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Celebrity Big Brother UK - Series Discussion

Sorry Inigo but it actually DOES mean you are homophobic.

Using that as slur automatically makes you a hateful piece of sh!t to anybody and everybody who has been called that name and worse whilst growing up.

It's not a throw away line when people have committed suicide or been driven to self harm.

So don't worry about the "libtards".

Worry about people who have been hurt by assholes like you in the past and would probably spit in your face if you spoke like that to them.

I would say ask one of your gay friends but we have more taste than be a friend to someone who throws crap like that around like you do.
I know Inigo off the board and she really is a beautiful girl who has overcome great hardship, and from what I know of her, she really is not homophobic.

I think the word she chose came from a place of ignorance. You have articulated beautifully how that particular slur has made you feel as a proud gay man, and it made me sad to read it. I am sorry you have been hurt based on your sexuality.

Sometimes you don't know a word is offensive until you are pulled up on it. I truly believe when you know better, you do better. By sharing you have perhaps taught many readers and lurkers an important lesson when it comes to the words we choose.

For you ---> :)
The producers are still pushing this Lewis/Marnie showmance.

And as for those that find Bear entertaining, well I think Heavy D is much better. He can talk some sense and have more of a laugh, including at himself.
Most boring showmance ever! Even their arguments are boring!

Bear and Chloe at least provide that awkward "oh my God..." factor.

I like them both in there. But being a grumpy and nearly 48 year old lady, Bears constant Tourettesing of "BOOM" would do my fucking head in!
While Saira brought some entertainment at times her sucking up to Bear was annoying.
I actually think he brought out her inner dealing-with-teenage-boys mummy gene. I used the same tactic when raising my son. If I tell you how special you are, and what a good young man you are, maybe, just maybe you will be a self fulfilling prophecy. While this manoeuvre worked on my son, Bear - not so much. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

How awkward was it watching her try to be funny by simulating the Bear and Chloe massage with Heavy D? Nothing worse than trying to be funny, and the response is crickets chirping.

I liked her, but I like strong and outspoken women.
I wonder if the Queen falls off her throne in shock every time she puts on the television and see's whats on British TV

Or even funnier, she is watching it while chanting "GET BEAR OUT! GET BEAR OUT! GET BEAR OUT! BOOOOOOOOO!" When it comes to the eviction live cross.
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" ... risqué sexual activity which may distress some viewers"

Since when have sexual activities become "distressful"?? Where do all the babies come from? Is it true about the cabbage patch? :wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky::wacky:
I was going to ignore this comment, but being an over opinionated Siara like pain in the arse, I just can't!!

To answer your question, since forever. Sex is not just a baby making activity. Sex can be beautiful, sex can be naughty, sex can be hot, sex can be satisfying, sex can be humiliating, sex can be violent, sex can be painful and sex can be traumatising. The act itself is multidimensional.

My guess would be the warning is for people who have endured a sex crime which may trigger a PTSD type response.
Sorry Inigo but it actually DOES mean you are homophobic.

Using that as slur automatically makes you a hateful piece of sh!t to anybody and everybody who has been called that name and worse whilst growing up.

It's not a throw away line when people have committed suicide or been driven to self harm.

So don't worry about the "libtards".

Worry about people who have been hurt by assholes like you in the past and would probably spit in your face if you spoke like that to them.

I would say ask one of your gay friends but we have more taste than be a friend to someone who throws crap like that around like you do.
Oh wow, I guess because you say I am homophobic that must be true...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

HAHAHA, you start your post off by saying sorry then you go and label me a piece of shit because I've used a phrase that you don't like.... hahaha.... I triggered you hard my friend.....hahaha
Little fairy is not the worst thing Frankie will be called on the internet and if you or anyone else can't handle reading my opinions or any opinion that does sit well you well tough titties. Is biggin's a homophobe because he said the bisexuals help bring aids over from Africa. BB did kick him out because people may find that offensive... I bet you were one of them.

This is my problem I have to constantly censor my self on the fucking internet because of people like you who cant handle reading a few words that in the past may have upset you... whatever happend to sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me???? we all need to harden the fuck up. We live in the west, gays, women, minorities have it pretty damn good these days, unless you live in a part of the world where being gay could actually get you hurt by actual stones, you need to calm the fuck down. Don't label me something I'm not. you don't know me and I don't know you... the only thing I know about you is you are a sensitive little snowflake who like to call innocent people homophobic for using two words. check yourself mate... Looking forward to your reply labeling me many more horrible things.

