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Episode Day 28 (5/10/2014) Daily Show

Isn't Lawson from Sydney? Good chance his girlfriend hasn't seen it yet cos she probably went to bed 3 hours ago
Don't worry, BB will make sure we'll have flashbacks to what happened for the next 3 weeks. As they do.
yeh i obviously did watch it, did u??? Because what i seen was Lisa feeling bad for her actions & actually apologising for them, when has she EVER done that??????

Doesnt make her the shining saint of niceness....just makes her manipulative cause she saw how many people agree with shes a raging hormonal bitch
Why did Lawson say he'd sleep on the couch and then get persuaded to sleep in the bed? Grow a set Lawson.

I think back to last season when @Timdormer won the showdown and chose Jade to take with him - Jade cut him off completely (even though we all know Tim was a far better choice than Ed). Lawson could've acted the same. Jade and Tim are still friends. Lawson just needed to be assertive and be a man like Tim and say "I'll take the couch".

God help his girlfriend if he claims "Cat was the aggressor" as his defense. No, sorry Lawson, you are just gutless and a cheater.




This old birds turn... opinion time!

Aisha: Hup!

Cat: At her age I expected her to be a more independent woman. Turns out she's just a fucking man eater.

David: Initially I almost had a bilious attack looking at him, he had so much hair on him. Not so much now.

Dion: The chances of him winning in the first place would be like shitting through the eye of a needle.

Gemma: HUP!

Jake: I have friends in their 70's who can rap better than this hipster bastard.

Jason: I think he's a good boy. He reminds me of my grandson... Except my grandson is quite short.

Katie: I can see her having very ugly children. They'd frighten the fucking life out of me.

Lawson: This 'Alpha male' needs to fucking chill out.

Leo: Choadley McChoadington.

Lisa: a spinster what smells of cats and loneliness.

Priya: She's a sweetheart. But if she made me Lentil Dahl and Saag Ahlu... Don't open it in here for gods sake; you'll never get the smell out the curtains.

Ryan: Hup! Who?

Sam: Face of a fucking murderer, always very sullen and cross.

Sanda: Isn't that a new pot plant variety they've started circulating around the country?

Skye: More to her than the Oompa Loompa I originally made her out to be. One to watch.

Travis: How many hours was he on hold the other night? He's had plenty of practice as a centrelink customer, fucking thief.
This is hilarious. Bahaha. Gold!
what show u watching. they were polishing each others tonsils big time...
Oh and you could see that under the covers could you?
Like I said, it's totally feasible.
But if you look at the outline of their heads, it just seems weird.
There would be HUGE backlash. As soon as Cat or Lawson are out of the house they could run straight to New Woman or any of the other weekly rags and sell the truth for some cash.

Just stop and be realistic for a moment. Lawson lovers didn't want to believe what he said in the wheel although to many of us it was pretty clear. Editing was blamed, blah blah blah. Then he sits there and has a non cut chat with Sam where he again states he has feelings for Cat. He then goes into the Sanctuary with her, gropes her in the pool, sits in a tub with her.

And yet now we're supposed to believe that Ch 9 is going to blow their integrity clear out of the water by dubbing in noises on a reality show to potentially ruin a long time relationship? That would make international news in gossip columns. For the Daily Fail alone that's at least a week's worth of headlines if not more.

Again, come the fuck on. Same shit last year. Why people refuse to buy that some people in the world really are scumbags is beyond me. I presume you don't know either Cat or Lawson from a bar of soap so why would this seem so incredulous for you to believe?
I'll admit, I didn't believe what was said in the wheel, I was a huge Lawson fan. But it's clear to see now that he's not who we thought he was, and he's just another asshole.
Going to watch it again, but when you can hear the kissing sounds... you see Lawson's head under the sheet, and it's clearly a long way from hers. Unless he's got a Gene Simmons tongue, that was not the moment they kissed.

Jesus christ …. seriously? Kissing her own hand? Come the fuck on!

While I think that's silly... how freaking crafty would you be if you could pull that off! Make a guy look like a cheating bastard to get him evicted, hahaha!

She's not that smart. She just wants Lawson's white rabbit in her black hat.