Day 12

The round house is on fire alert, and everyone is very tired because of fire drills in the early hours of the morning. Leah is edgy because of the lack of sleep, and keeps telling the other housemates to be quiet. Ben can’t sleep, Jo is waving her hands to Chrissie, who reminds the others to pick up their hats in case a fire alarm goes off. Leah says “fuck it” and says she’s going to sleep outside. Chrissie said “no it’s fine” and gets Leah to go back to bed.

Just at that moment the fire alarm goes off. Ben keeps telling the others to not panic or trip as they all run outside in a panic. Afterwards Regina says the task is torture. The round housemates have a late breakfast while Leah and Patrick are still in the bedroom. The others are talking about Leah’s snappy attitude. Chrissie says it’s just like Leah to go with her first emotion because she’s 18. No one wants to go inside in case they disturb Leah who is getting some sleep. Afterwards Leah comes outside and says sorry if she annoyed anyone.

10:29am – Square house – Saxon is having a cold shower in his speedos. Belinda is amused at the sight. Saxon gets out of the shower shivering. Belinda talks to Saxon and Vincent about her confrontation with Carlo the night before. Vincent doesn’t seem to care.

12:36pm. Daniel is talking about the current talent show task in a german accent. Jo says the voice sounds kind of gay, but Daniel thinks a talent quest is meant to be gay. The round house is finding it hard to organise something to present. Meanwhile, the square house are finding things much easier. Irena says farting and burping is a must for the show. She throws around the idea of “we’ve got so much gas we can fly”. Saxon rhymes rhymes with the other housemates saying “we’re a bunch full of lust”.

4:10pm – The round house is getting touchy about their groceries. Leah doesn’t think the lettuce should be left out otherwise it might go off. Ben dismisses her. Leah says maybe she should just keep her mouth shut. Ben attacks Leah by critising her comeback. They end their bickering on a heated note.

6:06pm – The square house is having a dress rehersal for their talent task. Carlo, Jaime and Saxon are dressed in bikinis and are stripping using towels. They are interupted by Big Brother to announce the results of the fire drill task. Big Brother says only one house won the task, and it wasn’t them. As a result their shopping allowance will be a lot less. According to my calculations, their shopping amount will be $26.25 for the week (that is assuming Irena is evicted). Big Brother wishes them good luck for the talent task. Carlo bends down to pick up something from the ground and something must have poked out of his g-string because a blur was put over his crotch. Vincent looks real pissed off.

In the round house Big Brother tells them they won the task. Everyone is really excited, except Ben.. but he eventually cracks a smile.

8:40pm – The square house is performing their talent show. It involves singing lymerics about each of the housemates. Each housemate steps foward and sings about themself. Vincent doesn’t look like he’s having fun and does a half-assed job about it. He’s the only one not dressed up. Irena goes full bore with it and puts in a lot of effort.

9:07pm – The Round House are doing their talent show. They are singing about their nicknames. Patrick is on the guitar, and misnames Leah (on purpose). Chrissie says she’s sometimes called ‘cripsy’ and a name she agreed not to mention. Ben is sometimes called Karl Kennedy from Neighbours. Regina is last up, saying “I’m just Reggie”. They end it off with a fake fire drill and run out of the room, thanking Big Brother.

Later, Jo is pondering over her boyfriend. She explains that during isolation she found it really hard to sit around with her boyfriend and talk. Usually they are with friends or out somewhere but alone with each other she was bored. She admits she got anxious about going into the house becuase she couldn’t even last a few nights alone with her boyfriend.

10:16pm – Leah is trying on outfits for her possible eviction. She doesn’t want her ass to be showing much because she thinks it’s too big. She says she better get evicted so she can walk out on stage, instead of getting dressed up for nothing. Jo is stroking Patrick’s head in bed again (the head on his shoulders).

12:14am – Bedtime in the square house. Everyone is saying goodnight. Carlo says goodnight to ‘scary Sax’.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 11 Uplate

A good evening to everyone, or even an early morning. Whichever you prefer. I was at work till after midnight, so I missed the commencement of Up Late, but will fill you in on what I’ve seen tonight.

