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Celebrity Big Brother UK - Series Discussion

Both Bear and Lewis are extremely annoying, Lewis is acting like he's the leader of that group. Heavy D is like their sidekick. Lewis going would weaken them and could result in Bear exploding. The issue this week is more James (who is up for eviction) and the targeting of him. There should have been more than 2 up, as it is it's like James has taken all the blame for that kitchen row.
Today’s show:… the nominations episode… Lewis starts off in the Diary Room and is saying that Saira seems ‘extremely threatened’ by Marnie… he actually says the words “the squad has said there are no pranks to be done on Saira today blah blah blah!... so that means that we need a new ‘victim’ and I’m thinking that it could be James!”… so he has freely admitted that there is ‘a squad’ in action within the house… (or should it be named ‘the pack’ as in ‘Hyenas’?)... that statement shows to me that there is a definite ‘us and them’ mentality at work within the house now for sure… he has openly stated that James will be their next ‘victim’!... that is premeditated harassment and bullying and Big Brother is going to allow it to happen?... WTF?????... who the frig does Lewis think he is?... he obviously sees it all as ‘funny’ no doubt… what if James reacts and punches someone?... what will Big Brother do then?... Big Brother allowing that to happen is condoning harassment and bullying as far as I'm concerned!... what an arsehole Lewis is!... why does he have to have another ‘victim?... wasn’t Saira’s treatment enough to satisfy the baying pack of Hyenas?... disgusting!...

…Bear starts to apologise to Saira for what happened last night and Saira basically says “new day… everybody’s sorry… let’s just carry on…” as she gets up and walks away… Saira just knows that they are just hollow insincere words dribbling out of that vile mouth of his… I’m glad that she saw that straight away… Saira speaks to James in the kitchen and what she says is so true… James is in the Diary Room talking about what happened with Marnie and Saira… he says that it was outright bullying… it sounded like he’s putting Big Brother ‘on notice’… Heavy D at the goading of Lewis starts to tease James in the kitchen… he asks them several times to stop doing it… they keep going regardless… of course Bear sees the opportunity to get at James because he doesn’t like him and joins in… yet again under the protection of the others... yet again he shows his cowardice… what I would like to see right now is James punch Bear full on in the face… (James did say that he wanted to go soon after all didn’t he?... why not do it James?... please!)… he pours dry coffee powder over Bear… Bear throws sugar and milk over him and now James says “that’s enough”… he walks away… Biggins is pissed off… later on James apologises for pouring the coffee over Bear in the first place… he puts the matter to rest…

Nominations time:…

Frankie picks James and then the ex-husband…
Lewis picks James and Ricky…
Samantha picks Bear and Marnie… (well done you gorgeous thing you!)…
Chloe picks Katie and James…
the ex-husband picks Renee and James…
Biggins picks Marnie and the ex-husband…
Marnie picks James and Frankie…
James picks the ex-husband and Bear (good one James!)…
Renee picks James and the ex-husband…
Heavy D picks James and Renee…
Saira picks Bear and the ex-husband… (well done Saira!)…
Ricky picks the ex-husband and James…
Aubrey picks the ex-husband and James…
Katie picks the ex-husband and James…
Brainless Bear picks James and Ricky…

…the ex-husband slithers up to Marnie and tries to set up a date with her after they leave the house (the dirty old lech!... what a creeping little insect he is!)… it’s almost like he ‘grooming her’… what a disgusting man!...Renee’s ‘gay’ conversation shows just how stupid and ignorant she is… what a ‘dippy broad’ she is… Chloe is a vegetarian but eats fish but doesn’t believe that a fish is an animal… she convinces Bear that it’s not an animal and he asks “is it a plant?”… yes!... that conversation really did happen!... (dumb and dumber comes to mind!)… moving on…

..Lewis tells Marnie that he has schtoomped over 100 girls… as if!... “I’ve had sex with all of them but have only ‘made love to 2 or 3 of them” oh for crying out loud!... you really want us to believe that twaddle?... REALLY?... what a twonk!... the sad thing is… it seems that Marnie is actually believing all of that schmaltz!… BLURGH!... moving on… Katie can’t keep a secret and tells Aubrey that Lewis and Marnie kissed… so they kissed!... so friggin’ what?... BIG BLOODY DEAL!!!...

