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Housemate Hunt 2014

I would say the producers have found heaps they liked through watching the video applications and fast tracked lot's of people. Lot's of people would have been nominated through the nominate a mate system and they would have received fast tracks as well. This is most likely why the line ups and overall turn out has seemed a lot smaller. If you have not been fast tracked it is probably not even worth going. There will probably be a stand out character who didn't apply online and instead just saw the auditions as they walked past and decided to go in. If you applied online though and didn't get a fast track I would say your chances of making it through this year are quite slim.
I completely agree with you. People I know that have not received a fast track aren't bothering to turn up. But then I am seeing on Facebook that a lot of people that have been fast tracked are not going through to round 3......
Do you think people auditioning towards the end would have received a fast track by now or they are waiting to send them out? Maybe they will start sending out heaps later as the numbers have been so shit....
Well my friend didn't make it past Round 1. He wasn't expecting to make it but still seemed disappointed.

He said the people that made it through to Round 2 from his group were a tomboy that dressed girlish, a bubbly girl and man who was an Islander and had 4 daughters.
Well my friend didn't make it past Round 1. He wasn't expecting to make it but still seemed disappointed.

He said the people that made it through to Round 2 from his group were a tomboy that dressed girlish, a bubbly girl and man who was an Islander and had 4 daughters.
They are actively looking for parents and professionals over 30 so not really a surprise that an Islander with 4 daughters made it through.[DOUBLEPOST=1397377545][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well my friend didn't make it past Round 1. He wasn't expecting to make it but still seemed disappointed.

He said the people that made it through to Round 2 from his group were a tomboy that dressed girlish, a bubbly girl and man who was an Islander and had 4 daughters.
They are actively looking for parents and professionals over 30 so not really a surprise that an Islander with 4 daughters made it through.
Yes my friend who went yesterday and didn't make it past round one, went back again today for another go and he made it to round 2 today.
He said in round 2.. there was a mother/daughter combo in his group and the produce seemed to be pushing questions onto them a bit more then anyone else.. and surprise surprise.. they made it to round 3.
So my "friend" auditioned today (if you get my drift) with some success, without having another year to compare the numbers seemed low. In the waiting part there was barely anyone there, at least half the seats were empty. The holding area for round 2 probably had more so a lot of people seemed to be getting through. Staff members were saying that nationwide so far the numbers have been really low comparatively despite the show still being considered a ratings winner. Enormous variety of the types of getting through to round 2 as well, lesser so for round 3.
Yes my friend who went yesterday and didn't make it past round one, went back again today for another go and he made it to round 2 today.
He said in round 2.. there was a mother/daughter combo in his group and the produce seemed to be pushing questions onto them a bit more then anyone else.. and surprise surprise.. they made it to round 3.

How silly to put through both a mother and a daughter, I hope they aren't planning another unoriginal twist. There was a mother/daughter in a group today and neither of them got through - luckily, as they were both seriously annoying!
I just confirmed that one of my best friends in the whole world got through to round 3 today, he was so close to getting on last year I really hope he makes it through this year. He has been a pretty loyal auditioner since way back in the Channel 10 days, and he agree that the numbers were the lowest ever today, even in the ill-fated 2008 year. Very strange.
I just confirmed that one of my best friends in the whole world got through to round 3 today, he was so close to getting on last year I really hope he makes it through this year. He has been a pretty loyal auditioner since way back in the Channel 10 days, and he agree that the numbers were the lowest ever today, even in the ill-fated 2008 year. Very strange.
Wow, close to getting on last year? He must have a good chance this year then.
Do you know if he was fast tracked?
Wow, close to getting on last year? He must have a good chance this year then.
Do you know if he was fast tracked?

