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Episode Day 28 (5/10/2014) Daily Show


I'm not sure whether this has already been talked about in another thread (I had a quick look and didn't see anything) but a follow-up from Sam's boob-grab earlier in the ep. This was on jump-in in the photo album - what is going on with Samdra?!

Not how Lisafer's tits seem to be individually affected by gravity;

Tit (a) seems to be pulled towards Jason while Tit (b) is pulled toward Jake.
You seriously think Ch 9 would open themselves to the massive backlash if they tried to make two HMs- one with a long term partner - appear to be kissing when they weren't?!

Come the fuck on now.

This is the same rubbish people were saying last year about Drew and Tully and ummm yeah.
I doubt there'll be any backlash - people love to believe the worst of people. Until it gets as blatant as Tully and Drew were I'll reserve judgement on the "kiss".
This old birds turn... opinion time!

Aisha: Hup!

Cat: At her age I expected her to be a more independent woman. Turns out she's just a fucking man eater.

David: Initially I almost had a bilious attack looking at him, he had so much hair on him. Not so much now.

Dion: The chances of him winning in the first place would be like shitting through the eye of a needle.

Gemma: HUP!

Jake: I have friends in their 70's who can rap better than this hipster bastard.

Jason: I think he's a good boy. He reminds me of my grandson... Except my grandson is quite short.

Katie: I can see her having very ugly children. They'd frighten the fucking life out of me.

Lawson: This 'Alpha male' needs to fucking chill out.

Leo: Choadley McChoadington.

Lisa: a spinster what smells of cats and loneliness.

Priya: She's a sweetheart. But if she made me Lentil Dahl and Saag Ahlu... Don't open it in here for gods sake; you'll never get the smell out the curtains.

Ryan: Hup! Who?

Sam: Face of a fucking murderer, always very sullen and cross.

Sanda: Isn't that a new pot plant variety they've started circulating around the country?

Skye: More to her than the Oompa Loompa I originally made her out to be. One to watch.

Travis: How many hours was he on hold the other night? He's had plenty of practice as a centrelink customer, fucking thief.
Cat. you are so bad! he said he wanted the couch and you tell him to get in your bed. homewrecker has to go!

Ugh! The face sucking!!! Oh Cat you home wrecking ho.

The whole series has been virtually scripted. The editing has made it impossible to know exactly what's going on in the house. Even the promos have been deliberately misleading - "I feel exactly the same way" is a case in point - made to look like Lawson was saying he had the same sort of attraction that Cat has when he was talking about the awkwardness feeling. Yet people are quite happy to believe that a 1 second soundbite couldn't possibly be dubbed in.

As they say. it takes two to tango ............
You seriously think Ch 9 would open themselves to the massive backlash if they tried to make two HMs- one with a long term partner - appear to be kissing when they weren't?!

Come the fuck on now.

This is the same rubbish people were saying last year about Drew and Tully and ummm yeah.

Yeah... I can't see them possibly taking a falsehood of that kind so far. Legal implications for one thing. The housemates may have signed all kinds of waivers, but Lawson's girlfriend certainly wouldn't have.
Do they think there's no cameras in the sanctuary or something? Are they told they wont be filmed there? It would be very poor form is BB did edit kissing sounds in. I guess we will find out hopefully tomorrow if there's a discussion or a distance suddenly between them? Do you think Cat could now be favourite to go? I know the BB producers would want her to stay, they love ruining lives.
I've rewatched it and I'm not so sure they actually kissed..

You can see him stroking her face. But their heads are far apart.

I'm thinking it's possible that's it's just been edited this way. For example a joke might have been said about making kissing sounds so they did but didn't actually kiss but they edited to make it seem otherwise. That or there was no kissing sound at all and it was just edited in.

I know it's a long shot since it's VERY possible they would have actually kissed BUT their heads weren't together!
what show u watching. they were polishing each others tonsils big time...
I don't think they kissed. His head under the sheet was a way from hers. But there was kissy sounds (that might have just been Cat squelching her wet thighs together).

He was definitely stroking her cheek under the sheet though.

I'm dead! You killed me right there! LMAO!