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Quadruple Eviction + Return of Freeze task []

hopefully Skye will be gone but imagine her doing the freeze task and not being able to preen at herself in the mirror, pouting and playing with her hair!? bwahahaha
This is the messiest season ever. I feel so uncomfortable. You'd think this was actually the first season of Big Brother ever with how little know-how they've displayed all year. If I were Endemol, I'd somehow exclude Nine from the contract bidding. They've not got a clue. Honestly, when double evictions are the norm and you have to resort to freakin' quadruple evictions to "change the game up" (or whatever interchangeable line you want to use) you really need to take a step back and reevaluate!
I love this post.
and the week after they'll tip everyone out & throw in a few more HM's from last year & start showing us footage from 2013....
Do you all only watch the show to bitch? So so funny ....the aww its awful by the usual suspects and those who want to impress them is so old now ...turn iff sw itch off and dream of your yesterdays
Do you all only watch the show to bitch? So so funny ....the aww its awful by the usual suspects and those who want to impress them is so old now ...turn iff sw itch off and dream of your yesterdays
Do you only come to the site to bitch about the posts?
BB I guess had already been getting a little silly since it started on ch9 - and probably even some of the later ch10 years, but this whole 4 intruders/quad eviction thing..

Even Fonzie in the house would be better than some of the stuff they're trying.
Had a feeling this was comming there are to many for the time left

So is everone up again ??