It started like every other night, all the round house was in bed. They were chatting away about there fire task, and that if BB kept asking them to do it (in other words setting off the alarm) there would soon be no one left because of injuries.

I can see that Chrissie has something wrong with one of her foots, and apparently someone else is injured, perhaps Leah, although I’m not entirely sure.

Patrick is doing Big Brotherimpersonations, saying “This is Big Brother, Do not worry about the fire out the back, the fire brigade will come and save you. We cannot risk anymore injuries.” It’s all funny stuff in this room, although Reggie seems to be very much asleep.

Daniel puts on a half british accent, and starts talking absolute rubbish, but it gets some laughs out of the other housemates.

Leah then lets the house know how she feels saying “Can we all just get some sleep please. With this task, and not knowing when we’re going to be called up for action, I’d like some sleep.” Fair enough point considering too, and so the house has calmed down and are now trying to drift too sleep.

However, Ben is now more ‘wired’ than he has been previously in the house, and isn’t ready for sleep. When they hear a noise coming from outside, Ben jumps up to have a look, but can’t see anything out of the ordinary. He slowly returns to his bed, which co-incedentally has the only light on, in the room. They have decided to keep one on so they can see what they’re doing when the alarm for the drill goes off.

Finally, we cross over to the square house. Well, it’s fun times over here, with everyone asleep. This is going to be a very interesting next 45 minutes or so, which is how long the show is on for still. It’s quickly pulled back to the round house, because it’s more exciting, because they have a light on!

While Joanne uses Ben’s light to get some more reading in, everyone else has seemed to nod off to dreamland. I wonder whether we’ll see one more fire drill before Channel 10 pulls up stumps.

Just after 1:20am they are woken by the alarm, and run outside to complete the task. And of course, I was watching the daily show in this time (Recorded), and missed it. I see them when they return to the bedroom, Patrick saying ‘that was the hardest.’ Instantly, most believe they failed that drill. It looks as if at least Chrissie was excused from the drill alsol. Leah is also worried that she stepped onto the platform while someone else was still going down the fireman slide. She seems to think that is an instant fail, but Ben says ‘nah, that didn’t happen.’

Regina & Leah then go about sorting out their sheets, as they both share the double bed. Ben then decides to check the rulebook, paranoid by Leah’s comment. Joanne grabs the rules, and after reading, says ‘we failed.’ She then proceeds to read the rules, and while they are not all convinced, they do believe that they might well have failed the task totally already, and not just one strike (allowed two from what I can tell.) And suddenly, Ch10 go to a break, which at least advertises BB Uncut, Thursday 9:30pm :)

When we are returned to the round bedroom, all is quiet as everyone settles themselves back to sleep. Not even a whisper from anyone for the rest of the program. At 1:47am AET Big Brother puts us out of our misery and wishes us a good night :)

Keep looking for warren,

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 11

8:14am – The square house is woken by a fire drill, as part of their weekly task. They have 80 seconds to get into their protective gear, go down the fire pole set up outside and spray the ‘fire’ with water. The housemates do their paces slowly and look very tired. Saxon lets out a loud yawn as they wait for Big Brother to end the task. Irena says she had a dream she left the house. Eventually Big Brother tells them the task is over.

In the round house Regina and Chrissie are talking over breakfast cooking. Regina talks about her bad temper and how sometimes she angrily swears at her husband without even noticing it. She said sometimes she snaps at him by saying things like “oh fuck you fucking prick”. She feels bad because he would never do that to her.

The square house, 11.23am, Saxon reveals he had a third undescended testicle, but it was removed when he was in Year 12. The procedure could have left him infurtile, but he decided he didn’t want to know if this was the case. He said “if I was infurtile I’d just get my dad to help me out”. With artificial insemination, “it’d be like step brother son”.

