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Jade is pathetic

Ed was right on the money (pardon the pun) when he asked her how important financial stability is for her.

I do think he sees through her.

I like Jade and can relate to her on some levels but the guy has said (and she overheard) that he would pick her for her body but Heidi for her personality. Yet she STILL goes after him?? He puts her up for eviction and she STILL wants him? In ED's interview before the show he said he falls for INTELLIGENT people and while I don't consider her dumb it sounds like he knows what he needs (like Tim pointed out he needs someone to be his 'think tank' like Heidi was) and it's not what Jade can offer. He probably can see she's not that mature yet as well.

Her tears in the diary room were from her thinking about what she's going to do on the outside - without a degree or any sort of career which doesn't have an early expiration date. She lives with her grandparents and isn't really self sufficient and doesn't have the means to become it anytime soon.

Am I the only one who saw the look on the sister's face when she talked about Ed for the millionth time? They weren't looks of hope to me
Why would she say that though..who doesn't want to financially support themselves? Why does she even bring that up? I think she has thought a lot about being dependent on a man. She even admitted it saying she'd love to live a 1950's housewife type of life.
She said that be because she was asked a question on self-finance, etc. she didn't just say it for no reason. No she said she would like to live in the 1950s, she said she enjoyed the aspect of doing 'everything' together, like dance classes, etc., not so she could stay at home and laze all day while her hubby makes money. She's a true romantic at heart.
She said that be because she was asked a question on self-finance, etc. she didn't just say it for no reason. No she said she would like to live in the 1950s, she said she enjoyed the aspect of doing 'everything' together, like dance classes, etc., not so she could stay at home and laze all day while her hubby makes money. She's a true romantic at heart.

I thought it was strange how she was going on about Ed being the perfect guy to settle down with. She seems so obsessed with the idea of getting married she can't even realise how silly she sounds (practically talking about marrying ed when he'd told her he's not interested.) On top of that she keeps going on about how unintelligent she is. Who does that...and on national TV. She seems to be okay with not being intelligent..because she knows she doesn't have to be. That's how I see it.
I agree that Jade acts like a loser when it comes to Ed.

Girl needs a big dose of self-esteem.

I speculate that the Italian boyfriend broke her heart severely when he left her for another girl, and she hasn't fully recovered from the blow to her confidence.

I love how Tim took her to the Presidential Suite to try to show her how a gentleman should treat her, that she should be treated well, unlike Ed. Maybe that will give her some perspective about what a pathetic loser she's being with Ed.

Jade needs to know that no guy ever finds pathetic losers attractive, no matter how physically appealing they may be.

Jade's shown herself to be a very capable BB housemate, she's won showdowns and been in several finals when it was only her and the boys. She's a good competitor.

She's also a good girly-girl, being besties with Mikkayla and the sugar sisters. Even though she's boy-crazy, she has time for the GFs too. That's a great thing. Could be strategy, but I think she's not faking it. She really likes being friends with other girls.

But yes, her obsession with Ed is overshadowing everything else at the moment, unfortunately! She's a sucker for the big muscles, she said that at the beginning. It's funny how such a shallow attraction can make an otherwise sensible girl like her behave like a complete idiot :)
I thought it was strange how she was going on about Ed being the perfect guy to settle down with. She seems so obsessed with the idea of getting married she can't even realise how silly she sounds (practically talking about marrying ed when he'd told her he's not interested.) On top of that she keeps going on about how unintelligent she is. Who does that...and on national TV. She seems to be okay with not being intelligent..because she knows she doesn't have to be. That's how I see it.
She's gone through life we her looks and was in an industry where that's basically all that mattered. I'm liking her more by they day and I have so much respect for people who are able to be honest with themselves.
I also don't mind the slightest if she obsessed over getting married because so many girls these days and her age would be trying to get drunk or shag as many men instead KF thinking about a future. So many people forget about what a 'marriage' is, I'm happy to see a person who is this traditional in this sense!
Doesn't Jade look hot here... Makes ya wonder why Mr Ed isn't attracted to a stalking wine-o.

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wasn't Jade's ex-boyfriend a ski bum she supported on her modelling earnings?

