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Episode Day 40 (Fri 6 Sept 2013) - Daily Show (30 minutes)

The episode has just been uploaded to YouTube and it is 15:22, which includes a 17 second promo for the Episode!!!!! Seriously. that was the shittiest 15 minutes of Big Brother ever!!!!
Remember the good old days.

Oh God! I think it took me months to get that stupid song out of my head!! Why Kaz why??!!
Oh God! I think it took me months to get that stupid song out of my head!! Why Kaz why??!!

Because I have been humming this for days & wanted others to share my misery about it.

ENJOY People.

No need to thank me.
Tim disappointed me for the first time. I know with him it's just playing the game, but normally he manages to do it by planting little seeds and little seeds and letting everyone else jump to conclusions and do the dirty work so to speak. But 'I'll go tell Heidi not to say anything....Heidi, the told me to tell you not to say anything' was like something Heidi or Tully would do. I hope Heidi leaves this week because I feel like she will be his down fall. Not because she'll outsmart him, but because aligning with her just makes him look bad.
I agree very disappointed to see this happen. Of course no one can be trusted as they are all playing the game but I was still surprised by him doing that.

Awful show tonight. Cut and pasted all the live videos from the Website. Must be having a long weekend and they have the junior editors in.
Tim disappointed me for the first time. I know with him it's just playing the game, but normally he manages to do it by planting little seeds and little seeds and letting everyone else jump to conclusions and do the dirty work so to speak. But 'I'll go tell Heidi not to say anything....Heidi, the told me to tell you not to say anything' was like something Heidi or Tully would do. I hope Heidi leaves this week because I feel like she will be his down fall. Not because she'll outsmart him, but because aligning with her just makes him look bad.

yeah, totally agree. this was tim's first serious mis-step in weeks. maybe lucy on the brain is make him teh-dumb
The episode has just been uploaded to YouTube and it is 15:22, which includes a 17 second promo for the Episode!!!!! Seriously. that was the shittiest 15 minutes of Big Brother ever!!!!

15 minutes of BB, featuring Ed's task which was all leading up to even more advertisements, only within the show. What an absolute waste of time.
i thought that was really sweet!

i did too! i let out a big 'awwwwww' when she said that to her sister. those two girls are gorgeous. they make me smile everytime they are shown.
Someone would more than likely yell out and tell her. I honestly think if she does go they should keep it brief. I don't like the way she acts but there are too many ways a live interview could go wrong.

Sonia is going to be a wreck......
Ok so let me get this straight, in that interview with Fox or whoever it was, Alex M said he would prefer for them to do nothing and just let the housemates do their thing however these days, the Daily Shows go for 1 hour- 1.5 hours not 30 mins like the old days and they do not have enough quality footage to fill that time so they need to set up little tasks and what not but on a Friday when the show is only 30 mins, instead of using that quality housemate interaction footage and not setting up any tasks, they spend the whole episode on gimmicky things with only a couple of housemate interactions which both featured Tim and Ben only.