4:18pm – Irena is massaging Carlo in the bedroom and begins talking (actually.. whispering) about a mass walkout. She’s still clearly audible. Vincent asks, if she wants to walk out now, then why did she want to join Big Brother in the first place? Irena says she expected Big Brother to be more of a competitive game, rather than a relaxing few weeks lying around. Vincent and Carlo don’t seem to care, but Irena insists it would show the world about Australian mateship.

In the round house Jo and Patrick are lying together in the same bed, awfully close and awfully intimate. Jo is patting Patrick’s head and says “I’ve got the magic touch”. Jo starts brushing his hair and hums along to Patrick’s delight. After a bit of brushing, Jo says “you’ve got the beatles look”.

In the square house some of the housemates are cooking up dinner. Irena keeps talking about a mass walkout again. Carlo doesn’t like the idea one bit, to which Irena calls him a woosie. She says it’s about “taking control of yourself”. Saxon comes to Carlo’s defence by saying it would wreck the entire experience of making new friends in the house. Carlo and Vincent discuss their opposition to the idea more, Irena isn’t happy.

In the bedroom Belinda explains she has a headache – and thinks it’s because she’s so annoyed at how Carlo won’t talk to her. Claire, Irena and Saxon suggest it may be that he’s intimidated by her, or he’s attracted to her. Finally Belinda goes straight outside to Carlo who is still at the BBQ. She asks “how come you don’t talk to me so much?”. Carlo doesn’t really know what to say and but manages that if it’s true then he’s sorry about it. Empty conversation between to two results: “so.. hows life?”, “life is good”. Saxon suggests the two should spend the night in the double bed together.

Round house, 9:15pm. Jo is brushing Patrick’s hair again. Chrissie says it looks like a typical relationship thing to do (brushing hair and all).

9:22pm, Belinda is in the bedroom. Outside Carlo is having a heated discussion about Belinda and her confrontation with him earlier. Irena says “karma goes around”. Saxon suggests that he likes her, but Carlo dismisses it. Instead he says she yells at him too much and always tells him what to do. Vincent says he won’t be a part of this conversation and walks back inside. Jaime leaves.. he has to pee. Carlo tells Saxon that if Saxon leaves before he does, he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to stay.

Carlo gets back to the subject of Belinda, and her “true colours” shining. Irena walks back outside and states that when entering the house Belinda told herself that she would keep all of her feelings inside, and not let them out… so her experience in the house is hard on her. Carlo doesn’t really care and goes onto to say “just because she’s good looking she thinks she can boss people around” (or something to that extent). He also says that Belinda is only nice if she is “dressed up, [and] doesn’t speak”.

Bedtime. 11:04pm. In the round house Jo is worried about how the audience might perceive her brushing Patrick’s hair. Ben doesn’t help her nerves by saying that the audience will more than likely see it as sexual. However, he then reassures her that it’s just her personality to be affectionate to everyone, and it’s better that she’s not suppressing it just for her boyfriend.

In the round house, Irena ends the day by saying “and so ends another day of paradise in the Big Brother house”.

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 10

The show opens with a very energetic (and bouncy) Jo running laps around the Round House’s garden – a very energetic level compared to their neighbours. Irena and Belinda are found talking in the bedroom about “The Game” and how Irena is handling it. She seems still upset about getting a talking to by BB the day before – it’s weird she’s talking to Belinda who was the topic of conversation that got her in trouble in the first place. Irena seems confused about if she wants to stay in the house saying that she knows it’s only been a week in here but it feels like forever. The conversation ends when Carlo enters the room to use the bathroom and the girls do a very poor job of pretending they were talking about something else.

Soon after Irena is out having the same conversation with Saxon who is skilfully bouncing a ball up against the garden wall… the conversation goes around and around and Saxon finally tells her that she needs to do what’s going to make her happy and at the end of the day she needs to forget about the game. Irena tells him that she will speak to BB later in the day.

Sax must be very concerned about Irena as his attention wavered from his ball which has caused him to accidentally hit the golf ball onto the roof – it slides all the way over the other side and lands in the round houses yard with a “what the” from Jo who was sitting under the roof at the time.

