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THE COUCH - TV Chat Thread

Hmmm... Well season 2 is exploring more about the mythology instead of focusing on Kieran. I've read a few reviews that have said that season 2 has lost what made season 1 so good. But I disagree. Season 1 was only 3 episodes and to me it was a great amount of time to spend on Kieran to learn about his story, now season 2 has the opportunity to explore the world of In The Flesh a lot more. I have to say Amy is my Fav character and in the 2 episodes that I've seen she has been getting a lot more screen time.

So I'm all caught up. I'm glad Amy is back but I don't trust Simon one bit. What's his deal? Also he seems really interested in when peeps rose is Kieran the undead prophet and doesn't know it?
So I'm all caught up. I'm glad Amy is back but I don't trust Simon one bit. What's his deal? Also he seems really interested in when peeps rose is Kieran the undead prophet and doesn't know it?
Well we have never seen who the undead prophet is, my theory is whoever rose first is the prophet. Maybe that is Kieran... Maybe it is somebody else. Now Simon I actually like, I kinda want to see him and Kieran hook up, I just hope that Simon is genuine and does not fuck with Kieran. I thought it was hilarious that eating brains gets the undead high like if they had taken MDMA.
Well we have never seen who the undead prophet is, my theory is whoever rose first is the prophet. Maybe that is Kieran... Maybe it is somebody else. Now Simon I actually like, I kinda want to see him and Kieran hook up, I just hope that Simon is genuine and does not fuck with Kieran. I thought it was hilarious that eating brains gets the undead high like if they had taken MDMA.

Yeah I did a little :joyful: at the hand holding. But the thing I'm worried about is Simon is engaged to Amy so if he does start something I wonder if it's legit or just to further his cause.

Also if brains are mollies than blue oblivion (?) must be the PDS version of bath salts!
...hey bleachy... I like Kerri-Anne Kennerley... a very good looking lady throughout the years as you can see...


...the only thing that she does that gives me the irrits is that she has a tendency to ask a guest a question and never lets them answer her question fully because she asks them yet another question in mid-sentence... other than that... she is probably one of the few people that could lift the ratings for Channel 10 in that time slot... what Channel 10 needs to do is limit the infomercials that are part of the show in between the usual commercials... that's a dead-set killer for any morning show in my opinion... Channels 9 and 7 are buggers for doing that so much... Channel 10 shouldn't fall into that trap...

...I hope that Channel 10 are doing that... they should poach Gretel Killeen and have her on as a regular too... now THAT would be an interesting show in my books!... lol!... cheers.
The infomercials is what makes the show viable. Worth millions.

I would have Gretel Killeen join Studio 10 permanently.
Unless they swept away the rest, Gretel wouldn't want to sit with those morons permanently.
The Ex premier of NSW would be a good start, she was good too.

@bleachy the rumours are confirmed, axed Wake-Up.

I don't get it, they should have axed the hideous,Studio shit, vile show with repulsive people. All the panel have repulsive personalities and dire presenting lack of skills.
They better keep James for something.
I actually loved Wake-Up, nice peaceful little news show. Back to the ABC for me.
Unless they swept away the rest, Gretel wouldn't want to sit with those morons permanently.
The Ex premier of NSW would be a good start, she was good too.

@bleachy the rumours are confirmed, axed Wake-Up.

I don't get it, they should have axed the hideous,Studio shit, vile show with repulsive people. All the panel have repulsive personalities and dire presenting lack of skills.
They better keep James for something.
I actually loved Wake-Up, nice peaceful little news show. Back to the ABC for me.
The infomercials is what makes the show viable. Worth millions.

I would have Gretel Killeen join Studio 10 permanently.

...yes unfortunately that is true... but the thing is... they should have the hosts of the show trying out say... a gymnasium machine... instead of the male and female models that do the whole infomercial with those stupid big grins on their faces... they have perfect abs and thighs already too...put the TV hosts on them to see how 'normal' people... (whether fit or unfit)... cope with these machines...

...probably way before your time bleachy... I used to love watching the Graham Kennedy show with Bert Newton as his off-sider testing the products that they are flogging live on TV and used to watch them bagging the shit out of the product when thy couldn't use it properly for instance... because they took the piss out of the products all the time the next day the sales figures would skyrocket because everyone wanted to buy it because of them doing it... the infomercials were actually entertaining to watch believe it not!... lol!...

...instead we're subjected to the exact same stupid-arsed infomercial day after day after day after bloody day... there is no live spontaneity anymore... the trouble is now that when an infomercial comes on you've got time to wash the car or do some gardening or write a book before the infomercial finishes nowadays... it makes for boring TV with the same old things all the time...

