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Doctor Who

Hi @Mr Stickyfingers looking forward to Chrissy special, and I too am labouring, spring cleaning for festivities. hard rubbish all done and collected, still lots of primping to do. I pop in here for breaks.
Going to a big fat lunch at the Casino tomorrow.
Sounds like you are feeling good? I hope you are feeling much better this christmas. Cheers.

...hey kxk... I'm feeling great at the moment... thanks for asking... I hope that all is good for you too sweetness... I also hope that your lunch at the Casino went well too... I am so hanging out for the Chrissy Dr Who episode too... it better be a good one after all of this long break between the series... it just better be or The Moff is dead meat... cheers.
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...thanks for posting this too reepbot... what a great link and many other great links within the webpage... one of them being this... states...

Doctor Who spoilers: Series 10 "reboots the show back to its purest form"

Peter Capaldi says "a whole different dynamic" is unfolding with new companion Pearl Mackie.'s 'purest form'...hmmmmm!... now that sounds interesting... The Moff also states that...

"Because we're going with a new companion for the new series, it sort of reboots Doctor Who back to its simplest, purest form, where it's mad adventures with your nutty uncle from space," he suggested.

...even though he has left/leaving the show he still can't help but steal the limelight off the new writers of the show can he?... what a twonk!... I'm glad to see the end of him to be honest even though he has given us back Gallifrey and Missy etc etc... I just feel that the new writers need to take this well and truly by the reins and stamp their own individual marks on the show and I'm so hoping that they have watched Dr Who all of their lives just to keep the show in the Whoniverse where it should be and not to even think of a crossover with other shows as The Moff contemplated in doing with Sherlock at one stage... do us proud the new writers and yes... I do have to say it... Piss Off The Moff!... lol!... enough of my babblings... cheers.
...thanks for posting this too reepbot... what a great link and many other great links within the webpage... one of them being this... states...

Doctor Who spoilers: Series 10 "reboots the show back to its purest form"

Peter Capaldi says "a whole different dynamic" is unfolding with new companion Pearl Mackie.'s 'purest form'...hmmmmm!... now that sounds interesting... The Moff also states that...

"Because we're going with a new companion for the new series, it sort of reboots Doctor Who back to its simplest, purest form, where it's mad adventures with your nutty uncle from space," he suggested.

...even though he has left/leaving the show he still can't help but steal the limelight off the new writers of the show can he?... what a twonk!... I'm glad to see the end of him to be honest even though he has given us back Gallifrey and Missy etc etc... I just feel that the new writers need to take this well and truly by the reins and stamp their own individual marks on the show and I'm so hoping that they have watched Dr Who all of their lives just to keep the show in the Whoniverse where it should be and not to even think of a crossover with other shows as The Moff contemplated in doing with Sherlock at one stage... do us proud the new writers and yes... I do have to say it... Piss Off The Moff!... lol!... enough of my babblings... cheers.

The media does seem obsessed with Moffat. And moff seems to be obsessed with the media.
Ooo interesting @reepbot , my philosophy prof at uni claimed that a lot of the writers of DW in the 70s/80s were philosophy profs/lecturers that Thatcher sacked.
She hated philosophers as do all dictators, for they foment revolution and rebellion.
Fascists/dictators, they all try and kill or cripple educated thinkers - like Pol Pot did.
I love philosophy, and my Prof was astounding, such an original thinker.
Ooo interesting @reepbot , my philosophy prof at uni claimed that a lot of the writers of DW in the 70s/80s were philosophy profs/lecturers that Thatcher sacked.
She hated philosophers as do all dictators, for they foment revolution and rebellion.
Fascists/dictators, they all try and kill or cripple educated thinkers - like Pol Pot did.
I love philosophy, and my Prof was astounding, such an original thinker.

And that was when it was apparently meant to be a kid's show!
...hey fellow Whovians... some great news regarding the Doctor Who Christmas special... as well as it being shown at 7:30 PM on Monday night you can also see it at the lot earlier time of 6:00 AM Monday morning on ABC Iview if you so wish!... (I know that I'll be up early tomorrow morning for sure ;):thumbsup::biggrin:)... here is the link to Iview...

...but we must have a rule for the people that watch it that early... no commenting on the show until after it has been shown at 7:30 that night okay?... it's only fair for the others methinks... just saying... I can't wait to see it but I will resist commenting on it beforehand I promise... enjoy!... cheers.


