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Would a gay showmance work/ever happen?

The biggest reason is it won't likely happen any time soon is simply pure odds. Unless they cast a lot of gay people the odds of two hooking up is pretty slim.

Twenty one people on this show, two gay people and two heterosexual relationships out of it , ironically one including one of the two gay people.

If there were three gay guys in the house what are the odds they are all single, looking for a relationship and attracted to one another and comfortable with pursuing it. It becomes a numbers game.

Well that's true.
The biggest reason is it won't likely happen any time soon is simply pure odds. Unless they cast a lot of gay people the odds of two hooking up is pretty slim.

Twenty one people on this show, two gay people and two heterosexual relationships out of it , ironically one including one of the two gay people.

If there were three gay guys in the house what are the odds they are all single, looking for a relationship and attracted to one another and comfortable with pursuing it. It becomes a numbers game.

Cast a gay wog and a gay ginger - boom sparks. It's not that hard.
I would like to see it, but I think the producers would be too scared of the controversy it could cause.
I am not into showmances of any kind. They seem to detract from the game and spirit of BB. I am not entertained by watching people make out. If I want to see PDA, I will watch something else.

Agreed, it's really detracted from the show the last 2 years. Everyone knows it means airtime and popularity with the young audience its aimed at now. Tim was desperate for a showmance with any one, it was cringy.
There were three obvious non- straight people on the show:


The number of closeted gay guys? Don't know.
Agreed, it's really detracted from the show the last 2 years. Everyone knows it means airtime and popularity with the young audience its aimed at now. Tim was desperate for a showmance with any one, it was cringy.

But why was everyone always egging on people to kiss or have a pash? I thought that must be common in parties in Australia.
most of the population is born straight old son
gays are the minority in the world :cool:

I hope you realize that that's not actually how sexuality works. It isn't a series of boxes that you climb into so that you can have an identity. It's a spectrum. It's in flux. It's wonky. At no point in time are you ever a point stuck in stasis. You're moving and being moved as you are affected. That's how sexuality works.

So making a statement like, "Most of the population is born straight," has no basis whatsoever, especially since so many people are now coming out of the closet (celebrities included, making for queer role models and opportunities to want to come out now that you've seen queernees associated with some sense of positivity). It's just that straight is normative in society, and therefore is the one thing that's plastered on billboards, on television, in magazines, all over the media, and is therefore the only thing that is either talked about or primary in the public consciousness. Hence believe there are "more straight people," when really that makes no sense at all.

Of course it could work quite well, regardless of which permutation you pick (curious people, actually queer people, one curious person and one queer person, etc.). We've had the potential for a queer coupling in David and Darren, but that lasted for about twenty-four seconds until we quickly realized that it was more likely that Darren just wanted to cling to someone popular in order to ride to the final days. This could be refreshing. And Big Brother desperately needs something refreshing or it won't last past next year. That's not to say that this would be the thing to save Big Brother - it has a lot of kinks to work out. But it could be one part of a larger strategy to do new things and take risks that normally would not be taken for the sake of security, and in this case security is no longer translating to ratings - people want to be challenged when they watch, otherwise they fall into monotony and it's no longer interesting.
Jesus, lighten up. Maybe its too early in the morning for you.

Nope, not too early. I was bored with the Tully/Drew and Jade/Ed fauxmances. That is simply not why I watch BB. To each his own, n'est pas?
It happened a fair bit on BBUK, didn't it?

Kind of - BB6 had Craig and Anthony which was pretty much the story of the series - but one of unrequited love as Anthony was straight and not interested. Made very good viewing though.

BB11 had Shabby and Caoimhe in a similar lesbian scenario where Caoimhe had a boyfriend on the outside. Ultimately Shabby couldn't handle it and walked, and I think Caoimhe walked soon after too (bullied out by eventual winner Josie IIRC).
We await your sober consideration. :)

haha, oops - has any good ever come from drinking & jumping online? I'm thinking no. I also bought something stupid on ebay, next time I will go to bed methinks.

However, I would still love to see this. Especially the combo of a gay person and a quasi straight/curious person (but a single one, I don't know why I was thinking one in a relationship would be a good idea). God, imagine it playing out in a big way like Ed and Jade or Marty and Jess, and Channel 9 having the choice to either be dicks about it and not show it and seriously cut out content from their show, or embrace it.
haha, oops - has any good ever come from drinking & jumping online? I'm thinking no. I also bought something stupid on ebay, next time I will go to bed methinks.

However, I would still love to see this. Especially the combo of a gay person and a quasi straight/curious person (but a single one, I don't know why I was thinking one in a relationship would be a good idea). God, imagine it playing out in a big way like Ed and Jade or Marty and Jess, and Channel 9 having the choice to either be dicks about it and not show it and seriously cut out content from their show, or embrace it.
It got me thinking....perhaps not a gay couple but curious housemates.
In terms of bi curious there are absolutely shitloads of people, and you'd have it on the questionnaire.

Either that or you cast a bi curious and then cast an extremely seductive gay.
I was reading a news article the other day about bisexuality and with women who had gay fantasies and the percentage was ridiculously high.
haha, oops - has any good ever come from drinking & jumping online? I'm thinking no. I also bought something stupid on ebay, next time I will go to bed methinks.

However, I would still love to see this. Especially the combo of a gay person and a quasi straight/curious person (but a single one, I don't know why I was thinking one in a relationship would be a good idea). God, imagine it playing out in a big way like Ed and Jade or Marty and Jess, and Channel 9 having the choice to either be dicks about it and not show it and seriously cut out content from their show, or embrace it.

I think Tahan of this year was such a person. Despite the 'hard girl' image she projected I think there's a fair bit of passion there. And she's certainly adventurous enough. Had things played out differently this year you may have had your wish.

Interestingly, I saw some tweets - playful banter - between Tahan and Ruby Rose about making babies together. Tahan joked that she was willing but her boyfriend would have to watch (Tahan's tweet has since disappeared). This is just a joke of course but if one of the betting companies was to offer odds on Tahan trying same sex some time in her life time I would take the wager.
The biggest reason is it won't likely happen any time soon is simply pure odds. Unless they cast a lot of gay people the odds of two hooking up is pretty slim.

Twenty one people on this show, two gay people and two heterosexual relationships out of it , ironically one including one of the two gay people.

If there were three gay guys in the house what are the odds they are all single, looking for a relationship and attracted to one another and comfortable with pursuing it. It becomes a numbers game.

Gay males are renown for being promiscuous. The 80s grim reaper ring a bell? And not particularly discerning at that when it comes to hooking up.
They wouldn't put two gay housemates in together. I can't see it.

I'd suggest have a gay couple in as the secret couple. That would be fun
Cast a gay wog and a gay ginger - boom sparks. It's not that hard.

Yeah it certainly would be easier to set the stage for a hook up, but with it being on camera and part of a game I think that minimizes that one thing that would favor, at least two guys, getting together.