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Would a gay showmance work/ever happen?

This could be refreshing. And Big Brother desperately needs something refreshing or it won't last past next year. That's not to say that this would be the thing to save Big Brother - it has a lot of kinks to work out. But it could be one part of a larger strategy to do new things and take risks that normally would not be taken for the sake of security, and in this case security is no longer translating to ratings - people want to be challenged when they watch, otherwise they fall into monotony and it's no longer interesting.

Yes yes yes yes!!! Totally agree! And you reminded me that they did at least air footage of David developing feelings for Darren - if anything that would be more uncomfortable for the homophobic people than actual gay couple!
Yeah it certainly would be easier to set the stage for a hook up, but with it being on camera and part of a game I think that minimizes that one thing that would favor, at least two guys, getting together.

But I think any intelligent player who has watched the show would be aware how unique a gay showmance would be and how much it would project them to the forefront of viewer's minds above the other housemates. Heck, I could even see a bi dude going after a gay dude in the house he may not even be overwhelmingly attracted to for this reason (as long as he doesn't look like Ben).
They could just get several bisexual/pansexual HMs because that way there wouldn't be pressure on (for example) 2 gay guys to hook up.
I hope you realize that that's not actually how sexuality works. It isn't a series of boxes that you climb into so that you can have an identity. It's a spectrum. It's in flux. It's wonky. At no point in time are you ever a point stuck in stasis. You're moving and being moved as you are affected. That's how sexuality works.

So making a statement like, "Most of the population is born straight," has no basis whatsoever, especially since so many people are now coming out of the closet (celebrities included, making for queer role models and opportunities to want to come out now that you've seen queernees associated with some sense of positivity). It's just that straight is normative in society, and therefore is the one thing that's plastered on billboards, on television, in magazines, all over the media, and is therefore the only thing that is either talked about or primary in the public consciousness. Hence believe there are "more straight people," when really that makes no sense at all.

Of course it could work quite well, regardless of which permutation you pick (curious people, actually queer people, one curious person and one queer person, etc.). We've had the potential for a queer coupling in David and Darren, but that lasted for about twenty-four seconds until we quickly realized that it was more likely that Darren just wanted to cling to someone popular in order to ride to the final days. This could be refreshing. And Big Brother desperately needs something refreshing or it won't last past next year. That's not to say that this would be the thing to save Big Brother - it has a lot of kinks to work out. But it could be one part of a larger strategy to do new things and take risks that normally would not be taken for the sake of security, and in this case security is no longer translating to ratings - people want to be challenged when they watch, otherwise they fall into monotony and it's no longer interesting.

well thats 5 minutes of my life lost reading your dribble YAWNNN
Foolish and offensive comment. Thankfully one day homophobes like you will be the minority in the world, preferably extinct!
what a stupid reply accusing me of being homophobic you silly woman read what i wrote
before making stupid halfwit comments
The biggest reason is it won't likely happen any time soon is simply pure odds. Unless they cast a lot of gay people the odds of two hooking up is pretty slim.

Twenty one people on this show, two gay people and two heterosexual relationships out of it , ironically one including one of the two gay people.

If there were three gay guys in the house what are the odds they are all single, looking for a relationship and attracted to one another and comfortable with pursuing it. It becomes a numbers game.

That's exactly what I was going to say. Just because two gay guys or women are in the house it doesn't mean they are going to start banging each other on first sight.

Considering the connection rate of hetero couples in the house you would probably need an entire house of gays and lesbians to get one "showmance" from it.

In general anyway I don't like showmances. They usually turn the couple into two boring lumps connected at the mouth.
well thats 5 minutes of my life lost reading your dribble YAWNNN

You mean homophobes are actually literate? Wow.

And yes you are homophobic, by definition of the word. A homophobe isn't someone who activately hates gays - they're bigots. A homophobe is someone who has a fear of homosexuality, which extends to not wanting to have to see 'them' do 'their business' while being happy seeing it from a heterosexual couple (which mind you, would just be cuddling in this context)
no i wouldn't watch bb next year if they put another token or gay couple in
its been done to death on tv shows its time to move on from it '
i have no issue with them doing whatever in private but i certainly
don't want to watch it on tv
alex needs to stop including them in bb

I'm almost certain there will always be at least one homosexual person in BB - in part to (inaccurately) reflect their presence in the world.

But don't worry, OldMick - I don't think many of us - if any - will miss your contributions, since you'll stop watching.
I'm not homophobic or anything like that, but no, I wouldn't want to watch two gay men kissing on television

And I suppose in your mind you're not self-deluded or anything like that either. Because not wanting to watch two gay men kissing on television is a very simple, clear case of homophobia.
Was about to create a thread similar to this (since I'm gay myself and had thoughts of LGBT BB).

