Day 17

The housemates are woken and asked to pack their bags. In the square house Carlo asks why they can’t have a shower first. Footage of the round house packing up.

10:01am – The round house diary room. Big Brother calls for volunteers from the round house to swap. One boy and one girl, and they can’t be currently nominated. Ben and Regina immediately vounteer. BB warns them that there will be a rewards and risks associated with this. The risk is that one of the intruders from either house will be evicted, but the reward is that the rest of them will be immune from being nominated the following week. They are more hesitant this time but decide to volunteer anyway. Leah looks dissapointed as she cannot be an intruder. Gretel ends the segment.

The square house are in the diary room. Because Claire is the only non-nominated girl she is immediately put on the list to be swapped. She doesn’t really want to. BB says a guy can take her place if she really doesn’t want to go. In the end she agrees to intrude into the round house, along with Jaime who volunteers. Saxon is very much against the idea of going (probably because he wouldn’t be with Carlo). Vincent doesn’t want to do it either. Big Brother gives these intruders only 20 minutes to say goodbye to their housemates. The round housemates are asking Ben and Regina are they sure if they want to do it. Ben and Regina both agree that it’s a good challenge.

Meanwhile Saxon is explaining to the square housemates why he decided to stay. He says that being an intruder and being loyal to the other house means that your votes during nominations would have the biggest impact on who is elected to be evicted.

10:20am – Ben and Regina are leaving the round house. Jo is close to tears, and Chrissie doesn’t seem too happy about the whole situation. In the square house Jaime and Claire are being farewelled. Jaime makes an effort of getting a hug from Vincent. Gretel ends this segment with the eviction numbers for the round house.

10:28am – A door opens in the round house and Claire and Jaime walk in. Everyone gives them a warm welcome and they all hug. Jo and Claire were in the same car during the launch show and Jo remembers Claire is going for her PhD. Jaime and Leah were in the same car too. The square house doesn’t give such a warm welcome to Ben and Regina. Belinda is inside cleaning up when the two enter. She introduces herself and apologises for the mess. Carlo and Saxon walk in from outside and say hello. Vincent appears out of nowhere. They aren’t so enthusiastic as the other household but the all still have a good greeting. In the round house Jaime asks about a pool, but there is none. They all go outside. Ben explains to the original square housemates that the round house living room is much smaller than theirs. Later Ben is ‘rapping with the blokes’ and explains how he was the first in the other house.

The round house figure out that Tamara is missing, and they come to the conclusion that she’s probably an intruder. Jaime says the houses will merge by the end of the week. Ben tells the square house he’s a cop, Carlo says he has no drugs on him. Leah yells over the fence to Saxon asking why he didn’t volunteer to come over. Saxon says he can’t be bothered. Leah swears at Saxon and goes back to joining the new housemates.

Carlo and Saxon reveal that Jaime has been fantasising about Leah for weeks now. Ben says Jaime will be dissapointed – she’s just too loud.

The round house move into the bedroom and Claire identifies that there is a circle and rectangle theme in the two houses. They then organise beds. Jaime offers to share the double bed with Leah. The square house continue to talk. Belinda and Regina go into the bedroom. Carlo says it’s good that Belinda has a friend in the house.

Gretel says the housemates are settling in. 11:00am in the square house. Belinda finds out she uses the same shampoo as Regina. It turns out they have a few things in common. Belinda says the square house had had a lot of loud personalities that have all wanted to take on the leader role. She admits she’s stayed quiet most of the time to prevent conflict. Regina explains how Leah really wanted to move to the square house because she thought they were having more fun. Belinda assures Regina that that was not the case.

Carlo and Regina are talking over the BBQ. Carlo says he misses his girlfriend and explains she was going to move in with him just a week before Big Brother. His girlfriend was also going to attend the same university as Carlo.

In the round house Jo is talking with Claire and Leah with Jaime in the bedroom. Leah is talking about Ben and Daniel farting. Jaime describes some of the things Carlo has done in the square house. Leah says she doesn’t like Carlo.

Ben reveals he smuggled across some of Jo’s pants she wore during the seven sins party. The other guys are all excited and shocked at the same time (mainly due to the fact that the pants are so small). Vincent looks VERY intrigued.

Ben and Regina are called to diary room. Big Brother reveals another secret about a reward. The intruder who gets evicted will receive AU$10 000. However, the housemates aren’t allowed to provoke anyone to evict them or act differently than normal. I’m not sure if that $10 000 will be taxed, as the grand prize is, almost halving the amount the winner actually receives. Anyway, the pair are shocked. When Claire and Jaime are told about this, Jaime gasps out loud and Claire covers her mouth. They look very happy and have to have a final hug before they go back outside. The intruders aren’t allowed to tell the other housemates about this prize.

