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THE COUCH - TV Chat Thread

ABC & SBS are out rating 10 aren't they?

So maybe 10 should consider them as their main competitors - and dish up a different kind of network.
Smart and classy, apsirational and just different, stop trying to be a 7/9 clone.

Take Offspring as their mantra.
Try looking like a successful network from someplace not USA - France/Italy/Japan, I don't know there must be some interesting concepts in places I can't understand.
I Wanna Marry "Harry" started in the US today & will start here on Ten June 1st. I do not want to wait that long, but unfortunately I can not find it in the usual places that I look for TV shows....... I guess I can wait a week & a bit.... :frown:
...a little bit of a comment on Channel 10's problems as they are at the moment... if they only had Big Brother for all of the past few years.... hmmmmm... who knows eh?... perhaps not... it looks like Channel 10 is going through a bad dose of... 'Channel 9itis'... that troubled them for a while... I guess a couple of years down the track and they will hopefully pull themselves out of it?... cheers.
I Wanna Marry "Harry" started in the US today & will start here on Ten June 1st. I do not want to wait that long, but unfortunately I can not find it in the usual places that I look for TV shows....... I guess I can wait a week & a bit.... :frown:
That probably sums up Ten's woes if they're buying in crap like that - it absolutely flopped on debut for FOX.
Anyone here watch it?
There has to be somebody here a nerdy as I am.


I have a feeling we watch a lot of the same shows lol. Don't spoil it though I've held out on season three so I can binge watch it. :p

I have a feeling we watch a lot of the same shows lol. Don't spoil it though I've held out on season three so I can binge watch it. :p
Wow you must have a lot of willpower! I really should save up my TV shows so I can binge them, especially Continuum.
Yes it does seem that we like a lot of the same stuff.... Well let me know when you watch season 3..... this season has been really good especially the last 3 episodes.
EDIT: I'm just going to add there is a scene where Carlos has no shirt on and it is amazing!;)
Wow you must have a lot of willpower! I really should save up my TV shows so I can binge them, especially Continuum.
Yes it does seem that we like a lot of the same stuff.... Well let me know when you watch season 3..... this season has been really good especially the last 3 episodes.
EDIT: I'm just going to add there is a scene where Carlos has no shirt on and it is amazing!;)

What is that you say... SHIRTLESS CARLOS!?!!?!


Why o why are you testing me so!? Do you want me to fail! :arghh:
Oh @Inigo Montoya re In the Flesh I don't get what Maxine's goal is? I thought her letting the priest die meant she didn't want a second rising yet that scene at the end of the last episode with her at the grave (plus her promise to the suitcase) makes me think she wants someone back ipso facto a second rising. I just don't get it! I hope Philip told Henry's mum the truth and that creates problems for Maxine.

Also FUCK YEAH KIERAN! I loved his verbal smack down not to mention all the 'interaction' with Simon. :p I feel sad Amy found out how she did but I don't think it'd be so bad if she ends up with Philip. I'm only worried now that Simon's religion is going to trump any feelings he has for Kieran to detriment of our first risen hero.
Well we know Maxine is also looking for the first risen, so she obviously knows that too make the 2nd rising happen you need the first risen. I think she let the priest die because 1. He was hiding some of the town records from her, therefore he had to die because he did not trust her. 2. I think she is a control freak/mega bitch and wants to do things her way and the priest would get in the way of that.

Finally Kieran let his frustration out it was good to see him get angry about the double standards that the living have for themselves and for the PDS suffers. The scene was a really great way to reveal that kieran is "the first" (although I think most people watching knew it would be Kieran).

Amy fake drunk was so funny! what do you think is happening to Amy? At first I thought she was having a reaction to the homemade medication, but now I think it's possible she might be coming alive again.
Amy fake drunk was so funny! what do you think is happening to Amy? At first I thought she was having a reaction to the homemade medication, but now I think it's possible she might be coming alive again.



That thought had never even crossed my mind! Seriously you've blown my mind. I just thought she was dying dying as she'd built up a resistance or something to the triptolean (or what ever it's called) not coming alive! Wow. Seriously. That would be insanely awesome because she is hilariously amazing. What would be the cause of it though? Would it connect with Kieran? Will it happen to all of them?
Woah Woah hold on don't get too excited, it's just a theory, that will probably turn out to be wrong. I only thought of it because Amy randomly was looking for/ate food and had that nose bleed. During the rising when Amy and Kieran were rabid were they hanging out killing people together?
Woah Woah hold on don't get too excited, it's just a theory, that will probably turn out to be wrong. I only thought of it because Amy randomly was looking for/ate food and had that nose bleed. During the rising when Amy and Kieran were rabid were they hanging out killing people together?

I'll try not to but that theory is brilliant and so left of field it could actually pan out. Also her seizures which we've never seen a rabid do could be her brain resetting itself. I can't recall seeing them hanging out as rabids - I think all we've seen of Kieran as a rabid was when he was in the supermarket chowing down on that dude.

Looking forward to Simons backstory next episode. God this show is fast become one of my favourites.
So was just stumbling around YouTube and saw this trailer for The Leftovers. I absolutely loved the book (by Tom Perrotta which you should totally read if you haven't) and had no idea it was being made into a series. It's on HBO so that gives me hope they won't be afraid to explore the themes. Anyone else here read the book?
