Thanks. While what’s happened has been a blow I’ll continue to work on it. I’ll try my best to explain what happened…
I work in a call centre and at the begging of the year I was given an opportunity to join my divisions coaching team. I was very excited as I’d always been interested in teaching and helping with development. Due to a decrease in numbers nationwide in our call centres the division I’m a part of is being rolled back in to a division that already had a coaching team and as a result I was not asked to be a part of that team.
In the meeting where I was told my communication skills were not consistent enough for coaching. Let’s just say my ability to rub people the wrong way, and perceived arrogance isn’t unique to just the forums. This isn’t the first time my communication skills have been an issue and I don’t anticipate it being the last. That said I don’t understand why this continues to be an issue for me and whether or not there is something else at play. Not that I’m looking for an excuse but just to understand. I definitely feel that I view the world slightly different than others do.
I’d also like to say that the conversation wasn’t entirely negative and we did talk about my strengths and how we can work together in a positive way moving forward. It was essentially a not right now but let’s see where things go from here type of conversation. I have some PTSD from a past employer and they way they handled this type of thing so I’m very grateful my current employer values development/learning/improvement more than they do discipline.