Enjoy the show and have a nice day living in the west where being gay will overwhelming most likely will not get you stoned to death.

For once we agree on a couple of things... have you been eating healthy food? Whatever, you've seen the light!
I wasn't aware that fairy had been on BBUS but it makes sense now considering his DR performances.... I'd initially thought he must have read some manual or book about DR speeches. But yes, BBUSA fits right in there.
And Bear owned him, that's how I saw it too and there will be more of it I hope.... but then we'll probably have one of those: "I've had enough, I didn't sign up for this, I wanna go home" meltdowns.
yep, I've seen the light.
I'm not going to censor my opinions on the internet for fear of offending precious little snowflakes anymore. the internet is not a safe space and will never be.

Frankie was the worst of BBUSA and is still the worst in BBUK. who watched his season of BBUSA??? Oh where is @crimmy these days? I know she was a feeder.

HAHA did you write that post before watching last nights episode?? you must be physic! I'll be interested to see today if that group spent the whole night in the DR.
Attacking isn't actually a strong word when you are singling a person out and calling them names. It is what it is, and that is okay. BBB was built on hatefully cyber attacking housemates, it is just not a sport I prefer.

There are zillions of derogatory terms you could have used when voicing your dislike for Frankie. While I understand you thought it was a word that was attacking his personality, you chose a word that has a deep history in our homosexual community. It is a word that was used to ridicule, disempower and humiliate for being a man who was considered to be gay or "effeminate". While the word may not hurt you, given you are a straight, white, woman, it does still have the power to hurt a gay man, whether you intended it or not. As we both know, words can be a hurtful thing.

I never watched BB US, So Frankie is new to me. I get what you are saying, Mutley loathes him to, but to me, I find him interesting, kind and likable.

Never seen that Marc in my life! What series was that?
I choose that word because he prances around the house like a fairy, not because he is gay, but because he is a very well trained dancer.... and he has over the top hair, clothes and he COVERED himself in glitter on launch night. That is why I use little fairy to i guess yes attack his personality. if he were straight, bi, or a fucking tree I still would have used the words little fairy.
I guess being a white straight sis gender female I better check my privilege ;) don't want to trigger too many special snowflakes... :cigar:

Yeah Marc was on the civilian BBUK season last year.... titled timebomb. Production put him in to cause arguments, because the producers wanted more arguments and the OG cast were not delivering.
Oh wow, I guess because you say I am homophobic that must be true...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

HAHAHA, you start your post off by saying sorry then you go and label me a piece of shit because I've used a phrase that you don't like.... hahaha.... I triggered you hard my friend.....hahaha
Little fairy is not the worst thing Frankie will be called on the internet and if you or anyone else can't handle reading my opinions or any opinion that does sit well you well tough titties. Is biggin's a homophobe because he said the bisexuals help bring aids over from Africa. BB did kick him out because people may find that offensive... I bet you were one of them.

This is my problem I have to constantly censor my self on the fucking internet because of people like you who cant handle reading a few words that in the past may have upset you... whatever happend to sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me???? we all need to harden the fuck up. We live in the west, gays, women, minorities have it pretty damn good these days, unless you live in a part of the world where being gay could actually get you hurt by actual stones, you need to calm the fuck down. Don't label me something I'm not. you don't know me and I don't know you... the only thing I know about you is you are a sensitive little snowflake who like to call innocent people homophobic for using two words. check yourself mate... Looking forward to your reply labeling me many more horrible things.

Enjoy the show and have a nice day living in the west where being gay will overwhelming most likely will not get you stoned to death.

You had a choice. To learn from the heart felt experiences of a gay man, or continue hateful ignorance. You chose poorly.

Given the tears you have shed when you yourself felt targeted online, I thought that may have given you insight that words can hurt. But instead you have chosen to attack.

You don't need to censor yourself online or in life. Just be prepared to explain your views when you spew your hate filled poorly articulated fucking nonsense, like we have seen today.

Being gay will overwhelmingly "most likely" not get you stoned to death indeed.
Perhaps those who were blinded by Saira's 'flair' have now discovered at least some of her ugly personality.
She was the one who proclaimed she was a strong woman a few days ago.... and the sheep listened and believed. There is nothing strong about being viscous, envious and mean-spirited all around. During the post-eviction interview she also had a lot to say about herself... that she has strong opinions and that she is strong and strong and strong... oh, she also used the word 'dignified' - yeah, rrrright!!

