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Talk to Timdormer (yes it's really me)

You're exactly right, it's an awful part of insecure human nature, that as long as someone else is the victim then I feel more secure or worthy myself. It's my life's mission to smash this. It was my proudest achievement to rise against this culture in my season, and that's why I wanted to give David a bit of a pep talk and encourage him to do the same.
Priya doesn't need any help. She is the queen.[DOUBLEPOST=1412220454][/DOUBLEPOST]
Not sure but it was awful. I didn't want to be their friends.

@Timdormer what did you think about @Benjamin2012HM twitter rant about you? He had a lot to say, none of it nice, deleted now of course!

Which one?
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but I was always curious as to what you said that was so inappropriate they couldn't air it on TV?
Hahahahaaaa I love this!! You know what, meeting travis in real life changed my opinion of him a little. He's harmless. He's loveable and really friendly. He was actually one of the most friendly guys in there towards me besides David. Travis is not strategic, and his lack of any ulterior motive but to have fun was actually refreshing. He's old school big brother housemate.

It's great to hear that about Travis! He must just get a bad edit or something because he just comes across as too obnoxious for me sometimes haha. I can certainly see the loveable side though. Same with David, he's one of my favourites this year. Laughed at everyone nominating him for playing, it's a game! I could see Travis getting under people's skin after a while but if I recall you got under a few of the housemate's skin last year too even though it provided a lot of entertainment for us haha!

By the way have you seen this thread yet?

It was dedicated to some of your hilarious one-liners from last year. It provided us with a lot of entertainment :roflmao:
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Tim: Do you still talk to Mikkayla at all? She was one of my favourites last year (don't worry voted the most for you every week). The writing was on the wall for Mikkayla the week she decided to take you on. That week when she kept going after you I was like no Mikkayla don't do it, you've seen what happened to Heidi. Then BAM, evicted.
This year or my season? I was quite comfortable with being watched last year. I loved it in an unhealthy way. This year it felt unnatural and uncomfortable.[DOUBLEPOST=1412218938][/DOUBLEPOST]

I meant last season which is interesting that you found it alright. Why do you think you felt unnatural? Was it because it wasn't your season?
Tim, when you went into the house this year did any of the housemates quiz you about your time in the house last year or talk to you about any of the housemates from your series? Or did you have to avoid talking about your time in there?
Hi Tim

Did your health deteriorate whilst you were in the house? Physically or psychologically?
Did you get stressed or was it pretty chill?
Hey @Timdormer

Found this wonderful moment of 2013! :biggrin:
first time i been on here in nearly a year and just wanna say from a huge BB fan from America its great to see Tim and Estelle on this forum giving some great feedback. hope life is good. love you two along with Tahan (obviously), Ben and Drew. was bummed to see two of my favorite women on the several BB's i watch get third back to back. when watching last season if Tahan didnt win i was ecstatic it was you Tim. legends, much love and all the best in life.
@Timdormer first of all I hope
you love my profile pic!

I have 2 questions.

1) is Ryan or any other HM under the radar in your opinion?

2) How come the housemates can talk so freely about nominations these days? I feel like Big Brother is being too nice to the HMs