Day 54

9.41am – It’s raining in the Big Brother house, and the power is out (apparently). The classmates all go into school, and there are of course, three new students. Today’s lesson is art so Tim and Vesna go to the diary room to get the art supplies. Vesna tells the classmates to dip their hands in the paint and put their hand prints on the wall. The boys all tell her to shut up. Melanie asks Christie if she would spend all day in high school making a new cover for her books etc. Christie says yes. They are painting a Big Brother eye. All classmates are called back to the classroom. BB tells them there has been consistant bad behavior today. He calls Tim to the diary room. Inside BB tells Tim to stay behind today and write a comprehensive 200 word essay (that is comprehensive?) essay about bad language and must read the essay to the rest of the class. Logans are called to the diary room. There are two buckets inside so they put them on their heads and laugh, then hit each other with the buckets. Big Brother tells them their consistant foul language is unacceptable. They must transfer water from bucket to bucket using soup spoons. David says “is that it?” and Big Brother asks “would you like more”. They definately dont.

School is out. The logans are still hitting each other with their buckets. Tim is counting up the words in his blackboard essay. The logans realise how long their task is going to take. Rita comes to the diary room. She says today she is starting to feel like an intruder – yesterday everyone was so excited and now she’s getting mixed messages from Vesna and Christie – possibly finding her intimidating. The logans finally finish their bucket task. Heath and Glenn are in the newly fixed sauna. Heath says the Logans and Dean are weird. Glenn explains he was mates with everyone as a tight nit group – but David was Dean’s sidekick. Tim was… Timmys great. Tim comes in and explains he has to read everyone their essay.

His essay explains how heinous his previous life of swearing was. The essay is full on, with lots of large words – but in it he bags out the Fremantle Dockers and the Liberal party. The housemates look bemused as it is far past their intelligence level. Christie lets out an airy “that was sooo gooood”.


7.20pm – This is Big Brother. All housemates to your bedrooms. Inside they find formal dresses and tuxes for the school dance. Dean automatically looks at his pants and says “these dont fit”. The male housemates must pick up the girls from their bedroom and taken to the formal. Tim’s outfit is bright pink. Most of the outfits are very cheesy. Heath has a red tux. He must chose a girl to go with him – he choses Kate. Greg enters and choses Christie. He says the ladies all look nice. Next is Tim who choses Rita. Hotdogs choses Vesna, he jokes how he wasnt going to take anyone, much to Vesna’s annoyance. Melanie says “why am I the last one to be picked”. David picks Melanie, leaving Dean who must go with Glenn. Dean says “hellooo big booy”.

The HMs have a dance on the disco floor. Hotdogs dances like a total dork. So does Heath. He reminds me of Poita from Full Frontal. Later Big Brother calls the housemates for their class photo. There is the familiar camera noises from the calendar task. They all scream “Big Brother!!!”. It’s the class of BB05.


9.31pm – Housemates are outside playing spin the bottle. How highshool. Heath and Hotdogs are scheming to steal people’s drinks. Christie is pashing David as Heath looks on in amazment. Greg chants “thats my brother”. Dean spins Vesna, but he pashes Christie back again. They pash for 25 seconds. Inside Vesna realises her drink has been stolen. She looks around for it. Inside Tim tells Hotdogs to give her back her drink. Hotdogs says he and Heath are Starskie and Hutch. Later Glenn and Dean are in the spa bitching about Hotdogs – they really hate him when he’s drunk. Dean doesn’t really like the new guy Heath “he’s not my cup of tea”. Glenn agrees – he already has heaps of mates like him. Kate is sitting on Heath’s lap and the other houseamates tell her to pash him.. so she does. Heath says “are you going to kiss me? oh my god”. She plants one on him.

10.11pm – Vesna and Hotdogs have a few pecks in the bathroom. He says he is the king of teasing and Vesna goes “why are you teasting me!?”. He says if she wants more she has to chase him. She They go out into the living room and hug, then have a proper big pash, which lasts a while. Hotdogs tells her to keep practicing and see how it goes tomorrow. Meanwhile Heath is leading Kate around the house, holding hands. They start having a slow dance on the dance floor. He spins her around and she giggles.


10.26pm – David is complaining to Kate about Hotdogs taking people’s drinks, especially after Hotdogs bagged out Christie for stealing Tim Tams. David says its not right and David knows he’s in the wrong. David says he’s a “theiving ###” and threatens to cut off a friendship. Meanwhile Heath is telling Vesna how he likes Hotdogs because he’s true blue. Heath says Dean is up himself and the Logans are pussies. Heath says they are just using Vesna as a stress releiver and Vesna just cops it.

11.27pm – Vesna is contemplating what was said before, she’s not in a good mood. Dean sits down and sarcastically asks Vesna why she is upset. David is standing next to Dean like a pet dog. Vesna says its confusing being in here she’s not used to feeling these emotions. Dean tries to turn it into an argument by asking “is it because of us?”. Vesna says she’s only seen one part of the other housemates while she has barred her soul. She says Dean has no emotion in his body at all. Dean says he has as much emotion as the next person but if he doesn’t get his own way he will just deal with it (liar!!!!!!!!!!!). Vesna asks where is his outlet – where does he put all the garbage in his brain? Dean says he feels he doesnt’ have to share all his emotions onto everyone else. Vesna doesn’t like the lack of compassion in the house – no one consults her about it. Vesna says they are all robots and they’re not real. Dean says “you are so hot and cold its unbelievable”. Vesna says “I’m a feeler”. Dean says “I’m not a babysitter”. Vesna has no idea what Dean is talking about now (netiher do I!). Dean tells Vesna she should more patient with people. Vesna agrees, but she finds Dean very dismissing. Dean says they should both stop joking and they will do it that way. Vesna says ok. Dean says “ok done deal, nice chat”.

