Day 22

9:32am: Housemates are going through their dance moves. They all seem to be struggling to get a grasp of the routines. Brigitte does seem very good at it, but Travis has no idea. David is excited that he gets to slap Terri on the bottom. Nathan and Renee are going through the waltz. Nathan picks her up and lifts her close to the ceiling in the bathroom, and Renee screams a bit.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Terri says to Ben she was astounded she wasn’t evicted last night. She says if she was in the bottom three she knows she’ll be evicted immediately. Ben doesn’t disagree. Nathan says he’s going to treat Renee like a princess all week so she can get in the zone. Nobbi is wondering how to do the routine and not look like an idiot. Bianca give him some ideas. Renee wonders where too look doing the dance, and Nathan tells her they have to look into each others eyes. She doesn’t seem that excited about it. They continue to practice as Nobbi laughs at them, but Big Brother turns the hot water on and Nathan decides to have a shower.

3:26pm: Renee and Nobbi are chatting outside. She tells Nobbi that she told Nathan that they would strictly be friends inside the house. Nobbi says that was a silly thing to say, and then shows Brigitte how Renee acts around Nathan, laughing like a little schoolgirl.

Dixie comes to the diary room to ask for smaller gloves to do the housemates laundry. Big Brother says that the current gloves will have to do for now. She says she is stoked to be given the role of washing all the laundry and thanks Rebecca. Meanwhile, Nobbi sings a song to Brigitte telling her she is so beautiful, with fake breasts.

Later, Nathan and Renee are practicing again. They seem to be laughing more than getting the routine right though. The guys are making fun of Renee and Nathan and Renee tells them to shut up.

5:11pm: Travis, Dixie and Bianca are talking about Brigitte in the bedroom. Travis says that she came into the house to challenge the stereotype of blondes being bimbos. Travis says that she has challenged it in certain ways, but the girls aren’t so sure. Dixie says she can do it, but she needs to give it more of a go. Cut to a shot of Brigitte sitting by herself on the grass.

Later, Dixie is talking to Rory while she does the laundry. Rory says the guys didn’t realise the huge divide between the girls. Dixie says that she never realised how much Rebecca disliked her and would love to see what was said about her in the outside world.

Nathan and Renee are still practicing. Nathan says he doesn’t think he’s met a girl as tough as her. She says she isn’t tough. Renee says she wants to borrow Dixie for a minute to practice because she has to touch Nathan’s face and she says she feels funny doing that. Dixie says she should just plant one on him and say, “Right, got it out of my system now.”

Bianca and Rory are talking about picking up at clubs. Rory says he picks her girl and basically goes over to them. Bianca says she has never picked up at a club. Bianca is unsure whether to look away after initial eye contact or sustain eye contact for a bit, or stare!

7:39pm: Nathan and Renee are talking about previous relationships in the kitchen. Renee says she doesn’t want to know about his previous girlfriends, but Nathan wants to know why. Nathan wonders if Renee hates hearing the word cute about herself. She says she wouldn’t use it to describe herself.

Dixie is giving David a haircut, with about 3 people looking on. Terri tries to give advice but David says she can’t because of her awful fringe. Later, Ben gets a haircut and thinks he is losing a bit of his hairline.

Nathan goes outside and then the guys tell Renee they should just kiss (meaning Nathan and herself). Nathan goes to sleep in the kombi and he hopes the guys don’t gang up on Renee in the bedroom and tease her. Renee doesn’t answer any of the boys questions and simply says goodnight.

Nathan says that Renee gets goose bumps when she talks to him. He doesn’t know if it’s creepy or ‘cute’. Nathan says he likes her, but he doesn’t want to lead her on because he’s not ‘into’ her. Nobbi says that perhaps he has been flirting with her a bit, and says it’s something for him to look out for.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 21 Eviction

The hosts come onto the stage welcoming us to the second eviction. They go through a detailed recap of the week before revealing that Travis’s mum will join them on the stage to discuss Travis’s sexuality. Maria comes out onto the stage.

She says that Kyle is being a bit disrespectful to herself as a mother and also to the gay community. Kyle doesn’t understand why it would affect the gay community. Maria says that her son is flamboyant. Kyle says he’s never had sex and doesn’t like kissing girls. Maria says that Travis is naive when it comes to sex and topics such as that. Maria says that Travis is not gay and people should just let the boy live his life however he chooses.