…the ex-husband slowly slinks in while Lewis and Marnie are talking because he sees that Lewis is probably ‘stealing his bird’ I imagine… he talks to ‘flotsam and jetsam’ (Aubrey and Katie) about having ‘blown his chances with Marnie’… um yes!... you probably have you dirty old git!... the way he slinks and slithers around the young girls in the house makes my flesh creep!... URGH!...

…the nominee’s for eviction are announced… they are James and the ex-husband… ha!... no surprises there eh?... why isn’t there 3 people up for eviction?... you know why?... because that vile little gutter-snipe Bear would’ve been up too that's why!... Big Brother doesn’t want to lose the biggest turd in there do they?... he creates headlines with that vile disgusting foul mouth of his that’s why!... you mongrels Big Brother and channel 5!... aaaaaaaaaaargh!... we’re stuck with that despicable little shit for longer now!... grrrrrrrrrr!...

…the ex-husband is totally shattered and is being ‘consoled’ by the ‘young things’ while James looks totally relieved!... lol!... jeez I hope that James gets to stay and that the creepy ex-husband goes just to piss James off lol!... I really would!... Lewis asks Frankie if he wants to see if he ‘has a big piece’… Frankie runs really fast to see it and comes back out of the toilet all giggly and flustered… why would Lewis want to do that?... for more airtime?... how pathetic!...

…the ex-husband is now in the Diary Room bemoaning his nomination for eviction… (don’t worry you slithering little creep… you will be going… THE PUBLIC will vote you out just to stop you preying on the ‘young pretty things’ in the house)… he tries to work out who voted for him… what a slimeball!... meanwhile Heavy D is questioning Chloe about whether she’s single or not because he has the hots for her… (in your dreams Heavy D… in your dreams!)... end of show… cheers.
Both Bear and Lewis are extremely annoying, Lewis is acting like he's the leader of that group. Heavy D is like their sidekick. Lewis going would weaken them and could result in Bear exploding. The issue this week is more James (who is up for eviction) and the targeting of him. There should have been more than 2 up, as it is it's like James has taken all the blame for that kitchen row.

...exactly starry... as I said above... they don't want to lose that vile little creature Bear... that's all it's about... he would've been the third one up... hence the reason for there only being two of them... cheers.
There is a difference though between presenting an edited version of your personality to the audience to simply being a decent human being. There is no pride to be had in being yourself if you're an utter twat.

It's like all those housemates who pride themselves on saying "they'll tell you to your face" if they have an issue with them rather than "bitching" behind their back. No, actually your opinion is not that important and sometime people don't need to know exactly what you think of them.
From the audience perspective, it is good viewing, whether it is going to perceived as bad or good.
You are spot on Sweetgeek about Marnie. You also mentioned Saira earlier on - I am just so sick of those robotic characters like Saira. Never... NEVER listen to the other and always ALWAYS interrupt!!! She is ALWAYS right and the others are ALWAYS wrong and to top it up: PATRONISING!!!!
Now we have the new problem of actually figuring out what 'patronising' means.... or was it "belittling"?

Marnie was seriously attempting to apologise for something to Saira which was either trivial or didn't even happen just to make the old hag feel better and she rejected that attempt completely.
So here I go, exposing the lovely personality traits of that nasty bitch Saira when my intention was not to waste one more thought on her - at least for today.... it's your fault Swetgeek - I blame it all on you!! :p
I happily accept blame for your post. Your post is spot on with my opinions and please keep exposing ;)

