Day 47 FNL

To Celebrate Friday the 13th, FNL’s theme was ‘Friday the 13th. Clever, huh?

Terrence was out of the games before they begin – doctor’s orders due to his ongoing neck trouble. That left ten starters for the games.

Round one was the “Pinch of Salt” course. In teams of five, housemates had to all straddle one long broomstick and make their way through the course in the shortest time. Ben, Rory, Travis, Rhianna and Bianca competed first and achieved a time of 2:10. Nobbi, Brigitte, Cherry, Terri and Alice, aided by the advantage of going second achieved a time of 1:55.

Big Brother then instructed the five losers to stand on five red disks on the ground. Rory found lucky number 7 under his disk and won his way back into the games.

Round two was Freddie Vs Jason. The Freddie Krugers, Alice, Cherry and Brigitte, took on the Jason Voorhees’, Nobbi, Rory and Terri, in that old FNL favourite – the pillow fight on the slippery pole.

At the end of 2:00 neither team had a player in their opponent’s zone so a sudden death race to the centre was played out between Cherry and Rory. Rory narrowly won and was thrashed by Rory’s pillow for his troubles.

Big Brother then had a ‘scream’ off for three people to win there way back into the games. Each eliminated housemate screamed into a deciblemeter. They achived: Rory 103.3 dB, Nobbi 122.1 dB, Rhianna 106.5 dB, Ben 110.5 dB, Bianca 112.3 dB, Travis 115.1 dB and Terri 118.1 dB. Based on these results Nobbi, Travis and Terri were invited back into the games.

Round three was “Monster Munch” – another FNL classic game which involves a giant human kebab. Two members of each team (the ‘Chefs’) had to cover the third member (the ‘Madonna’) in sauce and other ingredients, then roll them up to make a ‘Madonna Kebab’.

Cherry and Alice had Terri all wrapped up and fed to the monster in 1:28. Nobbi and Brigitte then wrapped up Travis, getting him in the monster’s mouth in a time of 1:22.

Brigitte, Travis and Nobbi then competed in “Thirteen Pin Evil Penguin Bowling”. They were each required to slide down a tarp on an inflatable ring and knock over as many ‘evil penguins’ as possible. Nobbi achieved a score of 11, Travis 9 and Brigitte 8. Brigitte was therefore, after a short temper tantrum, out of the games.

In the final round Nobbi and Travis were required to eat nasty foods, with one point being awarded for each one they got through. Firstly a teaspoon of wassabi, which both competitors managed to do without incident. Secondly was ox tongue, which again both boys managed to swallow. Big Brother then upped the ante and told them they weren’t allowed a drink of water until they presented an empty mouth.

The third item on the menu was Ox Tongue which (with some encouragement from their housemates) both of them managed to swallow. Fourthly they were presented with bull’s testicles, Nobbi gets his down without chewing but Travis has trouble with this one and can’t finish it.

The final course was fish eye which again Nobbi was able to complete when Travis couldn’t, although Travis did give it a good go despite already having lost the games.

Also on Behind Big Brother

BBBA Podcast – Day 41

Lots of Nobbi bashing in this episode so if you’re a Nobbi fan might be best for you to tune out on this one! In the day 41 episode:

– Fantastic task this week
– Lots and lots of Nobbi bashing
– Travis being taken advantage of
– Intruders… eh.
– Constant matchmaking might get a bit tedious
– Random bits and pieces

Also on Behind Big Brother Radio

Tonight’s show is going to rock!

Dave’s away this week so Will is filling in. I think you’ll all find him a dream to listen to!

We’ve got all the usual junk including our take on all the fights and scandals of the past week.

Plus Dave tries his hand at audio blogging, we give you the highlights from the BBUK launch, we debate whether returning to the old noms system really gives the audience more control and we take a look at the new intruders.

Get your emails into us now at [email protected]

The show starts at 7:30 with DJ SamRaptor mixing up hot tunes beforehand from 6:30.

Click here to tune in

Also on Behind Big Brother

Day 40 FNL

In the true style of cramming more in than will fit, ‘Super Hero’ night fast turned into ‘Tree Hugging Hippy’ night.

Round One this week saw a 2008 FNL first with more than two teams in a game! Team captains were made up of the intruders, as well as Nobbi who earned his status by saving water with a shower-free day. Two members of each team had to push the third around an obstacle course in a wheelie bin.

First up the Green Team (Rhianna, Alice and Rory) beat out the Yellow Team (Cherry, Renee and Brigette) in a close heat. Not so close was the second heat with the Blue Team (Nobbi, Bianca and Ben) easily beating the Red Team (Terrence, Travis and Terri).

Round two sees one housemate strapped up on a harness ‘flying’ above the arena. Their two team-mates have to throw them recyclable trash, which they in turn have to throw into the correct recycling bin.

Rhianna flys first and scores 8 correct items – a score that was smashed by Nobbi who collected 12 correct items on his flight.

The night wasn’t open for Rhianna’s team tho who competed against each other for a place back into the games. The three of them had to cram into a phone booth and dress as Clark Kent in the fastest time. It was a close call but Alice just beat out Rory to win her way back.

Next up was “Murder In The Bark” – a classic FNL game. This is the one where two players are blindfolded – but wearing noisy apparatus’ – and one has to find the other.

First up Bianca was chasing Alice – and caught her easily. Secondly Nobbi was chasing Ben – and caught him easily. Hardly surprising considering Mike Goldman said that in rehearsals they pretty much always got caught!

In the final round Nobbi and Bianca had to defend the planet against meteors. More specifically, they had to stand on a spinning platform and keep meteors of their opponent’s colour out. Nobbi won this game by a large margin and won himself the game.

Nobbi is called to the Diary Room and Big Brother tells him he’s won 4 tickets on BB Airways. He choses Ben, Rory and Bianca to fly with him.

Also on Behind Big Brother

BBBA Podcast – Day 36

Juicy, sexy show for you today. Including:

– Replace Kyle with Mike
– Why feed Dixie more?
– Intruder party time
– Bad news for evictions
– Nobbi sucks… really
– The house is turning gay
– Poor Travis… again.
– No more packages
– Subtitles and Big Mouth go crazy and topless
– New nominations = :-(

Also on Behind Big Brother

“If I were Ollie the dog…”

If I were Ollie the dog…

  • I would bite Travis on the testes, just to see if his voice goes higher.
  • I wouldn’t be so trusting of Alice, considering what she knows about my anatomy.
  • I’d mark my territory inside the Kombi, because pissed-off Nobbi is funny.
  • I’d be getting reeeally scared if the HMs were on staples. Especially Dixie.
  • I’d make it my mission to teach Brigitte some basic tricks.
  • My barking would be the highest form of communication exhibited in the house thus far.
  • I’d attack Renee, because I don’t like her either.
  • The first trick I’d learn would be to jump over that wall. And run.

Post comments in our userblog section here :)

Also on Behind Big Brother