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Thanks for that insight josephine......makes me think twice about seeing it now.........Cheers, mikidiki xx

No worries :)

I was really looking forward to seeing this because of the hype and it's Clooney, if a friend wants you to go with them I don't think you'll be disappointed it's just that at the end of it I didn't go "wow that was great".
I thought the general "world" of Avatar was fine. Mercenary and Government backed companies pushing natives out for the sake of mining is pretty common nowadays. Irian Jaya, Bouganville, in the Amazon, all over Africa. Pushing aside the locals, using both carrots and sticks, for the sake of the money is a common thing to do.

That part of the story wasn't unrealistic at all.

My main problem with the story was that it was in the end very predictable and straightforward. You could pretty much plot the story arc and the fates of most of the characters within moments of them being introduced.

I wish some effort had gone into twisting the story up a bit.
Yeah it's simplisticly handled, but there was in Giovanni Ribisi's character a conflict. He wanted to do the right thing, or best possible thing but end of the day he wasn't going to let not being able to do the right thing stop him from doing the wrong thing. The classic company man.
At one stage, Cameron tried to do that - and then, some time later, he was being very one dimensional, saying who cares about trees, etc. There was an unevenness with his character I found to be poor.

I do get that Cameron is providing a critique of corporate attitudes to nature and assaying the richness of indigenous cultures and their relationship to the land. But it's all a bit didactic and a sledgehammer approach. But I suppose that's what American audiences need.
I saw "It's Complicated" last night in a cinema I am sure was full of women.

It was quite funny and I am sure would touch a funny/sore spot with many. The upside is that there is sex after your 30s or 40s.

Primary actors Alec Baldwin, Meryl Streep (and doesn't she just get better each time you see her) and Steve Martin weave through a number of hilarious situations. Add in some recent nest-leavers (the kids) and a fiance of the eldest daughter, who inadvertently sees more than he ever wanted and stays stum, it created a very funny movie.

Good for a laugh. Prob wouldn't matter if you waited for the dvd, but worth a watch
My Sister's Keeper on DVD, mum's choice. It certainly didn't make either of us cry, but it was competent.
My Sister's Keeper on DVD, mum's choice. It certainly didn't make either of us cry, but it was competent.

Don't read the spoiler if you intend to read the Book.

For some ridiculous reason they decided to change the ending, in the book the younger girl leaves court and is involved in a car accident and dies so they get to use her organs to save the older sister. I could not believe it when I saw the movie and the ending was different it ruined it.
Don't worry, I won't be reading the book ;)

Hmm, I don't think I like that ending, because
the older girl WANTED to die, to me the whole point of it was about letting go, for her and Cameron Diaz especially. To then save her would be to go against what she wanted. But yes, changing things is annoying, the first version you experience is usually how you want to remember it.
At one stage, Cameron tried to do that - and then, some time later, he was being very one dimensional, saying who cares about trees, etc. There was an unevenness with his character I found to be poor.

I do get that Cameron is providing a critique of corporate attitudes to nature and assaying the richness of indigenous cultures and their relationship to the land. But it's all a bit didactic and a sledgehammer approach. But I suppose that's what American audiences need.

Remember though, do you think he could make the most expensive film of all time with out having it simplistic? Yes the film is a mega hit. It basically has redefined blockbuster. Sure it's not at titanic levels yet, which was really an aberration, but it'll be damn close, if not beat it. However the film was never a slam dunk. Honestly people were hedging their bets it could be one of the biggest bombs of all time. They had to take out all sorts of deals like getting TV manufactures with adds with avatar, being paid to do that placement as ways to lessen the blow if it tanked. So the film was probably one of the biggest gambles of faith of all time. It paid off, but they kept it safe to ensure the best it would.

Personally, just think... they're making a sequel, maybe two... in my opinion they'll probably do two back to back but they won't come out any time soon. That'll be the real pay off, when they can be risky and dark. Even look at that mess of a transformers sequel that had no script (look it up, it basically didn't because of the writers strike) even that got darker and stranger. Sequels is the promise a hit like this delivers. Like what empire was to star wars, which was just as silly and predictable.

Giovanni's character Parker doesn't forget that doing the right thing is best. Even just before the final show down, he gives them one last chance. Then at the end when he's walking toward the shuttle, he knows he's in the wrong.
Bangkok Dangerous

A Nicholas Cage film, where he plays an assassin conducting his final 4 hits of his career in bangkok and breaks a rule of his code and befriends a local street theif he is using and stuff. Yeah not very interesting. You just don't care. The directors seem to know how to shoot, but not what to shoot. There's attempts at symbolism and emotion which fall flats. He has a crush on a deaf thai girl, which is so boring you just wonder about the practicalities of dating someone deaf while the love stories going on.
Ultimately there's less action then their should be and everythings fairly bland by todays standards.
A film with Nic Cage called Bangkok dangerous, should have lots of explosions, over the top action, kun fu fights, insane gun fights and so forth. However it's not that sort of film. It's one worth missing. I was hoping it'd be good as Nic Cage makes good films, i don't care what people say. there's the occasional bad ones like ghost rider, but generally they're good. Like Next, a film that seemed to just appear in the dvd shop but was actually a fairly good, interesting and entertaining film.
Bangkok dangerous almost seems as if Nic Cage did it to pay for an asain vacation. A location that is not exploited or used much at all. There's a little canoe chase on the canals which is local i guess.. but James Bond did it much better in The Man with the Golden Gun. I could get into the flaws in the plot, like how he has rules which are mentioned then sort of forgotten for most of the film. Weaing gloves being all careful, planning hits to discrete and to the minute.. to then planing one that is completely the opposite, surrounded by people in a difficult to get out of situation.. It's just an ultimately pointless film that doesn't really engage or entertain. It's not painful, it's just all Meh!

I once read you can judge a Nic Cage film on how bad his haircut is in it.
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..and that's a bad haircut.

I can't stand Nic Cage's acting. He gets so over the top that none of his characters seem remotely real.
Well, what is silly:
- The overtly heartless human beings, especially Giovanni Ribisi's character and that Colonel. No shades at all.
- The convenient ways Jake manages to solve everything.
- The fact the avatar drivers seem to get by with virtually no sleep.

But, having said that, it was still enjoyable - but silly!

You know they have found some water planets in neighbouring galaxies and I can't help but think how humans would rape those places if we could ever get there.
..and that's a bad haircut.

I can't stand Nic Cage's acting. He gets so over the top that none of his characters seem remotely real.

I don't mind his movies, on a really dumb level, but they are all basically the same. I bought Bangkok Dangerous cheap on DVD the other day, & my brother said he hoped I didn't pay more than $2 for it :p
"Bad Lieutenant", is supposed to be a pretty amazing movie of his.
Playing a corrupt drug addicted cop in New Orleans. It's supposed to be pretty twisted.