In the square house, Ben is talking to Carlo and Saxon about the occupants of the round house. He said it was all a bit fake. Carlo finds Ben’s bitching about the other house ammusing. Saxon starts asking about Jo and wonders if Ben is sad about leaving her. Ben admits he was a bit sad about leaving her because they had a strong bond from the begining. Saxon says that Jo sounds that hot she’s the celebrity model of the Big Brother house. Ben agrees. He says she has the looks and brains but still acts a little ditsy. Carlo says “yeah isn’t her boyfriend not that good looking?”.

In the round house Chrissie is saying she wishes the house had a vacuum cleaner. Claire agrees, saying the sqaure house got rid of all their rugs because it was too hard to clean up. She then goes on to explain the demographics of the square house: loud and male dominated, although she could still go to the bedroom and read alone quietly. Claire says she’s really glad she moved house. Both Jo and Chrissie agree that it was good for Regina to be spirited away with Ben in the other house.

Square house: Carlo is the host of dinner, cooking up on the BBQ. Ben has to stand back and let Carlo do all the work, and doesn’t look so enthusiastic about it. Carlo says “don’t be silly, you’re our guests”. Saxon proposes a toast over the dinner table: “cheers to the new household”.

In the round house Leah and Jaime are talking about driving. Leah has her manual licence but Jaime is still getting there. Leah gives a mini lesson on switching gears. Jaime cracks a few jokes, which Leah finds funny.

6:45pm – Claire and Chrissie are making the prediction of a clash between Carlo and Ben in the other house about the BBQ. They both explain they are the dominant males and they will either get along well or totally clash with each other. Chrissie explains how Ben started all the cooking and eventually let people help out after they confronted him about it.

7:30pm – In the square house Belinda is confiding in Regina about her isolation from the other housemates. Belinda explains she wasn’t too worried about it, but she was very glad to hear another girl would be intruding into the square house. Belinda gets cranky with Vincent a lot of the time because they both have similar personalities. She tells Regina that she’s fine with Vincent, and was fine with Saxon until he started getting along well with Carlo, who won’t talk to her at all. Belinda says “at least I can talk to myself”.

8:47pm – The round house are all singing, with Daniel providing faces and hand actions to go along with the lyrics.

The square house yells out to them to shutup. Saxon thinks the square house is too cool to sing and says that he would feel disturbed if they welcomed him as an intruder with a song.

Meanwhile Claire is not looking so entertained and more uncomfortable with the other housemates as they sing along. Surprisingly Regina and Ben yell out for them to shutup from the square house.

Later, Leah is yelling over the wall to ask how Regina and Ben are. Ben tells Leah to shutup. Leah says “how’s it like being poor you dick?”. She then asks Saxon “guess who I’m sharing a bed with”. When she yells out “Jaime” the boys of the square house cheer out, yelling “Go Jaime”. Leah then yells out goodnight.

9:45pm – Outside Ben and Regina are disgusted at Carlo’s peeing in the bushes. Regina calls Carlo a dirty fuck and tells him to “wash your hands you dirty bugger”. Saxon can’t help asking about their place in the house during nominations. He seems worried and uneasy about being voted against by these new housemates. When reminded of the house’s Jump Rope For Heart task (skipping) by Regina, Saxon exclaims he’s not looking foward to tomorrow.

10:06pm – Pat and Jo are “bonding” in the round house bedroom. Patrick tells Jo he isn’t bothered about anything that has happened in the house in the last few days. He does however, explain that he is bothered by stupidity, war and racism. So far there has been no war or racism in the house, and the only stupidity in the house has been funny. Patrick admits he hates brussel sprouts and prawns, which Jo can’t believe as she loves both. He pretends to go outside to tease Jo. Chrissie can see that he’s just pretending and tells Jo he’s waiting behind the semi-closed door. The camera reveals he is. Patrick then goes back inside the bedroom and has a good laugh with Jo.

10:51pm – Belinda is explaining the beds to Regina in the sqaure house. She says that Claire isn’t in the house now so Carlo might not make so much noise or crack so many lame jokes while the others are trying to sleep. Regina agrees with Belinda about Carlo not talking to her and mentions she noticed it earlier when all the housemates were outside. Belinda says it’s weird but she’s gotten used to it. She explains that in the begining Vincent and her were very close but he freaked her out after a while by following her around everywhere. Eventually he got the hint and joined the blokes group in the house. She says she can’t get them to accept her.