The gays they bring in the house are like David 06 - the token, and rather dramatic, gay guy who thinks no one accepts him and goes on & on about it. Or feminine, happy gays like Rob 06 and Zach 07 who befriend women and don't care about the men. All in all, they either put in one gay guy without another or a gays who already are in a relationship. Or even, like in 2006's case, a masculine gay guy with a feminine one (obviously the former usually doesn't prefer femmes).

What I loved about about 2012's Benjamin was the fact that he didn't have to come out or describe himself as gay. He was pretty much brief about it, unlike the other homos. He came in as himself with his game plan and left as the winner. I mean, so many gay guys on the show were very conservative when it came to their sexuality. They came in to flaunt it, unlike Benjamin. Even Ben '13 wasn't that way. He came in to flaunt his weirdness and goofiness, NOT his sexuality.

For next year, let's hope they add in two attractive and single gay guys (or at least attractive to each other). And maybe they'll start to have a fling. This will be the first in BBAUS history. I'm guessing they will censor their intimate moments as gay kissing is still 'too much' for Australia at 7pm. A lesbian couple in the house is also more than welcome. But let's not have a straight girl with a boyfriend falling for a lesbian (pretty much anything that involves chatting).

I'd like it if they pull a BB-2006 with a housemate entering the house as 'straight/ambiguous' and then to come out in a few days surprising the others. Of course they have to be attractive to the other gender just so we can see them sobbing over the news. I just loved that little coming out drama with Camilla and David in 06.
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Was about to create a thread similar to this (since I'm gay myself and had thoughts of LGBT BB).

The gays they bring in the house are like David 06 - the token gay guy who thinks no one accepts him and goes on & on about it. Or feminine gays like Rob 06 and Zach 07 who befriend women and pretty much stick to them. All in all, they either put in one gay guy without another or a gays who already are in a relationship. Or even, like in 2006's case, a masculine gay guy with a feminine one (obviously the former usually doesn't prefer femmes).

What I loved about about 2012's Benjamin was the fact that he didn't have to come out or describe himself as gay. He was pretty much brief about it, unlike the other homos. He came in as himself with his game plan and left as the winner. I mean, so many gay guys on the show were very conservative when it came to their sexuality. They came in to flaunt it, unlike Benjamin. Even Ben this year wasn't that way. He came in to flaunt his weirdness and goofiness, but NOT his sexuality.

For next year, let's hope they add two attractive and single gay guys (or at least attractive to each other). And maybe they'll start to have a fling. This will be the first in BBAUS history. I'm guessing they will censor this as gays kissing at 7pm slot is 'too much' for Australia, no. A lesbian couple in the house is also more than welcome. But let's not hope that we'll have a straight girl cheating on her man for another girl.

I'd like it if they pull a BB-2006 with a housemate entering the house as 'straight/ambiguous' and then to come out in a few days surprising them. Of course they have to be attractive to the other gender just so we can see them sobbing over the news. I loved that bit of clause with Camilla and David in 06.

You're gay yourself and you didn't understand it when I called you "sister"?? :confused:
You're gay yourself and you didn't understand it when I called you "sister"?? :confused:
First, I took it that you thought I was a girl. Who I said I didn't understand it? I have a female avatar and a lot of people thought I was female. Second, I take offense when I'm called anything feminine just because I'm gay (i.e. sister, girl, bitch, etc). Maybe a close friend can do it but not people outside my circle. Third, a little too late, is it, to ask this now?
First, I took it that you thought I was a girl. Who I said I didn't understand it? I have a female avatar and a lot of people thought I was female. Second, I take offense when I'm called anything feminine just because I'm gay (i.e. sister, girl, bitch, etc). Maybe a close friend can do it but not people outside my circle. Third, a little too late, is it, to ask this now?

I can't believe you would take offence to me calling you "sister". It's a term of endearment. I didn't mean anything sinister when I called you it, considering I am also part of the LGBT community.
For next year, let's hope they add in two attractive and single gay guys (or at least attractive to each other). And maybe they'll start to have a fling. This will be the first in BBAUS history. I'm guessing they will censor their intimate moments as gay kissing is still 'too much' for Australia at 7pm. A lesbian couple in the house is also more than welcome. But let's not have a straight girl with a boyfriend falling for a lesbian (pretty much anything that involves chatting).

I'm really hoping they won't though. It's not fair to show Tahan, Jade and Tully tri-kissing but then to back out of showing two dudes do as much as peck

I can't believe you would take offence to me calling you "sister". It's a term of endearment. I didn't mean anything sinister when I called you it, considering I am also part of the LGBT community.

I'd take offence to it too haha but I wouldn't chuck a hissy :).
I'm really hoping they won't though. It's not fair to show Tahan, Jade and Tully tri-kissing but then to back out of showing two dudes do as much as peck
Let's be fair, that "tri-kiss" was at 9pm (the M rated slot). Gay sex can even be shown at that time.

I meant at 7pm, the PG timeslot. I'm sure they also wouldn't have shown lesbian kisses at that time (not just gay male kiss).