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Celebrity Big Brother UK - Series Discussion

I suspose i should say sorry.

@Tempset I'm sorry that words that I have used has hurt your feeling and made you sad, angry and emotional. That was not my intent. My intent was to express dislike for a HM on BBUK.
You really do make my heart sing! You are a good kid, Inigo. And at this this minute I feel super proud of you!

HAHA Domesday prepping? no no thats a bit extreme is it not? I'm talking about the current climate of PC culture sweeping across the west. we will still have a normal society in 20 years when the millennials are older and in power and dictate more and more about what is OK to say and what is not.
That show is so crazy funny!

Back to this PC culture you speak of. I do think we as people need to be careful we don't discount hurt filled responses to nasty and cuntish behaviour behind "they are so PC, libtard.."

If you use a term to describe a gay man, and that term hurts another gay man who has nothing to do with your initial conversation, you should listen. It is how we learn and grow as humans. It is how we learn we have unintentionally crossed lines, or are still using bigoted, ignorant upsetting terms as every day language.

Did you not learn from my own retard/assburgers mass cyber lynching?

Some language has a history that is too upsetting to remain as every day banter.

Great debating with you btw. I do love a discussion, even when it gets heated.
P.s. @Tempest. I apologise if I have in any way spoken on your behalf, it was not my intention. Being a lover of many great gay men and women, it is an issue which is close to my heart. I have no idea how it would feel to be targeted because of my sexuality and I don't pretend to know.
Oh wow, I guess because you say I am homophobic that must be true...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

HAHAHA, you start your post off by saying sorry then you go and label me a piece of shit because I've used a phrase that you don't like.... hahaha.... I triggered you hard my friend.....hahaha
Little fairy is not the worst thing Frankie will be called on the internet and if you or anyone else can't handle reading my opinions or any opinion that does sit well you well tough titties. Is biggin's a homophobe because he said the bisexuals help bring aids over from Africa. BB did kick him out because people may find that offensive... I bet you were one of them.

This is my problem I have to constantly censor my self on the fucking internet because of people like you who cant handle reading a few words that in the past may have upset you... whatever happend to sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me???? we all need to harden the fuck up. We live in the west, gays, women, minorities have it pretty damn good these days, unless you live in a part of the world where being gay could actually get you hurt by actual stones, you need to calm the fuck down. Don't label me something I'm not. you don't know me and I don't know you... the only thing I know about you is you are a sensitive little snowflake who like to call innocent people homophobic for using two words. check yourself mate... Looking forward to your reply labeling me many more horrible things.

Enjoy the show and have a nice day living in the west where being gay will overwhelming most likely will not get you stoned to death.


Good post! Just don't use the word 'religion' or you'll be called a racist :arghh:
I checked back when Renee said she would never use the word prostitute.... guess what she did. for a mob wife I would expect her to be able to argue with the best of them in this house, but she just comes off as a jealous old bitch! who cant get her story straight.

I just checked back myself... she actually did use the word prostitute or prostitutes at the beginning- Chloe was awake already - but she did not call Chloe a prostitute. However, Chloe being all upset later told Bear that Renee had called her a prostitute.

But it's so typical, they talk on top of each other all the time, they are loud-mouthed.... of course there will be misinterpretations.

It was actually the "strong woman" Saira who initiated the whole thing. In the end Saira went and gave a very unconvincing apology to Chloe - now that was in a patronising manner, kneeling in front of Chloe like you would toward a frightened little child instead of sitting next to her or hugging her.

Saira did NOT apologise for her own actions but instead apologised for the way Chloe had taken it.
yep, I've seen the light.
I'm not going to censor my opinions on the internet for fear of offending precious little snowflakes anymore. the internet is not a safe space and will never be.

Frankie was the worst of BBUSA and is still the worst in BBUK. who watched his season of BBUSA??? Oh where is @crimmy these days? I know she was a feeder.

HAHA did you write that post before watching last nights episode?? you must be physic! I'll be interested to see today if that group spent the whole night in the DR.
Hi Inigo - you rang? haven't gotten into BBUK or BBUS these times around - got a bit over it all really ;)
Just a bit caught up doing other things :)
OK. Lets start the shall we?
BB did kick him out because people may find that offensive... I bet you were one of them.
....the only thing I know about you is you are a sensitive little snowflake who like to call innocent people homophobic for using two words. check yourself mate... Looking forward to your reply labeling me many more horrible things.