Jackie then says that Terri was upset about Kyle’s comment regarding her fringe last week. They cut to a package and then cut to the house to talk to the housemates. Jackie says she loves her Terri’s fringe this week.

They talk to Travis and say he has shingles on his back. They say he is using cream to get rid of it. They cut away, and then cut back to the house almost immediately. Big Brother welcomes them back to the eviction room. He tells them the time has come to reveal the 3 housemates with the lowest number of votes. The three housemates are: Ben, Rory & Travis.

It’s time for the twist to take place so we head back down to the eviction room. Rebecca, the winner of Friday night games, decides to save Travis because they are close and have become very good friends. Kyle tells us that Rebecca will fall down into the bottom three and may be evicted tonight now. Big Brother tells them the news.

It’s time for the voting to begin. Big Brother explains that Rebecca’s votes will be doubled – even nominees nominate. David is called to the diary room. He gives two points to Ben because he hasn’t got to know him saying Ben is too quiet and reserved. He chooses Rebecca for 1 vote because she spends too long in bed and he doesn’t see her around the house all that much. David walks back into the eviction room instead of going to the living room, but eventually gets there.

Brigitte is next to vote, and she gives two points to Ben because he is not very nice to her. For one point she chooses Rory because he can be disrespectful to the girls sometimes. Back with the hosts, who both hope that Ben gets kicked tonight. Terri is voting next and gives two points to Ben because he gets hurt quite easily and doesn’t mix with the boys as well as others. Terri gives one point to Rebecca because she thinks she is fake. Nobbi is up next and gives two points two Rebecca because all she talks about is her boyfriend. For one point he evicts Ben because Rory is his best mate.

It’s time for Bianca who gives Rebecca two points because she doesn’t want to be here as much as the others. She gives one point to Ben because she likes Rory more. Alice is up next and she gives two points to Rebecca and one point for Rory both for tactical reasons.

After these two vote, it’s time for Corey to come back onstage at the auditorium. Lots of cheers, a few boo’s. Corey says he thinks he has changed a few opinions and he’s happy with that. He says he misses them all except Terri. He says that Renee and Nobbi we’re both great and he hopes one of them will win.

Dixie is voting, and gives two points to Rebecca because she would rather not live with her, and gives one point to Ben because he snores all night. Nathan is up next and gives two points to Rebecca because he thinks she isn’t being herself in the house. He gives one point to Ben because he likes Rory better.

Renee is up next and gives two points to Rebecca because she doesn’t mingle with the group as much as everyone else. She gives one point to Ben because she likes Rory better.

Travis still has to vote and gives two points to Rory because he dislikes Rory the most. He gives one point to Ben because he ignores some of his statements. Big Brother has a different setup this week, telling the three nominees to go to the living room. Kyle and Jackie will do the honours this week. Kyle tells Rory he can sit back down because he is safe. We’ll fine out who gets evicted after a break.

Finally we’re back and Jackie has the envelope. “The next housemate evicted for 2008 is Rebecca.” Rebecca says not to be upset and she is fine, quick hugs all around. She says that her boyfriend better be there! She says it was nice to meet them all. Once she is gone, Brigitte says damnit. Obviously the show is pre-recorded because she comes straight onto the eviction stage. She says she is ok and was ready to go. She says she had a great time though. Rebecca says she loves her own space and that was doing her head in. We get to see who the boys and Rebecca voted; both boys giving Rebecca two votes and each other the one, while Rebecca gave herself four points because she says she is ready to leave and gives two points to Ben. The hosts can’t believe it. Rebecca had 22 points, Ben had 15 and Rory got only 5.

Rebecca confirms that she wants to do some modeling for the men’s magazines now she is out. Rebecca says she would be happy never to talk to Bianca ever again. She says she loved Brigitte. Jackie gives Rebecca some prizes, which includes a holiday, a phone and a broadband kit.

The hosts cross back to the house. Brigitte says she isn’t crying but she has watery eyes. Rory says he is glad to still be there, and Terri is stoked to be still there for another week. They cut to all the saving numbers once again, then it’s goodnight!

