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So it was Nathan...

voice of gravel, persistently bitchy mood, saying he wants to leave because he misses the comforts of the outside world: cigarettes. this had nothing to do with sacrifice. and while we are at it, where in the rule book does it say if one walks, another one stays? this was all manufactured, weekend fare, as real as tim's marriage to boog.
It was good of Nathan to do that too as he knew the girls were appreciating it more than he was, but it's a puzzle as to when he decided that and had the video announcing it done with bb yet bb still put them through a vote (including Nathan) only to then say afterwards that all of that doesn't matter as Nathan is leaving so both can stay.

By the way Nathan was dressed, it looks like his diary room video happened on the day of the Intruder Bootcamp, before the Kiddie Party, which took place on Friday.
Well, that was a beat up.
So much hype, such a letdown.
What a dud Nathan turned out to be.
In fact, intruders so late in the game are a complete waste of time.
Would much rather no intruders and BB give us more airtime showing us the house dynamics amongst existing housemates.
voice of gravel, persistently bitchy mood, saying he wants to leave because he misses the comforts of the outside world: cigarettes. this had nothing to do with sacrifice. and while we are at it, where in the rule book does it say if one walks, another one stays? this was all manufactured, weekend fare, as real as tim's marriage to boog.

Not just all of the above, but (IMO) an arrogant lack of self-awareness. He pinned Tim, Tahan & Drew as having made his experience negative, complained about the bitching/backstabbing & said he "didn't fit in". He didn't fit in because he didn't allow himself to, and seemed to think he was above the other HMs. If Tim/Tahan/Drew/culture of the house were the real issue, how come the girls have slotted in almost seamlessly?
sorry if this has been said before but what about this weeks nominations? This week Nathan would have been eligible to be nominated but as per the male intruders, the first week after becoming a housemate Nathan got a free ride. Does this mean both Boog and Maddie get a week off from nominations (when Nathan would have been up)? If so that is a bit unfair on the other housemates as Nathan was pretty much guarentee'd to go.......
voice of gravel, persistently bitchy mood
How was he bitchy? He seemed mostly boring, dull and lazy.

Seriously, just because a man's gay and has a negative, careless mood he is automatically 'bitchy'? Quite stereotypical huh? And he's not even feminine. I'm pretty sure that if he were straight you'd all be calling him 'douchy', 'boring' and words pretty much affiliated with a straight man.

Tim, Ed and Drew are the most bitchiest MALE housemates, but oh we wouldn't call them that because they're straight.

Sorry, I just hate it when gay men get called words like 'bitchy' so easily, even when they're not bitchy or just mildly. But straight men, no matter how bitchy they be, are rather immune to the word.

Nathan was called bitchy in these boards as soon he entered the house - "well he seems nice, but he will be bitchy soon, watch out" - just BECAUSE he's GAY obviously...
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Yeah ... this year is way too manipulated ... it's a puppet show.

Yes Nathan simply quit. BB wanted the headline, persuaded him to hold on a day or two. It worked out very well for them also since they didn't have to pay anyone to do the DW for a day and a half when there was a public holiday. Staged, much?

Amen sister!
Not a dry eye in the house when Nathan was giving his speech, except Mikkayla and her sour face. When will people see she's not a nice person and her facial expressions are more revealing about her true nature than her fake smile.

Good for Nathan and his decision. I think it takes a very strong individual to walk away from something that that is making you miserable. I was also touched by Jade and Tahan's attempts to make him feel included over the past few days. It just confirms that Tahan really is a sensitive, empathic soul with a tough exterior to protect herself from the likes of ickayla. Jade needs to cut ickayla and her bullying ways soon because it's not a good look.

I agree with most of what you say in this post. What caught my eye instantly was the ' except Mikkayla and her sour face. When will people see she's not a nice person and her facial expressions are more revealing about her true nature than her fake smile.'

I was not purposely looking for yet another reason to dislike Mikk, but her expression stuck out like a sore thumb. One by one, each HM was shown with plenty of emotion and tears - Mikk on the other hand didn't seem to have any feelings at all.
How was he bitchy? He seemed mostly boring, dull and lazy.

Seriously, just because a man's gay and has a negative, careless mood he is automatically 'bitchy'? Quite stereotypical huh? And he's not even feminine. I'm pretty sure that if he were straight you'd all be calling him 'douchy', 'boring' and words pretty much affiliated with a straight man.

