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HM Jake is Tim's roommate

Will it Bother you when a previous winner is using his large big brother watching social media audience and his role in the media to get people to vote for one housemate? Giving that person a massive advantage.
Considering it is a competition I wonder what the T&C's would read like in relation to living with an ex-housemate/being family with the production team/worked on the show?

Considering Tim has a reach of 200,000 on insta, dropping a "please vote for my mate" will have a substantial impact on voting results. Or would he banned for doing so if he is on Channel 9's Payroll? read: conflict of interest

Or is this just classic Nepotism and we need to get over it?
So with a more controlled and censored BB with (most) housemates having connections to the production team and ex-housemates the show is starting to turn into a quasi-"Keeping up with the Kardashians"

YUP! I guess the only difference will be the ass filler... But by the looks of things; many of the HMs egos will make up for the lack of ass!
Will it Bother you when a previous winner is using his large big brother watching social media audience and his role in the media to get people to vote for one housemate? Giving that person a massive advantage.
I don't actually associate new housemates with their 'friends' I wouldn't vote for a housemate just because she's friends with Jade.
And also, Jade promoting said housemate wouldn't sway me either.
Conversely, is it fair to discount a housemate hopeful because they simply know a previous one?
Housemates have always known each other, it generally doesn't make much difference.

I mean...we've had housemates that are sports people, radio hosts and some that have briefly done acting...I'd think that was far more of an advantage than knowing a previous housemate, wouldn't you?
we are all going to see the same footage anyway. we are all going to make assumptions about HMs solely based on that. regardless of sympathisers and haters of any given housemate, i don't think it's going to be unfair.
I don't actually associate new housemates with their 'friends' I wouldn't vote for a housemate just because she's friends with Jade.
And also, Jade promoting said housemate wouldn't sway me either.
Conversely, is it fair to discount a housemate hopeful because they simply know a previous one?
Housemates have always known each other, it generally doesn't make much difference.

I mean...we've had housemates that are sports people, radio hosts and some that have briefly done acting...I'd think that was far more of an advantage than knowing a previous housemate, wouldn't you?
The landscape has supposedly changed Sorc. We're now told that we're living in a new age where social media can have a profound impact on the number of votes hms can get. I just hope that it is overstated and the SM influence isn't as large as many proclaim to be.
If anything it makes me initially wary, if it feels like being friends with Tim gives him a leg up, then I will like him less.
Confirmation on Twitter just now that Tully knows new HM Lisa.
Alex would actively avoid having people with connections in the house.
Yeah this is very true.

Tim would have the followers and support base through social media which won him BB where he can direct and tell people to vote for Jake.
That only works if Tim's followers can't form their own opinions - which I think is highly unlikely.
I think every series bar the 1st one, the HM's know a former HM.
I find it hilarious that Tim thought he could come back in here and fool us all into supporting Jake. Yeah lets just award you 2 guys half a million dollars! :rolleyes: I'm glad people are opposed to this on here because its bloody ridiculous. Tim probably has a bet on him to win too making even more money.
I find it hilarious that Tim thought he could come back in here and fool us all into supporting Jake. Yeah lets just award you 2 guys half a million dollars! :rolleyes: I'm glad people are opposed to this on here because its bloody ridiculous. Tim probably has a bet on him to win too making even more money.
As if that's all he came on here for. He spent hours and hours typing out substantial answers to most questions thrown his way.

Well all except @Trala 's request for reimbursement :p

Give the guy a break, seriously
Why? He cant come back here as a "fan" and discuss the show from that point of view when he has a vested interest in the show still.
That only works if Tim's followers can't form their own opinions - which I think is highly unlikely.

I think the opposite!

Nah what it is, is that a lot of casual followers of something like BB are the most likely to be fooled by the impression of who housemates are.

Look at Ben who won a couple years back. The superficial view of him in the house was a fun, compassionate housemate. Those that actually watched the show saw how he was the biggest bully and the meanest person in the house. Manipulating people and being two faced and dishonest.

So anything getting out there that a housemate is fun, well liked or whatever does have an impact.
c'mon, any housemate of tim's has to be great. it's not like he twisted someones arm until he got on the show. he's there on merit. give him a chance at least.
Considering it is a competition I wonder what the T&C's would read like in relation to living with an ex-housemate/being family with the production team/worked on the show?

Tim is an employee of Nine. Even if just as an independent contractor he still is.

Generally for competitions it's just immediate family which is quite broad but doesn't cover friend. I want to look at what actual law there is, but I don't really know where to start. It may just be under consumer law somewhere. I'll try and find it.

I am sure he can legally enter but I am really surprised they'd risk it. I can understand a friend, but someone who lives with someone, wow. Maybe if they've been living together for more than two years and have banged they are a de facto couple and so Jake is ineligible.