Yes hopefully, I have heard stories of people getting close one year and then not even getting past round 2 so it seems to vary year to year. Well from what I can gather quite a few people nominated him, so via that he got a fast track, but I suspect he was already on the producers radar at least a tiny bit since he got to the very final round of auditions last year. Hopefully this is his year, he really is perfect for reality TV.
Yes hopefully, I have heard stories of people getting close one year and then not even getting past round 2 so it seems to vary year to year. Well from what I can gather quite a few people nominated him, so via that he got a fast track, but I suspect he was already on the producers radar at least a tiny bit since he got to the very final round of auditions last year. Hopefully this is his year, he really is perfect for reality TV.
Why do you think he is so successful every year? Is he really funny or smart or confrontational?
Why do you think he is so successful every year? Is he really funny or smart or confrontational?

He is all of those things, I guess it's hard to describe what sets him apart. He does have this fake arrogance which on others would be grating but on him it is just charming and it always makes me laugh. He is confrontational but not in an aggressive way, he is more like the mediator by taking control of the conflict. There is some contrariety in him as well in that he is gay but has quite masculine interests, so I guess the producers would like that he potentially challenges existing stereotypes.

It's hard to say really, sometimes people get onto BB and I have no clue as to why, I don't think this would be the case with this guy though, if nothing else he is highly entertaining.
I made it to the final round last year.. Made me a step closer.. Just never got the email back for the next stage.. But yet bombed this year after being sent home from round one and it was my 3rd attempt, I'd so it's really a catch 22.
Hey all :) I'm ro
I had a friend whom I met via the big brother audition line 2 years ago on the gold coast.. he was meant to come with me to the brisbane ones last week but couldn't make it due to work commitments.
So anyways..
He flew down to Sydney yesterday and did the Auditions today, he told me that unlike previous years the numbers were a lot less this year (barely anyone turned up to wait early) and that the waiting time was fast and the overall energy of the people lined up to audition this year compared to previous was a lot less energetic and more quiet, that is of course until you get into the round one process.
He didn't get past round one himself

Hey all!
I'm Robbie's friend that he's been talking about! We met at the 2012 auditions and have been friends ever since! Anyway yes I couldn't audition in Brisbane due to work commitments but flew down to Sydney to try my luck.
This is my fourth series that I have tried for and each year it gets harder and harder. Yesterday I rocked up really early (7am) to my surprise not a lot of people were there. Which was weird because compared to last year and the year before we got there at 6am and it was packed .. People lining up all night. This years numbers has been really low. It took all up an hour were as previous years it would take at least 4 hours. Well, I'm glad I made the trip to Sydney even though I didn't get in. I got to meet Tim Jade and Tully. On Saturday morning I asked Jade for advice, she said be loud and get noticed. I did that yesterday and didn't make it past round one. They chose a loud mouthed lesbian, a quiet older guy, some old dude with a beard and a girl who was really annoying.
I decided to try my luck again today, they remembered me from yesterday and wrote both numbers on my form... Tim Jade and Tully were nowhere to be seen though :( anyway again I walked straight in sat down waited for twenty minutes and they called my name. I just noticed the vibe and energy of contestants have not been as strong as previous years. Oh I did see a few people that were fast tracked go straight to round 2. Same old games as yesterday. I felt more relaxed and myself today. Interestingly they chose 4 of us for round 2... Getting to round 2 has been an achievement for me.. Anyway we waited for around half an hour and chatted, then we walked into a room of producers and they asked us if we know each other before today - there was this mother/daughter pair I met in round 1. The mother was loud and outspoken where as the daughter was really quiet and seemed ticked off that the mother was getting all the attention. I wouldn't be surprised if those two actually get into the house. It was a no for me after round 2. :/ But a great experience.
I think they know what they want already ... Obviously they want couples and people over 30..
Still won't stop me from trying again!
Thought I should share and say hi xxxx
I made it to the final round last year.. Made me a step closer.. Just never got the email back for the next stage.. But yet bombed this year after being sent home from round one and it was my 3rd attempt, I'd so it's really a catch 22.

It's weird that there are so many stories like this, you'd think that there would be a bit more consistency year to year although I guess it at least shows that production aren't just looking for the same thing each year.

