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So it was Nathan...

Can anyone please please tell me what rumours are there about Justynn? I can't seem to find out what everyone is talking about?


There was a rumour going around that Justynn became aggressive with the girls and then Ed stepped in and Justynn punched him and then got kicked out of the house. But it's been debunked.
I feel like a horrible person but I didn't care about Nathan leaving. I don't like it when people play the victim card. Even before entering the house he seemed like someone who sulks when he doesn't get his own way (eg. When he said he refused to watch BB after failing to get in). He had already judged the housemates and wasn't going to change his opinion of them. He was always conscious of the cameras and afraid to do things in case he looked bad which is hilarious because he should have known he'd be filmed 24/7 before he auditioned?
In his defence, I agree that all these housemates do is bitch and whine like a bunch of teenagers. He must have been so disappointed in Mikkayla once he found out about her true nature. And then the Sugar Sisters leaving probably cemented his decision. I feel sorry for Jade because now her feelings are hurt because he said that he didn't fit in and she put so much effort to prevent that from happening. :(
This guy seems like he suffers from depression or some anxiety issues which was heightened by the fact that he went cold turkey with the alcohol/cigarettes. That would have been hard but still. I noticed that Ben and Tahan didn't like him from the start and both preferred Justynn.
I find it very convenient that the rumours of him walking out and my wish for the female intruders to replace him coincided with this event. Interesting.
When I kept going to you tube or couch potato it wasn't there til later that evening where I live.I finally got to watch though yayy!! :)
Waiting sucks! I am with you. I can't bring myself to stop checking youtube. I'm a junkie. yep, yep.

Oh my gosh me too!!! Monday was a horrible wait for me lol.. I finally got to see it from You tube though.. Since then you tube has posted really quick. Which I love!