Vesna is left alone in the dark on the couch. The other housemates have been watching from the kitchen the entire time.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 53

8.16am – It’s a very rainy morning in the Big Brother house. The male students are up in the kitchen, commenting on how Queensland has let them down with the weather. Dean says it’s not QLD – it’s their attitude that has brought on the bad weather. Big Brother announces that school kids must not swear – Logan Greg must go to the blackboard and write “Rome wasn’t built in a day” 25 times. The boys laugh at him. Greg stands up and David swears. Big Brother says Greg must write “prevention is better than cure” 25 times. Greg yells that it was David who swore. The boys giggle. Greg is going to dispute it. In the bedroom Christie wonders where BB gets all his sayings. Big Brother announces that Logan David must write “the F word is for juvenile delinquents” 25 times. Logans must do their punishment together. The boys line up at the blackboard and try to agree to stick to their own side to write. David gets annoyed and while telling Greg to move he swears again. Big Brother annouces that any punishment dealt to one Logan will now be doubled and performed by both Logans. Greg is not happy. Greg must now also write what David was issued. David starts yelling at Greg to move onto his side of the blackboard again.

School eventually starts for the day and the students line up outside with the Australian flag. They say good morning to Big Brother. Greg’s uniform is not on properly. Big Brother says their dormatories are discraceful. They must all go inside for a group detention and then must clean their rooms. Hotdogs raises the flag while the students mumble and BB tells them to be quiet. Detention starts inside. They must fold their arms, sit straight and look foward without saying anything. Some one squeeks their shoes on the wet floor. BB demands to know who is doing it. The students giggle before Glenn puts his hand up. He must go to the dunces corner. The rest of the students try to sit silently but Glenn is laughing to himself. BB instructs Glenn to turn around and give a 1 minute speech on doorknobs:

“Doorknobs are a necessity in the world today. Um.. some say a doorknob is a bit like a woman… (the rest is bleeped out)”.

The boys all start laughing. Big Brother says that it totally inappropriate and the boys burst into fits of laughter, particularly David. Class is dismissed – they must now go to the dormatories and clean them.


9.33am – Rooms are now clean, and the students are waiting for BB’s approval. Big Brother says the dormatories must be in this condition before any assembly this week. They go on recess. Over a house discussion, Dean thinks they will be getting a celebrity visitor tonight. Hotdogs would like a male celebrity to come in so he could watch the girls go crazy. Class begins and they all sit down – Vesna tells the boys to shutup. This afternoon’s lesson is history.

Question 1. What do Stanley Bruce, Chris Reed, Stan Watson and Billy McMan have in common?
Glenn answers “are they poets?”. That is incorrect. David answers “inventors”. That is incorrect. Tim answers “they were all prime ministers of the commonwealth of Australia”. That is correct. Dean gives Tim a suspicious look.

Question 2. The following 11 names are known as what…. Tim puts his hand up after the 3rd name. BB asks if anyone knows the answer besides Tim. Eventually Tim answers “they were the ships of the first fleet”. Tim “brags” sarcastically that one of his ancestors was on a ship”. Kate laughs. That is correct – “of course Big Brother cannot comment on your ancestors”.

Question 3. Who said “let them eat cake”?
Vesna: “jesus christ”. That is incorrect. Again, Tim is the only student with his hand up. Marie Antwonette. That is correct.

Christie says “well done, you must really read a lot”. David adds “he’s got no friends”. Big Brother says that was an appauling history lesson. BB suggests students spend more time with Tim. David says “thats punishment sir!”. The housemates start band practice. Kate is attempting to conduct but the boys won’t get into place. They practice the anthem – it sounds really bad.

6.28pm – Housemates are having family discussion over dinner. Vesna’s topic is the male housemates should stop calling her names. Christie says the boys are scrutinising the girls and they should treat Vesna with more respect. The boys all scoff together the entire time. Kate says “Ves, I love you but sometimes the name calling is ok because they are having fun, they are having a joke”. Dean says the “Big Mumma” name wasn’t because of her weight it was because of her kitchen-oriented personality. Vesna says she has struggled with her weight a lot and these names hurt her. Glenn says his jokes are his way of showing affection. David says if he gets called a name he will swing it right back. Vesna says when they made it up it was a weight thing. The word ‘big’ hurts her really deep. “It’s picking on my weaknesses… and I dont like it”. The dinner table is silent.


8.12pm – Intruder alert. Vesna screams and jumps around. Soon enough Rita walks in through the games area doors into the backyard. Vesna and Christie run outside to greet her. They cuddle her and say welcome. Next is Heath, who seems to have Glenn’s full attention the entire time. Finally Melanie enters and is greeted by Vesna and Tim. Hotdogs says this is madness, and comments the house is full again. The housemates all exchange greetings. Glenn quickly “checks out” Melanie. Christie and Melanie have birthdays next to each other (8th and 9th of January). Later the boys quiz Heath on sports. He likes footy and roots for Gelong. Christie shows Melanie the girls bedroom and they agree to sleep in the same bed. All the girls exchange where they are from – there are quite a few from Melbourne. Kate asks “where are all the Perth people!?”.