When people use an offensive term towards gay people, yes, it resonates and I react.
I fully admit calling you a hateful piece of shit wasn't the best way to go about it but I wanted to throw something that affected you as much as the word Fairy affected me...

It's kind of hard to learn when straight off the bat I'm a hateful piece of shit for using two words that worked.

perhaps if that posters was a little bit more kind and nicely explained their side of the argument I would have been more receptive to what they were saying, and would not have been a little cunt back but sometimes I just feel like being an argumentative little bitch.

To be truthful, you were so defensive about being a homophobe in comments prior to mine it didn't seem like you would be open to a "kind and nice" explanation? I guess if I hadn't called you a hateful piece of shit I might find out. I rarely call people out and avoid confrontation but I felt a need to respond. As you said yourself you come across as an argumentative little bitch.

I totally get that. But it sounds to me like Tempest has been personally hurt by these type of slurs. That kind of history of pain runs deep. Imagine being teased and ridiculed just because you were born straight. Life is hard enough without being targeted for your sexuality. Words can leave lasting pain.
And this is the basic truth of it. Thank you Trala.

I don't know how old you are Inigo, but over 20 years ago I left the small country town I grew up in. It was riddled with an intense hatred of anything gay. There were no visible gay people and it was still seen as something horrible and vile. My own father hated me and I was bullied from the age of five for being different all the way through until I left in my teens.
I'm not of the generation where being "gay is OK" I had to make that happen for myself and after decades of living in fear I learnt to accept and love myself.
I will not... cannot... let casual terms like "Fairy" to be thrown around. Regardless of intent.
I'm not so sure that the fact that Frankie was a trained dancer who wore glitter can justify the term. It seems like a lame reach when most people are aware that it is a derogatory term used to attack homosexuals.

I don't doubt that there are plenty of people out there that has been hurt by words used against them and their sexuality, I did not intend for tempset to get upset. But he did intend to offend me by calling me a hateful piece of shit, so if he wants an argument... hes got one.
Yes. As I said above. I reacted. I did want to hurt you as your comment hurt me. I apologise for it, but not for defending what I saw a slur.

I suspose i should say sorry.
@Tempset I'm sorry that words that I have used has hurt your feeling and made you sad, angry and emotional. That was not my intent. My intent was to express dislike for a HM on BBUK.
I love the reticence in that "apology".
'I "Suppose" I should say sorry?'
I accept that you felt it was not an intentional attack but I would ask you... please in future... consider other peoples feelings? Its not being overly PC or censoring your views. It's just being a decent human being with some compassion for the people who have viciously hurt by the terms you use.

P.s. @Tempest. I apologise if I have in any way spoken on your behalf, it was not my intention. Being a lover of many great gay men and women, it is an issue which is close to my heart. I have no idea how it would feel to be targeted because of my sexuality and I don't pretend to know.
Thanks Trala. All good. And appreciated.

I am not someone who continues to flame up stupid internet comments, so I'll leave it at that.
Even Stevens.
The other day someone who wore sunglasses in the DR was told by BBG to remove them. Seems rules have changed again - Samantha who isn't quite sure whether she used to be a glamour model or not or what shelf she was on may keep her sunglasses on. Maybe because of the tears.... or wrinkles... or because she is the sentimental favourite - who knows?

Sam now talking about "nominating each other" during the garden tea party conspiracy talk.... will she be pulled up for that?
Aubrey... if she hasn't been on BBUSA she must have watched a lot of it because she seems to think that's where she is. Katie is worshipping the floor she walks on.
It's been obvious for a while that Ricky is Aubrey's bitch (no sexual slur intended) so now she seems to have Ricky, Katie and.... we'll see how this is going to develop, even the Cosa Nostra Queen... maybe mafia mom is running out of steam and feels old age creeping up on her.

Hahahahahaha!!! This is hilarious - Renee chooses Chloe for eviction and Bear laughs and applauds and tells Renee - because you are jealous! And he's dead right. pegged.JPG

...this says - we've got you pegged Momma - with all your Mafia background you still can't hurt us because WE ARE HAVING FUN!!!!

I reckon Katie and Ricky should get married and enter a vow of celibacy immediately after the ring exchange.