Renee is beginning to show her true colours (which weren't really hidden too deep in the first place) and is becoming rather predictable. Nasty, cantankerous old bitch - no more love from me! Go back home to LaLa Land.

There has never been any doubt in my mind that the VAST majority of the women audience 'hated' Chloe from the beginning. In the end, it's just pure envy, which is silly, because most men don't like those tits nor those overblown Botox lips - but women have soft spot for the fashion industry and Hollywood.... let's not beat around the bush here. Why Chloe chose to go down the 'Bimbo Path' is her own business. Everybody makes stupid decisions, it's called being human.

But to the Chloe haters I would suggest to close their eyes when Chloe speaks and judge her by her thoughts rather than her strange body.... she is a decent girl without a bad bone in her. She is NOT a bitch, she is not back stabbing - so what's all the hate for?

The other decent girl is Marnie. Marnie and Chloe together are in my mind the most decent and honest HMs in there. Neither of them is pretentious and out to hurt others' feelings.

I like James too most of the time. Maybe the 'old ones' struggle with carying too much baggage from the past.

Oh btw.... Heavy D made a big mistake by nomming Marnie. The question is, was it because he still holds a grudge against Chloe (not returning his adoration) or has he because of that become a "young-women-hater" or was it because of the custard pie in his face?

...and now for the first ever strike in the BB house :woot:
James you are pissed and all the other losers are using you as their spokesperson :laugh:
I checked back when Renee said she would never use the word prostitute.... guess what she did. for a mob wife I would expect her to be able to argue with the best of them in this house, but she just comes off as a jealous old bitch! who cant get her story straight.

The thing about Chloe is if you get boobs that big you have to be prepared for people to talk shit about your over the top enhancements. I do agree she is a nice girl, she is probably the least bitchy female HMs, the problem is her boobs.... people cant not see beyond them and judge her accordingly.
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You had a choice. To learn from the heart felt experiences of a gay man, or continue hateful ignorance. You chose poorly.

Given the tears you have shed when you yourself felt targeted online, I thought that may have given you insight that words can hurt. But instead you have chosen to attack.

You don't need to censor yourself online or in life. Just be prepared to explain your views when you spew your hate filled poorly articulated fucking nonsense, like we have seen today.

Being gay will overwhelmingly "most likely" not get you stoned to death indeed.
It's kind of hard to learn when straight off the bat I'm a hateful piece of shit for using two words, perhaps if that posters was a little bit more kind and nicely explained their side of the argument I would have been more receptive to what they were saying, and would not have been a little cunt back but sometimes I just feel like being an argumentative little bitch. The world is still turning I think it is time to move on.
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I choose that word because he prances around the house like a fairy, not because he is gay, but because he is a very well trained dancer.... and he has over the top hair, clothes and he COVERED himself in glitter on launch night. That is why I use little fairy to i guess yes attack his personality. if he were straight, bi, or a fucking tree I still would have used the words little fairy.
I guess being a white straight sis gender female I better check my privilege ;) don't want to trigger too many special snowflakes... :cigar:

Yeah Marc was on the civilian BBUK season last year.... titled timebomb. Production put him in to cause arguments, because the producers wanted more arguments and the OG cast were not delivering.
But you didn't call a straight, a bi or a fucking tree a fairy. You called a gay man a fairy. If you can't see why that is hurtful, then you could actually listen to how it made a gay member in here feel.

I understand you didn't mean it to be about Frankies sexuality, but the word you chose has a negative history in our homosexual community.

You are privileged. I hope you understand that. Oh and for the record, the best offence is not always defence. Sometimes it is better just to say "I am sorry. I didn't realise that word hurt".
But you didn't call a straight, a bi or a fucking tree a fairy. You called a gay man a fairy. If you can't see why that is hurtful, then you could actually listen to how it made a gay member in here feel.

I understand you didn't mean it to be about Frankies sexuality, but the word you chose has a negative history in our homosexual community.

You are privileged. I hope you understand that. Oh and for the record, the best offence is not always defence. Sometimes it is better just to say "I am sorry. I didn't realise that word hurt".
I have in the past called people who where not gay fairies... and not because they shared some traits that gay people have... because they have their heads in the clouds, not being grounded in reality like Frankie.

