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Episode Day 40 (Fri 6 Sept 2013) - Daily Show (30 minutes)

Wow ... you read way more into that whole conversation than I did. I saw a guy (Tim) who likes wearing lots of crosses. I see another guy (Ben) say he doesn't agree with people wearing crosses unless they are believers. Tim tried to understand Ben's logic and didn't and vice versa. A conversation went on and Tim's conclusion (rightly or wrongly) was that if a person isn't religious why would they care what people are wearing cause technically (by non believer standards) the cross has no actual meaning, or, if you are a believer then still why care if people wear crosses because surely if god exists he has other stuff to bother his mind with. He wasn't tell Ben that he had to wear one just trying to understand Ben's views and sharing his own.

I'm a non believer by the way ...However I have had a particular religion try and entice me ....... now that was a creepy religious conversation

Ben doesn't have to be held to account for Tim's weird behaviour. Tim does.

This is what Tim does: he sets people up, and in this case he's targeting Ben. It's a pattern of behaviour Tim has, and it's all part of his game-playing.

So far this week, Tim has provoked Ben with his confounding cross collection, thrown onions at him, knowing that no one likes to waste food, invited Mr Clooney onto Ben's bed, knowing that Ben doesn't like dog hairs on his bed, woken up all the HMs with his "look what I've found" antics, woken up the HMs with his "I wonder who the new PM of Australia is, or whether it's that horrible Mr Rudd?" etc etc etc.

And then there are the provocative/inexplicable statements like, "I like order in my things and chaos in my relationships." Will somebody parse that statement?

It's Tim's "Look at me, Australia!" grab for airtime.