Just recapping from what I just seen, but Saira had my eyes wide open and shaking my head in disbelief when she said that shit to bear about wanting to know what it takes for bear to lose it so she can avoid such a thing- what a load of garbage! She is manipulating big time. And here we go with how no one has walked in her shoes and been through tough times like her- cue the violins. And then the crying in the diary room- who really believed that? Marnie was kind even after that, stating people are going to get on each other's nerves and they can't help being themselves so therefore not understanding what they are doing wrong... Girl has more heart than me, because saira knew exactly what she was doing and was hoping to push those buttons to help her pity me storyline. Argh! Not interested
Today’s show:
..Lewis tells Marnie that he has schtoomped over 100 girls… as if!... “I’ve had sex with all of them but have only ‘made love to 2 or 3 of them” oh for crying out loud!... you really want us to believe that twaddle?... REALLY?... what a twonk!... the sad thing is… it seems that Marnie is actually believing all of that schmaltz!… BLURGH!..

Hahahaha He did not really say that?! Oh c'mon! Is this the new Jackson or Romeo I should say of the house... Marnie marnie marnie- I still love her
Okay, I see three groups.

1. The Young Pack.
Lewis is alpha. Bear is his lieutenant, Boombastic his jester and Marnie, who could be more complex, is just Smurfette when with that group.

2. The Old Group
Biggins, Saira, James, the ex husband form the core. I saw Sam sitting with the youngens until the boob incident and then swap over. (Sam will win.)

The Boring Ones.
American blonde and x factor blonde, Frankie, Ricky, Chloe, head job mob wife - as yet unaffiliated, but decided to side with the youngens in this nomination.

Lewis was so cringeworthily creepy when he was tuning Marnie, after ex husband was taking the approach of actually connecting with her. I haven't seen Marnie show any interest in this cock yet, and still believe ex could take it.

Chloe has infeasibly large tits.

An American faction may arise, but for now they are content to let the Pack and Biggins' Heroes fight it out, feeling themselves still somehow relevant.

It was unfair of BB not to have put Bear up to the public vote. If he went over two older ones, Lewis may have pulled his head in, and Marnie may have switched sides. Guess production didn't want that, so let only two from the older group go up.
Lewis AKA fuckface calls Saira, Biggins and James out for nominations yet he doesn't say anything to Bear, who also talked about nominations. Is he stupid? Dickhead.
This CBB is amazingly boring. Now I wish the civilian BB went for longer.
Bear needs a punch in the head. He is pretty much the centre of the show and he is an absolute wanker with a real nasty streak in him.

@Mr Stickyfingers out standing work on that GIF above very funny stuff.

I haven't got a lot to say because the Bear show is kind of annoying me at the moment, Has Aubrey spoken yet? I saw Ricky tonight, is that his name??
I'm guessing Audrey and Ricky will come out of their shell more when the annoying, stifling personalities are evicted. It is hard to relax and be yourself when bell ends like D, Bear and Lewis are there.

The games of Thrones is afoot, and the nominations have empowered the Pack. But Bear is not content to serve, and he has begun undermining Lewis, and D is falling too. If the boring and older housemates can weather the storm, the pack will turn on themselves.

It is extremely unfair that Bear wasn't up for eviction. One of their own being evicted would have shown the Pack they are twats and given courage to the older crew. BB is supporting the status quo - but I suppose it is giving the Pack enough rope, in the form of arrogant hubris, to hang themselves.
The older crew are making the mistake of apologising to the Pack. These young reality Stars are like Russians - every conversation has a winner. They do not feel the intention of an apology - just that they have won.

Saira makes it easy to dislike her, but if she can learn the rules of the two games that are going on - Big Brother, as well as the game the young crew are playing, I still believe she could be good. I want to like and support her, but she makes it hard.

I so want Ex to steal Marnie out from under Lewis. He stole a kiss in the storeroom, and kissed her on a date, and now that she has his scent smeared all over her, he feels like he owns her. The way he sees the world is so rediculous. He is the worst sort of Red Pill fratboy. But he is ripe for dethroning.