Tim, Ed and Drew are the most bitchiest MALE housemates, but oh we wouldn't call them that because they're straight.

Sorry, I just hate it when gay men get called words like 'bitchy' so easily, even when they're not bitchy or just mildly. But straight men, no matter how bitchy they be, are rather immune to the word.

Nathan was called bitchy in these boards as soon he entered the house - "well he seems nice, but he will be bitchy soon, watch out" - just BECAUSE he's GAY obviously...

oh sweety, I'm a lesbian. I have no anti-gay agenda with my wording. I would have called any straight male who was grumpy/touchy/eye-rolling "bitchy". Please forgive.
Glad you see it too!! I also can't understand how people miss what seems so obvious especially when BB cameras make it a point to zoom in and linger on the facial expressions lol!

I agree with most of what you say in this post. What caught my eye instantly was the ' except Mikkayla and her sour face. When will people see she's not a nice person and her facial expressions are more revealing about her true nature than her fake smile.'

I was not purposely looking for yet another reason to dislike Mikk, but her expression stuck out like a sore thumb. One by one, each HM was shown with plenty of emotion and tears - Mikk on the other hand didn't seem to have any feelings at all.
Not just all of the above, but (IMO) an arrogant lack of self-awareness. He pinned Tim, Tahan & Drew as having made his experience negative, complained about the bitching/backstabbing & said he "didn't fit in". He didn't fit in because he didn't allow himself to, and seemed to think he was above the other HMs. If Tim/Tahan/Drew/culture of the house were the real issue, how come the girls have slotted in almost seamlessly?
He was completely paralyzed from being himself and sharing himself. I think part of that comes from being an intruder. Had he been there from the beginning he could have adjusted to the weirdness with the group which I suspect is much easier than doing it alone or with an intruder who is your main competition.

He just never pushed hard enough to put himself out there or take any risks. He was literally uncomfortable about every single aspect of himself and being in the house.

His bar trivia events must be Ahmazing!
I agree with most of what you say in this post. What caught my eye instantly was the ' except Mikkayla and her sour face. When will people see she's not a nice person and her facial expressions are more revealing about her true nature than her fake smile.'

I was not purposely looking for yet another reason to dislike Mikk, but her expression stuck out like a sore thumb. One by one, each HM was shown with plenty of emotion and tears - Mikk on the other hand didn't seem to have any feelings at all.

I don't remember Tim looking particularly upset or a have tear in his eye, he covered his mouth a couple of times like he was shocked, which is what he does to feign his happiness, but I do agree that Mikayla didnt seemed to concerned at all.
Think Nathan suffered from not being the big fish in the little pond. On the outside he is probably the centre of attention but in the BB house he got pushed to the sidelines and didn't seem to know what to do - all he seem to do is sulk and be bitchy. Also didn't help that he already prejudged certain HM's and wasn't going to change his mind on them no matter what. On the outside he probably is a really great guy but in the BB house he really didn't shine at all.
I don't remember Tim looking particularly upset or a have tear in his eye, he covered his mouth a couple of times like he was shocked, which is what he does to feign his happiness, but I do agree that Mikayla didnt seemed to concerned at all.

I am glad that you mentioned this actually because Tim, who was the first one to speak, surprised me with his somewhat composed demeanor... to my great shame I must admit that I actually for the first time ever respected Tim for the way he handled the situation mostly. You are right, Tim showed no tears neither did he look upset - maybe that's why I liked his composure, I felt at the time that I would have handled it exactly like Tim did.
Let's face it, in the crying/sobbing department Tim has always been the least affected and I admire him for that. I can't recall his covering his mouth as you mentioned, which is not to say it didn't happen... what for me spoiled his otherwise almost perfect performance in the end was the childish way he produced his twist. Vintage Tim.
I was not purposely looking for yet another reason to dislike Mikk, but her expression stuck out like a sore thumb. One by one, each HM was shown with plenty of emotion and tears - Mikk on the other hand didn't seem to have any feelings at all.
Well did you see Tim and Drew? What was their expression when Nathan was leaving? You said each Housemate showed with emotion and tears. I saw no tears from Tim nor Drew. People always seem to make excuses for these two yet Mikkayla gets singled out.
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Can anyone please please tell me what rumours are there about Justynn? I can't seem to find out what everyone is talking about?
