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What would Reepbot say (4)

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after a lot of thinking i have come to the conclusion that being clingy is a good, no a great thing. an outstanding thing.

The music industry must join us with #thetimeisNOW

Tina Arena, NOW Ambassador
39 minutes ago
OF course the music industry in Australia is in denial about #metoo; it isn’t the only one.

But the Australian music industry has always had a stagnant perspective towards females.

The arts industry has propelled the issue of sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace on a global level but it literally affects everybody, female and male, from all walks of life.

Now people are very aware of what is appropriate and inappropriate behaviour even as this can be a very fine line.

What I do care about is someone putting their hands where they don’t belong or making rude remarks that are unnecessary and trying to intimidate someone.

As women, we are the gatekeepers of what we feel is right behaviour and we need to maintain that.

Of course I have been compromised, of course there have been games, of course there has been inappropriate behaviour, and of course there have been times when I had no idea what it actually was. I am very grateful to never have been in a dangerous position.

I am not interested in going into details but on more than one occasion, there has been a wake-up call where I have had to say ‘Whoa, back up here; this is not what you think it is.’

I was pretty young at the time and looking back now, the way with which I handled the situation was rather dignified. I was lucky I had a survival mechanism that clicked in so I could be very clear and very sure about what I was saying.


“Of course I have been compromised, of course there have been games, of course there has been inappropriate behaviour.” (Pic: Tony Gough)
And the behaviour isn’t isolated to the people women work with. I remember in my early days performing at the Grainstore in Melbourne as the guest singer with Network Horns, the days of much smoking and drinking in venues.

There were lewd comments from the audience and I quickly came to understand the power of having a microphone in your hands and developing a witty sense of humour to protect yourself. So that behaviour didn’t last very long.

It’s a given that if someone is p***ing me off, I will call them out.

And women have been speaking about sexual harassment for a long, long time. Women in the public eye did in the wake of Weinstein and they were called petulant. They called it out even though they were afraid they would not be employed, that they would put their careers in jeopardy.

When we did call it out, we lost opportunities, it’s a given.

We need to raise the bar of our emotional intelligence because this is not a whinge, it’s not a social media trend and NOW Australia is going to keep the issue of sexual harassment at the forefront and do everything we possibly can to change the mentality that allows it to happen.

We’ve got a lot of work to do here.

Twitter: @NOW_aust Instagram: @now.aust Facebook: NOW Australia

#thetimeisNOW #NOWAustralia

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controversial opinion: inigo was far more interesting back in 2014 and i have been using that version of her as a kind of way of viewing her ever since.

i also thought back then that inigo had a twin sister.
it keeps on saying that my digital footprint is feminine?

Likely would interpret who you are from the kind of entertainment you enjoy = older woman, granny

My result, I got androgynous, with male leanings, but you are probably female = confused questionaire

Did you know this????

When is World Autism Awareness Week?
26 March – 2 April 2018.
a year ago i wished for an ice cream sundae with lashings of ginger beer.

and eternal health and hapiness for inigo
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