...just imagine Kerrie-Anne or Gretel doing their ab work live on TV?... or even an unfit guest having a go at it... I think that people would be looking in just to watch some infomercials just in case something unforseen happened as people were with the Graham Kennedy Show all those years ago lol!... as I said in another thread... Big Brother needs to go back to basics like in the first few series... morning shows need to get back to a few basics as they were all those years ago for true spontaneous entertaining television...

...with live infomercials the laws of average dictate that if something could go wrong... it will... as with when a TV newsreader gets a fit of the giggles while doing a news bulletin and it does the rounds in FaceBook / Twitter / YouTube etc the next day and sometimes goes a tad bit viral... what if someone... (a host or a guest)... busts a poofle-valve while using a gymnasium type thingymabobber and slides off it and lands on their arse then it goes onto a social media and goes viral then the product would get more air time plus the show would get more viewers more than likely... especially if it was some sort of international guest!...

...anyhow bleachy... that's my take on infomercials etc... (even if it's just me prattling on in la-lah land)... lol!... cheers.
Unless they swept away the rest, Gretel wouldn't want to sit with those morons permanently.
The Ex premier of NSW would be a good start, she was good too.

@bleachy the rumours are confirmed, axed Wake-Up.

I don't get it, they should have axed the hideous,Studio shit, vile show with repulsive people. All the panel have repulsive personalities and dire presenting lack of skills.
They better keep James for something.
I actually loved Wake-Up, nice peaceful little news show. Back to the ABC for me.
Still not actually confirmed by Ten despite news corp reporting it as fact. It's inevitable I'm sure. However at this point still rumours.

Wake Up's audience was sitting around the 10% mark compared with Sunrise and Today. Where as Studio 10 is up around the 50% mark in comparison with Mornings and the Morning Show. Studio 10 is the only morning show of the three to actually lift out of breakfast. It's the only one to have more viewers than it's preceding breakfast show.

I like the idea of Wake Up, unfortunately they never got the chemistry right. Natasha Exelby was the most natural host of the three and they boned her quick smart. Natasha is too newsy and serious and James is struggling with the auto cue. James and Natasha do not have chemistry. They are getting better but it's too little too late I guess. The ratings are abysmal. I like both of them individually, but they just haven't worked. The one person they do have on the show who can interact naturally is Nuala. I hope hey have a place for her. Natasha can go back to the news desk. I'd like to see them keep James around to do the celeb/music interviews etc. Sam Mac and Maude Garret should also be kept around.

Studio 10 is actually a great product. I would recast a couple. But the bare bones are there and my re-casting choices are mostly for my personal preference. The current cast are oozing chemistry in comparison with Wake Up.

I do think they could afford to lose Ita. I would swap Gretel for Ita.

If I was the casting director (based only on personal preference) I would also swap Joe out for Dan Illic. Jess can go back to the news desk with Natasha also :p.

Sarah Harris is an absolute star and channel 10 should pay her whatever she asks for to keep her around.

I would make some cosmetic changes to suit my personal preference on studio 10, unfortunately wake up has become somewhat of a toxic branding error for 10 and a complete overhaul is now necessary.
...yes unfortunately that is true... but the thing is... they should have the hosts of the show trying out say... a gymnasium machine... instead of the male and female models that do the whole infomercial with those stupid big grins on their faces... they have perfect abs and thighs already too...put the TV hosts on them to see how 'normal' people... (whether fit or unfit)... cope with these machines...

...probably way before your time bleachy... I used to love watching the Graham Kennedy show with Bert Newton as his off-sider testing the products that they are flogging live on TV and used to watch them bagging the shit out of the product when thy couldn't use it properly for instance... because they took the piss out of the products all the time the next day the sales figures would skyrocket because everyone wanted to buy it because of them doing it... the infomercials were actually entertaining to watch believe it not!... lol!...

...instead we're subjected to the exact same stupid-arsed infomercial day after day after day after bloody day... there is no live spontaneity anymore... the trouble is now that when an infomercial comes on you've got time to wash the car or do some gardening or write a book before the infomercial finishes nowadays... it makes for boring TV with the same old things all the time...

...just imagine Kerrie-Anne or Gretel doing their ab work live on TV?... or even an unfit guest having a go at it... I think that people would be looking in just to watch some infomercials just in case something unforseen happened as people were with the Graham Kennedy Show all those years ago lol!... as I said in another thread... Big Brother needs to go back to basics like in the first few series... morning shows need to get back to a few basics as they were all those years ago for true spontaneous entertaining television...