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 21

8:47pm: The eviction has just finished. Brigitte is lying on the couch not saying anything. Terri is glad she can take part in another Friday night games. Travis tells Nobbi that he’s not that upset because she isn’t dead and they will catch up soon. Nobbi says he thinks she was ready to go.

Dixie and Bianca both wonder how Brigitte will be this week ‘by herself.’ Bianca says that she thinks she will crumble. Dixie says she won’t comfort Brigitte. Bianca says there is justice in the world because the hottest chick in the house got voted out in the second week. Brigitte says she hopes she gets evicted next week. The guys tell her that she can hang with the boys anytime she wants. Brigitte says she doesn’t really like any of the girls. Ben dances in the backyard with Travis after surviving a close eviction.

David tries to tell Dixie that Rebecca liked her and she was a bit sad the past few days because she missed her family and her boyfriend. Dixie says she can’t remember why she isn’t talking to Brigitte.

10:32pm: Housemates are called to the living room, except Nobbi. He says he didn’t hear it and comes in, before going back outside. They all sit down as Nobbi gets set in the doorway. Rebecca says she is ok and no one should be upset at her leaving the house. She tells the house that someone else needs to be head of household and she gives this honour to Alice because she needs a break. Rebecca tells the house that they need to be careful when talking to people in the house because they aren’t always the person’s friends and might backstab and tell this information to someone else.

Rebecca says that she loves Brigitte then tells Dixie she liked her at the start, but she found in the end that she was fake because she broke her trust. She says she is very much a like someone one minute, then turn off them very quickly. Rebecca says she admires Terri for being in the house. She says she didn’t like Bianca at all – she simply had to tolerate her. She calls her “a total cow.” She says she loves Alice and will miss the midnight chats. She says Nobbi is funny and he brings a lot of laughs to the house. She tells the house that she has a grenade to throw now – which involves washing people’s clothes indefinitely for everyone. She narrows it down to Dixie and Bianca and then makes Dixie the laundry lady. Brigitte says that that grenade was useless and she would much rather have received that one. Bianca is so shocked at Rebecca’s comments; she says she had no idea. None of the other housemates knew about this either. Bianca says that Rebecca should’ve told her to her face, rather than use the message to say it. She goes to lie down on the bed.

10:48pm: Dixie and Bianca are still discussing the eviction, laughing at themselves acting like the ‘fake’ Rebecca. Bianca is unsure whether Rebecca hated her in the house, or whether she changed her mind after seeing some footage. Bianca says that she acted like an angel to her in the house.

Alice comes to the diary room. Alice gave Rebecca two points for eviction, and she starts crying. She tells Big Brother that Friday night made her think that perhaps Brigitte and Rebecca might be causing the segregation between the girls. Alice says that her time with Rebecca in the house was cut short, but she then explains how she thinks it needed to happen. In the bedroom, Bianca is still trying to figure out if anyone knew Rebecca hated her? She says she wants a boxing bag, but Ben says the proper thing to do is to grab your shoe and hit it into the plasma. Rory says that fake breasts don’t make a girl fake. Terri comes in and says she hopes she gets into Zoo. Ben says he would become the biggest subscriber if Terri were in it. Dixie comes to the diary room saying that she isn’t bitter about the hand grenade, but she says she is still in the house and Rebecca is not, and that the bottom line. Dixie hopes that Rebecca’s lingerie and modeling career goes along great – “no sarcasm intended.”

11:40pm: Brigitte and Travis are talking on the couch. Travis asks Brigitte to try to have a good time in the week ahead. Brigitte says she’ll try to get evicted. Meanwhile, Alice, Terri and Renee are in the kitchen. The girls say that they have tried to interact with Brigitte but if she doesn’t give anything back there is no point. Renee wonders why Terri has a soft spot for Brigitte and says “Because she’s dumb?” Travis asks Brigitte if

Nobbi and Ben wonder how Brigitte isn’t in the bottom four. Nobbi says her dummy spits must be entertaining for the viewers. Ben says that if Brigitte was mature enough to make small talk, but both knew they didn’t really like each other, he would respect that. Nobbi says that Brigitte will be a bit lonely now that her friend has gone. Ben says that Travis will take care of her to a degree.