This was a fun show, no vomiting, no letters from home, just the usual dramas. Sadly, the wrong people are up for eviction. :whistling:
...Today's episode:... "Renee gets revenge on the rat pack... she's at war with Bear (nothing new there) and Renee 'is done!" according to the promo blurb... they recap yesterday... Ricky actually speaks again!... yes... it's true!... Samantha is in the Diary Room and she's crying because of what the rat pack is doing in the house... (sorry Samantha... as much as I love you... haven't you watched any previous series before now?)... Bear starts on Heavy D first thing in the morning... he tells Bear to leave him alone... meanwhile it looks like some of the housemates are actually packing their bags... Lewis is speaking 'real tough' while with Bear and has a real big swagger in his step... (wow!... the coward is real brave now isn't he?)... there are the four rat packers talking to just Frankie... (that's great odds to Lewis... hence his bravery)...

..."we MIGHT HAVE got a little bit carried away last night blah blah blah"... Lewis starts saying to Frankie and while he's still talking Frankie says "we... may... have... got... a... little... bit... carried... away" back at him... lol!... the whole pack sounds like they are making excuses all at the same time but Frankie stands his ground... (go Frankie baby!)... Lewis continues to have shit dribbling out of his stupid mouth and Bear says "doya no what?... dis is da funniest situashun I've eva bin in!" just before it cuts to a break... (what a legend you are Bear... what a legend you are)...

...Ricky and Samantha and some others are talking about still wanting to leave and Samantha tries to convince him that they should not just let the rat pack win (she obviously doesn't want to go now lol!) and Ricky says "yeah but Sammy... THEY (Big Brother and Channel 5) are allowing this... look!... they've knocked over four glasses now... all that fucking thing... this is ridiculous!... it's a Zoo House!"... he's right... Big Brother are allowing it to continue... they should all walk out and stuff Big Brother's favouritism for the rat pack up their snooter holes in my opinion... their ratings have been declining badly more and more each series... leaving only the rat pack in there would stuff them up big time... (they would have to cut the series short)... I would so love to see that happen... it would so teach the morons a lesson in my eyes...

...Lewis walks over and says "want a coffee Heavy?"... (he gives him no answer)... he's only using it as an excuse to (sort of) excuse their behaviour to Samantha... he struts away defiantly really bravely yet again (what a hero)... Samantha says "immature dick!"... Bear/Lewis/Marnie and Chloe are all clueless as to why they are all being ignored by the others (or so they want us to believe)... little mate Frankie is talking to Big Brother... it's all about 'adaptability"... he's going to be friends with everybody regardless of the two sides in the house (in other words my friend... you are 'sitting on the fence' right?)... hahahaha!... Lewis is 'talking tough' (bullying) with Heavy D in the kitchen again... (it just takes one hit Heavy D... just grab that teabag and... just one hit!)... Lewis is now saying that "if we can sit down we can talk about some basic ground rules for everyone then we move forward but a mass walkout mate?..."...(that's funny isn't it?... when James said the same things about a week ago they all just walked away from him like spoilt brats didn't they?)... it sounds to me like what the other housemates are doing to them is actually beginning to get to them after all ?... we'll see...

...James and Ricky are talking about what they're doing in ignoring them... Ricky is adamant that he is still going... it sounds like James doesn't want to go either... meanwhile Frankie is with the rat pack and is trying to be 'friends' with them... (don't go over to the 'dark side' Frankie boy... don't!)... Aubrey is organising a strategy with the 'oldies' to beat the rat pack... (no doubt Big Brother will have her in the Diary room quick pronto)... Lewis tells Frankie "I'm not going to drink tonight... just as a sign of fucking respect"... and what?... that undoes everything that you have done since you first walked in the house eh?... riiiiiight!... it's announced that Aubrey will be punished tomorrow for talking about nominations... (of course they will... she's daring to try and fight back against the rat pack which is completely against Big Brother's plans... so why wouldn't they?)...

...the housemates are all gathered for a task to win their food budget... they have to play for themselves or the rest of the other housemates... **yawn**... Renee is first... she plays for herself... she gets to pick another housemate to replace her haha! (please pick Lewis... please!)... she chooses Chloe... damn!... it should've been Lewis Renee!... Bear and Chloe's faces when it was announced...


...hmmmm!... someone looks worried... the eyes never lie... Marnie is next... she chooses to play for herself too... she has to choose '2 people to eat slops' for the rest of the day **ho hum** ... she chooses Heavy D and James... wow!... who woulda thunk it eh?... it's James' turn now... he plays for the house... he loses and has to wear a ridiculous outfit... Frankie and James do a funny little skit for Samantha... it was quite funny actually... who's a pretty boy then?... lol!... Samantha is almost wetting herself from laughter...

