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A question to David fans

... I don't actually understand why you're pointing this out, my post was clearly about David and I wanted to make sure the David fans didn't pounce at the first sight of "David hating".

Lol, you need to calm down - I'm not belittling anyone - I just pointed out something that has become evident over David's time in the house.

I'm calm.

I was responding to your post because I feel like you were trying to make a point of the David fan base. There was no need to dedicate a title to them and make it seem like they have this blind following and blind adoration of David as if they are the only people to do so. Your post imo was not asking for an opinion, but to make it seem like the David fans are irrational or cannot be spoken to without going on the attack. I thought it was actually confronting given that ALL the fan bases will have some that carry blind adoration for their chosen hm and will be just as defensive.
I first want to start off with saying everyone is allowed to be fans of housemates for any reason, but to be a fan you also have to recognise their faults (yes, they all have them).

First thing people will throw at me is "BUT YOU LOVE PRIYA, YOU ALWAYS GO ON ABOUT HER". Yes, I do - but even I can see sometimes how Priya can come across as condescending - to me it is definitely unintentional, but I think this is what David had issue with.

However, David's demeanour isn't one I'm a fan of. David doesn't like strong females, it is evident throughout his time in the house - let's see who he has had major issues with:

Priya - He says she is condescending and belittles people.

Lisa - He said she was a bully and can get away with saying anything.

and Skye - She's 20, immature and selfish.

The three biggest female game players of this year, that David has conveniently had a problem with.

"But it's just a coincidence you say?", "I don't like any of those three girls" you say?

I had to really go back in memory of this years big brother to find one moment where David had a disagreement, in public to a male housemate. Correct me if I'm wrong please, but I have never seen David call out a male housemate that he has had a problem with.

"Maybe he just didn't have a problem with any male housemates? he gets along with all of them?"


David knows not to rock the boat with "the boys" - because he was on the outer for so long at the beginning, he's finally in! - don't get me wrong, brilliant gameplay there.

It brings me back to my point that David does not like strong/outspoken females. If a male was to be doing the same things he claimed Priya, Lisa or Skye were doing - guaranteed he wouldn't call them out on it. Why? because it's easier to be a man dominating a woman and go back to have a laugh with the boys once it's all over.

Before the David fans start demanding my blood, everyone is entitled to their opinion - don't be so blinded by your love for David to realise what is clearly true.
now that you mention it...
yeah, i see it.
I'm calm.

I was responding to your post because I feel like you were trying to make a point of the David fan base. There was no need to dedicate a title to them and make it seem like they have this blind following and blind adoration of David as if they are the only hm to do so. Your post imo was not asking for an opinion, but to make it seem like the David fans are irrational or cannot be spoken to without going on the attack. I thought it was actually confronting given that ALL the fan bases will have some that carry blind adoration for their chosen hm and will be just as defensive.

Good cause ily <3 haha I was terrified that we couldn't have a polite, mature conversation.

My wording for the title of the thread was perhaps a little misleading. I am not the type to "hate" a housemate, I dislike their ways. After all, we're being shown a heavily edited small portion of how they behave in the house. It just frustrates me when people can't respond with a mature "I disagree, personally I think David..." - I'm not going to laugh off their opinion, I will respect it if they give reasoning behind it. "Work it out for yourself" ... a little immature.
You should just copy and paste your post from the David thread.
this one?

I understood what David meant when talking to Priya. He did not express well or use the right wording but I did get the gist of it. Priya is a teacher so will carry certain characteristics in the way she talks to her students. She does have a certain authority over students and there is a way you would talk to them to hold that authority. David was saying that she also talks to him like she would her students. Like you are always right and know it all, and as a teacher you should know more when teaching your students.
@davidftw my OP was TLDR ... lol clearly goes to show what kind of fan you are.[DOUBLEPOST=1415627289][/DOUBLEPOST]
this one?

I understood what David meant when talking to Priya. He did not express well or use the right wording but I did get the gist of it. Priya is a teacher so will carry certain characteristics in the way she talks to her students. She does have a certain authority over students and there is a way you would talk to them to hold that authority. David was saying that she also talks to him like she would her students. Like you are always right and know it all, and as a teacher you should know more when teaching your students.

see I can definitely see the point in that - I think Priya definitely has an authoritative tone in her voice.
Good cause ily <3 haha I was terrified that we couldn't have a polite, mature conversation.

My wording for the title of the thread was perhaps a little misleading. I am not the type to "hate" a housemate, I dislike their ways. After all, we're being shown a heavily edited small portion of how they behave in the house. It just frustrates me when people can't respond with a mature "I disagree, personally I think David..." - I'm not going to laugh off their opinion, I will respect it if they give reasoning behind it. "Work it out for yourself" ... a little immature.

