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So it was Nathan...

What a babe. I did tear up a little.

How awkward would it have been if he didn't do that though, and Boog stayed while all bar Drew said they wanted Maddy?
Didn't Boog have only 10% more votes from the public? So what was the point of the Hm's doing all that? Confusing.
I think the fact that we, as an audience, was hyped up to experience an amazing outcome. We expected (or not) a shock.

However it was the predictable fact that Nathan was leaving.

However, his reason for leaving was poignant and revealing of the house. He was a huge fan of BB, but as an intruder (esp with thou hairy one) it was a bit unsettling.

It was possibly a world first but BB milked it for what it was
I feel bad for him but he did admit on what I think was Friday night that he couldn't be bothered interacting with the other HMs much because he's older, which is ironically what Sharon said and look how far she got.
Didn't Boog have only 10% more votes from the public? So what was the point of the Hm's doing all that? Confusing.

Yeah, it should have just been up to the housemates. The jump in polls were crazy, getting you to vote when you hardly knew anything. Strange thing to put them through as well the housemates getting so upset and deciding on a result and then it flipping when the audience vote is said.

It was good of Nathan to do that too as he knew the girls were appreciating it more than he was, but it's a puzzle as to when he decided that and had the video announcing it done with bb yet bb still put them through a vote (including Nathan) only to then say afterwards that all of that doesn't matter as Nathan is leaving so both can stay.
I felt sorry for Nathan tonight, listening to him telling us he wasnt fitting in, I have to wonder if it will change the way people yreat each other,
If Maddie or Boog had lost both the public vote and the housemate vote, would BB have accepted Nathan's offer? It wouldn't have seemed to be such a great thing for the less wanted intruder.
I do feel sorry for Nathan, it's quite upsetting that he just didn't fit in. Thats the worst feeling :(

Just catching up. I feel sorry for Nathan that he felt so disconnected from the others but I didn't see him being that much of an outcast?? It would be horrible if he felt that way so good on him for recognising it and I guess realising it wasn't going to change and so making the decision to leave. Rather someone actually leave than complain about not wanting to be there.
If Maddie or Boog had lost both the public vote and the housemate vote, would BB have accepted Nathan's offer? It wouldn't have seemed to be such a great thing for the less wanted intruder.

He probably still would have allowed it. I believe HMs have the right to leave at any time if they want to.
Just catching up. I feel sorry for Nathan that he felt so disconnected from the others but I didn't see him being that much of an outcast?? It would be horrible if he felt that way so good on him for recognising it and I guess realising it wasn't going to change and so making the decision to leave. Rather someone actually leave than complain about not wanting to be there.

Goes to show that the rumours were true. Makes you wonder about the rumours about Justynn, maybe they were true too?
Nah, i don't feel sorry for him, he wasn't feeling it which made him a pot plant and he was self aware of it to exit. I'll give the man credit for that, in fact a thank you even.
So I wonder what will happen on the next episode of Home and Away...whoops I meant Big Brother? :rolleyes:
Kind of happy he's gone, though. I wasn't sure which one of the girls I would've preferred to stay, so it's nice to have both of them!