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Post BB Housemate Antics - Part 3

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    Sandra Nixon ‏@SandyJaneNixon 2h
    Searching for Mr Swipe Right

    Michael Beveridge ‏@mickyb273 52m
    @SandyJaneNixon Very good read.

    Sandra Nixon ‏@SandyJaneNixon 36m
    @mickyb273 why thank you my friend :) xxx

Searching for Mr Swipe Right
by Sandra Nixon

I’ve recently joined Facebook again after a long hiatus. Which means I also now have access to one of the most entertaining apps in the world. No longer will I have to hijack my friends phones at the Pub and live vicariously through them. Or get my hairdresser to give me her phone and swipe right whilst she does my hair. Yup, I now have my very own Tinder account!

I’ve joined the Tinder world for a number of reasons

  • I’ve recently relocated to Brisbane and want to meet people
  • I enjoy when other people pay for my dinner
  • I love coffee but I love it even more when it’s enjoyed alongside intelligent conversation and witty banter
  • I’m horny (hahaha come on everyone is! I’m just more upfront about!)
I started off by playing this game that I like to call ‘Testing the Fates’. This game involves swiping left, then right in a consecutive fashion, without actually looking at the persons picture or blurb. I liken this to meeting someone organically, like on a plane or at boot camp. If they match you, and you get along, well it’s thanks to Fate isn’t it! I like doing this when I’m particularly drunk so I can wake up in the morning and my hangover is tempered by the hilarious matches I’ve made. Plus you’re in that mood where everything is funny and you can distract yourself from the memories of the absolute dick you made of yourself the night before…

This game, however fun it is, hasn’t really produced a fruitful batch of suitors. Alright, if I’m being honest it isn’t the game at all. It’s my profile picture.

Now that I’m a fauxlebrity, I’m kind of embarrassed about having a somewhat recognisable face. I have an image of some 25 year old drunken douchelords, shirts off, southern cross tattoos smarting after their previous topless wrestles in the backyard whilst balancing a longneck, falling about laughing because the chick off Big Brother can’t find anyone to love her. I don’t want someone to match me because I was on Big Brother. I’d probably rather someone match me not knowing that part of me and just appreciating my sandraness.

Logan David came up in my matches last night and I was one of those people.

Oh my gawd it’s Logan David off Big Brother!

When in reality he’s just David and probably a perfectly lovely guy. If you’re wondering, I didn’t swipe right, he’s a little too short and cross pollinating with other BB Contestants kind of creeps me out. Would we be THAT couple that have all these personal Big Brother jokes and look at each other smugly when the ‘normal people’ don’t get it? Urgh *Shudders*

So I’m not using a picture of me. I’m using an 80s TV character. It’s one of my favourite childhood shows and is Retro enough to know that the people who recognise the show are in my age range (1 year down, 5 years up). It’s also a little quirky, and I liken the people that swipe right for quirky to be kindred. I swiped right for a potato last night because I found it hilarious. Would I marry an actual potato? No, I don’t enjoy their taste or their starchy carbs (see reason for nominating Priya), but I appreciated the humour behind it.

Turns out other people don’t though. Sure I’ve gotten a few matches but most guys just get pissed off at me for refusing to show my face. I’ve gotten in many heated debates with guys over the whole ‘looks aren’t everything but you need to be physically attracted to the person’ issue. I totally respect this and believe it, but if I’m being honest, I would actually probably go on a date with potato boy if he was funny and sweet enough. I remember back when I first started dating and I took it (and rejection) so seriously. Times have definitely changed now I’m an old hat at being a bachelorette. Dating is already nervewracking enough for both parties, so why can’t we just all have a bit of fun with it? Potato, Potato (you get what I did there right?;)

I found myself getting super defensive of Alf (yes that’s right my picture is of an alien that likes to eat cats). Why should guys stop speaking to me just because my profile picture isn’t actually me? Shouldn’t my witty comebacks and hilarious anecdotes be enough to get a date? So now I’m super invested in this. I WILL GET ALF A DATE. It has become my life goal. If I, of somewhat normal background, would go on a date with a potato, surely their is my male equivalent out there willing to wine and dine a furry little TV star (I’m referring to Alf, not me, by the way).

So watch this space. And if you’re a Brisbane boy reading this blog…and you’re on Tinder…. and you match Alf….. I will probably date you. Mostly because you’re reading my Blog, that’s impressive in itself. Oh and the fact you can even read, that’s also a good start. If you’re all of this and a Potato? Wife me already

Big Love

57 minutes ago · Channel 10 Studios Sydney
Bravo to @studio10au & #channel10 allotting so much air time discussing #mentalillness For those who don't suffer, I understand you find it hard to comprehend. To those afflicted, you'll appreciate how difficult it is to verbalise! I was nervous & raw, but I did my best. The clip is available everywhere, including my Facebook page "Ben From Brisbane" ☺️@msjrowe1@natarshabelling@joe_hildebrand

Yes, I know that, and I wasn't defending what she did - I said in both of my posts she shouldn't have posted it given her own history. All I was doing was offering a bit of perspective and context to her posting it. She's a fan of the show and for all we know was just posting her views on her blog, just as we post our views about the HMs here. Again, I've never once defended her or agreed with her posting what she did but people were automatically assuming the worst of her intentions (e.g. saying she did it because she's jealous, attention seeking, a nasty bitch, etc) when in reality all she was probably doing was sharing her views about the show and the HMs like we are as a fan. It's not like she did a Benjamin2012 who tweeted that he wanted to see Jade and Maddie tied together in a room and left to burn to death in a fire. I just think the criticism was way over the top given she can't really post anything about the show without people going for her throat.

And FTR David has been criticised by ex-HMs on SM.
Well that is where we will have to agree to disagree because IN THIS INSTANCE (not any other) I see her intentionally being a spiteful bitch...

I'm certain those ex-HM's were just giving their opinions... I'm sure you don't assume they were being nasty or anything. :angelic:
Well that is where we will have to agree to disagree because IN THIS INSTANCE (not any other) I see her intentionally being a spiteful bitch...

I'm certain those ex-HM's were just giving their opinions... I'm sure you don't assume they were being nasty or anything. :angelic:

I'm sure you don't assume they were being nasty or anything.


Funny how perception of an event and/or what is said hinges on the source? :whistling: :D
This is @chardlocal. We were in big brother together. Now we are like brothers. Weird? I never could figure out if he was crazy smart or just crazy. It's his birthday today, like this photo and wish him a happy birthday. Happy birthday Harry Potter. #deadset #legend #happybirthdayharry


I know Priya, but who are the others.
I think generally the evictee HM's were supportive of David in the house, even those that may had made a dig here and there, wanted him in the final 2/3.
Jake said in webchat thingy that he wanted David and Ryan as final 2. I think Jake made that dig about David's number '75' because David nominated Jake for playing Lisa and Skye in the love triangle.
I think Sam and Sandra were the most upset when David said in an interview, that in those first weeks they treated him like a doormat and a butt of their jokes. Sam said he wasn't a Bully but they seem to be ok now as far as I can tell.
Tim said David got too cocky and that Priya was a gossipy bitch... had called Travis a Drongo but liked him by the end lol
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I don't think it's a boob job for some reason. they would have looked a lot more swollen of that were the case because it's still too soon for them to have settled. not that I know what a boob job would look like, but I used to watch so much Dr 90210 and that's what I'm basing it on lol
Yeah, I agree with you. She's way too open with everything to have got a secret boob job.. Or maybe that's what those Melbourne trips were for? :cautious:

They do look very nice though, very very nice.
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