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Why doesn't anyone like Sam?



He's a gentleman, he's sexy, he contributes to the housework and the cooking, he actually likes Layla and is kind and respectful with her and he also walks around in his jocks all the time. So why no Sam loving?

Totally agree. He gives compliments often, never stops cleaning, and he's so very very muscular. What's not to love?
I haven't warmed up to him as a housemate, I would not be happy with him winning, I haven't gotten to know anything about his persona, his life story, he is just BORING (another George). Its hard to believe Sarah was in the house the same time he currently is and she was way more memorable, same with Ava who stayed shorter than Sam.
I thought he was a knuckle head, but I admit it! I'm warming to the sweet hunkiness of a barely dressed boy toy.
He seems decent enough, but he's definitely a player. On the outside he would probably cheat on Layla then say he thought their relationship was 'cool' and 'relaxed' about that sort of thing. Well, that's the impression I got.
I like Sam... I think he is forthcoming with his feelings whether they be for the cameras or not and find that refreshing... I don't think there has been another housemate like him... And I would also like him to do push ups on top of me...
He seems to me to be either simple or calculating. If he is not either than I suppose from my point of view he is lacklustre.
I like Sam... I think he is forthcoming with his feelings whether they be for the cameras or not and find that refreshing... I don't think there has been another housemate like him... And I would also like him to do push ups on top of me...

Oh Kimmy you hornbag!
...hmmm... I don't normally sway into offering an opinion on housemates when people ask this question but I find Sam to be quite a nasty piece of work in my honest opinion... and before people get upset with me for saying so I'll explain why I think that he is...

...if you remember that when he first went into the house he had photos of all the females in the house and stated on camera that he fancied Estelle the most after meeting all of the girls individually during the intimate dinners while they met him... when he had met them and finally went into the house he went out of his way to endear himself to all of the ladies of the house (Ben excluded) and won them over with his endless compliments of all the girls... he realised quite quickly that Layla was the 'princess' of the house and was the most popular with the guys and girls alike... he latched onto her really fast...

... a lot of women love the idea of a man that likes to clean up and do housework... (my wife included... I've done it for 2 years now since before and after an operation or two that she required)... Sam went out of his way to endear himself even further by doing these things knowing that they would all lap it up...

...he showed the girls his physical prowess by doing all of his (ho hum... boring) workouts and chin-ups and push-ups etc etc... that won them over even more of course... once he had won the girls over he then tried to win the guys over by 'buddying up' to them but they all very quickly found him extremely boring when it comes to conversation... consequently the guys began voting against him... when he realised this he tried even harder to buddy up to them once again... same result...

...I'm not trying to put a damper on poor Josh's tragic circumstances in the past day or so but I saw a side of Sam on tonight's Big Brother show that prompted me to actually write this tonight... I saw the footage of him sucking up to Ben in telling him that he 'looks up to him' and also 'sees that people listen to him because he is so wise' type of statements to win Ben over... Ben's ego swallowed that up within a mere minute or so... now he has won Ben over... he deliberately used the housemates grieving period to further his cause as far as I'm concerned... much as I hate to suggest it... but I think that Josh's leaving the house is a bonus to him in his eyes... it moves his agenda to win this competition a week sooner in his mind... he doesn't have to contend with both Josh and Michael now... just Michael... there's only Michael now left to win over... he doesn't need to... he's more than likely got the numbers now to win a lasting position within the house and could probably go on to win this if he manages to bring Michael into disrepute somehow with the female housemates... it's just a scenario that I'm putting up but who's to say that is not his game-plan... my honest opinion... I think Sam wants to win the $250,000 at all costs... no matter what it takes... he has categorically stated on several occasions to Big Brother in the Diary Room that he is there to win it... he really does mean it... I think that he is not a particularly nice person at all for those reasons above...

...I'm probably going to cop a lot of flak for saying this but you did ask... please be nice peoples... it's just my opinion... sorry this turned into a short novel... cheers.
He seems decent enough, but he's definitely a player. On the outside he would probably cheat on Layla then say he thought their relationship was 'cool' and 'relaxed' about that sort of thing. Well, that's the impression I got.

I think you are absolutely on the money, but I also expect a large proportion of young females to be blinded by the negatives of your post and vote to keep him in. The other fact is that Sam would be happy to have Josh gone but I stress not for the reasons he had to leave but only because he always found him a major threat for the title of BB 2012 winner.
They don't like Sam because he doesn't fit into their bitchy mean clique and doesn't want to chose groups and sides. He's happy to be friends with everyone, be nice to everyone. That is against what the shithead crew is about and what's required for membership.

So they will sit their and complain that there's something wrong with Sam for not grovelling and sucking up with them, or wanting to join them. Saying he's not doing any favors for himself because he's in the firing line for nominations and for bitching and bad words unless he fully gives into the dark side.
i'm with sticky and imagine horror stories - my gut doesn't like him at all
Sam biggest fan will always be.......Sam!

Thats his main problem. Its pretty easy to see thru him. The HMs have seen that straight away. They've been telling Layla she can do much better than him, and I think they are right. Even on his best behavious in the house, he is still a boring, head up his own arse, wanker
With me, I don't care that Sam "gets around" a fair bit because he's honest and open about it, and that's why I can't call him a "playa" in that sense. However, I do sense that he's rather enamoured of himself, and while that alone doesn't make me dislike him, I just don't see much that interests me.
Maybe it's the edit, maybe it's because he doesn't talk on a very personal level or give much away. Maybe it's a personality thing; not my type.

*The only person in this series that I've actually disliked was Ava.
hornbag kimstar

Oh Kimmy you hornbag!

Yes that was a little gem.

Could I use that as a quote from kimstar?

And I would also like him to do push ups on top of me...


got a better pushup pic? post it!
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i think he is Ok, we haven;t seen alot of him, but he seems to be a bit of a floater and doesn't get caught up in all the bitchiness.
I appreciated that he was honest and says it is a game and I want to win.
I like him. He seems nice and cleans the house. I think some people just think that the '6 pack guys' are all up themselves and stuff.