrissy”, an American show host. Chrissy gives a lesson on washing up in the kitchen as Regina laughs on. He has some pre-washed products and some un-washed products and will us an apparatus called a sink to wash them.

5:00pm – Saxon will dress up as Saxon for the musical task. He already has some of her clothes on and Ben rolls up some socks for boobs. Joanne says they don’t look very real but it doesn’t matter. Finally a blonde wig is added to complete the look. Saxon walks out into the living room to cheers from the other housemates.

5:11pm – Housemates are dressed up for their task, and Big Brother announces the music will begin. The housemates are lined up on the verandah and sing about each other in the house. Patrick provides music with his guitar. It finishes with a big finale where the housemates throw their hats into the air.

7:37pm – Housemates have kept their wigs from the task as a novelty. Regina talks about how her hair used to be.. it was very long (down to her waste). Chrissie and Regina swap wigs and Chrissie is shocked that the wig looks so real on her… it’s big and curly and looks like Cher. Chrissie stands up and starts singing “If I could turn back time” in Cher’s voice. Regina and Jo burst out laughing and Jo falls onto the ground in a fit of laughs. The housemates comment that Regina looks amazing in her long brown hair wig – like a totally different person.

7:51pm – Task results are in. Housemates have passed. Everyone cheers and claps. It’s the first time they have won a 75% bet on a task.

8:03pm – Housemates are telling stories in the lounge room. Chrissie tells a story where she went down to the market to get some tomatoes. She was nude and just whacked on a tshirt and long skirt because she thought she’s be quick. She walked in and it’s a slippery floor, she falls over on her hands and knees, wondering why no one is helping her. Eventually she feels the hem of her skirt flapping around her neck, exposing everything. She left and couldn’t go back for a year and a half.

8:25pm – Regina is still wearing her brunette wig. She doesn’t want Saxon to go this week because he has a good bod to look at. Saxon says she’s a wanker if thats the only reaon she wants him to stay. Regina adds to her reasons: nice body, he’s nice…. (she can’t think of anything else). “You know what I mean!”. Ben and Regina exchange jabs at each other about getting rid of Ben instead of Saxon. Talk turns back to Regina’s new hair do.

Somehow talk to turns to the suck and blow card game. Regina and Jo practice.

Once most of the housemates have left the kitchen, Saxon says to Jo that Regina would probably have let herself go a little more if there weren’t cameras everywhere. Regina has realised she has missed a lot of stuff in her life that she is only just catching up with. Regina said to Saxon and Ben she has had enough of her “routine” and realises her husband won’t change.

11:16pm – Ben and Regina have gone to bed. Everyone else is in the living room singing. Saxon and Jo can’t stop laughing at Daniel’s singing.

12:10am – Talk has turned to the upcoming eviction. Chrissie says it will be weird to go, weird to stay. Saxon and Vincent both start talking about the great things about Jo that the Australian public will want to see. Saxon will be stoked if he doesn’t leave this week: “all the bullshit is gone now”. Jo agrees everything is really nice now. Saxon is happy he’s gotten to know some people very closely.

2:50am – Regina has been woken by Saxon’s snoring. She wakes him, but he rolls straight over and falls alseep again. The snoring continues. She goes to wake him but this time Ben jumps up, scaring Regina.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 32

10:49am – It’s raining as Chrissie goes into the kitchen. Now that Belinda is gone the housemates don’t have a director for their weekly task, a musical. The housemates comment they need Kylie or Dannii in the house. Saxon suggest Natalie Imbruglia, but scoffs at the idea of Holly Valance. They all ask Regina to wake Ben, who is still sleeping in the bedroom.

Regina goes into the bedroom to wake Ben, but this time she asks him nicely to get up. Ben tells her that he doesn’t want to get up. Vincent is in the bedroom and some one asks him if he knew Belinda was going to leave when she last talked to him. He says that now that he thinks about it, it seems like closure for him, and in the context it makes sense.

Regina is still trying to wake Ben. She asks him if he wants to be the director so he can boss people around. Ben says he might give it a go… and lets Regina pull him out of Bed.

2:40pm – In the kitchen Daniel is singing to get into the mood of their musical task. Regina playfully hits Daniel for him to stop. Ben tells Regina “good girl”, which annoys her because she turns around and hits Ben. She says that they made a promise she would stop hitting him if he stopped calling her “good girl”. Ben doesn’t know what she’s talking about. He says “we’re all falling apart”.

3:08pm – In the lounge room Ben is allocating the solo performers for the musical.

3:22pm – Daniel tells Patrick that they are like Tim Brice and Elton John, even though they are nothing like them in real life. Patrick has no idea who they are. Daniel starts singing very badly in a VERY high pitch.

3:54pm – Jo is organising the dancing for the musical. She shows Chrissie and Ben some moves she has come up with. Ben looks very pleased at her organisation.

5:10pm – Jo and Patrick are in the kitchen making dinner.

Vincent is sleeping on the couch in the lounge room while Ben and Regina are making a prop for their musical task. Regina says they should take care not to wake Vincent.

Patrick and Jo use the whiteboard to write up a song and sing it as a duet together. Is Big Brother trying to promote the housemates into future musical careers?

7:51pm – Big Brother calls all the housemates to the plasma screen in the living room. They all sit around while Belinda’s farewell video is played. Belinda is at home with her dogs by her side and tells the housemates she’s having a great time outside the house. Her dogs are Reggie and Max.

Belinda apologises if she hurt anyone in the house by her departure, but wants them to know a good has come out of it. She explains she made a great decision and has had a positive time in the house, and has enjoyed all of the housemates company. She wants them to realise that there are positive factors to come out of their stay in the house. Belinda ends the tape by saying Chrissie, Dan and Regina are strong people, hopes the housemates enjoy their time in the house, and tells them she will be seeing them very soon.

