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I actually felt sorry for Lawson tonight!

Firstly - I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING! But I felt so sorry for Lawson tonight. The way he was grilled on stage was extremely uncomfortable to watch. He looked on the verge of tears. How many times does he have to apologise to the Australian public? For him to sit up there in front of that audience, and the viewing public, must have been excruciating. I think he handled himself well, and rolled with the punches. I myself would have crumbled, I wouldn't have been able to hold back the tears. To see someone shamed like that was horrible.
Yes, he messed up, he hurt his gf. And he needs to apologise to her, etc. But he hasn't attacked/maimed/killed anyone.

It's a wonder there wasn't an old fashioned stock on stage last night and Sonia personally locked Lawson in it only to have the audience throw rotten fruit and vege at him. The line of questioning by Sonia was bang out of order. It was bullying and humiliation as far as I am concerned.

Oh yeah, I'm with you spygirl99 on the not condoning cheating.
Exactly. That's what I was trying to get at lol. You summed it up so well. I don't even really like Lawson, but seeing someone looking so close to the edge of an emotional/mental breakdown isn't fun to watch. He lookd mortified. Imagine that much pressure being put on you. Yes, he has to face it but I still think shaming him so much was a low-blow. He looked GENUINELY sorry for what he did.

Tully on the other hand came out smiling/beaming/on a high. She never showed the same amount of remorse that Lawson has. Lawson has taken a lot of it firmly on the chin. Tully couldn't/wouldn't take responsibility for her actions. She looked fine & dandy on the stage with Sonia.
Sonia perhaps was told not to be soft like she was with Tully. Lawson, while I don't particularly like him either, definitely faced his situation. Was ready for the backlash but the poor kid was caught well and truly in the headlights. Yes, kid. He's 23 and as immature as Skye in lots of ways.
I felt no sympathy at all for him. I actually thought he looked smug and proud. I actually didn't mind him until that interview
At least he took responsibility for it, Sonia was tough but fair.
It is sad that this is all his time on Big Brother will be remembered for, because in other respects, he was a lot of fun, with his magic and the perfect couples thing with Aisha!
I agree. Lawson did seem quite contrite on regular occasions, except that he's have his big sook-feat and almost immediately go and slobber all over Cat again. It really made me wonder I'd he was genuinely upset or if he was just doing what he thought would be expected for the cameras, not knowing that they were showing him snuggled up with her almost immediately after. The actions did not sport his emotional outbursts. A bit like the child who is not sorry they lied but very sorry they got caught. He didn't appear to be sorry he was doing it, just sorry it looked bad. Anyone who is truly contrite about their behavior, stops doing whatever it is. He never showed any inclination to stop bar pumping out a few (fake?) tears for the cameras then toddling off to suck out her tonsils again.
The fact that he did it is not so unusual, it happens every day. What doesn't happen every day is that he is making a mockery of an innocent party on national television which she is had to pay for...for weeks and weeks and weeks. He did it, now he's going to have to take the backlash.

Yeah, it's funny isn't it? He'd have his little confessionals and cry in the diary room, but among the housemates he almost seemed kinda smug about it. Like when he was telling the intruders that he and Cat had hooked up.

Like you say, why didn't he stop? Even if they'd stopped a week ago, they might have saved a little bit of face.

I can't really remember another housemate who started off with such promise, the fell so low.
I thought when Lawson first admitted to BB about his cheating, he said that Candice didn't deserve it and had done nothing wrong, so I don't think she cheated on him...
Cat admitted to someone cheating on her

I thought Lawson said they broke up a week before BB but got back together the next day because Candice wanted to, so if Lawson really didn't want to get back together, he should have said No, and then he wouldn't have needed to remain faithful to Candice..

anyway let's hope that Lawson and Candice talk it out, and can go on with their lives now
I think that the housemates were over so called Clawson a while ago. It's only the BB media machine that keeps it bubbling along for the viewers, to the point where BB is actually trying to influence voting Cat out of the house by dangling the carrot of a possible eviction confrontation between her and Candice. That's just not playing fair, but I guarantee that a lot of people will vote to evict her hoping for a 'Cat fight".
I actually think Lawson did pretty well all things considered. He could have been a blubbering mess, he was not. He could have cracked the shits and walked, he did not. He seemed to have a resolve about the end of his relationship on the outside, and moving forward with the one created on the inside. There wasn't a whole deal of regret showing in his demeanour, he'd almost mentally let it go, and moved on. Dealing with Candice just seemed perfunctory after that.
He could easily have done a Merlin or a Michael 2006 and stormed off the set or been a jerk to Sonia or whatever.
It is to his credit that he held his composure pretty much.
I actually like him more than I did before. None of us are perfect, I for one am not, I have done dumb shit in my life, who am I to cast stones at a 23 year old?
He couldn't talk properly. He was slurring, stuttering, taking breaths, going red...
He did the wrong thing - over and over - so he now has to live with the consequenses. At least the interviews are about the truth and what he did, not that they are making things up.
Firstly - I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING! But I felt so sorry for Lawson tonight. The way he was grilled on stage was extremely uncomfortable to watch. He looked on the verge of tears. How many times does he have to apologise to the Australian public? For him to sit up there in front of that audience, and the viewing public, must have been excruciating. I think he handled himself well, and rolled with the punches. I myself would have crumbled, I wouldn't have been able to hold back the tears. To see someone shamed like that was horrible.
Yes, he messed up, he hurt his gf. And he needs to apologise to her, etc. But he hasn't attacked/maimed/killed anyone.
Totally agree.

I have been in Lawson's position, and I have been in Candice's position, and it is heartbreaking enough to deal with in private let alone to have the camera's, audience and judgement all baring down on you at once. Knowing that every single facet of your life is going to know your business would be horrible.

Sexual attraction can make for the worst behaviours, decisions and choices ever!
PRISUS: "What? You feel sorry for Lawson?"

I 100% agree with this thread. Also, I hated that they showed the footage of him talking about how his mum wouldn't be proud of him twice while he was on-stage. Once while talking about Cat and Lawson and once again in his highlight reel. I honestly think BB doesn't understand the meaning of highlights. That was probably one of his lowest moments in the house. The same thing happened with Marina when BB told her that her dog died..
I 100% agree with this thread. Also, I hated that they showed the footage of him talking about how his mum wouldn't be proud of him twice while he was on-stage. Once while talking about Cat and Lawson and once again in his highlight reel. I honestly think BB doesn't understand the meaning of highlights. That was probably one of his lowest moments in the house. The same thing happened with Marina when BB told her that her dog died..
Yeah, you could see him tear up when they showed the piece about his mum. They were just rubbing salt into his wounds. Seeing someone distressed & having all that shit thrown at them wasn't enjoyable. It came across as almost bullying him. He already felt like crap, way to go BB. And like others have said he is ONLY 23. Give him a break.
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