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Episode Day 14 (21/09/2014) Big Brother: Sunday


After reading that I'm rushing out for some drinks. Kid free, husband free house tonight and y'all have NO idea how excited am after those spoilers.

Cheers darling!!!! **clink clink**
Wow so i hope people here are happy that they had my thread for tonight demoted with all their whining.

I WILL get a thread in this week whether you people like it or not. Bullies!

Like I said in the other thread, an episode discussion thread is an episode discussion thread regardless of who makes it. But it is just getting a bit ridiculous having threads pop up earlier and earlier each day when there's nothing to actually discuss :)

And now back to the discussion at hand...the episode tonight! With the spoiler details in the 1st post we've finally got something to talk about!
This will go down as one of the worst things BBAU has ever ever ever done.

I can't believe people are actually excited about it tbh.
I wouldnt say "excited" but I am feeling something a little more than BLEH for a change.
This will go down as one of the worst things BBAU has ever ever ever done.

Let me see if I'm reading this correctly- so by worst you actually mean BEST? hahaha

To be fair, it could still end up being a piece of shit stunt so will have to wait and see.
I'm simply avoiding the spoilers for tonight, judging by these reactions.

[slinks back into darkness]
To be fair, it could still end up being a piece of shit stunt so will have to wait and see.
That teaser promo they released on the BB Facebook page of BB talking to him in the Sanctuary and how Tim is looking directly at the camera and smirking (as well as all the professional publicity shots of Tim taken in the Sanctuary) already says how much of a stunt it is and I hate it a lot.

This entire season so far has been nothing but one big stuff-you to Alex and his "I'm a Big Brother purist" remark.