Brigitte comes to the diary room. She starts crying. She says she wants to get evicted next week and she doesn’t want to stay. She says she was happy because she had made a friend, and now that person has left. Brigitte says that there is nobody in the house now that she will be friends with on the outside. She says that she had another friend in Dixie but she has realised Dixie doesn’t like her. She says she doesn’t want to mend her friendship with Dixie. She leaves the diary room and goes to bed. Dixie watches on.

2:04am: Renee and Nathan are talking on the couch with Bianca. Renee says that she might not like Nathan in a week or two. Nathan says that Renee doesn’t use the L word in the house and uses “like” instead.

Big Brother suggests it’s time for bed. Nathan says “Thanks Dad.” Nathan and Renee finish their conversation alone in the kitchen, with Nathan saying that he wants to make it clear that nothing is really going to happen in the house between the two. He says he would rather become good friends and then maybe start something up afterwards. He says that perhaps sleeping next to each other should be discouraged. Renee doesn’t understand why, but they sort it out and eventually Nathan gives her a ‘hug’ and Renee also offers her affection by slapping his face!

Bianca and Dixie start telling each other all the stuff they have called each other behind their back over the past few weeks. They say they will become good friends over the coming weeks.

8:00am: Big Brother wakes everyone with an alarm. He tells all the housemates to go to the living room, and Nobbi to the glass doors. He tells the housemates to watch the plasma screen.

Adam Williams wonders, “So you think you can dance?” He tells them the details of this week’s task, which includes practicing daily, and then a final performance. He tells the housemates that haven’t danced before that it’s ok. Housemates will be paired up.

8:23am: Nathan and Renee are the first to be paired together much to everyone’s delight. They must dance the waltz. Renee can’t believe it. Ben and Bianca have the tango, Brigitte and Travis have the disco tune, Terri and David have the German slap music and Alice and Dixie have hip-hop music. Rory and Nobbi are then called to the kombi van. Big Brother tells them they are a boy band, with soapy music. They laugh their heads off. Big Brother tells the housemates they are playing for a heap of gourmet food and alcohol.

Big Brother tells the house that they must now practice for one hour. Each group is given a small media player to view the instructional video. Rory tells Nobbi that David isn’t happy being paired with Terri. Brigitte and Travis seem to be getting the hang of it, but Brigitte says, “How can you not get this?” Nathan seems to be having a good time, saying, “You’ll look like a princess.”

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 20

1:22pm: Dixie is talking to Alice, Dixie saying she can’t believe how things went down last night. She tells Alice about how Brigitte and Rebecca told Bianca that Dixie hated her. She tells Alice of the chat that Dixie had with Bianca last night.

Rebecca comes to the diary room. She says that she is seeing some true colours come out. She hates the jealously between the girls over her picking Brigitte going into the strategy room. Bianca says to Rory that she hates girls because all they do is bitch about each other.

Meanwhile, David and Nathan are talking about David’s past. David was saying he was meant to be in his room the whole time, but his parents let him come out and have dinner with them. He says that after he left, he was speaking to his dad and told him that he had had sex with his girlfriend (at age 20). David says that they would have held a meeting that night and expelled David from the church, saying they could no longer ‘walk with the brother,’ He says that since then they have relaxed the rules a little bit and they still try to get him back into the church whenever he speaks to his parents, which would mean he would have to serve a couple of months solitary confinement before they grilled him to find out everything he had done in the outside world. Nathan says he is dumbfounded that anyone could get that out of a bible.

6:46pm: Nobbi whispers to Brigitte someone that she thinks Rory likes Rebecca. She goes and tells Rebecca and she says she just knew it. She says she isn’t interested in the slightest and trying to keep the distance. She says he’s a nice guy, but not in that way.

7:01pm: Brigitte wants her face wash from her belongings. Big Brother tells her that it was hers, but it’s now Big Brothers. Big Brother says that he think about exchanging a chore for her face wash if she leaves the diary room. Brigitte wonders when this exchange will occur, and Big Brother says “indefinitely.” Brigitte lies back down on the chair. Ages later, she is still in the diary room.

Dixie and Rebecca are talking in the bedroom. Dixie says that she thinks that Brigitte is a bit of a brat. Rebecca says that there is always going to be a bit of conflict in the house. A little later, Bianca and Dixie complain about Rebecca about her back saying she uses her looks to get the guys on her side. Bianca says she isn’t jealous because she isn’t that cute and she can’t sing!

