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So it was Nathan...

you all are so lucky to live where you do, you get to see the show while others have to wait for someone to upload the link to Youtube. Which sucks!! We still aren't getting to watch yet because no one will upload. :( I knew it would be Nathan though. Cannot believe BB would make such a huge deal of it being so dramatic and it's just Nathan.
Nathan was not being selfless. He saw an opportunity to leave and he took it. He was being selfish.
Big Brother likes to mess with their heads and feelings.

He wants to see them cry! :p

I'm over all the crying from everyone. This year is turning into a big cry fest. I mean I get that Nathan felt an outcast and so chose to leave and that's fine, and I get that the housemates had to openly pick a female intruder which would feel rough to do ..... but seriously it is a game and they aren't sending these people to the gallows. The crying is OTT and out of control
you all are so lucky to live where you do, you get to see the show while others have to wait for someone to upload the link to Youtube. Which sucks!! We still aren't getting to watch yet because no one will upload. :( I knew it would be Nathan though. Cannot believe BB would make such a huge deal of it being so dramatic and it's just Nathan.
Waiting sucks! I am with you. I can't bring myself to stop checking youtube. I'm a junkie. yep, yep.
Let me get this straight:

1. Nathan wanted to quit
2. Producers had a female eviction show sheduled
3. Producers convinced Nathan to stay long enough to play the matyr, thus creating a "world first"
you all are so lucky to live where you do, you get to see the show while others have to wait for someone to upload the link to Youtube.

Australia? *scratches head*

I'm sure a torrent is already uploaded or on youtube or you could try a Virtual Private Network to circumvent geographic restrictions and watch it from the official Ch 9 website.
Im just glad it was Nathan because no one cares about him
I agree, except it's not really that interesting that he left. Like when your favorite character is killed off a TV show-it's sad but the shock is entertainment. This is just "meh".
Australia? *scratches head*

I'm sure a torrent is already uploaded or on youtube or you could try a Virtual Private Network to circumvent geographic restrictions and watch it from the official Ch 9 website.

there is a torrent uploaded already
So BB heard the many people and perhaps a few HMs saying "gee it would be great to dump Nathan and keep both of the new girls". And BB knows that Nathan is not happy... then they approach Nathan with this deal. Be a hero and will give some extra cash to leave. Ok, I got it and it works for me.
...and if you were paying attention, it was BB who said selfless, Nathan himself said it was a bit selfish of him just before walking out the door. I call it a win-win for everyone involved.

Nathan was not being selfless. He saw an opportunity to leave and he took it. He was being selfish.
Don't blame him. 2 weeks with that lot would have me fleeing too! There's no escape!

Did make me think I'd love to see a season of all 30+ year olds....
Not a dry eye in the house when Nathan was giving his speech, except Mikkayla and her sour face. When will people see she's not a nice person and her facial expressions are more revealing about her true nature than her fake smile.

Good for Nathan and his decision. I think it takes a very strong individual to walk away from something that that is making you miserable. I was also touched by Jade and Tahan's attempts to make him feel included over the past few days. It just confirms that Tahan really is a sensitive, empathic soul with a tough exterior to protect herself from the likes of ickayla. Jade needs to cut ickayla and her bullying ways soon because it's not a good look.
Isn't the show all about group dynamics though? And not fitting in is perhaps a key part of the "social experiment"? I think that's the most obvious risk of being on the show and if he couldn't handle it should it come to that, he shouldn't have applied. I think I would be torn if I were Nathan...I wouldn't want to be known as the only person in the history of the show who walked out.
Nathan isn't the only person in the history of the show to walk out ... far from it.
I felt so sad for him. He really didn't fit in. It was touching. It was nice to have him there for a short while though. Felt bad for Jade as well.
you all are so lucky to live where you do, you get to see the show while others have to wait for someone to upload the link to Youtube. Which sucks!! We still aren't getting to watch yet because no one will upload. :( I knew it would be Nathan though. Cannot believe BB would make such a huge deal of it being so dramatic and it's just Nathan.

You international guys should check out the website "Deli shows". It uploads pretty quickly on there I do believe.
It's where I watch all the US shows at the US speed.