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Last movie you saw

Joan of Arc was terrible.

I saw a good film with a hanging scene in it (not burnt at the stake), called "The Changeling".

Never seen a hanging on film that realistically done.
I just watched Role Models.

I have no idea what market it was aimed at, because it was like a soppy Disney movie, with very adult bits in it.
I guess kids whose parents don't know that they watch naughty movies.
It was rated R was meh.....
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Funny People on DVD. should have been called Unfunny people.

I quite liked it. A bit long though. I think the problem at hand was the perception, it was about people who are funny not people being funny.

"Smoking Aces" - that one with Ryan Reynolds, and Ben Affleck (briefly) in it.

Was really too tired to follow the convoluted plot too much, it just seemed to be constant firing of guns and mayhem. When you watch something in bed late at night you usually don't care too much about following the convoluted schemata between various gangster cartels.

Lake Tahoe looks beautiful however, with the shades of the trees and the hills etc, so that was most of the fun.

I enjoyed this film, but yeah it's in the genre of, not to looked at anything below the superficial, violence, dark humour ect. A film mainly for escapist fun for guys who just want a great entertainment. A growing genre.. girls have twilight, guys have crank 2!
Is that the one with Angelina Jolie?

Did they hang her?

No it wasn't her. They hang this guy who is a serial killer, so he kind of deserves it.

Saw this one on the plane recently. It was a good film, and Jolie's acting was excellent. Directed by Clint Eastwood. How good is that man, I mean seriously?
I enjoyed this film, but yeah it's in the genre of, not to looked at anything below the superficial, violence, dark humour ect. A film mainly for escapist fun for guys who just want a great entertainment. A growing genre.. girls have twilight, guys have crank 2!

Twilight was better than I expected, but I didn't expect to like it at all.

Hopefully will get to see "New Moon" but mainly so I can check out Jacob Black and the other werewolves. So hardly deep motives.
I can't watch any of the Twilight movies. I just find them way too painful.

The girls can keep them, they're pretty crap
Who says just the girls want to see them?

Mind you, I got my eye candy fix today, with the jolly blue giant alien. Went and saw "Avatar". Geez what a terrific movie that was. ;)
Here's a cut and paste of my comments on "Avatar" (ooh, I feel like Margaret Pomeranz):

We got a whopping $1 off for having the 3D glasses already.

You know, that could be the best movie I see at the cinema all year. My other half and I both thought this was a 9/10. Fantastic to see Weta Workshops of Wellington named at the end of the movie - had no idea they were involved.

The special effects etc, in 3 D, just amazing. A very touching and moving story, though it has kind of been done before in one guise with Kevin Costner in "Dances with Wolves", albeit not on another planet in high tech.

Sigourney Weaver and Sam Worthington were both great in this movie, though Sigourney runs quite slow these days. Our Sam was impressive. And I think Agent John Winstead was pretty good as the chief villain.

But the best was all the live action with the CGI effects, and battles with dinosaurs etc. I dunno who they got to model the avatar Jake body, but he's a hottie!! Hell --oooo!!

Twilight is for chicks. They may be liked by some guys, watch-able by others, but they are mainly chick flicks.

The same way a lot of the insane adrenaline action, over the top dark comedy films of recent years are pretty much just for guys.

Ashton Kutcher plays himself.. well almost. He plays a good looking guy who basically moved to hollywood and then spends his day mooching of wealthy woman, sleeping his way around town. Not as a gigolo, but uses his sexual powers and appeal can get him people to pay his way. So it follows him meeting Anne Heche who plays a rich single woman he's mooching of, as like a live in sex partner, but he still bangs around when she's not around. He then meets a girl he actual likes and things in his fake little world start to fall apart and he's just a guy who's not as young as he once was who has nothing.

It was not bad, was quite watchable and stuff. Not great, but certainly not terrible which it probably should have been. Bit of sex and nudity, bit more than you'd normally see in these kind of films.
I say..... lol

OMG I can't stand them

I must admit, apart from the eye candy appeal of young Taylor, I can't get into these movies as vampire flicks.

Vampires are just not supposed to be out in daylight hours, overcast skies or not.

I still associate good vampire movies with Hammer films and Christopher Lee. Though Bram Stoker's "Dracula" in the early 90s, with Gary Oldman, was certainly passable. :) Francis Ford Coppora ;) I think it was...
I must admit, apart from the eye candy appeal of young Taylor, I can't get into these movies as vampire flicks.

Vampires are just not supposed to be out in daylight hours, overcast skies or not.

I still associate good vampire movies with Hammer films and Christopher Lee. Though Bram Stoker's "Dracula" in the early 90s, with Gary Oldman, was certainly passable. :) Francis Ford Coppora ;) I think it was...

And don't forget Interview with the vampire. That was good.

And Anne Rice vampires are good

and Blade would kick the ass of all those twilight punks......

Bella's screaming annoys me too I want to kill her everytime the ad comes on ....
No chick in this house would watch any Twilight movie...mind you both chicks in this House thought Avatar was sh*thouse...I know it was Computer Generated Images and all but neither of us like cartoons and this was to us a cartoon ie: "not real people"
No chick in this house would watch any Twilight movie...mind you both chicks in this House thought Avatar was sh*thouse.

I thought the story was shithouse...... The actual movie was nice but the story was lame.

I have to ask what didn't you guys like about it?
Since the weekend weather is in the 40s I am having a movie marathon.

Purchased all of these from one of those bargain tables you see in the DVD secion.

Barbarella - I have never seen this in its entireity
Village Of The Damned - The John Carpenter version
The Seeker - The Dark Is Rising
Trapeze - Tony Curtis (time tunnel) and Gina Lollobrigida
An American In Paris - Gene Kelly & Leslie Caron
Doom Extended Edition - I kinda liked it.
Club Dread - Weird horror comedy
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