Vesna asks Melanie if she hates girls who complain about their weight all the time.. she does. Vesna adds that Melanie is going to have to get used to her then because she is constantly talking about her figure. Melanie says she is a promotional model and works to pay through uni. Later Melanie says boys are a waste of space and a waste of time. Kate is defendant: Melanie will like the boys in this house. Meanwhile Tim, Hotdogs and Heath go into the diary room. BB asks how their first moments are. Tim can’t remember he’s been in so long. Heath answers “stunning, overwhelming”. Tim says two beautiful girls and one strapping young man. They are all Victorians. Hotdogs says having 3 new intruders is very interesting and a good DJ can mix it up. He (Heath) is going to be good value. Heath gives Big Brother a clap as they leave the diary room.

Rita asks the girls if anyone has “got it on” yet? The girls tell them of Christie and Greg. Rita comments that the boys keep looking at Melanie through the open bedroom doorway. Rita is paranoid about being surrounded by such skinny girls. Melanie was close to vomiting in nervousness tonight.


8.54pm – The girls are all come to the diary room. They are all screaming and laughing. BB annouces there aren’t enough sleeping places in the male bedroom. The girls get to chose which male HM become a token female HM. Vesna wants Hotdogs but they say no. They decide maybe Heath.. but they don’t know him all that well. Vesna still wants Hotdogs but Kate says them two together gives her the shits because they just ignore the rest of the world. At the last minute they decide to make Dean the token female out of punishment. They all cheer and clap. Christie says “imagine Dean without Dave” – or vice versa! Dean must sleep with Vesna. The girls all emerge from the diary room and line up infront of the boys who are on the couch. Big Brother annouces there will be a token female. The girls then scream that its Dean. He smiles and buries his head in his hands but when he finds out he’ll be sleeping with Vesna he screams “noooo!”. Dean says he will sleep on the couch. BB tells him to pack his bags now and move to the girls bedroom. He says to Vesna “I dont’ like you, why would I sleep with you.. just joking”.

In the boys bedroom Dean said he knew he was going to be picked. David is hovering as company. David says Dean has to fill him in on any of the gossiping going on in that bedroom.

9.35pm – Heath is getting into the spa with Glenn. Heath can’t explain the feeling of coming into the Big Brother house. All the boys seem decent. They both agree Tim is “real good value”. Heath likes all the girls too.. including Vesna. Glenn comments that Vesna needs to chill… but she wanted a young surfy intruder so “look out, mate”.

11.21pm – Logan twins and Logan Tim come to the diary room. Greg says it was an excellent job on the intruders: “one out of three”. Apparently Tim has a soft spot for Heath. Tim comments that Rita is a great girl. David’s favourite is Mel, but he is reminded she doesn’t like redheads. Greg says he is not like his brother – he is going to give it time before he picks a favourite.

David inspects his muscles.


11.16pm – Dean and David are having a semi-naked D&M in the sauna. They both agree Rita and Mel are nice… but they haven’t worked out Heath yet. Multiple times they comment that Heath is suspicous… and “that Mel chick” is nice.

Meanwhile a lot of housemates are crammed into the spa. Vesna is on Heath’s lap and he is giving her a shoulder massage. In the living room Dean explains he thought they would have had different intruders. Dean doesn’t know who he’d vote to go. David wonders if that will happen. People wouldn’t agree with Dean’s choice, he thinks. Realistically Dean doesn’t want to go before the intruders.. but it might happen… maybe this week. Naturally David doesn’t want Dean to go. In the bedroom Vesna says she doesn’t like Melanie because of her comment before that she worked very hard for her body, yet kept dismissing the idea of exercise in a later conversation. Vesna says “she hasn’t worked a day in her life for her body”. Melanie enters the bedroom and Vesna is silent. Mel exchanges some talk with Christie about shaving and unpacking. Melanie comments to Vesna the situation is bizarre… Vesna doesn’t respond.

Christie is giving David a facial in the bathroom. They discuss the intruders: David is impartial with the intruders… except maybe for Heath. Kate defends Heath. Heath reminds Christie of “Zoolander ugooggily”. She reassures David that the original boys are hotter than Heath.

Glenn is on the couch with Mel and Vensa by his sides. They discuss crying. Glenn doesn’t cry at all, so he says. Vesna is used to crying because she does it so much. Mel is good at managing her own anger – its only at extremes that she loses her cool, but she doesn’t think she is good a verbal abuse. Vesna proudly comments she is.

Back in the bathroom David says he is being standoffish to the intruders. Kate understands: “its like free game – he will straight away like Christie”. David says that if Heath goes for Christie then Greg will pull him straight into line.


2.01am – Rita is in the bathroom “inspecting” her fellow housemates. Dean tells Rita to feel Greg… so she does. Greg doesn’t really like having his muscles groped like this. Greg lets her feel his ass though. In the living room Heath comments the house is so much smaller than what it looks like on TV. Hotdogs is going to bed and gives Kate a kiss goodnight, to which Vesna screams “what about me!?”. Hotdogs goes to give her a kiss but she leans away. Eventually she lets him growl on her neck and he also gives her a kiss on her chest.

