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Australian Idol 2023

Kyle is inconsistent too.
Last night he hated Harry, but tonight he agreed that it was the right bottom 4.
Then afterwards he was like "I'd play any of you on the radio". Yeah, right.
I felt so bad for Maya and Jacey. It really is just a popularity contest. Jacey was one of the best performers last night, and Maya hasn't sung a bum note all season until tonight, but that was just from emotional distress. She would have flourished with a judge's song choice.

Noora is so off-key and even when she isn't I can't handle that style of vibrato, plus her anger and entitlement was extremely offputting. She was the worst of the worst last night. So she goes through. I am so pleased Ben gets another chance to sing. He's an awkward guy on stage, but I just love it when he belts it out.

What a bizarre way to do the results show.
In December 2021 Telstra stopped calls and texts to premium-rate numbers (i.e. any of the 1902 phone numbers or the 19 SMS lines). I guess they saw that was a significant enough portion of their audience so they made it a regular number. It doesn't even reply with a confirmation, though it was mentioned as such in the fine print.
Baffling call, and no reply really isn't reassuring. Whilst SMS voting fell out of favour here in the UK about 15 years ago in favour of having a short code to call instead, and then subsequently app voting or free online voting, premium numbers are still widely used for competitions.

Shocking result.
Shocking as in two of the best singers are gone, when there are still people like Ben, Noorah and Harry there.
Not shocking though that they voted out the two oldest - it's the 14 year olds with unlimited texts who will drive the results.
Are 14 year olds watching Channel 7 live?
Oh and how angry was Noorah at being bottom 4? She even commented that she thought she was great.
Have some humility!
That was bizarre to watch. Going from talking herself up like she's full of herself, to mouth gaping open in shock at being named one of the bottom four, to looking absolutely seething with anger about it after she went to stand with the others. Does she not know that the whole of Australia is watching, and that so many people are going to find that off-putting? The week beforehand we saw her arguing with an advisor about whether she had her eyes closed during a rehearsal, and that wasn't a good look either.

Her performance of Hopelessly Devoted to You the previous week was not good, and that should have been the one that knocked her out of the competition. Instead, for some reason judges immediately tried to gaslight us into believing it was good. And now when you watch that performance back (eg. on the official YouTube channel) I swear that it's not the same. Little edits have been made that have cleaned the performance up from what it was in the broadcast.
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I watched the end of the repeat again today.
Noora was even worse than I thought at the time, and Ben was bad too.
Maya was great and Jasey was above average.
The wrong two definitely went home.
Josh is good, but wish he sung Hold Back The River. Would have nailed it.

I like Amali, but that was pitchy as fuck. Also, shit song. No one but Sia can do that song justice.
Loved Josh...but agree Hold Back The River would have been great too.

I thought Amali did well...and she does always look amazing...but she could wear an old sack and still look good...I also like her energy.
Anya incapable of singing a bad note. I really like her.

I absolutely love I Won’t Let You Go! What a tough song to sing knowing the back story but Royston did a great job. Poor bloke on an emotional roller coaster up on stage tonight.
Angelina’s worst performance. Terrible song choice for her. But I like her, so I hope she stays.

I love Sash’s voice. Didn’t hate the arrangement either. I’m worried he doesn’t stand out enough like Amali for example. Is he a songwriter too? I reckon he’d be a great songwriter.
I like Sash's voice too...didn't really get the criticism...except I felt he was a bit shaky at the start.
I didn't notice the pitch problems they were talking about in Sash's performance... although there was a bit of talking going on where I am during that. I guess I must have missed something. I'll watch it back later, but my first impression was that it was a good performance.
Agree, I didn’t hear the pitch issues in Sash’s
Performance either!? Not sure what they’re all on about.

Speaking of pitch issues, Nora’s back. Better than last week, but certainly not blowing me away. She was off key too. Also still a bit off her attitude last week lol.
Oh gosh... Noora's comment about getting Australia back on her side. Clearly she's been doing some reading.
I think they'd probably all do better to separate from social media during a competition like this, and all the pressure that goes with it. These are the times living we're in though, it's easier said than done.