Ben comes into the bedroom. Belinda is glad that there is an all Australian guy in the square house. Ben says he’s going back outside to talk to the ‘other freaks’.

11.42pm – Jaime and Leah are in the double bed. Jaime mentions that his old bed was nothing compared to this one, because his old bed didn’t have a girl in it. Leah isn’t impressed by his comment and asks anyone else if they had heard his lame joke. Claire says she doesn’t know what is worse: being in bed with a gay chick with no clothes on or a guy who has a girlfriend. Leah agrees saying “it’s a lose-lose situation”.

Carlo is farting in the square bedroom. Ben and Regina aren’t impressed. They begin comparing the housemates of the square and round houses, and imagine how any of the other round housemates would have coped if they were intruders. Regina says she couldn’t picture any other round housemate fitting in here.

In the round house Jo welcomes the new housemates as they all go to bed.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 16

We were told that tonight four housemates would swap over to the other Big Brother house, so tonight we had an hour long special. It was introduced by Gretel who recaped what Big Brother had planned. She also addressed the issue that had transpired from the square house on Sunday night. They play some footage of the night:

The square house is in the living room, and Belinda reveals her secret, but the audio is not played. Instead, the Big Brother narrator states how big the secret is and how the other housemates were very shocked. Saxon, Claire and Carlo are called to the diary room. Saxon doesn’t know how he’ll cope from now on in the house knowing this information. Afterwards Belinda goes to bed and the others talk about it outside.

Gretel states that’s all they’re allowed to show at that timeslot. She also says that the full coversation will be played on Big Brother uncut except in Queensland where legal jurisdiction prevents them from doing so. Anyway, Gretel gets on with what else is happening in the Big Brother houses, as life does actually go on (something we should all recognise). An update of the last 24 hours starts.

5:58am – Square house. Some of the housemates are outside talking about what happened that night. Claire and Vincent eventually go inside to get some sleep. Saxon and Carlo remain outside to talk some more.

In the round house the housemates are starting to talk fitness routines. Jo starts lapping the backyard while Patrick and Daniel provide commentary of her running race. Jo’s imaginary competitors catch up to her for a brief moment before she breaks away from the pack. Later on in the race, Jo does demonstrates the ‘ice skating rule’ by changing direction. Patrick says that due to today’s technology they can still easily track who the leader of the race is.

Ben wants to start doing some fitness routines as he realises he might be in the house for a much longer time than he expected. He promises to do 100 laps of the backyard. Regina taunts him so he responds by poking her with an umbrella. Later, Regina and Ben have an argument about whether King Island is part of Victoria (as Ben thinks) or Tasmania (Regina thinks). Regina asks Big Brother for an atlas or for the answer to the question. BB says he can’t answer it for her. According to the internet King Island is a part of Tasmania.. sorry Ben!

The square house is woken by Big Brother as we cross to Gretel, who directs it back to the round house.

2:48pm – Jo is talking about how she has stretch marks from being overweight. Regina admits she put on a lot of weight after high school. Ben says he was overweight for a time, but isn’t too clear about it. He says it was due to the long hours of his job at a desk. Later Ben goes outside to a have a jog. Jo is lost for words and doesn’t believe he’ll do it.

Later, Big Brother announces the nominees to the Round house. They are Leah and Daniel. Leah doesn’t look surprised and actually cheers. Daniel doesn’t say much. Big Brother also tells them they have a surprise for tomorrow and they are to pack their bags in the morning. Leah gets very excited at the prospect of going to the other house. Ben doesn’t look so happy. Leah jokes about how Big Brother was cheeky when he told them about the surprise. She says “how pumped am I” and “I am so excited”. Ben says he didn’t think that the houses would be mixed.

Gretel finishes up the segment by reading out the round house’s eviction numbers. Ad break. Gretel now crosses to footage of the square house, who are being told who the nominees are.

The nominees from the square house are Carlo and Belinda (not surprisingly). After being told of the surprise Saxon gets really excited. Vincent doesn’t looks so excited. Carlo starts to ponder about the nomination system and comes to the conclusion that it’s the single votes that count (a lack of 1 or 2 stay votes). Some of the housemates go to bed.

Carlo continues to discuss his nomination and possible eviction. Eventually Vincent goes inside. Carlo tells Saxon that he feels like he wants to go. Saxon isn’t very pleased at this idea.