Christie is now giving Dean a facial in the bathroom and has some gossip to pass on: There’s a thing going on between Kate and Greg. Christie comments that Greg is so not her type of guy, but he’s Kate’s type of guy. Christie is much more interested in David, and it’s almost like a twin partner swap. Dean thinks Christie should just ask David for whatever… and he’d much rather hear if there’s any gossip going on about himself. Christie relays “well Vesna is attracted to you… how does that make you feel?”. Dean lets out an annoyed grunt, and adds “she makes me feel uncomfortable”.

3.25am – Some of the girls are finally going to bed. Christie and Rita hug and kiss each other goodnight. In the boys room David explains the girls are so nice to their faces but really their a bit bitchy. Heath and David both exchange small banter about how girls are complicated and its hard living with them all the time. Dean, who is now in bed with Vesna, has set up a barrier of pillows and blanket between him and Vesna. He says he is “nesting”. Vesna says “I hate you… hate you long time”. She puts her arm out on Dean’s side of the bed on purpose, and after many attempts at moving it back, Dean says “jeez you’re a brat”.

“Don’t touch me Dean… and don’t breathe in the south-easterly direction”.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 52

9.00am – School time! The kids are getting dress for school and when the school bell rings they all line up outside at arms length for the morning assembly. Greg has a little trouble raising the Australian flag. Big Brother says good morning to the students. The students respond like children “Good morning Big Bruthaaah”. BB says “we’ll try that again, good morning school”. “Good morning Big Brother”. “Time for role call”.

Christie… Present
Dean… PRES-NT!
Glenn… Plesant!
Hotdogs… Pwesant!
Kate… Present
Logan David… PRASANT
Logan Greg… PRES-NT!

Logan Greg… Present. (Kate laughs)
Tim… Present
Vesna… Present

Greg is told to raise the flag. The students all sing the Australian anthem. Hotdogs is looking especially patriotic, with his hand over his chest. BB: “Dean, you should not sing the national anthem wearing a hat, that is 25 lines on the blackboard of ‘I will not wear a hat during assembly’. No earings may be worn during school hours. Vesna gives an angry grunt when she realises she is wearing earings. You will write out ‘no earings my be worn in school’ 25 times. Students then move into the classroom for today’s morning lesson.

9.29am – Vesna is writing her 25 lines on the blackboard when the bell rings for class. They sit down and Vesna comments the chairs are very cold. Big Brother says good morning to the students. The students all say “good morning Big Brothaah”. This mornings lesson is english.

Question 1, back row settle down. How do you spell embarrasing? Kate puts her hand up, stands up and says E-M-B-A-R-A-S-S-I-N-G. That is incorrect. Tim puts his hand up next and says E-M-B-A-R-R-A-S-S-I-N-G. That is correct.

How many letters in the english alphabet. Glenn stands up and says 69. The class laughs. BB tells Glenn to put on the dunce’s cap and stand in the corner. The students all laugh at him and BB must tell the class to settle down.

In the sentence “This is Big Brother”, which word is a noun? Christie answers “is”. That is incorrect. Tim answers next and says “Brother” that is correct. Christie says “isn’t a noun a doing word?”.

The lesson finishes. All kids are on recess until the afternoon bell.


11.33am – students are on recess (in the lounge room). Vesna is doing a skippy dance number in her school outfit. She asks the boys if they like it. Dean says “getting into it Ves?”. Vesna says if she sits down and relaxes she’s going to fall asleep so thats why she is up and dancing. She exclaims “is that ok with everyone here!?”. Kate says yes on behalf of the group and “you can do whatever you like”. Dean then says “no she cant!”. Vesna says “who’s got a problem with people doing what they want?”. Greg exclaims he can’t think because of Vesna’s talking. Vesna says “do I have a problem with you when you act like an A-hole? NO!”. David comes to his brother’s defence “leave him alone what did he ever do to you?”. Vesna says “he told me to stop doing what I’m doing! Why don’t you keep out of it.. DAY-VID”. David says she is annoying him and Vesna responds “you annoy me alot of the time”. David says “I don’t annoy THE GROUP a lot of the time”. “Oh ok, so you’re perfect David you don’t do anything huh? You’re perfect. So I just gotta be like the group and just be another robot and just do whatever the group does I gotta do it too”. The boys all moan at Vesna. Ves goes sarcastic “shutup Ves, yeah Ves just shut up”.

Vesna smiles and it seems she’s happy now because she’s pulling the elastic out of her dress and says “I’m called.. the elastic girl! I could be like an elastic girl off…” she does an elastic girl dance. Greg and Glenn say thats off the Incredibles. David says elastic girl’s arms don’t come out like what Vesna is doing. Vesna tells him to just pretend they do. Glenn grabs her elastic and she says “Are you in danger Glenn?… I’ll save you!!”. She does super hero moves with wooshy sound effects. Hotdogs laughs to himself and says “I want to put a cape on… SuperDogs”. Hotdogs stands up and wraps one of the BB school band banners around him as a cape and starts pulling super hero moves. Christie joins in and she’s “skipping rope girl”. Kate and Dean watch on, unimpressed. Hotdogs runs outside flying with his cape. Christie follows skipping behind with a skip rope. Meanwhile inside the other students are being overly-mature (ahuh). Greg says “what are they doing!?”. Dean stands up and says “Well its two people that love looking at themselves, and Christie”. The three BB superheroes are running around the backyard singing the national anthem.

