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What would Reepbot say (4)

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i have enemies all around me
it is quite plain for everyone to seee.
some might say deserved due to my past history
looks like i might have to turn into a bumblebee.
the supreme power of charm, such a grea power, i respect th carmers in a weird way because know ill never be lik them. they exist on another level with their charming skillls

yum yum leaves
watching press gang. they are doing a story about broccoli. quite outstanding television. one can sense their souls and their hearts being poured into this work. this is artistry, pure and utter artistry. this tv series should be in a museum for future generations to see and learn. learn about the greatness of press gang.
ah, now i remember why i compared inigo to lynda day. it was the whole putting up a tough exterior thing that was the common thread between the two.
broccoli: such a humble yet important vegetable. imagine, just imagine if it had wings and it could fly all over the world, going over to cloud island or tumbledown lane. where it could chat with the cheese and play poker with the table. and the table would then invite the broccoli to a table fair. and they go and have such a wonderful time.
speech about broccoli done and dusted. everyone learnt everything there is to know about the wonderful world of broccoli. hooray for broccoli! hooray!
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