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Episode Day 14 (21/09/2014) Big Brother: Sunday

I'm actually pretty keen for tonights episode.

Does everybody else's tv guide say it starts at 9:23pm?
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Whats in all the cups tonight???


I haven't read the spoilers but where the hell do they come from? Do they actually release a synopsis of the whole episode to get people interested? I'm CONFUSEDDDDD!
That teaser promo they released on the BB Facebook page of BB talking to him in the Sanctuary and how Tim is looking directly at the camera and smirking (as well as all the professional publicity shots of Tim taken in the Sanctuary) already says how much of a stunt it is and I hate it a lot.

This entire season so far has been nothing but one big stuff-you to Alex and his "I'm a Big Brother purist" remark.

I agree it's a stunt, but I'm holding out hope that depending on how it's edited/plays out it might actually be good.

Either way it's one of our own forum members in the house- that's gotta mean something hahahaha