Bianca says that Rebecca’s ambition is to be an underwear model. She says “I thought people would aim higher.”

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 19

11:54am: Terri, Travis, Nathan and Alice are sitting outside. Travis says that Terri is in the house to show the world that 54 year olds can mingle with young kids. Terri agrees, saying that the world doesn’t need to revolve around the young kids. Nathan disagrees saying that they should invest in the younger generation, and while Terri agrees with this she starts telling a story about a recent visit to hospital, saying that 3 younger people got looked at before her simply because she was older. She goes into specifics about an operation, and says that Alice would know about it. Nathan says that Alice wouldn’t know about it. Terri tells Nathan to stop shutting her down, then puts her sunglasses on and walks away.

A little later on the couch, Terri says that every time she speaks she seems to get ridden down by anyone, not necessarily Nathan. She has a little cry and Nathan says he wasn’t trying to attack her at all. Terri says that David shuts her down all the time too.

12:43pm: David asks Alice if Terri has a grudge against him. Alice says she used David as an example. David says that he’ll clear the air with her tonight, but she shouldn’t be going around telling individual people as David thinks it’s looking like she’s trying to form an alliance.

Later, David talks to Terri and tries to sort it out. Terri says that both David and Nathan try to shut her down. David says that Terri comes across as a negative person. They don’t seem to sort out too much, but they finish their conversation.

David goes to talk to Nathan, Nobbi and Dixie in the bathroom (Nobbi is inside for some reason.) David says that Nathan and himself shut her down, according to Terri. Nathan starts re-telling the original argument outside, but picks a bad time to say it, as Terri walks in to go to the toilet at that exact time.

9:31pm: After Friday night games, Rebecca and Brigitte get to go into the strategy room. Rebecca tells Brigitte that the bottom three at the moment are herself, Bianca, Alice and herself. Rebecca wonders whether to save herself. Brigitte says she want her to save herself. Rebecca says she wants to stay now.

Out on the couch, Ben says that Brigitte really hates her. He says “I might have an annoying personality, but at least I have one!” Brigitte in the strategy room admits that she would only bring Travis and Rebecca into the strategy room because they are her only friends. Rebecca says that Bianca isn’t that interesting. Brigitte says she annoys her, but she doesn’t hate her or anything. Bianca watches on, the only person watching the vision with no sound. Rebecca is a bit sad there is no party setup.

Nathan and Renee are in the diary room getting props and party items for Rebecca’s birthday party. The housemates setup the backyard and get changed into Hawaiian themes. Rebecca and Brigitte are told to leave the room and Rebecca is amazed. She loves everyone! “I love you, Big Brother.”

10:51pm: Rebecca is thanking everyone for the party. Brigitte and Rebecca decide to steal four bears for later. Alice thinks they have hidden wine as well. The guys go and steal them from their hiding spot. A little later the girls find that the beer is gone and t hey wonder where it is. Nobbi tells them that it’s a bit petty to steal beer. Dixie also decides to have a go at the two girls, saying that Brigitte chucked a wobbly with her shoes and the plasma earlier this week.

Bianca comes over and bitches about Dixie with Brigitte and Rebecca. Dixie goes to the bathroom and says to Alice that she can’t put up with Brigitte anymore. Alice says that Rebecca has surprised her tonight. Meanwhile, Rebecca and Brigitte continue bitching about Dixie, but Rebecca comes out to Alice to wonder why she is upset. Alice says that she can’t understand Brigitte, but she loves Rebecca on her own and will continue to talk to her. Alice says that perhaps she thought she would’ve been invited in to the strategy room, but that was not too be; Rebecca says she thought that might have happened.

Nathan and Renee are chatting. Nathan says that he hopes Renee will talk to her once this is all over, because he thinks she will win. Nathan says that he likes her because she is genuine. Bianca tries to find out from Terri if Dixie constantly bitches about her. Terri says that they have had a few little issues.

Later, Nathan plays with a tiny guitar, “Happy Birthday” to Rebecca. She loves it, as Brigitte watches on.

1:17am: All the housemates are in the spa except Bianca. They are playing truth or dare. Alice is dared to kiss the nearest boy, and Ben and Alice give us the first kiss for the season. Dixie takes a truth and tells everyone that she doesn’t like Brigitte. Ben says he seconds that. Travis kisses Dixie, but it’s just a peck. Terri sits on Rory’s knee as a dare, before Brigitte has to grab some cake, starts singing Happy Birthday before putting the cake all over her face and body.