...with live infomercials the laws of average dictate that if something could go wrong... it will... as with when a TV newsreader gets a fit of the giggles while doing a news bulletin and it does the rounds in FaceBook / Twitter / YouTube etc the next day and sometimes goes a tad bit viral... what if someone... (a host or a guest)... busts a poofle-valve while using a gymnasium type thingymabobber and slides off it and lands on their arse then it goes onto a social media and goes viral then the product would get more air time plus the show would get more viewers more than likely... especially if it was some sort of international guest!...

...anyhow bleachy... that's my take on infomercials etc... (even if it's just me prattling on in la-lah land)... lol!... cheers.

I agree with you. Infomercials drive me batty. Especially that James bloke with the super annoying voice who does so many of them.
Studio 10 actually do have the most spontaneity though and fun with Jono Coleman hosting the infomercial spots. He gets dressed up in beekeeping costume or work out gear and they even use some of the products on him.

Not exactly what you want, but closer than 7 or 9 offer.
Infomercials could at least be made entertaining, as sticky said - make it fun.

They drive me crazy - I am considering writing a complaint about the screechy ad for that bullet juicer thing.
Everytime they start with the diet crap/this magic bullet will make you loose weight - and it makes me want to scream and smash the TV.

Lies, lies, lies - and worse, terrible misleading info. The truth is the reverse, scoffing a lot of juices will make you very fat - eat an apple rather than juice 10 apples.

I find 90% of the people on this show repulsive, creepy kind of people. Coleman & that Joe guy especially ickky, I can't watch them at all.
And if I get past the ick factor and watch a bit - they are all so shallow, glib,tabloid, sound byte presenters - most clearly demonstrated by Gretel, they had no clue what she was on about. kxk... I couldn't agree with you more... that bullet ad is a perfect example of the worse possible kind of infomercial... that woman in the Ad has the worst television voice possible for a presenter... her voice does my head in let alone his...

...and you're right about Gretel... she was way out in front of them with her comments... I cannot understand why Gretel is not a presenter with her own show on TV at the moment... she is the essence of of pure talent when it comes to asking probing questions and for TV executives not seeing that television is screaming out for someone of her ilk is way beyond me I can tell you... cheers.
Totally agree. Would love to see Gretel on tv regularly. I was a fan even before BB
Yeah I've always thought Gretel stood out. For me, the first memory I have is of the Beauties and the Beast with Stan Zamanek.
...what does anyone think of the show 'Resurrection'?... my sweet darling wife and myself have been watching it... (has this show been mentioned in any other threads here yet?)... one of the main things that gets to me is that when people come back after 20 years or so for instance... the reactions from the families don't seem to be what you'd expect from those people... they seem so placid and reserved rather than ...

"Oh my god!... aaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!.... **scream scream**... how can this be happening??????.... **scream scream scream**... it can't be you!!!!!!... **scream scream scream scream**... I think that I'm going to have a heart attack!!!!!... **scream scream scream scream scream**... Oh my god!... Oh my god!... Oh my god!... Oh my god!"...

...type of reactions... it seems more like...

''Oh!... what are you doing back here?" type of responses... it is so irritating because their reactions don't ring true to me... it sort of ruins the show for me... what do you guys think of the show (if you watch it of course)... just curious... cheers.
I have finally just tonight gotten around to catching up. The most recent episode (s01e07, the second to last episode of season 1) finally got interesting again. Having all the dead people flooding back into town. That should have happened much earlier IMO. It got my attention again.
I watched eps 4-6 in a half hearted way - Second screening on Facebook / behind BB etc as itwasn't gripping me much but I was just trying to get through. Now I'm excited to see what happens in the season finale this week.
...yeah I agree bleachy... Resurrection has sporadic moments where it slows down too much and then suddenly gains pace again... overall I quite like show but still found it a tad bit annoying when it came to peoples reactions on seeing loved ones back from the dead... they were too 'calm' for me... I know that if my mum or dad came back for instance that my reaction would be a helluva lot more emotional than theirs were... oh well... perhaps it's just me?... but as you say... I can't wait to see what happens next lol!... cheers.
Wow :) In The Flesh just keeps on getting better and better.

That Maxine is a stone cold bitch. I love when she told Amy to "GET OUT". I wonder who she was talking to/about when the owner of the B&B was spying on her through the key hole.
Great episode only 3 more to go....:(
I do wonder why Maxine and Simon think that the first risen came from rortan? Did I miss something?