All it would take is for BB to play the tape of Lewis in the dr saying ' today we will pick on James,' then show Bear and D doing so. The boring housemates would remove their support of the powerful, except Mob Wife, who would continue to indulge in her fetish for being a bad boy's bitch. The older crew would see they are not crazy or wrong, the Yanks would have to go against their natural yank instinct of supporting the powerful and we could see a shake up. All of this would have been much more easily achieved if Bear had just be put up too. When was the last time only two housemates went up? I guess they want this whole thing to play out - but if with James or Ex go, we will be deprived of an interesting storyline. While these parts rule the roost we shall see nothing of interest from half the housemates.
I still don't know who "Lewis" is...

But I know that Chloe apparently looks like Amy Winehouse... can't remember whether that was supposed to be a good or a bad thing.

Fabulous Mr Biggins I have a question for you:

When you pointedly made sure that Renee has nothing against gays.... didn't you concur with Renee that the ones you DON'T like are the 'bis'.... because they don't want to admit that they are gay or some such rubbish?

Question then Mr Fabulous - are you actually aware of the fact that there are women TOO who classify themselves as bi??
By your logic then, does that mean that you dislike female 'bis' because they don't want to admit that they are lesbian?? :wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky:
Today's episode:… as they wake up the housemates have to gather on the couch… Big Brother tells them that Bear/Renee/Biggins/James and Saira have been talking about nominations and therefore the whole house will be punished... Lowarse... I mean Lewis points to Biggins/James and Saira only and says "you three need to sharpen up!... you don't know how to 'play this game'!"... BIG BROTHER DID SAY BEAR AND RENEE TOO YOU DUMB-ARSED DIPSHIT!... why not say it to them too?... oh!... that's right... Bear and Renee aren't part of the 'old' group are they?... besides... who the frig put you as the 'alpha male' in the house anyway?... talk about illusions of grandeur!... you steal Marnie off 'Wrinkles' because he's part of the 'old' group and now you're laying the Law down to the 'old group'?... who the hell do you think you are you poncified twonk!... sheesh!...

..."I'm not a dumbo!"... says Bear... oh the irony!!!!... lol!... (he probably thinks irony is something to do with metal)... Renee says something... moving on... (can't stand that woman)... Saira gives her a serve and they just keep going until it goes to Saira in the Diary Room... she's disappointed in her own actions in calling Bear a 'dickhead'... Saira... why punish yourself for speaking a truthful fact?... don't beat yourself up girl!... lol!... (what's that sound?... oh!... don't worry... it's just Dystopia gnashing his teeth together lol!)... Saira sure has got Renee sussed out hasn't she?...she says that Renee has a 'soft spot' for Bear (probably inside her mouth... after all she gives the best headjobs apparently... just ask her!) and I totally agree... she does... URGH!... **vomit bucket please!**... now Wrinkles (the ex husband) is showing off his manly chest to Marnie while talking to Brainless Bear in the bathroom... (trying to steal your 'bird' back from Lewis eh old mate?)...

...Renee goes over to Bear and unzips his fly and... no she doesn't... she tells Bear to leave Saira alone and just keeps saying 'leave it alone'... now Lewis is in the Diary room saying that he's 'disappointed in Biggins'... big friggin' whoop!... who the frig gives a shit if you're disappointed in anyone at all?... well... Big Brother asks this demented dipshit if he is close to anyone in the house and he replies... Bear!... well there you have it... positive proof of what a total brainless tosser that he really is right there folks!... he then goes on to say that the way that Bear acts 'IS A UNIQUE SKILL"!... **straight-jacket to the Diary Room please!**... what a deluded little soft-on he is!...he then says of Bear "he's got to be either very stupid or very confident!"... um!... I think that we can work it out for ourselves somehow Lewis... moving on...

...Lewis and Bear are telling Heavy D inside the house that they think that Chloe has the hots for him... oh FFS!... as if she would have!... seriously!... now Katie and Renee say something out in the garden... moving on...Frankie is leading a 'workout class' lol!... Saira apologies to Bear for calling him a 'dickhead'... he cuddles her and says something... Saira actually has a joke with Heavy D!... wow!...