The two houses are communicating as Leah yells over the wall asking the square house if they were asked to pack their bags. Saxon says he might see Leah tomorrow. Later, in the round house Leah is talking about wanting to go over to the other house because she’s younger and looking for a good time. Leah asks Ben if he’ll take care of her, Ben replies saying he’s Leah’s Big Brother. He then says that Leah should sleep with him tonight (non sexually) so he can protect her.

As the square house go to bed they say this might be the last night they sleep in this house. Saxon says he just wants a pool and that’s all that matters. He says it’s unlikely the houses will join, he suspects that it will only be the swapping over of a few housemates. The round house is in bed, and Leah says she doesn’t think they’ll be going anywhere tomorrow, just swapping the housemates bags over.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 15

10:03am – It’s Jo’s birthday today, and Regina is waking Jo up with some breakfast in bed. Chrissie wishes her happy birthday too.

10:57am – Irena is still annoyed about her fight last night with Vincent about all the sex talk coming from the boys. She is annoyed Vincent called her a feminist. Saxon joins the table and Irena fills him in on what happened last night.

12:19pm – Jo is back in bed on her birthday. It’s also mothers day so she won’t see her mum either. ALSO Jo is nominated and could leave tonight. Jo is a little upset but is comforted by Regina and Chrissie.

Carlo has joined in Irena’s argument, infuriating Irena. She tells Carlo off while waving to a helicopter passing over the compound. Carlo feels for the other boys in the house after being “told off” by Irena. Irena is surprised that three men need to be protected from her discussion. Carlo is shaving. Irena explains that Vincent’s objectifying of women which will be relayed by the media can lead to young women to do extreme things to their bodies. Belinda gets annoyed at the same time because Carlo won’t hear her input into the situation. Meanwhile Irena tries to make up the fight by apologising for her half of things, but Carlo won’t accept it – further infuriating Irena.

1:27pm – Jo has been called to the diary room, while the round housemates organise a surprise birthday party. They blow up balloons and have lots of sweets and cola. When Jo emerges the housemates all cheer and Jo is full of smiles. She gives everyone a hug to say thanks. Over the cake they all sing happy birthday.

4:50pm – The square housemates are getting ready for the upcoming eviction. While changing, Carlo slaps Irena’s bum. She says believe it or not women mostly don’t like that. She adds that they don’t not like it, it’s just men don’t realise their own strength. We learn that Irena’s bum is tight and will ricochet anything that hits it.

7:00pm – Leah is bored and wonders what they are supposed to do before the eviction. Regina tells her to just keep waiting (while calling her Lara?). Ben is outside looking up at the sky. Regina joins him and says “bye bye Benny boy”, laughing. Ben is counting down – 56 minutes to go. The two of them can hear the eviction show crowd, and call Jo to come and listen.

Later it’s time to go… Irena. Everyone says goodbye and Belinda asks her to say hi to Richard. Saxon says “fucking hell” and looks upset. Belinda is silent a little shocked. Saxon feels guity over the eviction.

Back in the round house Leah wonders whats going on and asks if they can move. Everyone is a little confused and in suspense. Chrissie says it’s crazy.

Sleeping arrangements are being discussed for the square house. They notice Irena has left her hand fan, so they put it up on the wall as an eviction shrine. Belinda says it looks really good.

8:24pm – Round house. This is Big Brother: there will be no eviction in this house this week. Jo is happy and claps her hands. Leah is silently relieved. Regina keeps saying “that is so good”. Jo comments they are the good house, and Leah was convinced she was leaving. Ben and Jo have a chat – Ben was fully prepared to leave the house, and now its weird not going.

Carlo is comforting Saxon over the eviction. Saxon comments she was never ever fake, and they both agree it was an injustice because now they have no mediator in the house. Saxon predicts him, Carlo and Claire will become a group. Carlo says that if Belinda leaves the rest of the square housemates will slot in nicely. Carlo says Belinda thrives off attention from him and Saxon, so they shouldn’t give her any.

8:48pm – Leah is still amazed she wasn’t evicted – she must have a fan following. Ben says “yeah there must be a lot of (censored) out there”. Leah asks why he has to be so rude but he says she was asking for it. “Why the fuck would I be asking for it I said something nice”. Ben apologises. “Good, fuckhead”. Regina and Chrissie tells Leah you shouldn’t do that. Daniel puts on a mother’s voice: “now kiddies, be nice”.