Leah immediately jumps up to grab the ball – she is so excited, screaming and jumping around and she then starts up a “conversation” with Vincent about the ball. One wonders if Leah will sleep with ball under her pillow she is so excited.

Back in the square house we see Irena, Carlo and Saxon standing around the BBQ. It seems BB has just given them a new task and Saxon is complaining about the stress that Belinda is oozing in getting everyone to understand the rules. Saxon’s says “She’s a really cool chick but she stresses too much”, he continues “People have to understand that this is a stressful environment” in which Irena quickly snaps back something about him only being here for four days – half the time she’s been in there. Carlo seems to understand and agree with Saxon.

The HM’s new task is to become Firemen – for the next 24 hours a random fire bell will ring and they have one minute and twenty seconds to all dress in their fire gear, run to the garden, one by one slide down the fireman pole and line up to water the imaginary fire. The HM’s decide to bet 75% of their weekly budget on this task. Carlo makes a point of saying that all we need is the basics – none of this luxury stuff.

Before they have time to think DING DING DING. Screams of laughter come from all housemates as they successfully carry out their first task.

Later in the day BB announces the nominations for this week. After Leah’s name is called out she giggles yelling “I knew it, I knew it”. After Ben’s name is called he muses a dull “Hey, Hey, Hey!” almost to himself. Leah can still be heard in the background saying “didn’t I tell you all, didn’t I” she then tells them that she has bets with her friends and family that she will get kicked out the first week. If she wins they have to shout her drinks continually for a week but it’s not clear if she backed herself or not. The conversation around the table is extremely uncomfortable and Ben starts to whistle. No-one seems to be going out of their way to say anything comforting to either nominated housemate.

In the square house the mood (yet again) couldn’t be more different. Moments after the Square HM’s are announced they all leap up for a Carlo suggested communal hug. The initial reactions by Irena was a puppy dog sad face, a nod by Saxon followed by a shocked Saxon when he heard Belinda’s name being read out. Irena announces that she will be the one to go as she is the chubby wog girl and she is up against the blonde surfer boy (Saxon) and a “Bella Ballerina” (Belinda). But her very next sentence is “But I reckon the house dynamics will be fucked without me”.

Back over in the round house Leah is crying in the toilet holding a photo. After washing her eyes she comes back out to join the gang and speaks to Ben. Leah tells Ben that she really wants to leave and Ben says that he’s not at that stage but that the nomination still hurts him. Leah then starts to cry again telling everyone how much she misses her boyfriend. She says something about her chances are pretty high of being evicted and not one person jumps in to say anything – it’s deathly silence.

It’s 12:01 in the square house. DING DING DING. In between all the “oh my gods”, “faster, faster” and “I hate this bit” they manage to successfully complete their task.

The DING’S also manage to wake up the round house with the round housemates almost making it outside faster than their neighbors – but what for? They can’t work out what’s going on over there with Dan yelling out “it’s the third place”, Chrissie saying that she thinks it’s a new group of HM’s arriving and of course Leah yelling out again “do you have a pool?”

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 9

It’s 6:46am and Daniel and Regina have gotten up early due to the cold weather. Both use the opportunity to talk about the other housemates. Daniel explains his speculation of a love triangle in the round house. He says he thinks Leah has a ‘crush’ on him, while he is interested in Jo. When asked about his relationship with Leah, he says “she’s too young” to be taking it to another level. He also explains that Leah knows he has eyes for Jo, and is wondering whether Daniel would be more interested if her if she had bigger boobs (like Jo).

11:25am – Square House – Belinda explains that her and Carlo finally started talking together. Saxon explains that perhaps it’s the fact that Carlo is too imtimidating that the two haven’t spoken before. Belinda stated that once she tried to talk to Carlo and he just walked away, so this time she just wanted to confront him about it.

Later, Irena is asking Saxon why Vincent never wants to talk to her. Saxon says Vincent is like that to almost everyone in the house. Just as they’re talking about him he walks through the door and Irena says for them too all shutup (he doesn’t hear them). Vincent is looking hungover, either that or extremely tired. Irena says that he slept in late and it’s almost lunch time.