1.07pm – The students are outside playing paper scissors rock when the school bell rings. They all run inside for class screaming. Glenn shoves Tim onto some beanbags and the other students exclaim “thats bullying!”. Big Brother says good afternoon to the students. Kate can’t stop laughing so Big Brother asks her if there is something funny. Still laughing she says “no Big Brother”. Behind her, Greg makes a fart noise. This afternoon’s lesson is geography.

Question 1, What is the capital of New Zealand? Christie says Christchurch? That is incorrect. David says Auckland. That is incorrect. Dean says Wellington. That is correct.

What is the longest river in the wolrd? Lots of hands shoot up. Tim is looking especially eager to answer the question.

At this point my DRV recorder picks up laughing, but its not coming from inside the house. It sounds like the camera crew have burst out laughing at Tim.

Tim says the Amazon. That is incorrect. Kate says the Nile. That is correct.

What is the highest mountain in the world? Tim whispers to Greg “everest”. Greg says everest. BB asks him if a classmate whispered the answer to him. Greg says “no… he told me he loved me sir”. “I couldn’t understand him anyway Big Brother, he told me Kosiosko”. Greg is passing a ball between his hands and Christie says “you shouldn’t have balls in class”. Greg passes it to Glenn who puts it on the floor. “Which housemate whispered something to you Greg”. “It was Tim!”. Greg points straight at Tim who smiles nervously. Tim must line 25 lines of “silence is golden”. Greg must stand in the corner and put the dunces cap on. “Class there will be no cheating in this classroom”.

What is the smallest continent in the world? Vesna is called even though she doesn’t have her hand up. She looks annoyned and murmers.. Austria. The students all silently gasp at the obvious mistake. That is incorrect. Hotdogs says Australia and smiles with schoolboy glee. The bell goes and class is dismissed.


3.48pm – Kate has come to the diary room to talk to Big Brother. She says she needs to talk… I’m struggling with 2 girls… really struggling. I think its the same both ways – nothing against them. I’m not here to be a bitch, its just to simply point out that we are completely different people in the way that I’m going insane being with them all the time. It’s like so hard to talk about things and just watching them I’m just… uuuh. so much so that I’d be kinda excited if I leave on Sunday. And I feel guilty.

Kate emergest and goes into the bedroom. Christie asks “whats new”. She says “dunno”. Christie says Kate had a really big diary entry. Kate says things things are crazy “I think I have major insecurity issues that I never realised I had before. Its always the confident ones and I can always pick it with other people but not myself. I’m getting to the stage where I’m sick of being bossy, sick of being a control freak, sick of always having to be right, that’s a lot of me, that’s me and if I’m sick of all these things then I’m sick of me”. Christie says “I think people would perceive you as princessy”. Christie explains her first impression was stuck up and snobby. Kate says they have accepted they are different, but she is finding it hard with Christie. Christie does too because Kate has the boys and there is a lot of pushing-away going on when whoever spends time with the boys. Kate says thats fair.

Outside Vesna is cooking and Dean “its good that you know how to cook that one dish pretty well”. The boys laugh at her. Vesna gives Dean dirty looks. He tells her to take a joke (yet more of his double standards!). Vesna says “yeah but you know I get offended very easily yet you still do it”. Hotdogs butts in and says “oh so its ok when you joke about us?”. (bastard). Vesna says “when are you just going to leave it!?”. Dean repeats what she said is a childish immature voice.

Suddenly a bird flies right into the house and Vesna screams and says “oh my god”. Dean tries to stir her up by yelling “WATCH OUT VES, VES WATCH OUT!”. Vesna runs towards the bedroom. Some of the boys go to open up the outside doors so it can fly back out again. Vesna is still screaming. She hide behind th ebedroom door. The bird eventually lands in the kitchen and rests. Glenn tries to capture him with a blanket, and eventually does. He takes the blanket outside and lets the bird free. They close the doors behind him. He places the blanket down on the ground and the bird flies away. Tim comes up to Greg and jokes “are you ok.. you were looking a bit stressed”. Greg starts wrestling Tim.


8.35pm – Christie is so tired, and Tim tells her to go to bed. She is tired because she is bored. Most of the housemates are going to bed early because of school. Tim is talking to Kate about new people. She says they need new people. Kate is called to the diary room. Big Brother says as winner of FNL she is to allocate chores to the housemates. He asks what she thinks of the current state of housekeeping in the house. Kate says the house is untidy. BB tells her to call all HMs to the lounge and read to them the housekeeper duty statement. All HMs must remain on the lounge until the housekeeper completes those duties. Kate emerges from the diary room and gathers the housemates one by one. The girls aren’t very happy about this. Christie comes out not wearing a top on. Kate reads the housekeeper duty statements while Hotdogs blinks tired. Chrsitie says “we could be here for hours”. Hotdogs gets crackign on taking out the trash. Christie explains her dream that there were four female intruders and wasn’t told. She had a bitch fight with the girls. Glenn asks “how many girls did I have?”. Kate says “one sweedish and one brazillian”. Glenn says “yesss… its a preminition”. Meanwhile Hotdogs is dusting the outside mats.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 51

7.53am – This is Big Brother. Farmhand you must feed the animals. Kate promised Dean she would get up and help him (she assured the chores). Dean is up and ready and Kate emerges from the bedroom in a mess. He tells her to go back to bed. Tim comes out to help Dean – t hey are both rugged up for the cold weather. They discuss the possibly sunny weather. Meanwhile lights are coming on in the bedroom and Christie says Dean is acting weird. Kate says its because he is angry she made him farm hand. Christie says he is playing Kate, trying to make her feel bad for assigning the chore to him – “he has a vindictive side”. Vesna is called the diary room and given a letter for the other housmates. Dean and Tim are joking that its “all about the assistant” when feeding the animals.