11:16pm – Claire has gone to bed, and to blow on her harmonica for a bit. Outside Belinda wants to patch things up with the boys. She apologises to Carlo about their earlier tiff. Saxon sprays her with the hose, so Belinda grabs the other hose and they start to have a water fight, resulting in Saxon running inside “she’s attacking, she’s on an attacking front!”. Saxon takes his clothes off and uses a chair as a shield. They both end up soaking wet.

1:31am – Round housemates are in bed, saying goodnight. Regina jokingly says to Ben “God I was hoping I’d never have to wake up to your face again”. Leah says there are times when she wants to throw a pillow at Benjamina’s head because of the snoring. He’s lucky she hasn’t so far because she has high intolerance for that kind of stuff. Before going to sleep Ben says “good to be back”.

2:33am – The square housemates are still up. Belinda will be turning 21 next year and wants Carlo and Tracey (his girlfriend) to be at the party. Carlo gives a reluctant RSVP.

In the bedroom Vincent and Claire are chatting. Claire doesn’t want to go out because she feels worthless around the other square housemates. Vincent says “that’s alright we’re just talking shit… there’s no intellectual content whatsoever”. Claire is finding it hard to converse with Belinda, and Vincent understands – she’s on her own and is a bit intimidated by the guys because there’s a streak of sexual frustration (according to Vincent). Vincent elaborates: she’s getting to know Saxon well but holds back, and she sees some of her boyfriend in Carlo, and so gets frustrated with him.

Back in the living room there is still talk of her party – Belinda jokes about Carlo coming to the party and being the MC.

Claire worries she can’t be polite around Belinda. Vincent says its no big deal – just be yourself.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 14

Jo and Ben are warned about their suspicious behaviour in the diary room. They are not given a strike.

In the square house Carlo, Irena and Saxon are all given a strike. Irena says ‘fine’ and Saxon says BB’s ‘decision is final’. Big Brother asks them if that’s all they’re gonna say. There is a cut in the footage. Irena is suddenly becoming heated with Big Brother about the situation, and the show producers are not saying anything that would resolve the situation. He is clearly provoking her. Irena’s temper flares and she raspberries Big Brother while he talks, the conversation ends with Irena laughing.

Later Irena goes to the toilet to be by herself. She is upset about her confrontation with Big Brother. She then goes to lie in her bed and says there is nowhere in the house to have a tantrum. Carlo and Belinda both comfort her. Irena says she feels lonely in the house.

11:41pm – The round housemates are talking about nominations. Patrick is optimistic and says it’s possible neither Leah or Ben will be evicted, but Ben is positive he’s going to go.

In the square house Belinda is lying in bed looking at photos of her loved ones. Gretel is back and her hair is still being picked at. Perhaps she needs to have her hair prepared for 30 minutes otherwise it looks skanky. She then promises even more surprises (like I haven’t heard that before). Gretel then goes through the new bathroom which is situated between the two bedrooms. Then she goes through the new kitchen which is at the other end of the house. It has a dining room attached with a fireplace.

Gretel is still having her hair done. She then crosses live to the houses where Big Brother announces there are 60 minutes until evictions. Regina says Big Brother sounds cranky.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 13

Big Brother has thrown a party for both houses to congratulate them on their talent task. 5:42pm the round house are discussing the housemates. Leah is saying Chrissie is very nice and not too loud. Later, Chrissie is sitting around in the bedroom, she reveals to Regina that it’s to get away from Leah.

8:29pm, some of the square house mates are bitching about Belinda. Saxon breaks the rules by mentioning who he voted for. It’s obvious he’s had too much to drink and is talking a mile a minute. Vincent and Belinda are confined to outside, not wanting to talk to the other housemates. Carlo warns Irena and Saxon about them breaking the rules but they continue anyway. Carlo and Saxon bitch a little about Vincent and Belinda being antisocial and wanting things their way.

In the round house Ben and Jo are talking in code about nominations. They refer to the ‘black house’, ‘white house’ and grey house. They agree they need to team up to aliminate the ‘grey house’.

10:43pm Leah and Ben are talking about their nominations. Leah is feeling segregated from the rest of the household because she’s just 18. Ben comforts her. Leah says that the rest of the housemates feel threatened by them because Ben is the manipulating leader and Leah is the young ‘wannabe’ leader.

In the square house Vincent and Jaime are outside talking about the group forming in their house. Belinda calls them inside because it’s too cold but they don’t want to budge. Jaime says he can’t place Claire anywhere in the household. Belinda goes back inside and thanks the boys for a great night.