12:34pm – The houses are given the task of budgeting food and items for the week. The houses have the budget of $2.50 per person per day, which Carlo is annoyed at. The square house are sorting their shopping in a loud and chaotic way, with everyone talking at once. Carlo says food should come first, Saxon says there should be tea and Irena is worried about toilet paper.

Meanwhile in the round house the housemates are organising their shopping much more calmly, with Chrissie leading the process and Jo recording their list on a whiteboard. Ben and Daniel step back and talk while the rest worry about the list. There is a bit of confusion over the toilet paper: Ben thinks it is a provided item, but they only have 2 rolls left. Before the housemates have a chance to up their toilet roll requirements, Big Brother informs them the list must be returned to the diary room within a minute.

The square house are discussing their soft drinks (or lack thereof) while Big Brother tells them the list must be returned. Afterwards Saxon complains it was hard trying to do the list while everyone was talking at once.

Later in the round house Daniel is giving Leah a massage outside. She says she will return the favour but Daniel is not so sure. She reassures him that she’s ok at massages. Irena is ‘pampering’ Carlo while they discuss who is the most attractive person in their house. Irena says she thinks Claire is, while Carlo says Belinda (standard attraction level, according to him). Irena says personality wise “I’m the best” to which Carlo replies “personality and looks, I’m the masta”.

The aftermath of the nominations. The round house is shocked at Big Brother not revealing who is nominated, but Jo says it’s “better that we don’t know”. Regina says “what a bugger”. Jo assures the group it’s best not to think about it. Leah says “lets just do what we normally do” just before burping.

In the square house the housemates are very annoyed about not being told who’s nominated. Irena asks the others why Big Brother won’t tell them. Ben says he’s not stressed and it’s the “ultimate opportunity” to which the other housemates are baffled. After being asked to explain he says it’s the opportunity to “take a bow and leave”. The other say he shouldn’t leave, especially Jo who clearly states she doesn’t want him to go.

Later while the other housemates are quoting Austin Powers, Ben is called into the diary room. Big Brother wants to know what’s going on in his mind. Ben looks like he is being interrogated, especially due to the bright lights above the diary chair. He says that Jo interpreted his statement wrong, and he was only using it for sympathy tactics. “Don’t believe everything that you hear out of my mouth”.

In the square house Belinda is called into the diary room, but the reason is not shown. The others think it’s about nominations. When she emerges she says it was because of her microphone pack battery. Carlo doesn’t believe a word of it. Afterwards the guys are discussing it outside. Saxon and Carlo think she was being told she was nominated. Vincent tells them to just forget about it.

In the bedroom Claire and Irena are talking about Belinda too, and other possible nominations. They say “we all know who pisses everyone off”. Claire says that next week Belinda will probably be showering nude – meaning that Belinda would have been evicted and would have the privacy to shower naked (up until now she’s covered up).

Claire and Irena are called to the diary room because of their comment. Big Brother says “ladies, your recent converstions are close to collusion”. Claire aruges against Big Brother claims, but he butts back in before Claire can finish explaining herself and says their showering claim may have broken the rules. Claire disagrees but Irena stays static. Big Brother tells them that he will be reviewing the situation and if they are in breach it they will get a strike (three strikes and they are automatically nominated).

It’s bed time. In the round house Leah says she needs to have a cry but assures the rest that it’s her just getting her emotions out. Leah cries while the other housemates try to carry a normal conversation: “really I’m ok”.

In the square house Irena is talking about her run in with Big Brother. She says that it’s probably due to her age that she’s not taking the authority well, and is sick of sharing with six other people.

12:55am – Irena leaves the bedroom, says she’s “going for a walk”. Clearly shook up about her confrontation she sits outside and cries for a bit. Irena says to herself “I don’t think this place is cut out for me” … “can’t do it anymore”. Are you satisfied Big Brother?

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 8

Days 6 and 7 were not covered by the daily show.

8:36am – Saxon has spent the night out on the veranda after suffering sinus problems inside. In the round house Ben has solved the mystery: he thinks there are three houses altogether.