Untitled-4.gif Untitled-2.gif Untitled-3.gif

...Chloe is 'auditioning' for Bear... moving on... Renee is talking to Aubrey about putting Chloe up for eviction... (another warning coming from Big Brother of course)... Renee's impression of Chloe speaking was quite funny actually... lol!... because Heavy D is only allowed to eat 'slops' Bear decides to tempt him with some cake knowing full well that he is weak-willed when it comes to food... (the little turd!)... and of course Lewis joins in (coward)...what a pair of scum suckers... of course Heavy D succumbs... (another warning coming from Big Brother of course)... Chloe is in the Diary Room... she says something... moving on...

...back to the task...Frankie and Aubrey have a chance to throw a party but!... they have to spin the wheel to get whatever food for the party... god these tasks are so boring to watch most times!... the second half of the task is the old 'each housemate that you sacrifice you get more food' decision... **yawn!**... Bear says something... moving on... Aubrey and Frankie chose nobody and all were allowed to go to it... James has a go at Heavy D for eating the party food and Heavy D says that he doesn't care because he's starving... (he's in 'jail' tomorrow no doubt)... James decides to take off his silly costume now (another in 'jail' tomorrow)... **yawn!**... Lewis has some alcohol... so much for his statement earlier eh?...

...Bear shouts out really loudly for everyone to hear... "and cheers for nominating Chloe tonight... thankyou Renee... cheers!"... and then Renee lets fly a tirade towards him... and it's on!... she puts him in his place well and truly lol!... he's just too friggin stupid to digest the information... he is an intelligent imbecile... a smart dimwit... a clever idiot... why isn't he out of the bloody house yet?... Bear is in the Diary Room... he says something... moving on... (I'm over hearing his voice)... Renee and Samantha are having a talk now it's about Bear and Chloe of course lol!... Lewis and Marnie are listening in saying nothing too... now Lewis is spinning his lovey dovey shit to Marnie... moving on... Bear and Chloe are now talking about Renee... moving on... Katie (remember her?) has 'had enough'... now Renee is starting to blubber and Katie and Ricky are cheering her back up... so Bear/Marnie/Chloe and James are up for eviction and of course it will be James that goes... we just KNOW it don't we?... end of show... cheers.
Haven't watched this for two weeks (I think?) but decided to watch the part where Chloe was evicted because I heard about the wheel somewhere and it sounded somewhat interesting.... What happened for all the housemates to hate her, with all of them bar one voting to evict?
Haven't watched this for two weeks (I think?) but decided to watch the part where Chloe was evicted because I heard about the wheel somewhere and it sounded somewhat interesting.... What happened for all the housemates to hate her, with all of them bar one voting to evict?
she became Bears playmate
...ooooh!... an hour long show... a definite 2 parter yet again lol!... here is Part1...

...Today's episode:... the Live Eviction show... Emma looks great and thank god that her weird hairstyle is gone lol!... what's going to happen with the evictee's sounds interesting... the two with the highest votes to save will be be saved instantly but the two lowest votes to save will be 'playing off' against each other (James and Chloe perhaps?)... as I said... interesting... the best possible outcome would be for James to be saved (which is highly unlikely) and that one of the 'rat packers' go just to split the group up... PLEASE let that happen!... they will fall apart if one of them goes...

...they recap yesterday... the housemates are all told that Aubrey was talking about nominations and will be punished (jail I guess)... yep!... Bear opens his stupid thin-lipped mouth of course to make a comment... they all ignore what he's saying and she goes to jail as instructed... that is so ho hum now... it's well worth talking strategy with the others to organise yourselves if the only 'punishment' that you receive is 'jail' in my opinion... that so called punishment is just so friggin' lame as far as I'm concerned!... Chloe and Marnie say something... moving on... now Marnie gets into a spat with Aubrey and then Renee joins in and then Chloe starts shouting... **yawn**... big brave Lewis sways into the conversation and says that they (the rat pack) don't talk about nominations at all to Renee... she doesn't believe him as does the rest of the population of Earth... meanwhile Marnie is blarbing on and on... Bear tries to rile Renee and she puts him into his place yet again...

r1.gif r2.gif

...hahaha!... no love lost there eh?... Renee is now in the Diary Room... what a rant!... lol!... brilliant!... "she (Chloe) needs to clean her fucking underwear off the floor... they're there for 14 fucking days!... I cannot stand a filthy fucking person... walking around in a towel like you are something... you're a fucking embarrassment... that's what you are!... put clothes on!... it's disgusting... oh!... (under her breath) God forgive me... life forgive me"... now THAT is a rant!!!!!... hahahaha!... (ewwwww!... leaving her undies on the floor for two weeks for others to see?... URGH!)... that is so gross!... gawd!... I wouldn't want to even walk near her at all after that revelation!...

