Day 19

Show starts with Gretel Killen on screen. She announces that we will have three treats for tonight. The normal daily show, and then The Insider with Tim Fergison, and then… an out of Claire, Jaime, Ben, and Regina, one intruder will go, and we’ll get to see it live. Big Brother made an announcement earlier in the day to say that housemates from each house will have to go into the diary room one by one, write the name of the intruder they want to see leave and put it into a box. They are not to talk about who they voted for.

Cue normal opening sequence. Windows-look-a-like box showing a video of Regina and Belinda oh-ma-godding about a lump on the left side of her arm, and how big it is. New footage of Ben saying that Regina might be pregnant.

Square House – 8:29am – Belinda and Regina wake up and Regina looks like she has a sore arm. Belinda aks what’s wrong and has a look, saying that hey glands on one underarm are really huge. “What’s that?” says Regina (about the word glands)

Round house – 10:31am – Leah awakes along with Patrick who goes outside and has a look at the showers. Leah hides under her blankets and goes back to sleep.

Square house – Regina shows Belinda the lump on her chest again, and they start oh-ma-godding about it. Regina had requested a nurse so she is called to the diary room to talk to one. The nurse says she should see the doctor, but until then she should rest.

Round house – Housemates are fine tuning their skipping for today’s task. Daniel chucks a mock tantrum consisting of folding the skipping rope and throwing it to the ground then storming off, much to the delight of Chrissie. The whole group then has a chuckle.

Square house – Belinda has an upset stomach, and tells Regina that the tablets she is taking say that it can cause flactulance. Regina has no idea of the meaning of the word, and either does Belinda – “I’m having a blonde day today, I really should go back to blonde.” The doctor sees to Regina, and says that she has an infected hair folicle, ingrown. The doctor informs her that she won’t be able to do the skipping task today.

Square house – Narrator: “The rain forces everyone inside, and housemates have to find a way to by time.” Carlo jumps on top of the couch and has a look at one of the square picture frames. On his way down he slips and twists his ankle. Everyone scrambles for something to help, and Ben… Doctor Ben rather, tells him to take deep breaths, and that his ankle isn’t broken, probably just strained. Ben says he is quite disturbed by the whole event.

3:53pm – The doctor has said that Carlo’s ankle isn’t broken, just has a strained ligament. Carlo burps, and says it will take around four days to heal. He also won’t be able to skip today. Everyone rushes to the bedroom where they find Vincent at the doorway having trouble breathing. Ben jumps in and Vincent mumbles out “I.. can’t.. breathe..” Ben advises him to just take deep, long breaths. “In.. out…” Vincent gets his breath back and says it’s the first time it has ever happened before in his life. Saxon says him and ben are the only ones that haven’t been sick today. Vincent starts wheezing again, Ben tells him to just not panic, it’s the worst he can do. Saxon trys to say something to help Vincent, and Ben cuts him off. Carlo jokes with Saxon and says the nurse is a hottie.

The verdict is that Vincent had an anxiety attack. He comes out of the dairy room and lies to the housemates saying it was just a one off thing.

Round house – 5:46pm – It’s task time! Jaime is skipping away, doing the Can-Can, while the others hum.
Square house – Saxon does a criss-cross skipping move
Round house – Double and triple loop skipping move
Square house – Belinda does the “skiier ben thrust”
Round house – Two in one skip; Claire and Joanne
Square house – Speed skip
Round house – All in a line skip

Square house – BB announces that Ben should join the housemates in the lounge room, he’s going to announce the weeks task result. He says that the housemates have been through alot this week, losing a friend, weather has been fantastic, and new people are joining. They have bet 50% of this weeks budget on the task.. and they have passed!

Circle house – BB announces that they bet 25% of their weekly budget on the task, and the result is – Housemates have passed. They all cheer. “Congrats everyone!” – Claire

Square house – 8:50pm – Regina tells Ben to feel her tummy. It’s churning apparently. Ben wants Regina to get a pregnancy test, and starts drilling her for answers about touchy questions. She says she has a stuffed up cycle, and has only had her period once in the house, for only one day. “It’s usually normal, it’s just fucked up lately” Regina tells Ben and Belinda that she went off the pill a few weeks ago, from 4 years of being on it. Ben and Belinda oooo and ahhhh. Ben wants her to get a tester from BB, but Regina says she would just be embarased and that it’s probably the bread they had earlier.

Housemates are screaming at each other over the wall, and Saxon asks if they passed the task. They say yes, and Ben screams out “Bullshit! Leah’s mouth would have gotten in the way!” Patrick asks Ben if he wants some roast chicken, and Ben says yes, Patrick will throw it over later. Carlo gets the hose out and sprays it over the divider hiding the pool and kitchen. Patrick says he’s not getting any chicken any more.

Square house – 10:16pm – Ben and Regina are thinking about their old housemates and eviction. Belinda says Claire would be being quiet next door, because she was in the first week of BB. She also says that Jaime doesn’t get into conflicts. Ben and Regina say their house didn’t either, “We never had fights.” (Leah and Ben?!)

Circle house – 1:16am – Everyone says goodnight to each other.

Square house – Carlo comes out of the toilet, adjusting his package and burping. They say Regina should just sit and relax if she wakes up at night and isn’t feeling well.

Also on Behind Big Brother