Shopping time. They have lost $40 000 in prize money since last week. The shopping budget is now reduced by $40. They have $275 to spend. Greg asks Vesna what she thinks of the video message business. She says she won’t say anything. Glenn says he doesn’t think anyone needs it – they signed up to be away from people 3 months. Christie – she says she doesn’t want it, she needs it or else she is going to crack in the house. Dean says he wants it as much as the next person. Vesna says this is stressful and runs off to the supermarket to do the shopping. The price for a video message today is $50. Vesna says “you’re joking”. Meanwhile Glenn is saying $50 is too much for one housemate. There is $52 left on the shopping so Vesna buys two bottles of wine instead of a video message or toiletries for the housemates – oops!

Vesna calls the housemates to help her so the housemates come to get bags. Tim and David move past the store room into the supermarket. Big Brother says that is out of bounds for the housemates (except Vesna) and their punishment is that the gym is now out of bounds until further notice. Back inside Vesna explains that toiletries and personal products were in two boxes – one for boys and one for girls, and each box cost $50. A good twist by Big Brother but Vesna didn’t buy it – not enough money. She also explains she didn’t buy a video message because there just wasn’t enough money.


12.54pm – Task time. Hotdogs reads: remember the days of the old schoolyard, well they are back. Housemates you are all going back to school. Housemates are schoolkids while they wear their uniforms. They must wear it from breakfast to end of school. No swearing in school. They must form a school band. The task will be judged on how well they go in school and with the band. Christie is optimistic – she thinks they should wager 100%. Hotdogs says they must agree not to whinge if they wage 100% and fail. Hotdogs goes to the diary room and collects school uniforms. Christie says its cute but Vesna says they look horrible – they look huge. Boys and girls go to their bedrooms to change. Girls are talking about cute pigtails except Vesna who says her dress is a size 16 – and she is a size 10. She says she will look like a moron if she wears it, and doesn’t want to. All housemates are now wearing their uniforms – except Vesna “Big Brother hates me”. The boys are looking through the window and complaining Vesna isn’t wearing her uniform. They bet she just doesn’t like it. Greg bangs on the window and tells her to hurry up. Christie opens the blind but Vesna quickly tells her to close it while she finally changes. The boys scream “come on!”.

Vesna is distraught about the dress being big. The boys decide to cheer out “comon big mumma”. Vesna says “see see!!”. Kate says the boys are just playing her. Vesna has come up with a plan: she will pin the dress so it is tighter, and if Big Brother says not to – she is leaving the house. Big Brother calls the housemates outside – there are instruments set up with a blackboard. Christie swears – “there is no swearing during school” says Big Brother “come to the diary room”. There is a dress in there – a size 14. Chrsitie tells BB she didn’t think the task had begun there. BB tells her in the diary room draws there is chalk. She must go to the blackboard and write 25 lines of “I will not swear in school”. Christie laughs “thats great”.


2.14pm – Housemates are practising their instruments. Vesna is on vocals. She is an ok singing but the other housemates are really bad at their instruments. David is getting frustrated with the amount of C’s in his music sheet and swears. He must write on the blackboard 50 times “I will not swear in class”. All classmates except David can get out of their uniforms now. The girls go back to their bedroom and find pink decore. The boys room is blue. They are not to enter each other’s rooms. David finishes and says “thank fuck that is finished”. Big Brother says he must not swear in his uniform – he must write another 50 times. He stands at the blackbaord and grunts.

3.27pm – Christie is in the bathroom drying off and asks Kate about the bedrooms. Big Brother says she is talking without her mic – thats a $5000 fine. Outside in the spa David says they must make punishments for people who get fines. Dean says they should designate a chore to some one if they get a fine. The boys go around the spa and agree one by one – all except Tim.

6.34pm – Glenn brings up the fine issue at dinner. Dean asks what people think about penalisation for whoever gets fines. Christie doesn’t like the idea one bit. She thinks they are getting penalised enough with the money being taken off. Greg says if people have the attitude they aren’t going to win anyway is not good. If they do it better they can have video messages every week. Christie doesn’t like it one bit – neither does Kate. Tim says punishments is a dangerous road. The boys propose if they get 3 or 4 fines between now and next week they will issue punishments. Kate agrees. So it is so, but Christie isn’t looking happy.


8.26pm – The nominees are Dean (he says thankyou), Christie (she says I knew it) and Kate. They gasp at Kate’s nomination. In the diary room Kate takes nomination points off Christie. She says she wants to go through the complete process – ie. being nominated. There are now 5 people up for nomination. Dean, Kate, Hotdogs, Glenn and Vesna. Vesna is angry and growls. Kate makes weird facial expressions. Dean asks Kate if she wants to come do farmhand tomorrow. She says no and was angry at him because he told her to go back to bed – she was up and ready and then he told her she couldn’t do it (to try and guilt trip Kate). He says “oh I must come from another world because I saw it as a nice thing”. She disgrees. Dean says if she thinks that she is wrong. Then Dean, right infront of Kate, asks Glenn sarcastically if he will be farmhand assistant tomorrow. Glenn says yes. Dean says “oh sorry I had to ask you”. Glenn lies on the couch, knowing fully what is going on, and has a smirk on his face.