If you have seen my posts on the boards believe me, I try my very best to be polite and mature and very very reasonable. I promise! Except for the very few which I admit I just have given up on that concept lol. But even then, I will try and get along with everyone, most of the time. So I'm sorry if you felt I was getting aggressive or felt like I was attacking you :)

I copied and pasted what I put in the David thread. That's my take on it.

I lLY too and enjoy reading your posts, so I'm glad we got that sorted :D
this one?

I understood what David meant when talking to Priya. He did not express well or use the right wording but I did get the gist of it. Priya is a teacher so will carry certain characteristics in the way she talks to her students. She does have a certain authority over students and there is a way you would talk to them to hold that authority. David was saying that she also talks to him like she would her students. Like you are always right and know it all, and as a teacher you should know more when teaching your students.

I actually meant @Insomniac post but that works as well. In fact I'm sure you could copy paste a lot of the posts from David thread tonight. But it's spot on your post about how he didn't express it well. I think David's meaning and intentions sometimes get lost in the way he delivers what he says. I think it one episode when he was in the diary room he said his mum tells him to count to ten before speaking or something like that. Pretty sure he never makes it to ten haha.
You would never see some of the reasonable posting from Davids fans in this thread from most Priya fans. They are to blind to see her flaws.
I actually meant @Insomniac post but that works as well. In fact I'm sure you could copy paste a lot of the posts from David thread tonight. But it's spot on your post about how he didn't express it well. I think David's meaning and intentions sometimes get lost in the way he delivers what he says. I think it one episode when he was in the diary room he said his mum tells him to count to ten before speaking or something like that. Pretty sure he never makes it to ten haha.
I don't think he even remembers to count tbh lol. A good point someone made on the David thread was that he has two sisters and no brothers. He has grown up fighting with his sisters often and that's how I see his arguments with Priya, it's a love hate relationship where you fight like you do with sisters and brothers imo
I think David could have pulled guys up on something they've said or done but it doesn't lead to dramas like with the girls because the guys understand each other or get over it quickly...same when the guys make digs at David he knows what it's about, and maybe thinks I'll get you back next time with a goodie. so it never makes it to the daily shows. David has put his opinions across with the guys and been the voice of reason, so don't think he scared to confront them on any real issues..
Why don't the guys ever anything to David's face, if they've had problem with him?

Priya was complaining about her husband in the second week about how she does most of the talking and wish he would speak up more, so maybe she likes to throw her opinions around at home as well.... even though she loves her husband
You would never see some of the reasonable posting from Davids fans in this thread from most Priya fans. They are to blind to see her flaws.
Every fan base will have some that are reasonable and unreasonable. I have seen amazing posts by some of the Priya fans, maybe look hard enough, or open your eyes to some of the posts you read
This is amazing.

And LOL. I laugh trying to imagine David in a confrontation or conflict with a male housemate. He'd get owned. He seems to only go after women. He calls Priya "annoying" - what about Travis? There's no way David doesn't think Travis is annoying.

I remember in the first few weeks, when David would say something inappropriate (there were many times lol), he'd get owned by someone else. Like Dion said he can't say that, and Dave looked so embarrassed - but he didn't say anything back. If Priya called him out on something, he'd go after her.

He definitely does seem to not like strong women. He has something against Priya - for obvious reasons, she is no wallflower - Skye, who is a big personality and has made her intentions very clear, and even Lina- a smart and assertive woman. But he has no issue with Penny, probably because she isn't as serious about the game as the other girls therefore he doesn't view her as a strong woman in the context of the game and hence has nothing against her. He seems to have a lot of issues with women who have some type of power (He wanted to evict Skye because she's "powerful" lol - he couldn't even say 'threat', he had to say because she's powerful).

David also seems to be scared to go up against the 'alpha male' type roles.... He's never nominated Travis, Ryan, Sam etc. But he has nominated Leo because he was an intruder, Jason, and Jake. I'm seeing an odd pattern in David's behavior and actions.
We're, well I am happy to discuss her flaws/faults to mature people who actually discuss it @JP92

Good stuff. Most people probably don't put a decent effort to put a point across in a mature way in the priya thread because there is so much tripe and bullshit. Wouldn't be able to get a sentence in without some mong saying praise Prisus or bless us girl. Maybe I hate Priya fans more than priya herself. Mhmmm slap me now....
Good stuff. Most people probably don't put a decent effort to put a point across in a mature way in the priya thread because there is so much tripe and bullshit. Wouldn't be able to get a sentence in without some mong saying praise Prisus or bless us girl. Maybe I hate Priya fans more than priya herself. Mhmmm slap me now....

Look at my signature - I'm just as into PRISUS blessings as they are, however I don't only do that - I discuss her.
Every fan base will have some that are reasonable and unreasonable. I have seen amazing posts by some of the Priya fans, maybe look hard enough, or open your eyes to some of the posts you read

Can't be bothered filtering through the shit. Time is valuable for me.