...oh gawd!... here we go... a task... 'Big Brother's Show Off'... **YAWN**... the housemates have the chance to show off their 'talents'... what?... is Renee going to blow Bear or something?... Bear/Marnie and Lewis do a skit... Katie sings a song beautifully out of tune... Wrinkles says something... Heavy D and Ricky do something that's supposed to be funny **sigh**... Chloe poses for her own 'Calendar Shoot' and when she shows her bum Heavy D just about blows his bolt!... James and Saira do their own 'talk show'... it gets a bit out of order with James making Lewis and Bear a bit uncomfortable... (well done James)... then Samantha sings 'touch me'... she has them all standing and dancing... (she still has it even after all these years)... she wins it... (just like she is going to win this series)...

...after the Ad break Marnie and Lewis are snogging in the bedroom **cue the ex-husband 'Wrinkles' to slither in to keep an eye on his 'bird' no doubt**... my god!... with the camera shot on Marnie we can almost see what she had for breakfast!... Saira and Samantha are discussing relationships in the house... hahaha!... Saira has them all sized up doesn't she?... lol!... now Renee and Bear are 'bonding'... Lewis is trying to run the show as usual... (what a big headed twizzle-stick he is!)... Biggins is now in the Diary Room... he's not a happy chappy... he looks tired and worn out to me...

...Bear and Renee are talking about Lewis and Bear tells her "not to trust him!"... ha! and Lewis considers him to be his best mate!... hahahaha!... sucked in Lewis!... he also tells her that Marnie doesn't really care about Lewis either... wow!... aren't Bear and Renee getting all 'coochey coochey'?... **vomit bucket please!**... oh bloody hell!... Saira tells Marnie that she now thinks that Bear is "a decent guy"... WASH YOUR MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP RIGHT NOW SAIRA!!!... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!... GIVE YOURSELF A FACE SLAP GIRL!... sheesh!...

...Bear is now talking to Renee about Saira and then Renee 'makes her move' and basically throws herself at him and tells him to 'come to bed'... he backs off really quickly and more or less tells her 'no thanks!' and she slinks away from him... HA!... Saira was spot on as usual lol!... Bear puts Lewis's nose out of joint by saying that he could kiss Marnie if he felt like it... hahaha!... Lewis was not happy!...

...Bear says something in the Diary room... Lewis is talking about Bear with the crowd outside and is talking about fighting him for Marnie if it comes to it... Marnie says that Bear is ruthless and would turn on anyone quick smart and Lewis says "I'd like to see him try!"... ( gosh!... he is so butch!)... Marnie then starts an argument with Heavy D and Samantha gets up and walks away... Heavy D just keeps laughing and then Lewis starts an argument with Heavy D too... Marnie takes it to the 'screaming' stage... Lewis tells Heavy D to "shut your mouth!"... (golly gosh he's so tuff isn't he?)... what a DICKHEAD!...

...Ricky takes Heavy D to one side and 'gives him some advice'... (yes!... Ricky actually said something!)... Heavy D goes outside to apologise to Marnie... she then goes to Bear to 'set things straight' with him... then Bear and Lewis 'kiss and make up'... **YAWN! YAWN! FRIGGIN' YAWN!**... (it looked to me that Lewis was shitting himself while they were talking... if Bear had hit him he would've gone running home to mummy crying methinks!... lol!)... Bear ends up out in the garden as 'Nigel No Friends' talking to himself... end of show... cheers.
Bear needs a punch in the head. He is pretty much the centre of the show and he is an absolute wanker with a real nasty streak in him.

[B]@Mr Stickyfingers[/B] out standing work on that GIF above very funny stuff.

I haven't got a lot to say because the Bear show is kind of annoying me at the moment, Has Aubrey spoken yet? I saw Ricky tonight, is that his name??

...why thanks adsyj... very kind of you to say so my friend... much appreciated... and yes... Bear does need a punch in the head... if we're lucky Lewis might end up doing it for us... those two are heading for a punch-up pretty quickly in my opinion... cheers.
We're I a cugine and my associate broke omertà, there might be a little off the record piece of work being done. Of course the goomah squealed to the Bear. Whadya tell 'er for? Gedouddahere.