And that was when it was apparently meant to be a kid's show!
That scene is perfect for an intelligent kid's show. Kids are generally idealists, so they lap up these type of conundrums, plus it feeds right into our philosophical value set, e.g. does the ends justify the means or does every step on the path to the end have to be a moral decision in itself. That is a MASSIVE concept to be exposed to as a child, but important for how they are going to live their entire lives. Of course there is no right or wrong, it just depends on your own moral world view.
I was a kid when I watched this, and it had a profound affect on me. Another thing to thank this great show for, how lucky are we as fans?!! looks like our comments on tonight's show are going to be on the 300th page of this brilliant thread!... well done all of us Whovians!!!!... :woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: cheers.
Yes. Happy, thanks DW cheered me right up.

And that ends the curse of 2016, no Doctor, the year was cursed before it even began.
Goodbye Doctorless year you sucked. Hello new Doctor year yeah...i like Matt's resurrected character, and it looks like lots of fun this new season.
Happy New Year Whovians.

Turn the page something
..."how do you get a glass of water from your pocket?"... asks Grant while coughing as a child on a rooftop...
..."skills!"... replies The Doctor...


...The Doctor says to Lucy after she breaks into a building... "yes I'm an intruder too... I just brought some snacks!"... (while eating some Sushi from a bowl while using chopsticks)...

...bwahahahahaha!... part 2...

..."New York City isn't a capital city"... The Doctor gives Nardole a filthy look...

...bwahahahahaha!... part 3...

...teenage Grant slowly rises into the air in the sitting position after seeing the girls at School with his X-Ray vision and getting a tad bit 'excited'... "you really like Lucy don't you?"... says The Doctor while slowly and politely pushing him back down into his seat with his hand...

...bwahahahahaha!... part 4...

..."best to keep an open mind!"... says The Doctor while talking to an Alien with his head split wide open...

...bwahahahahaha!... part 5...

..."I glued your head back on... you should learn to have more respect!"... The Doctor says to Nardole after he points something out to him that he didn't want to hear...

...bwahahahahaha!... part 6...

..."nobody is on the spaceship!" declares The Doctor... "did you scan the ship for life forms?"... asks Nardole... "no!... all of the lights are off!"... replies The Doctor...

...bwahahahahaha!... part 7...

..."the spaceship's rubbish really isn't it?"... says Nardole as they boarded it...

...bwahahahahaha!... part 8.. cries on the baby monitor and the Doctor tells the alien... "the baby needs it's nappy changed... it looks like you're not the only one that's full of it!"...

...bwahahahahaha!... part 9...

...I so loved the story... Matt Lucas is such a brilliant off-sider and I really do hope that he stays for quite a while in the show... I loved the Clark Kent/Lois Lane and Superman references... I loved the comic book feel to the whole episode... I loved it that Grant saved the day and not Doctor Mysterio... what a great way for Lucy to find out his true identity... I loved the way that Nardole was shitting razorblades when he thought that he was going to die as the spaceship plummeted to Earth... (it made a great change from cool-headed cocky Clara in that sense for me at least)... I loved how it explained Nardole's return and how it explained The Doctor's '24 year' absence (a year for us of course... I still have an issue with that one year absence ... grrrrr!)...

..."everything ends and it's always sad but everything begins again too... and that's always happy"... says a sad and melancholy Doctor (in reference to River Song and also Clara no doubt)...

...part 10... (no 'bwahahahahaha' this time)...

...I would easily give The Moff's final farewell show a 10/10 for that effort... as much as I dislike The Moff... there's no denying his showmanship skills tonight as far as I'm concerned... credit and kudos due to him for sure... I've only mentioned 10 quotes above but there were many many more noteworthy quotes during the entire show for sure... as I said... such a great episode... the preview clip of the next show with his new female companion 'Bill' she asks... (while in The Tardis)... "can you tell me where the Toilet is please?"... hahaha!... in the entire history of the show... has anyone actually taken a dump on The Tardis before?... lol!... I can't wait for that to start... (I'm sure that I read somewhere that we have to wait until sometime in April to see the new series... I hope to Gallifrey that we don't)... grrrrrrrrr!... well folks... that's it from me anyway... cheers.
...just a side note... I've watched this episode 4 times today so far... (yes... I know... I'm a sad hopeless Whomophobian aren't I?)... lol!... but in my defence... IT HAS BEEN A WHOLE FRIGGIN' YEAR HASN'T IT?... lol!... cheers.

EDIT:... hmmmmmmm!... not much on TV tonight... aw stuffit!... screening #5 coming up!... lol!... cheers part 2.:)