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Ben (2013) is back...Tuesday

I think it may be to do with the fake eviction. Remember that Ben too was fake evicted and had the power to oversee the whole house for a full day? Maybe he'll be the mentor to the person who's fake evicted or something...
What Ben did not get to watch any house footage, beside the stupid car wash task.... WITH NO SOUND and he got to ask like 2 HMs in the diary room a few questions.
God if this fake evicted person does not get to actually sit down and watch a feed of the house WITH SOUND, I really don't see the point. Unless the point is to see the HMs faces when the fake evicted person returns..... Which IMO is not even worth doing it in the first place.
At the risk of being hung, drawn and quartered forum-style, I didn't mind this kid. He has a show bizzy personality/appeal that the Network seem to love and he bounces off people in a unique, self-depreciating way that was entertaining at times during last years' season.

I absolutely believe his mental health issues have had an impact on his life, although his codependent relationship with Mum and Nanna have probably contributed more than anything else.
You're fucking kidding me

Wonderful. The night I'm going I get to see Ben live in the flesh. Save me lol
Did you get tickets for your b'day?

Ben went back into the house last year as well, when they were wrapping presents for a xmas task, and he saw Drew and Boog

Oh yeah that's right he did.. Completely forgot about that bit.

Yup sure did! Stoked.. Sounds like it's going to be a pretty good night to go too (Minus Ben haha)
Oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Does it get any better??!! Now you can yell out "WHERE'S YOUR PAJAMAS, PENIS??!!!" :biggrin:
Thanks :D :D

I'm still trying to get Mrpudding on board to yell Penis too, as his voice is far more booming than mine. He's not really playing ball though. At the very least I'm going to yell Pudding out very, very loudly haha. Aiming for Penis though!!
Wasn't interested in him when he was supposed to be in the house and even less interested in him now. Don't see the point frankly, he will be too "nice" to try and stir up any trouble and will probably spend the whole time telling the housemates how they have to love each other
I honestly don't know what to think about it. If he manages to help people then that's brilliant.

But my sceptical side can't help thinking that although he supposedly has anxiety and depression, he is willing and able to perform stand-up comedy, appear on a reality TV show, and is hoping to co-star in a new road trip documentary. As someone with bipolar disorder, I know all that adds up to a big fucking deal for someone with anxiety and depression.

Either he's doing it all because:
a) it helps him to improve/challenge his mental disorder
b) his problems are not quite as severe as he would like us to believe
or c) he's hoping to make a shitload of cash

Hope it's just me being a curmudgeon...
I don't think you're being a curmudgeon. From what I've read of how he is (never watched before this year) I've wondered if he has Borderline Personality Disorder of which anxiety and depression play a part but do not prevent them from socializing & manipulating people. I deal with a son who has BPD and some of the behaviours sound the same or very similar. I would say it's maybe a combination of all 3.