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Would a gay showmance work/ever happen?

Could gay showmance ever work/ever happen? While I would like it to happen chances of it happening and it even being shown happening would be about zero I reckon but you never know.
Showmances are more of a crutch to get HM's further through the game I feel. If a showmance never ever happen again on BB I wouldn't miss it.
Yep, she didn't own it. I would rather housemates who are actually in touch with their sexuality. Real love is real love between whoever it occurs. Real love is not possible if people are not honest with themselves.

Completely agree. I just found it offensive to all the lesbians I know.
But we've come such a far way as a television audience when it comes to seeing homosexuality on TV and being comfortable with it. Remember in 06 when they actually turned the cameras away from David as soon as he kissed his boyfriend when they were reunited on stage? Whereas now we were spammed with Ben 2012's boyfriend and their love and although their proposal thing was made headlines for the show for all the right reasons.

I think the producer's would be mad not to at least cast two gay housemates and see what happens. Not two flamboyant homos who quote Will & Grace lines together and try to out-poof each other, but two who are just natural and interesting for their opinions and different life experiences.

(I'm gay, I say poof with the utmost love)
Completely agree. I just found it offensive to all the lesbians I know.

I live in a house with three lesbians haha and the rage that came over all of us whenever Tully was on screen was palpable.

One of them used to be big on the scene and she said it's a very big Newtown thing for girls to think they're lesbian and make it part of their image in the way Tully has, only to abandon it (along with veganism) after a few years.
But we've come such a far way as a television audience when it comes to seeing homosexuality on TV and being comfortable with it. Remember in 06 when they actually turned the cameras away from David as soon as he kissed his boyfriend when they were reunited on stage? Whereas now we were spammed with Ben 2012's boyfriend and their love and although their proposal thing was made headlines for the show for all the right reasons.

I think the producer's would be mad not to at least cast two gay housemates and see what happens. Not two flamboyant homos who quote Will & Grace lines together and try to out-poof each other, but two who are just natural and interesting for their opinions and different life experiences.

(I'm gay, I say poof with the utmost love)
I think the x factor is always chemistry. If a couple have that it's fun.
I think the producer's would be mad not to at least cast two gay housemates and see what happens. Not two flamboyant homos who quote Will & Grace lines together and try to out-poof each other, but two who are just natural and interesting for their opinions and different life experiences.
Imagine that first one! :p You could have two totally fabulous guys who eventually "team up" and become like the total biffle comedy act of the season... The teenyboppers would all fangirl til they 'gasmed. :rolleyes:

I'd love the latter of your post to happen though. Would be a really interesting dynamic.
Imagine that first one! :p You could have two totally fabulous guys who eventually "team up" and become like the total biffle comedy act of the season... The teenyboppers would all fangirl til they 'gasmed. :rolleyes:

I'd love the latter of your post to happen though. Would be a really interesting dynamic.

Me and you? Let's do it.
Please no one take offence to this.

I think it would never happen as the new format is family-friendly and there is a lot of homophobic people in the country who wouldn't want their children to see a gay couple showing any PDA on TV. As it is more aimed towards the kids the past two seasons i highly doubt a gay showman would ever happen.
Please no one take offence to this.

I think it would never happen as the new format is family-friendly and there is a lot of homophobic people in the country who wouldn't want their children to see a gay couple showing any PDA on TV. As it is more aimed towards the kids the past two seasons i highly doubt a gay showman would ever happen.

Haha why would anyone take offence? :p

I didn't think of this, it's a good point. But who are we to know just how homophobic the nation really is anymore? The kind of people who are still THAT uncomfortable about gays are the kind of people who would be so hard-assed that they wouldn't even let their kids watch reality TV. I wouldn't entirely rule it out but this may be something they're scared of.
Haha why would anyone take offence? :p

I didn't think of this, it's a good point. But who are we to know just how homophobic the nation really is anymore? The kind of people who are still THAT uncomfortable about gays are the kind of people who would be so hard-assed that they wouldn't even let their kids watch reality TV. I wouldn't entirely rule it out but this may be something they're scared of.

The public can be ruthless at times, look at Mikkayla and all her hate from the public…
It might shock those kinds of viewers who aren't as accepting of being gay, but how should I know!
no i wouldn't watch bb next year if they put another token or gay couple in
its been done to death on tv shows its time to move on from it '
i have no issue with them doing whatever in private but i certainly
don't want to watch it on tv
alex needs to stop including them in bb
Please no one take offence to this.

I think it would never happen as the new format is family-friendly and there is a lot of homophobic people in the country who wouldn't want their children to see a gay couple showing any PDA on TV. As it is more aimed towards the kids the past two seasons i highly doubt a gay showman would ever happen.

Does "PDA" mean 'public display of affection'?
no i wouldn't watch bb next year if they put another token or gay couple in
its been done to death on tv shows its time to move on from it '
i have no issue with them doing whatever in private but i certainly
don't want to watch it on tv
alex needs to stop including them in bb

Brb everyone going to OldMick's house and inviting someone from Grindr over to have sex in his/her loungeroom.
Homosexuality is apart of our community. Stop living in the stone age.

When did you choice to be straight ?

I bet you cant answer that one.
Sorry, it would be an interesting watch. I am sure there are a lot of people that would be very interested to see it.

It could be a gay guy and a curious guy falls for the gay guy. It could be 2 curious guys and they click with each other.

I think that this is something that would be very interesting and wouldn't be watched and supported by a lot.

Maybe Ch 9 don't like that kind of thing though. We Will have to wait and see.
Homosexuality is apart of our community. Stop living in the stone age.

When did you choice to be straight ?

I bet you cant answer that one.

most of the population is born straight old son
gays are the minority in the world :cool:
The biggest reason is it won't likely happen any time soon is simply pure odds. Unless they cast a lot of gay people the odds of two hooking up is pretty slim.

Twenty one people on this show, two gay people and two heterosexual relationships out of it , ironically one including one of the two gay people.

If there were three gay guys in the house what are the odds they are all single, looking for a relationship and attracted to one another and comfortable with pursuing it. It becomes a numbers game.