Kate goes into the bedroom and gets a hug from Christie. She asks why. Kate says she can’t talk about it, and that she doesn’t deserve a hug. The boys are around the dining table and Hotdogs says there are one, possibly two. Hotdogs says what she did was just to get further in the house. All the boys have an agreement grumble. Greg says it was a real cocky manuverue. In the girls bedroom Kate is still sad about making Dean angry. Vesna can’t believe Kate can’t see the real deal with Dean – he is selfish and everyone praises him so much. Christie feels Dean is only pretending to be his friend. Kate says she thinks he is a manipulator. Vesna says “there you go”. Meanwhile Glenn is telling Tim he is excited an feels part of the game now. He feels so far he has been coached along now – but now he feels he is in it and feels good.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 50

2.01pm – The boys are up proving how manly they are – by jogging around the backyard. Inside the girls are talking about leaving the house. They are predicting a double eviction. They theorise what will happen one or two girls are left in the house with all of the boys. They all think Dean will go tonight. The boys are still jogging.

4.16pm – Christie needs strength from her mum. All she can think about is a family message from her mum. She thinks that if they bought a message it wouldnt’ go to her. Vesna says stuff that and Christie should be thinking about her needs more. Kate is assigning Christie as Chef if the current one is evicted. Dean says Christie won’t cook if she cracks. Outside Christie believes she truely needs a family message. Vesna says Dean is the kind of person who can manipulate people into thinking Dean needs something more. She has noticed it from the start but recently his selfishness has really come out – more than the next person “think about it”. “Don’t let him get it. Don’t let anyone tell you that you dont need it”. She says she knows she does. Vesna says Dean has way more support in here than Christie does.

Outside Dean says he wants that video message. He knows Christie wants it but its “dog eat dog, mate”. Greg has converted to the dark side and agrees with Dean that he should get it. Christie is telling Vesna she just doesn’t like the people in this house – they are all so selfish.


8.22pm- It’s time to stay… Hotdogs. Hotdogs comes back into the lounge room and the rest of them cheer. It’s time to go… Geneva. She laughs nervously and gets a hug from Dean. Outside the housemates try and figure out who has gone. Vesna properly predicts Geneva is leaving. Dean tells Geneva “have a good one”. Dean comes out to the lounge room with no cheers except from Dean’s new sidekick Greg. Chrsitie has a dumbfounded look on her face. Dean says “good to see you”. The boys go outside, except Hotdogs. Christie goes into the bedroom crying. Vesna follows and closes the door behind them. Christie says what really got her was when Dean came out and said to Kate “she said to say she loves you” and there was no message for Christie. Outside Kate is talking to the boys about how she is a jinx and caused Geneva’s eviction. Christie is very upset. Vesna asks Hotdogs if he is freaked out. He says he is just deep in thought. She asks if he is shocked she is still in here. He says he is more shocked he is in here, and that he is thinking about Geneva. He later comes and hugs Vesna. Vesna explains she thought people wouldn’t like her.

Dean is confused why Vesna isn’t happy. He is. He jokes about Vesna whinging – again. Hotdogs comes and comforts Christie. She says “I’m going weird.. this week has just been so… I don’t know I’ve lost my mate”. Hotdogs never ever thought Geneva would go this week.


9.45pm – Glenn and the Logans are on a bed. They are plotting about the video message. Dean has got the Logans thinking about making a vote as to whether they should actually buy one. Dean comes in and has changed his mind: he says to give it to Christie. He is sick of the girls whinging. The other boys say no. Dean wants to give Christie the message and then use it against her as a bribery of sorts the next time she whinges. How disgusting. Glenn whinges about Christie more – she says she whinges every time she doesnt’ get what she want. Hotdogs says they are boys and can be bastards. Christie is only 19 she is only a little girl.

10.08pm – Geneva’s message: Kate I think that you have been a real rock, without you I would have fallen short. I feel so honoured to be your friend. I’m so happy I got to meet you and that we’ve grown close. I will never forget you.

Christie – Babe I’ve had so much fun with you I’ve enjoyed every minute we spent together, all our ups and downs and getting everyone else to plot against us. I’m really really happy that we can catch up so easily and Sydney – Cheer up and have such a good time in here.

Hotdogs – I think that we’re so much closer than we could ever have imagined. I’m gonna know you for a really long time and I value that as much as we have our highs and lows they are equally as good. I love being with you on a deep level. I think that your conversations have given me a boost. Without you I would be going slightly crazy. I hope that I was everything you wanted me to be.

Everyone I love you, can’t wait to see you on the outside, have fun. The housemates clap, and are then silent.


10.39pm – Vesna has requested hair products and she now has them. She gives Christie a hair treatment. The remaining girls are in the bathroom discussing life in the house. Christie and Kate say they will help each other from now on. Kate feels so different from Christie and Vesna – she is going to be on the outer. Christie hopes they will get closer. Vesna says they have no choice. Kate thinks they will all be nominated. Christie is scared that it will end up an all boys house. They agree Kate would handle it fine.

The boys are questioning Hotdogs about kissing Geneva the other night. He says they just kissed and that was it – it was weird. I could not describe it to you. It wasn’t going to go any further. Didn’t mean anything else. It was just nice to kiss her after so long. Dean says he craves affection. Christie is telling the girls there is sexual tension between her and Greg. Vesna suggests its because Kate likes Greg. Big Brother calls Greg to the diary room, the girls laugh. Kate says it’s just a crush she has on Greg.

