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Celebrity Splash. Channel 7

Oh no! I'm not perfect! Who knew? Besides me, that is.

Admittedly, I'm not all that keen on editorial checks when I'm writing or reading for content on a reality tv forum. A tiny bit of tolerance might be required if you're not proof-reading a PhD draft, Trala; or is this all research for a sociology thesis? I can imagine an intriguing analysis titled 'I'd rather fuck in an alley: A study of the inattention to grammar and spelling demonstrated on Australian forums.'

Having said that, though, I'm done with this; I'll let you have the last word. I know it'll come as sure as the sun will rise in the morning.

Still cranky, I see. How exhausting for you.

Ok so Celebrity Splash. On the scale of shithouse reality formats is this better or worse than Skating on Thin Ice? Or is there a worse show I'm forgetting?
Brings that disaster to mind doesn't it. Did that get cancelled after a couple of episodes?

Your forgetting the agreed worst - Jasmine - something, whores herself,something about a wedding?

But I'm all for torturing desperate has beens or never made its. We had fat ones, that stunk. USA has celeb rehab that looks like the worst.
Didn't they recently ban some crap like bid on a donated kidney or something? There have been some utterly foul concepts.
I don't want to continue with this ridiculous argument. I just want to say - I am not a male.

Ding! Ding!

Here I go again…

You don’t want to continue this ridiculous argument and yet here you are, continuing to respond.

Do you see the ridiculousness of your own sentence?! You are like a walking talking oxymoron.

I incorrectly assumed you were male because the thought of losing another member of my beloved Team Female to the Ning Nong Brigade was just to awful to contemplate. Make sure you fire a PM off to kxk, word on the Cyber Street - she is desperately recruiting members for to her gang of Stepford wives. You would fit in just perfectly.
Reading all of this uneventful garbage is exhausting.

I know! And its like I can't stop!

I try not to engage in retardom, but with so many of them scurrying around in various threads slapping each other on the back and high fiving each other it is just so fucking hard not to poke them with a stick! And you know the age old saying "fight with a tard and you become one" I swear over the past 4 months I come out looking like Queen of the Tards!

Help me StarLight!

HELP ME!!!!!!!
I know! And its like I can't stop!

I try not to engage in retardom, but with so many of them scurrying around in various threads slapping each other on the back and high fiving each other it is just so fucking hard not to poke them with a stick! And you know the age old saying "fight with a tard and you become one" I swear over the past 4 months I come out looking like Queen of the Tards!

Help me StarLight!

HELP ME!!!!!!!

If I choose to accept this mission to help you, does that mean I will be joining the dark side? Do we get a lightsaber????
If I choose to accept this mission to help you, does that mean I will be joining the dark side? Do we get a lightsaber????

If you do accept this mission, you will be helping to assist one of the most hated members of this forum, so you are definitely joining the dark side. And as far as a lightsaber goes, let's just say my bottom drawer holds everything we will ever need to take over this forum and control the WORLD! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Although you may need to bring batteries, that saber sucks the power.
If you do accept this mission, you will be helping to assist one of the most hated members of this forum, so you are definitely joining the dark side. And as far as a lightsaber goes, let's just say my bottom drawer holds everything we will ever need to take over this forum and control the WORLD! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

This all sounds overly enticing. I will have to consult with Lord Voldemort and get back to you :P
This all sounds overly enticing. I will have to consult with Lord Voldemort and get back to you :P

This is where we may have a problem. I have never seen even one Dr Who/Lord of the Rings/Star Wars/Harry Potter show or movie.

While I know what a lightsaber is, and I am familiar with the famous "Luke I am your father" quote, that is about the extent of my nerd knowledge. It must be said, I have no idea who Lord Voldemort is. However I can learn, so make sure when consulting with what's his name you mention I am eager and I am very bendy.
This is where we may have a problem. I have never seen even one Dr Who/Lord of the Rings/Star Wars/Harry Potter show or movie.

While I know what a lightsaber is, and I am familiar with the famous "Luke I am your father" quote, that is about the extent of my nerd knowledge. It must be said, I have no idea who Lord Voldemort is. However I can learn, so make sure when consulting with what's his name you mention I am eager and I am very bendy.

Could you possibly be a Twilight fan? Team Edward or team Jacob? Am I driving you nutty yet?
This is where we may have a problem. I have never seen even one Dr Who/Lord of the Rings/Star Wars/Harry Potter show or movie.!... I never thought that I would EVER say these two words in the same sentence but... TraLa are you still a virgin when it comes to never having seen a Dr Who/Lord of the Rings/Star Wars/Harry Potter show or movie?... amazing... obviously Fantasy or Sci-Fi is not your thing... what are your type of shows or movies that you're into out of curiosity?... (porn excluded lol!)...

While I know what a lightsaber is, and I am familiar with the famous "Luke I am your father" quote, that is about the extent of my nerd knowledge. It must be said, I have no idea who Lord Voldemort is. However I can learn, so make sure when consulting with what's his name you mention I am eager and I am very bendy.

...not this bendy surely?...


...hi Starlight... welcome to the forums and welcome to our insanity... I love that Avatar of yours... I can't remember the name of the artist that painted it but I think that he was either Spanish or Italian from memory... I did a detailed pencil drawing of that as a drawing exercise a while back because I liked it so much... it was fun to do... again my friend... welcome to the madness... cheers.