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Masterchef 2012

Yes, that would be what she was wearing. It wasn't so much the nailpolish that bothered me, although I can see what you mean about it chipping. It was more the red swollen infected looking cuticles. They were really gross. It looked like she's pushed her cuticles back too far and put the nail stickers on and they were irritating them. Icky for anyone..gaggable for a chef. (is gaggable a word? It is
Ewww the nails, and your right about that not allowed in kitchens, same with any jewelry
There is a quite funny show about chefs/restaurant called Whites on ABC, with Alan Davies and the jewelry bit was on that - anyone seen this?
Ichi - I said she doesn't use feminine wiles. Julia is not all girly and weepy and i love that.
I said Julia doesn't either, she would not even know what they were, I don't get the impression that she has made a concious decision somewhere along the line to 'never use my feminie wiles' it just is not in her repertoire. I am totally with you on the non girly weepy thing though all we need to do is think what a house full of Emily's would have been like *shudder*

Confirmation Alice's glasses are stupid last night when she had them on her head 'oh yeah they get all steamed up' NO REALLY!!!???

What are the kitchen rules for people with long hair? Do they have to wear hairnets or is it optional?
When my mum was a chef the rules were unless your hair was short it had to be tied up. These days they are even stricter I think, at my work the pantry/kitchen ladies must wear hairnets. In fact there is a box attached to the wall at the entry full of hairnets and if we go in there we have to put one on too.

When Alice was preparing for the immunity challenge she had just put her make-up on and was staring at herself in the mirror with no specs on, she put them on at the end. If I stared in the mirror without my glasses on I would be staring at a blur, her glasses can't be that strong. Alice's over exaggerated visual emotions are grating on my nerves.
When Alice was preparing for the immunity challenge she had just put her make-up on and was staring at herself in the mirror with no specs on, she put them on at the end. If I stared in the mirror without my glasses on I would be staring at a blur, her glasses can't be that strong. Alice's over exaggerated visual emotions are grating on my nerves.

Depends on how short/long sighted she is. I know I can see myself in the mirror ok but anything further is a blur without glasses/contacts. Also for these shots, a director telling them to do certain things to look engaging in front of the camera.

Still, she is annoying!
I understand that they would be directed to show heaps of emotions but hers are just OTT.

Alice was inspecting her makeup, if she could do that from arms length then she doesn't need glasses all the time surely? Look she probably has prescription lenses, it is just the ridiculousness of them is in the forefront.

One of her friends has included some photos of her in a blog
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I never watch Tuesdays anymore it's too annoying.
And I can't stand most of these people anymore either.
Mindy & Alice - i can't stand watching them anymore, both using MC as an audition for the cooking show they WANT, Mindy get thee a 'beautiful' thesaurus, quickly.Alice try proactive.
Audra and her drawl annoys more, and more, she's also kind of wimpy,she probably gets the next shock elimination and she's like Amina and has her business all ready to go.
Wade - shut up; now you speak you make no sense, go back to silent and learn to make your own pizza sauce.
Ben - big mexican wimp
Deb - bitch, can't forgive her giving menapause women a very bad name. She's so very childish for a mature woman.
Beau - is like a surprise guest, he pops up now and again with a surprisingly good effort and a joke.
Kylie - the perkiness and flyaway hair annoy me, but she is the likely winner, lots of imaginative cooking, and a good leader.

And my 2 faves,
Julia - never gets a break, she's not the most talented cook, but for me she's the best female personality, no gushy crap.
Andy - he's just cute, and sweet, and a bit bamboozled by the whole deal.

I haven't been inspired by a single dish. Even the friday thing - looked at the ribs recipes, and they weren't anything useful. I want a good ribs recipe, but I don't want asian or greek ribs.
I feel pretty much the same, except not a fan of Beau, he doesn't annoy me because I forget he is there.

I think Mindy or Kylie will win :( though I hope Julia or Andy do.
Way to get rid of all the interesting people too early MC!

I saw TK in the credits last night and I was all oh TK you were so much more entertaining than these noobs.
Yeah, I miss Steve Buscemi's intense face, they stuffed up not taking that freaky Yugio guy he would have been entertaining.

And TK was my favourite, she was awesome, and I reckon they got rid of her because she was awesome - she cut through bullshit too much too stick around with the likes of smarmy Mindy & Alice & the judges.
Yes, I noticed last night George is a little too keen to stick those pins on the ladies chests! You should never invade a lady's chest like that without asking George.
Yep, TK, Dalvinder, Filipo & Amina were awesome, and some really ordinary people have goten through instead.
I would have to make use of memory banks which I do not really have but I wonder if the eliminations that were 'maybe you're in, maybe you're out' have anything to do with it. You know the ones where they all line up and some people miss out (in a good way) in being in the elimination round.

All the wussies would be hiding up the back or not stepping it up like in the steak cooking contest and now we are stuck with said wussies wussing it up all over the tv!

On the other hand, I could be talking out my ear
I would have to make use of memory banks which I do not really have but I wonder if the eliminations that were 'maybe you're in, maybe you're out' have anything to do with it. You know the ones where they all line up and some people miss out (in a good way) in being in the elimination round.

All the wussies would be hiding up the back or not stepping it up like in the steak cooking contest and now we are stuck with said wussies wussing it up all over the tv!

On the other hand, I could be talking out my ear

I know what you mean. With that steak cooking one, all they had to do was leave the steak in the pan and not say anything and wait until the others stepped forward. There was a high probability that they would never have to show their steaks at all....which several of the weaker cooks didn't.

I remember thinking that Dalvinder shouldn't have been in her elimination round either but I can't remember now how it came about. Then you get ones like Emma who kept getting through by riding on the backs of other contestants because the others kept winning group challenges. And even Mindy who got her pin but has never won an immunity challenge. The other contestants won that for her..and Amina who won every immunity challenge she was in except her own but had to do it herself, she had no help to help carry her. I can see that they are doing it for variety for tv but there seems to be quite an element of luck involved in getting through a lot of rounds.
I reckon Kevin (first eliminee - chose the fancy pasta and fucked it up) would have been a great cook. Dude food would have been his cup of tea. And he would have been a much worthier contestant in that challenge then Andrew.

Last night was so boring.
The result was so easy to pick. As soon as I saw alice ont he preview going "Game over!" I knew she'd win it.

The entire taste test was pointless. Especially when alice goes "I'll pick mains cos we're both good at those"


The contestants hanging round and giving instruction during challenges HAS to stop. Again, COMPETITION. These people are your COMPETITORS! STOP HELPING THEM.

And how unfair was Amina's challenge against the chef, all by herself, compared the the Mindy/Alice farce last night?
Expecially when you consider Mindy only has a pin cos of Amina.

I didn't think it was particularly fair to the other immunity pin challengers over the season that there was definitely going to be a pin won last night. Others had to beat Michelin starred chefs, they only had to beat each other. There is a bit of difference there. If they were cooking against the Italian chef last night, neither would have come close.
It's disappointing MC is turning out just like real life...........totally random and unfair.
Weak people hide behind others and take credit when it is not due; smarmy suck ups do well, flattery and sucking does work; blunt honest types - TV is not for you unless your a famous blunt person like Cowell.

This series frontrunners it seems.................... those smarmy favourites auditioning for their own show, or just hide