...Katie says something in the Diary Room...Aubrey is 'arranging peace talks' with Bear for when Renee comes back outside... Aubrey asks Renee to make the effort to speak with the rat pack... she makes it quite clear amid tears that she won't... she starts getting angry with Aubrey because she keeps pushing her and Renee walks off in tears to this kitchen... the 'oldies' give her a group hug...
Samantha is in the Diary Room talking about Renee... Renee dishes out dinner and Bear starts being a dickwad as usual...

...oh no... the shopping task yet again... James/Samantha/Katie/Ricky/Aubrey and Lewis play for the house... Frankie plays with himself... um... I mean... plays FOR himself... Marnie/Chloe/Heavy D/Renee and Bear play for themselves too... there's a 'find 3 dice in 100 boxes' task... the ones that played for themselves win the task... they win tickets for a 'festival'... they have a party... **yawn**... Marnie isn't happy with Lewis... (here we go... a play for more airtime)... as if on cue Marnie starts saying to Bear... "I bet that Lewis could've saved me and he didn't!"... and as she was saying it outside the house... inside the house Lewis JUST HAPPENED TO BE SAYING AT THE EXACT SAME TIME AS IF ON CUE... "what if she thinks that I might have had the opportunity that I could've saved her and I didn't fucking take it?... she's sitting out there with the right hump with me now!"... HA!... got you Lewis!!!!!!... you have so overplayed your hand old son!... the chances that you both would be saying the exact same thing as a matter of chance are about 10 Billion to one!... there is no way that would have happened if it wasn't premeditated beforehand!... it is all part of the gameplan that you and Marnie had agreed upon prior to coming into the house in the first place!... hahaha!... you fool!... you have given yourselves away right there you imbecile!... I knew it!... I just knew it!... hahahaha!...

...back to Emma and she's heading into the house itself later she tells us... something interesting just happened... when Emma mentioned Bear/Marnie and Chloe's name there were all boo's... when she mentioned Jame's name there were more cheers than boos!... haha!... he might be saved after all eh?... that would be brilliant because as I said at the beginning... it would break up the rat pack lol!... (I can only hope I guess!)...

...back to recapping yesterday... oh here we go... the pre-ordained rehearsed backlash arguement in this 'fake' relationship... **YAWN YAWN YAWN YAWN FRIGGIN' YAWN!**... oh come on you morons... we know that it's all bullshit now so how about shutting the frig up!... you idiots!...

...James is in the Diary Room and believes that either Chloe or Marnie will be going (after what I said before... hopefully he's right?)... oh FFS!!... now Lewis and Marnie can be heard continuing the 'argument' through the toilet door... we're not buying your bullshit 'romance' anymore you pair of losers!... now Marnie tries to make a nudie run to the toilet from the bedroom because she's obviously drunk again and Lewis pretends to try and 'stop' her so she 'turns on him' and begins 'arguing' with him yet again for even more airtime... (let the yawnfest begin yet again)... we hear them behind the toilet door yet again... **ho friggin' hum**... and now Bear and Chloe are having a shag in the shower yet again... **yawn**... Chloe does the classic scene from 'Titanic' for the cameras where her hand is touching the steaming glass while she is humped by Leo Di Capprio in the car below decks...


...I'll leave part 1 with that image embedded in your mind lol!... (yes I know... I'm a bastard aren't I?)... Part 2 to follow... cheers.
...Part 2...

...back to Emma Live again... she crosses to the house... they are all chanting "get Bear out! get Bear out!"...he actually looks worried!... so does Chloe...

b1.gif b2.gif oh my you are looking worried there Bear... didn't you expect James to get more cheers than all of you or something?... lol!... oh my god!... James is saved first woohoo!... and then Bear... bugger!... that means that it is either Marnie or Chloe!... either way the rat pack gets split up!... well done James!... I never expected that for sure lol!... woohoo!... Bear looks like he is in shock because he was saved... I'm in shock that he wasn't... but at least one of them are going thank god!... the chant goes up... "get Chloe out! get Chloe out!"... (not looking good for her is it?)... Heavy D rubs it in that James was saved lol!... I love it!... they cut to the voting break...

...Emma's back and she is actually going into the house itself now... she's standing in front of a sign saying "Big Brother's Big Risk"... the roller door to the garden comes up exposing Emma to them all... they have to stand behind podiums... Chloe and Marnie have to stand on plates with their names on them... all the housemates have a segment of the wheel with either Chloe's or Marnie's face on it... Bear keeps being a smart-arse and keeps interrupting Emma (rooky mistake there Bear... NEVER piss Emma off!)...