All of the housemates stay silent.


The housemates are organising their task. Ben is called to the diary room to tell Big Brother his views on Belinda’s departure. He says that it’s calmed the house, but he suspects that things will heat up very soon.

In the kitchen Jo is telling the others that most people don’t like conflicting behaviour, but then again some do (ie Ben).

When asked if there was anything he’d like to say to Belinda if she was watching, Ben says there were occasions where he reacted without explaining his actions. He also says he hopes he can say some words to her and have them accept them. There is no apology.

The other housemates in the kitchen are saying Belinda’s departure didn’t need to happen. Jo says she didn’t think the experience would be a retreat but she assumed that all the housemates would get along. Chrissie says that’s a perfectly valid assumption.

Just so it doesn’t seem like Big Brother is rigging the vote, footage of Regina being called into the diary room is played. Regina says that in the last 24 hours she thinks the housemates have woken up to themselves. When asked if there was anything she’d say to Belinda, Regina starts to get upset and tells Belinda she hopes she had a good time in the house, and looks forward to seeing her again.

10:28pm – The housemates are still preparing for their task. They have created cardboard cutouts for the evicted housemates.

Chrissie and Jo are talking about trust in the Big Brother house since Belinda left. Chrissie says trust involves knowing that personal details will not be thrown back at you (hinting at Ben’s actions). Jo says she can’t trust anyone in the house anymore, because she’s seen what they’re (Ben) capable of. Chrissie says she’ll tell Dan or Regina anything, but that’s it.

11:55pm – Chrissie and Regina’s conversation leads onto Chrissie explaining the constant knockbacks she’s experienced while trying to find a job. She explains that she has always been part of the last 2 people for a job, but been rejected. For this reason she didn’t expect to be on Big Brother, even after all the video preperations had taken place.

2:40am – Bedtime. Ben is talking about his former job as a police officer. He says that people have no less respect for him now that they know he’s not a police officer anymore. Saxon doesn’t believe him. Jo and Patrick are in the same bed and wish each other goodnight.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 31

Jo and Belinda are reflecting on the happenings of last night. Ben asks Vincent if he disgraced himself last night. Vincent doesn’t think so. Chrissie asks the others if they would like curry for dinner, just in case her cooking is the reason she was nominated this week.

3:37pm – Ben and Jo finally sit down and talk about what happened last night. Ben says he doesn’t want to have this chat, but Jo insists. Ben says at no time did he say derogatory things about her. Jo doesn’t really believe him and says that he is no longer being loyal to her. Jo starts to get upset but Ben says she’s blowing it way out of proportion. Ben says that if some one else called Jo a mole he would tell them they don’t even know her. EVEN THOUGH last night Ben called Belinda a fucking idiot to which Regina said “you don’t even know her” he said he didn’t care. Jo and Ben say sorry and hug.

5:49pm – Jo confides in Vincent in the kitchen. Vincent says that Jo is too trusting and too nice, she gives away too much which allows her to get caught up in Ben’s stirring. Vincent then says it’s this quality of Jo which is what he loves about her. Vincent says he’s quite the opposite, only giving away parts of himself in small packets, and to only specific people, like Jo.

In the bedroom Saxon is saying casually that everyone has had problems in the house. Belinda agrees with him, but tells the others she’s done everything she wants to do in the house. Saxon says “what about having sex?”, but Belinda says she never planned to have sex in the house.

In the kitchen Jo thanks Vincent for their talk. They then talk about how they’ll be exchanging SMS’s when they come out of the house. Vincent says message about a “certain thing” and meet up. What could they mean!?

7:40pm – Belinda goes into the diary room, casually telling Vincent that she will see him soon, hopefully. In the diary room Belinda tells Big Brother she wants to leave the house. She apologises for last night, but Big Brother asks if the issue is broader than just last night, she says it is. Belinda says it all comes down to the negativity the house. In this environment she can’t get her head around the hurtfulness, and out of this she has found a lot of anger in herself.

She does however, say that the experiences has been mostly positive and constructive. She says she doesn’t want to go back out to say goodbye to the others because she doesn’t want to make them to think it’s their fault.

8:43pm – The housemates are preparing for their weekly task, which is a musical. They are unaware Belinda has been gone for quite some time. Big Brother then calls them all into the diary room. They then begin to wonder where Belinda is. Jo can’t see her through the window in the diary room door. They know something not good is about to be announced. When they are all in the diary room Big Brother tells them Belinda is gone. He asks them to understand and not to feel responsible. Belinda wanted them to concentrate on supporting each other.

Everyone is shocked and stay relatively quiet. They move out of the diary room and most of the housemates move into the round bedroom. Regina is upset and starts crying, wondering why some one had to leave.

Ben is in the square bedroom alone, thinking about what has happened. The other housemates thought she was doing a lot better. Ben asks Regina not to accuse him for starting this, to which Regina assures him that she doesn’t think that at all.

9:05pm – Chrissie finds Ben and proposes a truce between the two. Ben says the whole situation is a learning curve. Ben asks Chrissie if she’s going to leave. Chrissie says she’s not planning to. Ben wants to know why they clash, Chrissie suggests it’s because they have the same sense of humour. Chrissie suggest from now on they should start with a clean slate.

Claire goes into the diary room and asks Big Brother if this is her fault for dobbing on Belinda for her physical violence threats. Big Brother says it’s not and he would have dealt with it even if she hadn’t come to him.

Regina is crying in bed. She is sad it had to come to some one leaving the house. Jo comforts her. Meanwhile Ben in the next bed lies silently with something on his face.

1:12am – Bedtime. Vincent is talking to Ben. Vincent seems to sit on the fence and agree with Ben’s position.

Also on Behind Big Brother