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The Gift, starring Cate Blanchett, with Keanu Reeves, Katie Holmes (& boobies), Greg Kinnear, Giovanni Ribesi, Hilary Swank. It was ok.
Nicole Kidman would be much better in movies if she could actually act.

I saw The Informant - Matt Damon - today. Ok movie, Matt Damon is good (as usual) but it's a little ho hum.

I would love to see a Bourne movie with Jason Bourne vs James Bond
Terminator salvation................. Pile of poop.

I don't know what the hell the people that made this thought they were making a good film. It's a steaming pile of poop...

I finally got to see this last night and only because the DVD was going cheap. What a waste this was. They seemed to borrow a lot of ideas from Transformers, and at one point in time I thought ripped whole scenes from there. Especiallyy that one where they were holding down the water creature (water creature robots WTF????) It looked just like the scene in Transformers when they held down that part of the robot scorpion on the aircraft.

Having said that I did like the robot motorbikes, they looked kind of cool.

So let me get this straight long before the war with the machines Cyberdyne used a prisoner to build a cyborg... WTF??? Shynet wasn't around at the time why do this?

As for his encounter with the errant AI there is no development there. The AI has no personality or character. It's just this spoilt child reacting to everything around it by lashing out. It lacks the ability to reason. It's basically an animal. So I think the humans are right to destroy it. It's a mindless animal with no reasl true intelligence.

This movie was all over the place. I am glad I got to see it once. Once is enough.
Nicole Kidman would be much better in movies if she could actually act.

I saw The Informant - Matt Damon - today. Ok movie, Matt Damon is good (as usual) but it's a little ho hum.

Not a huge fan of Nicole, but I thought she did a good job of acting in "The Others"
I actually quite enjoyed terminator salvation, the very end bit was rubbish, that aside, I found it entertaining and better than most of that big budget Hollywood blockbuster stuff. Haven't thought to deep about it, but it's best to not do that with any of the terminator films.

Growth Horribly boring and crap "horror" movie about parasites that, i dunno burrow into people and make them kill or something? Literally made no sense, and was one of these films that put any budget into the cgi parasites, then was just long and boring inbetween to try and make the film seem like a proper movie by length. What is it with shit horror films where the people making them drag them out for much longer than the material requires, ruining anything ok about the film. Is it to say they made a 90 minute or whatever film? Instead of something fast and quick where you don't get bored and notice how crap it is. Anyway avoid this film.

The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard Jeremy Piven leads a who's who of the comedy world these days as the head of a team of top cars salesmen who travel around to help going out of business car dealerships sell cars. It's funny... very funny, surprisingly funny. It's a film that generally got terrible reviews, but i watched it with some friends and we all laughed a lot the whole way through. It's rude, it's crude, it's an adult comedy that's fun, enjoyable and silly. It's funny reading some comments of people calling it dumb humour written by teenagers, I don't think they're actually getting the humour. There's a lot of in your face gags, but also lots of in the background ones, the jokes often overlap. I dunno really enjoyed it. It kind of slows but in attempting the "Serious" story but not to actually be serious, so while it slows the constant barrage of jokes, it's still funny as Pivens, Don Ready character finds himself.

Definitely not a movie for everyone, it's produced by Will Farrell, and i don't know how to describe it, not everyone's cup of tea, it's a little to in your face and subtle and cliche poking apart for everyone's taste. It's a shame things like this get over looked by those that don't get the humour as having poor humour or none.

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I saw Avatar in 2D and 3D, they were both amazing! But if your going to see it, see it in 3D, its so good - my top pick for the Oscars, but it probably wont win.

Sherlock Holmes was awesome, very cool characters and I watched Blood Diamond on DVD, what a modern epic.

Yeah it was a mixed bag. I personally thought it was pretty boring in parts, especially towards the beginning and it relied on the historical weight of who mandela was, and the situations at hand instead of actually trying to attempt to create that sense. I did go from finding it kind of interesting and dull to getting quite entertained towards the end. one thing though eastwood doesn't know how to shoot sports. You got no sense of what was really going on. He seemed to be focused primarily just on the huddles.
Personally I just expected more, the script was no where near as sharp as it needed to be. It has instinces of things included which didn't need to be. It's as if they knew it was a powerful story, then just let that fact prevail instead of trying to properly convey that in the film.

So yeah it's a mixed bag. I couldn't really recommend it, but I quite enjoyed the last half of the film. It just all wasn't that good. You expect a lot better from those involved.
Antichrist with Willem DeFoe.

Omg.. It warned me it would be offensive and usually I don't care but this went way over the limit! ****ing disgusting movie about people who mutilate their genitals for punishment over something they did.