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Episode Australian Survivor (2016) - Episode 4 Discussion

That's not usually how it goes when people are medivaced or quit. Usually doesn't go to tribal though.
Not always it depends they don't always cancel tribal. It depends how many players are left in the game and other factors.
Not always it depends they don't always cancel tribal. It depends how many players are left in the game and other factors.
I don't recall ever seeing a version where someone's quit or left and there was a tribal with no one going.
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That's not how it works though. They have numbers to deal with to fit the agenda.

But I don't think it's FAIR.

...I loved the show tonight... thank god that Pissweak Pete went tonight... he really was bringing his tribe down in my opinion... I agree with Consuela that someone on the Red Team (Kat) should have gone tonight... oh well... maybe tomorrow night eh?... Red are bound to lose it yet again lol!... cheers.
I'm always surprised every season that people don't bother to learn how to make fires before the show starts. There's always a tribe it seems like that doesn't have someone who knows how to make fire with flint or even without Flint.
Kristie's eyerolls in tribal were good. I wish they'd shuffle the tribes and destabilize Phoebe's fours.

This is why I think tribal was cancelled - so they have the numbers to. My guess is:
20 people left, shuffle into two tribes of 10
Then re- shuffle into three tribes of 5 at 15
Then merge at 12.
9 jurors, final 3
Just realised Bianca was in the Blue tribe. I still wish they'd heave-ho'd Caffehlartay Kat first off instead of Des and last week instead of EVAN. They're shooting themselves in the foot over and over, and probably would have auf'd their second last strong male if noble stoic Pete hadn't fallen on his sword. What a selfless man! and boy am I glad I can now root for Sue instead!
I can feel a great disturbance in the force.
I can feel 1000 people who auditioned for Survivor ready to burn Peter into a human crimson-suited fireball.
Feel more sorry for the standby contestants. He shouldn't have been there in the first place if what he says is true.

They should have voted someone out and they replaced Peter on the down low. Then next challenge....bam!....your arch enemy is back.
This is why I think tribal was cancelled - so they have the numbers to. My guess is:
20 people left, shuffle into two tribes of 10
Then re- shuffle into three tribes of 5 at 15
Then merge at 12.
9 jurors, final 3

That'd be great. Good for Kylie too, and Nick, as well as Kristie.
Was it meant to be a double or did everyone just hate him that much?

Nope, Colton was medevac'd for a stomach infection that was mimicking appendicitis. The next day, both tribes were sent to tribal and planned to vote people off - but they merged at the tribal council.

OH IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED TWICE - Kourtney Moon earlier that season broke her wrist in the first challenge and her tribe went to tribal council because they lost the challenge. At TC, two of the women had an AMAZING fight which provided lulsy quotes like

And then Jeff revealed Kourtney wouldn't be returning and sent them back to camp with nobody else voted out.

ETA THRICE!! (ugh my mind is everywhere tonight). Russell Swann's evac in Samoa. Both tribes went to tribal, but no merge that time.
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