In the bedroom Saxon starts talking about Belinda with her right there. Belinda is mad and swears at him before storming out into the living room. It’s the first time the other housemates have heard her swear. Jaime goes to talk to Belinda who seems upset (close to tears). Saxon comes out to discuss the situation (but not apologise). Belinda and Saxon start arguing about what happened. Carlo joins up with Saxon to tell Belinda that just because they don’t talk to her doesn’t mean they hate her. Carlo says it’s just the way all three of them are. Belinda gets even more upset.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 12

The round house is on fire alert, and everyone is very tired because of fire drills in the early hours of the morning. Leah is edgy because of the lack of sleep, and keeps telling the other housemates to be quiet. Ben can’t sleep, Jo is waving her hands to Chrissie, who reminds the others to pick up their hats in case a fire alarm goes off. Leah says “fuck it” and says she’s going to sleep outside. Chrissie said “no it’s fine” and gets Leah to go back to bed.

Just at that moment the fire alarm goes off. Ben keeps telling the others to not panic or trip as they all run outside in a panic. Afterwards Regina says the task is torture. The round housemates have a late breakfast while Leah and Patrick are still in the bedroom. The others are talking about Leah’s snappy attitude. Chrissie says it’s just like Leah to go with her first emotion because she’s 18. No one wants to go inside in case they disturb Leah who is getting some sleep. Afterwards Leah comes outside and says sorry if she annoyed anyone.

10:29am – Square house – Saxon is having a cold shower in his speedos. Belinda is amused at the sight. Saxon gets out of the shower shivering. Belinda talks to Saxon and Vincent about her confrontation with Carlo the night before. Vincent doesn’t seem to care.

12:36pm. Daniel is talking about the current talent show task in a german accent. Jo says the voice sounds kind of gay, but Daniel thinks a talent quest is meant to be gay. The round house is finding it hard to organise something to present. Meanwhile, the square house are finding things much easier. Irena says farting and burping is a must for the show. She throws around the idea of “we’ve got so much gas we can fly”. Saxon rhymes rhymes with the other housemates saying “we’re a bunch full of lust”.

4:10pm – The round house is getting touchy about their groceries. Leah doesn’t think the lettuce should be left out otherwise it might go off. Ben dismisses her. Leah says maybe she should just keep her mouth shut. Ben attacks Leah by critising her comeback. They end their bickering on a heated note.

6:06pm – The square house is having a dress rehersal for their talent task. Carlo, Jaime and Saxon are dressed in bikinis and are stripping using towels. They are interupted by Big Brother to announce the results of the fire drill task. Big Brother says only one house won the task, and it wasn’t them. As a result their shopping allowance will be a lot less. According to my calculations, their shopping amount will be $26.25 for the week (that is assuming Irena is evicted). Big Brother wishes them good luck for the talent task. Carlo bends down to pick up something from the ground and something must have poked out of his g-string because a blur was put over his crotch. Vincent looks real pissed off.

In the round house Big Brother tells them they won the task. Everyone is really excited, except Ben.. but he eventually cracks a smile.

8:40pm – The square house is performing their talent show. It involves singing lymerics about each of the housemates. Each housemate steps foward and sings about themself. Vincent doesn’t look like he’s having fun and does a half-assed job about it. He’s the only one not dressed up. Irena goes full bore with it and puts in a lot of effort.

9:07pm – The Round House are doing their talent show. They are singing about their nicknames. Patrick is on the guitar, and misnames Leah (on purpose). Chrissie says she’s sometimes called ‘cripsy’ and a name she agreed not to mention. Ben is sometimes called Karl Kennedy from Neighbours. Regina is last up, saying “I’m just Reggie”. They end it off with a fake fire drill and run out of the room, thanking Big Brother.

Later, Jo is pondering over her boyfriend. She explains that during isolation she found it really hard to sit around with her boyfriend and talk. Usually they are with friends or out somewhere but alone with each other she was bored. She admits she got anxious about going into the house becuase she couldn’t even last a few nights alone with her boyfriend.

10:16pm – Leah is trying on outfits for her possible eviction. She doesn’t want her ass to be showing much because she thinks it’s too big. She says she better get evicted so she can walk out on stage, instead of getting dressed up for nothing. Jo is stroking Patrick’s head in bed again (the head on his shoulders).

12:14am – Bedtime in the square house. Everyone is saying goodnight. Carlo says goodnight to ‘scary Sax’.

Also on Behind Big Brother