Yeah I am privileged (beside growing up poor), just like almost every other person who grows up in the west.
It's kind of hard to learn when straight off the bat I'm a hateful piece of shit for using two words, perhaps if that posters was a little bit more kind and nicely explained their side of the argument I would have been more receptive to what they were saying, and would not have been a little cunt back but sometimes I just feel like being an argumentative little bitch. The world is still turning I think it is time to move on.
I totally get that. But it sounds to me like Tempest has been personally hurt by these type of slurs. That kind of history of pain runs deep. Imagine being teased and ridiculed just because you were born straight. Life is hard enough without being targeted for your sexuality. Words can leave lasting pain.

If you really believe Tempest could have been kinder, don't you see if you had been kind in your own response, you may have come to a mutual understanding?

I have no problem with you being argumentative, just be prepared for people to question your views. Life lessons are everywhere, but it is up to you if you learn from them. You can lead the ignorant to information, but you can't make them think.
I have in the past called people who where not gay fairies... and not because they shared some traits that gay people have... because they have their heads in the clouds, not being grounded in reality like Frankie.

Yeah I am privileged (beside growing up poor), just like almost every other person who grows up in the west.
Yeah and I have in the past called people online retards. Doesn't make my behaviour right. Yesterday you had a gay man who was hurt by the term "fairy", and he explained passionately why he was hurt. It is totally up to you what you do with that information.

While I agree you yourself are privileged, I feel that privilege has more to do with your sense of worth, your hunger to educate yourself and your desire to succeed. The "west" as you call it is not a land of magic and opportunity. It can be a hard, dangerous and frightening. Just because we have access to a McDonalds every 5km, doesn't mean we are the chosen ones, just ask the husband of the pregnant McDonalds worker who was raped and killed while walking to work.
I totally get that. But it sounds to me like Tempest has been personally hurt by these type of slurs. That kind of history of pain runs deep. Imagine being teased and ridiculed just because you were born straight. Life is hard enough without being targeted for your sexuality. Words can leave lasting pain.

If you really believe Tempest could have been kinder, don't you see if you had been kind in your own response, you may have come to a mutual understanding?

I have no problem with you being argumentative, just be prepared for people to question your views. Life lessons are everywhere, but it is up to you if you learn from them. You can lead the ignorant to information, but you can't make them think.

I don't doubt that there are plenty of people out there that has been hurt by words used against them and their sexuality, I did not intend for tempset to get upset. But he did intend to offend me by calling me a hateful piece of shit, so if he wants an argument... hes got one.
Don't worry our time has come. The regressive left hates you unless you were born into an oppressed minority... the future is coming, soon it will be our turn to be discriminated against and if your a straight white male that time has already come.
I don't doubt that there are plenty of people out there that has been hurt by words used against them and their sexuality, I did not intend for tempset to get upset. But he did intend to offend me by calling me a hateful piece of shit, so if he wants an argument... hes got one.
Don't worry our time has come. The regressive left hates you unless you were born into an oppressed minority... the future is coming, soon it will be our turn to be discriminated against and if your a straight white male that time has already come.
If you didn't mean to upset Tempest, and you learned after the fact you did, why didn't you just say sorry?

I am not sure who you are speaking on behalf of, or who "our" is, but I know plenty of straight white men. And not one of them is being discriminated against based on sex, colour or sexual orientation. And as far as your dooms day prepping goes, I wouldn't start digging your shelter or storing canned food just yet.
If you didn't mean to upset Tempest, and you learned after the fact you did, why didn't you just say sorry?

I am not sure who you are speaking on behalf of, or who "our" is, but I know plenty of straight white men. And not one of them is being discriminated against based on sex, colour or sexual orientation. And as far as your dooms day prepping goes, I wouldn't start digging your shelter or storing canned food just yet.
I suspose i should say sorry.

@Tempset I'm sorry that words that I have used has hurt your feeling and made you sad, angry and emotional. That was not my intent. My intent was to express dislike for a HM on BBUK.
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If you didn't mean to upset Tempest, and you learned after the fact you did, why didn't you just say sorry?

I am not sure who you are speaking on behalf of, or who "our" is, but I know plenty of straight white men. And not one of them is being discriminated against based on sex, colour or sexual orientation. And as far as your dooms day prepping goes, I wouldn't start digging your shelter or storing canned food just yet.
HAHA Domesday prepping? no no thats a bit extreme is it not? I'm talking about the current climate of PC culture sweeping across the west. we will still have a normal society in 20 years when the millennials are older and in power and dictate more and more about what is OK to say and what is not.
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