...Aubrey/Frankie/Heavy D/James/Katie/Lewis/Renee/Ricky and Samantha pick Chloe and puts her face on the wheel...
...Bear picks Marnie... oh dear... bye bye Chloe methinks!... the wheel isn't looking too good for you is it?...


...James is told that HE received the most votes to stay in the house (I bet that kicked Bear in the bollocks bag big time lol!)... and because he was he has to spin the wheel... (I bet that he's going to enjoy this although it would've been a lot more fun for us for Bear to do it and potentially spin his girl out of the show lol!)... it lands on Chloe's face (no shit Sherlock!)... bye bye Chloe!... stuffit!... now we have to endure more of Marnie and Lewis's fake romance bullshit!... she gets heaps of boos on her exit... now the exit interview...

...I'm so tempted to fast forward this but I might hang in there... Emma is starting to 'grill' her rather than 'interview' her... (I don't think that Emma likes her somehow)... Chloe keeps trying to talk over her all the time but Emma won't have it... she persists in getting an answer to her questions regardless... Chloe looks embarrassed at some of the clips of her time in the house... Emma tells her about what it's like to be for people on Bears 'good side' and his 'bad side' and Chloe tries to just ignore what Emma's saying but Emma continues on regardless... Chloe continues to paint Bear in a good light... she tells Emma that now she's out of the house that Bear will be even worse now... they roll her 'highlights reel'... (it'll be like watching a porno methinks!)... she leaves...

...well... I have to be honest... I didn't actually dislike Chloe... in fact I stated that she was quite a nice type of person when she walked into the house but sadly for her she hooked up with Bear and that put me off her but I liked the way that she stood up for herself against whoever she needed to in the end... she seems quite intelligent when she didn't 'bimbo' herself down for Bear.. when she wasn't with him she was great but alas!... she chose to go with him... oh well... bye Chloe... end of show... cheers.
Well how dense is he? Evict on the podium, save on the ground. How many times did she end up having to reiterate it? What a fucking idiot.

...stirring the shit out of the housemates way beyond their breaking points is one thing but taking the piss out of Emma is another... I managed to watch Emma on BOTS afterwards and she is mega pissed off with him and has branded him as being being 'fake' which is a heavy kick in his gulags as far as her 'liking' him anymore for sure... Bear just kept acting as if he couldn't come to grips with the instructions and kept pushing and pushing his 'not understanding' her instructions just to eke out some extra airtime and to try and humiliate Emma like he does the rest of the housemates... (that was a biiiiiiig rooky mistake right there!)...

...on BOTS she said to Rylan... "that pissed me off... it was not genuine... he knew exactly what we said... he egged it and egged and egged it for camera time and I find that infuriating.... I am there to do my job so please play ball... you like to play the game apparently so play the game!... for once this isn't about you... this is about your bird and your mate... and he went 'alright sexy' and I felt like going..."...

...I think that Bear's reign on the house will be slipping now that there are only 3 in their rat pack against what?... 8 others now?... Lewis and Marnie should now feel that they are 'on notice' after Marnie nearly going tonight... I laughed my guts out when it was announced by Emma that James was the first one saved with the highest votes... I think that Bear will be shitting his pants as you saw in those GIFs in my post above... he was a shattered man even before Chloe was evicted lol!...

...that rat pack will collapse in on itself as their confidences will be ebbing really quickly... Lewis will now be the first one to try and 'sweet talk' himself into the favour of the 'oldies'... his grovelling will be so sickening to watch... I'm dreading it... Marnie will probably go into her shell and Bear will now become unbearable even more so... I'm going to so enjoy watching them unravel... lol!... cheers.
where do I find BOTS?

...hey Lindsay... I find the main shows on this link...

... about a minute or so into the episode when the show starts it puts up a link to that days BOTS... which for tonight's episode was this... just click onto those links to watch BOTS... it works for me so I hope that it does for you too dear sweet Lindsay... cheers.
Emma winning a lot of support from fans last night by saying on the show she doesn't want to be watching Geordie Shore or Ex On the Beach, she wants to watch Big Brother. A lot of fans also thinking she should put her career first now and step down from the show considering the mess it is - like with Davina it's clearly holding her back now from other shows. She hosts The Voice and is transferring with it from the BBC to ITV, but at the moment being associated with BBUK is rather toxic.