I don't know, As i recall she was saying she lived the life with her boyfriend, the impression I had lead me to believe he was loaded. and 'chose' to come back here, work in a pub and drive a shit-box...yea right haha.
If she is a 'gold digger' then why did she say in the hot seat that she wants to be able to financially support herself in a relationship?

That's exactly what a prospect gold digger WOULD say, especially in the company of her target.
the way she spoke in the presidential room is hard to watch
she is so obsessed(or just stupid) with that awful guy
he said he doesn't want anything serious,he choose to put her up for eviction straight in her face,when she lays on him he does not touch her and still she thinks she only talks about him
I seriously would have screamed to her to shut up,Tim was so patient with her pfffffffffffffffffffff
she really lives in lalaland
I really can't believe how patient Tim was with her! This is Tim the outspoken tornado crazy guy who's not affraid of saying mean things. My lord I would not have been able to handle it and I like to think I'm patient.
She's gone through life we her looks and was in an industry where that's basically all that mattered. I'm liking her more by they day and I have so much respect for people who are able to be honest with themselves.
I also don't mind the slightest if she obsessed over getting married because so many girls these days and her age would be trying to get drunk or shag as many men instead KF thinking about a future. So many people forget about what a 'marriage' is, I'm happy to see a person who is this traditional in this sense!

If she was really honest with herself she's know that Ed's a lost cause. And just because someone is not obsessed with getting married does not mean they want to just get drunk & shag as many men as possible rather than think of their future. I'm sorry in this day & age to think of marriage as investing in a future for yourself is stupid - you never know what might happen. There are plenty of opportunities for women to become independent & grow in themselves with or without a mate attached to them. Developing some independence & self-reliance rather than just trying to find someone to prop her up would do wonders for Jade IMO
She was very angry at him after asking him not to take her to the PS. So she hit him with both barrels her ex and Ed. I have not stopped laughing at the look on Tims face. He could not leave as the other Housemates would have laughed their socks off as well.
I like Jade and can relate to her on some levels but the guy has said (and she overheard) that he would pick her for her body but Heidi for her personality. Yet she STILL goes after him??
Jade's been picking my ass the past 2 days so I've been admittedly on a negative thought spiral with her but I admit I'd forgotten about this. And I'm positive Ed also said he'd pick Tahan's face either that week or the week before. So Tahan's face, Heidi's personality and Jade's body. And she heard that ffs.

But her body is SMOKING. Like seriously I stare at her boobs and tummy and I'm just a 30 something mum with no desire to bang her and it's not like I'm even larger or whatever myself. Her body is just extraordinary. But man if I heard a guy say he'd prefer someone else's personality -especially someone like Heidi whom I didn't like at all - that would be enough for me to abandon ship. Never mind Tahan's face. I never understand when guys go on about a girl's body only.... even when you f it you have to at some point look at her face. Even if you close your eyes during the act the same face and personality are still there when you open them which you have to eventually. Just doesn't make sense to me.

Jade's such a lovely girl. Seriously someone I think I'd love to have as a younger sister but man I really want to slap her the past 2 days. And I can't even blame it this time on stuff Ed's saying without her knowing. Her behaviour alone is pissing me off.
My family think she is stunning.
Don't worry Mrs B. she is still the same girl you liked in the first place. The BB bubble is clouding her judgement.
My family think she is stunning.
Don't worry Mrs B. she is still the same girl you liked in the first place. The BB bubble is clouding her judgement.
I think so too darling. And I think she's suffering from the "I'm safe this week so I don't have to spend energy trying to be saved" phenomena so we're seeing a lot of dodgy crap from her. They did it with Tully and Drew last week. I had thought at the time it was deliberate ie show bad parts of HMs when they're safe since they can't be evicted but it clicked the other day that of course the HMs would be more relaxed since they're not up. Now that we have a break on the wknd hopefully this focus on Ed/Jade is given a rest for a bit. While I think she's acting like a dipshit, I have to keep reminding myself that if only she had one good friend to tell her the truth maybe we'd have a different outcome.
Jade is pathetic, but she could have had Drew fawning over her like he does Tully this entire season and she fcked that up. I know she was more attracted to Ed or whatever, but seriously!