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Episode Day 14 (21/09/2014) Big Brother: Sunday


Flawless taste
Preparing myself for a night of shit.

YOUR AVATAR. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
This will go down as one of the worst things BBAU has ever ever ever done.

I can't believe people are actually excited about it tbh.

Another first / biggest / only / etc etc in the train wreck that is Big Brother...

I'm impressed at how they can fuck it up constantly each week, but it interesting now to see how they surpass each weeks complete low from the previous week :roflmao:
Channel Nine send out a media release every day Big Brother is on.

It's basically so the Daily Mail can copy and paste it onto their site.

I was catching up on Media Watch on iView today, and in a recent episode the Daily Mail were referred to as kleptomaniacs. I lol’d (and thought of this forum / our love for them). :D
@jessy_girl I hope you're on the paracetamol because you have been out having fun and not cause you're not feeling well.

I'm trying to be sensible, in my glass tonight is just plain old water. If I could be on the booze though, probably be tequila.
Can we not make a ton of references to the spoilers in the thread though? Please?

If I have to stay up until bloody all hours of the damn night to watch this trainwreck i don't want to know what happens before hand. Pretty please??!!

Yours in Christ,