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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2016) - NOW! Discussion

Bindi's still 17, so I guess she wouldn't come without her mum.

I predict that boy's going to be a trainwreck. No father, not being groomed for stardom like Bindi, the haircut...'s funny that you say that oddjob... I was talking about exactly the same thing with my darling wife a couple of nights ago... with Bindi winning that dancing contest in the USA just recently just imagine how the little fella would be feeling... he'll may snap and will become an Aussie version of Jack Osbourne and go ape-shit for a while we believe... it's a shame if he does though... we thought that perhaps their mum Terrie might be grooming him to replace his dad as the face of the franchise so that's why Bindi may be getting all of the attention now perhaps?... he may have the potential to outshine Bindi eventually if he perseveres with it we think... anyhow... that's our thoughts on it all... cheers. looks like Heather as skinned a zebra with those pants on lol!... Joel looked more intelligent when he wore his Harry Potter glasses in the previous shows in my opinion... cheers.
...that Ostrich neck would've gone great with Elephant balls with a side dish of Kentucky Fried Tarantula kneecaps I reckon... cheers.
well that clip showed Laurina HAS seen the show before so wtf is with her and her boundaries re food trials ...
...that pool hole looks like Paradise doesn't it?... nice shots of the girls too by the way... (just in case nobody noticed of course ;):biggrin:)... cheers.
...this show really is improving each night from what I'm seeing... Joel... "coming up... some footage to prove that we really are in The Blue Mountai... erm... Africa!"... lol!... cheers.
...apparently Val's boobs are too big lol!... cheers.[DOUBLEPOST=1454498840][/DOUBLEPOST]...haha!... Joel just scared the shit out of Heather lol!... cheers.
The Laurina coverage tonight shows she's dominating social media. She's more than half the show. Even Joel's sympathy call for the next challenge shows even that's oneway traffic.
...I think that Joel and Heather have done a brilliant job tonight even though a couple of things slowed it down at times but I thoroughly enjoyed the show... especially the announcement that Terrie /Bindi and Bob were all going to appear on the show tomorrow I think they said!... BRILLIANT!... the 3 of them!... woohoo!... it should be great viewing methinks!... cheers.
The Laurina coverage tonight shows she's dominating social media. She's more than half the show. Even Joel's sympathy call for the next challenge shows even that's oneway traffic.

... I wouldn't even remember who the other contestants were if they didn't appear in background footage on the odd occasions... this was the big 'Laurina redeems herself' episode that they desperately wanted I guess?... cheers.
... I wouldn't even remember who the other contestants were if they didn't appear in background footage on the odd occasions... this was the big 'Laurina redeems herself' episode that they desperately wanted I guess?... cheers.
Possibly editing narrative...but I think it's all the Bachelor fans getting sweet interactive punching bag revenge with the mean girl. I've got a feeling her numbers are off the charts.