2:12am: Dixie comes to the diary room. She says she likes Brigitte but she annoys the shit out of her. Dixie says she is destined for great things, but she is the most annoying member of the house. Outside in the kitchen, Rebecca wonders if Dixie will apologise in the morning. Brigitte says she won’t accept the apology.

Dixie confronts Bianca about her bad mood with her. Bianca says that the girls have told her that Dixie constantly is mean about her. Dixie says she says a few things that she instantly wishes she could take back, but sometimes it just comes out. She says that she wouldn’t be talking to Bianca if she disliked her. Dixie says it’s going to be on tomorrow.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 18

7:23pm: It’s Rebecca’s 23rd birthday, so Big Brother plays crowd music into the house to get them into the mood for the cricket task. He tells housemates that the first over will be bowled in five minutes, and lastly, wishes Rebecca a happy birthday.

Alice is making breakfast for Rebecca. Rebecca realises this and tells Rory that it’s very cute. Bianca tells Travis that she originally planned to get Rebecca breakfast in bed, and she’s a little bit upset that Alice has stolen the limelight. A few of the housemates come with Alice to present her breakfast in bed, and sing Happy Birthday as well.

11:31am: Big Brother calls Corey to the diary room, and tells all other housemates they must go to the living area. Big Brother tells Corey that he has just left the Big Brother house for the last time, but he gives Corey one last chance to add $100,000 to the prize money pool.

Big Brother will ask Nobbi and Corey a series of questions; if they both answer the same they will win $10,000 for each question. They both answer Terri as the most boring housemate, winning $10,000. Corey thinks that Nathan is playing the game, while Nobbi thinks that Nathan is also making another match. They both say that Brigitte is the richest, and then both vote Terri to be evicted next. Corey thinks Nobbi is the funniest, and Nobbi says himself as well, and they both pick Rebecca as the prettiest housemate. The final question is “Who do you think will win Big Brother”, and Corey answers Nobbi, while Nobbi thinks Renee will win. Overall, they have won $60,000 for the prize pool.

Corey says he’s had a great ten days, he hopes to catch up with them all on the outside and at the wrap up party, and he wishes them all the best. With that, he is whisked away. Renee looks distressed as she sits on the couch.

1:36pm: Bianca, Dixie and Alice are in the kitchen. Bianca suggests adding another ingredient. Renee comes to the diary room. She starts crying a little bit, but says she is not crying! She says she doesn’t know why she is upset. She says she liked Corey, but no one else seems to be upset at all. She says if she had gotten to say goodbye she would have been fine. She says not to show Corey this, or anyone in Australia for that matter.

Outside, Nobbi and Brigitte are fielding but decide to lie down on the pitch. A little later, Nobbi gets Terri to fire up at Brigitte and get her motivated. All that comes of it though is Brigitte laughing.

Later, Nathan wonders if Renee has been crying in the diary room. She fills him in a little bit. Nobbi and Dixie start imitating the conversation, saying that they are going to get married a week after they get out and generally making fun of them. Nathan saying he is trying to treat her bad shoulder. Renee soon realises that everyone is watching them, so Nathan tells them to concentrate on the whole in the wall for the cricket ball, then tries to kick the Sherrin football straight into Nobbi, but fails.

7:01pm: Bianca bitches to Travis about the girls. She says that Rebecca doesn’t deserve to get sung too tonight on her birthday. She goes onto say that the group of girls are very bitchy, and they are bitchy to other girls, not necessarily the guys. She says she is talking specifically about Dixie, Rebecca and Alice. She says ‘they have their own bitchy circle’ going on.

Bianca says that she was missing Alice when she was in Bali, but since she has returned she is too in charge of everything and ‘over the top.’

Renee tells Nathan she told two people in her life that she was in love, and they’ve both crushed her heart. Nobbi says he was over with Nathan and Renee before, but he had to leave to give them alone time. David and Nobbi both think their relationship could blossom. Nobbi thinks it’s very cute, although he thinks they are an odd couple. Nobbi says that Renee needs a boyfriend like him, because she has been knocked around by losers before and they all think Nathan would never do that.

Also on Behind Big Brother