In the diary room Greg talks to Big Brother about Christie. He says its not good having some one mope around for the next 2 weeks, especially when he was friends with her and its hit a slope. He says the fun of the first few weeks is over, as far as he is concerned. He also asks Big Brother when they are getting hot female intruders. Big Brother asks why does Greg think they will be getting hot female intruders. Greg says he thought because the girl population in the house is very low.

Kate asks Christie how she feels about Kate’s crush. Christie knows it has changed between her and him and it won’t go back, so .. she feels a little angry and hurt but doesnt’ blame Kate. “It doesn’t bother me it really doesn’t”. Chrsitie does really miss snuggling with him though. In the bedroom Glenn says he wouldn’t mind some loving – some kissing and hugging. Dean says “plan B”. Glenn had forgotten about that. He says he could have taken it up the other night when Kate was drunk. Glenn says he “thinks” Kate wanted him the other night – HAH! Hotdogs says “she is a bomb waiting to go off”. Glenn says he has been using the spa as a bath.

Vesna and Christie go into the diary room. Christie says for the first time this week she has a smile on her face. She thanks BB and Vesna for making her happier and she does feel a bit more confident “you really have put a light in my day”. It’s great to know her week has ended well after being so bad. “Thankyou from the bottom of my heart”.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Days 48 and 49

This recap has been salvaged from various footage packages from the eviction show, thus there are no times.

Day 48

Geneva and Kate are in the rewards room in the spa. Kate isn’t too keen on being in there – she’s worried about Chrisite back in the main house. Meanwhile Christie is telling Vesna about her diary entry before – she can’t stand it in here any more. Dean jokingly orders Dean to console Christie, but he says “nah that would be too hard”. Christie meanwhile is saying the current boys in the house aren’t like her normal male friends. All of the boys go into the diary room and tell BB they are sick of the women whinging – they make whinging noises. Glenn says he has never been in a situation like this – he never realised girls were such emotional creatures “its getting beyond a joke”. He makes a graph with his hands about the emotions of the female housemates. Meanwhile Vesna says it doesn’t matter Christie is getting upset. She says the others are all testosterone in there. Glenn is saying some girls in the house are spoilt and are whinging too much. Dean and Hotdogs agree. At the same time Christie says she knows the boys will be bitching about her being spoil but they just can’t get into a women’s head – they just don’t know. Vesna gives Christie a hug and they both break into tears. Christie says it’s amazing Vesna has so much compassion.

Later at night Geneva is lying on beanbags with Hotdogs. She asks for a favour – a kiss. Hotdogs asks if she wants him to brush his teeth first. She says no. They have a big gropy pash on the beanbags. Kate walks out and sees them kissing. Geneva says she’s had a secret: She’s wanted to kiss him for a very very long time. Hotdogs laughs “really?” “yes really”. Kate watches on in amazement and then says “babe I’m going in” (to the diary room). There is an ackward moment. Kate says she will wait for Geneva for the movie in the rewards room. Inside Kate buzzes Glenn and asks him to take her clothes back in from outside “Warning, by the way”. Geneva and Hotdogs are laughing. Glenn grabs the clothes and doesn’t seem to realise what has happened. Glenn asks “whats going on with the hair?”. Geneva’s hair is all messy from rolling around on the beanbags. Glenn asks “has there been some smooching going on?”. He goes into the diary room and tells the others what has just happened. Vesna looks VERY unhappy!

Day 49

Housemates are having a second round of the golf tournament. Geneva goes first. She has limited time to get around the course as fast as possible. The housemates run around crazily. Kate has a problem with her ball rolling around on the green. Afterwards BB announces the results: masters took 20 strokes to win and took 3 minutes, 56 seconds. Dean reads an envelope: the number of strokes they were allowed to take 35 and the time limit was 5 minutes 30. They pass the task.

Dean is annoyed at getting chores. They whinge about Kate allocating the chores. He says he will make her dishpig and not scrape out his plate. All of the boys have piled into half the bedroom as a bachelor pad and confined Vesna and Christie to the other bedroom. Dean complains a bit more about the whinging and the girls, and mentions nominations. Dean is called to the diary room. Big Brother tells Dean he was involved in a conversation – would you agree you were talking about Kate? Big Brother reads a transcript: “I reckon Monday will be so easy” and asks what he meant. Dean plays dumb and says “I just meant the day would be easy”. Big Brother is not impressed and says it was obvious he was talking about nominations. Big Brother gives Dean a strike. Dean rudely says “whatever”. Dean now has two strikes.

Meanwhile Vesna is asking Hotdogs about the kiss with Geneva last night. He says he has no idea what happened she just wanted a kiss. Vesna ask “and you complied?”. He did. He says it didn’t mean anything – they were friends and they needed companionship. She has tried it before. We’re still really good friends. ‘Its not like we’re in love with each other”. Vesna says ok but is unhappy. Hotdogs is now critical of Vesna for asking. Vesna says she finds it weird he can do something like that and have no feelings. Hotdogs says he hadn’t kissed anyone for so long and it was nice. There is a long silence. He says “can I make an egotistical comment?”. Vesna predicts the comment is “why are you asking are you interested in me?”. Vesna says no and she doesnt’ get people in this house. Hotdogs says they don’t get Vesna.

Also on Behind Big Brother