I wonder if producers were vaguely aware of you since you at least made it that far last year, I guess that they see a lot of people nationwide.
Also I should state I was reading about highlighters --/ everyone that got through was highlighted pink. So if they highlight your form pink you are in with a chance!!!
Also I should state I was reading about highlighters --/ everyone that got through was highlighted pink. So if they highlight your form pink you are in with a chance!!!
Why do they do this?? It's ridiculous that they already know in their minds from an application form who goes through before they even speak! What's the criteria, and why aren't the applicants that are highlighted pink just given a fast track?
Hey all!
I'm Robbie's friend that he's been talking about! We met at the 2012 auditions and have been friends ever since! Anyway yes I couldn't audition in Brisbane due to work commitments but flew down to Sydney to try my luck.
This is my fourth series that I have tried for and each year it gets harder and harder. Yesterday I rocked up really early (7am) to my surprise not a lot of people were there. Which was weird because compared to last year and the year before we got there at 6am and it was packed .. People lining up all night. This years numbers has been really low. It took all up an hour were as previous years it would take at least 4 hours. Well, I'm glad I made the trip to Sydney even though I didn't get in. I got to meet Tim Jade and Tully. On Saturday morning I asked Jade for advice, she said be loud and get noticed. I did that yesterday and didn't make it past round one. They chose a loud mouthed lesbian, a quiet older guy, some old dude with a beard and a girl who was really annoying.
I decided to try my luck again today, they remembered me from yesterday and wrote both numbers on my form... Tim Jade and Tully were nowhere to be seen though :( anyway again I walked straight in sat down waited for twenty minutes and they called my name. I just noticed the vibe and energy of contestants have not been as strong as previous years. Oh I did see a few people that were fast tracked go straight to round 2. Same old games as yesterday. I felt more relaxed and myself today. Interestingly they chose 4 of us for round 2... Getting to round 2 has been an achievement for me.. Anyway we waited for around half an hour and chatted, then we walked into a room of producers and they asked us if we know each other before today - there was this mother/daughter pair I met in round 1. The mother was loud and outspoken where as the daughter was really quiet and seemed ticked off that the mother was getting all the attention. I wouldn't be surprised if those two actually get into the house. It was a no for me after round 2. :/ But a great experience.
I think they know what they want already ... Obviously they want couples and people over 30..
Still won't stop me from trying again!
Thought I should share and say hi xxxx

Also I should state I was reading about highlighters --/ everyone that got through was highlighted pink. So if they highlight your form pink you are in with a chance!!!

Hi there - welcome. That's pretty cool that you two met at the auditions and are still in touch, I was so incredibly anti-social today and talked to no one, but that's just me I guess. Well done on getting that far. I was surprised quite a few people made the trip interstate or from regional areas just for the auditions, so much commitment! I live about 15 minutes away from Australian Technology Park, otherwise I would never make the trek.

Interesting with the highlighters, I'm not sure how much credence there is to this theory but there does seem to be some evidence mounting, surely it's just a coincidence though?
Do you mean round 2 or 3?

Round 2... Not sure about round 3. I did meet a guy today who made it and got that letter.. He reminded me a lot of Drew!!![DOUBLEPOST=1397391898][/DOUBLEPOST]I f
Hi there - welcome. That's pretty cool that you two met at the auditions and are still in touch, I was so incredibly anti-social today and talked to no one, but that's just me I guess. Well done on getting that far. I was surprised quite a few people made the trip interstate or from regional areas just for the auditions, so much commitment! I live about 15 minutes away from Australian Technology Park, otherwise I would never make the trek.

Interesting with the highlighters, I'm not sure how much credence there is to this theory but there does seem to be some evidence mounting, surely it's just a coincidence though?

I felt a lot of people weren't really chatty today, in 2012 I met some fantastic people three I still keep in touch with!!
One guy yesterday was quite rude.