9:21am – Saxon says he had a dream about Belinda: they were in a houseboat and Carlo had been evicted after receiving three warnings. Saxon started bawling his eyes out after Carlo’s dream eviction. Afterwards there were all new housemates and Saxon then woke up. Apparently that is tame for Saxon’s dreams. Belinda is amazed.

10:30am – Jo is showering, and the hot water is turned off every day at 10.30am. BB announces the hot water is now off and the other housemates laugh at her. Jo has found a solution: she will get hot water from the kitchen sink and use a bucket to wash and rinse. Ben joins her and helps her rinse off while Jo jiggles her body under the water. When the bucket empties Ben plonks the bucket on Jo’s head.

Later Leah is only just waking up, and the other round housemates comment that they are missing the baby spice of the house from the breakfast table. They also comment she is the angry spice. Leah emerges and asks if they are having shit for breakfast. Ben says yes because shit is the only constant thing in this house.

The housemates are making clay models of themselves as part of the current task. Leah questions Patrick about his relationships – he has always had long term ones. Chrissie’s longest relationship was seven years. Leah and Patrick are amazed. Chrissie says they broke up 18 months ago and since then she’s never found anyone she’s liked. She adds the relationship wasn’t going anywhere and it wasn’t hard to break it up. Chrissie has never been dumped. Since her long term relationship she’s never had a boyfriend longer than two days. She wonders if she’s too fussy.

12:20pm – Carlo is ready to leave. He doesn’t know how anyone can stay for 3 months. Him and Saxon agree they don’t care about the prize money, but Saxon says he’d like the glory of winning. Carlo thinks it would be better if there was no prize money, and Belinda agrees. Jaime says everyone he knows in the house isn’t there for the money. Belinda says she just loves meeting new people and gets a cocky look from Carlo who then lets out a huge burp.

2:08pm – Irena explains to Claire that when Jaime and Saxon are together you can really see how mature Jaime is. He is like a younger guy she might know, rather than a little boy like Saxon is. Belinda enters the bedroom, and agrees with Irena’s theory.

3:08pm – The round house is still working on their clay models. Chrissie and Daniel sing African chants. Leah says she feels like she’s “scooping out cow shit or something because I just can’t do it”. Regina adds that she once fell in cow shit, in primary school at a camp. They said “don’t walk behind the cows”. The cow stood back and on her foot, she fell over and the cow poo’ed on her. They made her wear her dirty clothes all day. Jo says thats ridiculous – they wouldn’t get away with that today.

5:26pm – Belinda is amazed how well she is doing away from her beloved dogs. Her dogs are her world, she says, and she loves them like she loves nothing else. Jaime has never been away from family and close friends for so long. Belinda thinks he’s doing excellent. He doesn’t have any photos of his girlfriend because she didn’t want him having any. Vincent enters and is asked if he misses anyone – no. Jaime says he’s cruel on the outside but inside beats the heart of a puppy dog.

6:28pm – There is a confrontation in the round house about cooking dinner. Leah tells Ben he doesn’t give anyone else a chance to cook. In return Ben tells her to shut her mouth.

9:18pm – Ben tells the other housemates he has cheated on every one of his girlfriends except one – his current one. He would hate himself forever if he cheated on her. He felt guilty the first time he cheated on a girlfriend. He’s had ways to juggle the cheating – two mobile phones for example. Ben goes on to discuss his thoughts on cheating. He thinks a blind snog in a nightclub is cheating, much to the amazement of Chrissie, who doesn’t understand why a serial cheater would think that. Ben says there is a cheating scale – it’s not as bad as having sex but it’s still cheating.

10:44pm – Joanne is confronting Ben about his earlier comment that he wants to leave the house. Ben is happy to battle away but the novelty is wearing off. He doesn’t want to play a game. Ben says Jo is always honest about everything. Jo agrees but she doesn’t have to blurt out everything. Ben says if she holds back when answering questions it’s being dishonest. Jo disagrees.

Also on Behind Big Brother